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Баннер в шапке 2




Number of employees
2015 year


+ Government of the Russian Federation

The All-Russian Research Institute for the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants (VNIIAES) was formed in 1979. Since 2001, it has been a subsidiary of Rosenergoatom, acting as a scientific adviser on all problems of operating nuclear power plants in Russia.

VNIIAES is the main developer of guidelines and regulatory documents for ensuring the safety of nuclear power plants based on the requirements of Rostekhnadzor and the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Areas of activity

Key activities of the Institute:

  • Analysis of NPP operation experience, their equipment and systems;
  • Mathematical modeling of neutron-physical and heat-hydraulic processes in reactor installations and power units as a whole;
  • Development, creation and delivery of full-scale and special simulators for NPP;
  • Development of training equipment, computer training systems, training and methodological support of NPP personnel training;
  • Development of regulatory and operational documentation for all stages of NPP life cycle;
  • Hardware and software and methodological support for operational diagnostics of NPP equipment, pipelines and systems;
  • Development and improvement of NPP APCS;
  • Operational monitoring of the equipment metal condition and evaluation of the residual life of the equipment;
  • Radiation safety and radioactive waste management;
  • Improving the efficiency of nuclear fuel use at nuclear power plants;
  • Automation of water and chemical processes control;
  • Quality assurance during NPP operation and some others.

In addition to work in Russia, VNIIAES takes part in Rosatom projects for the construction of nuclear power plants abroad: in Finland (Hanhikivi NPP), Hungary (Paks NPP), Egypt (El-Dabaa NPP), Turkey (Akkuyu NPP), Indonesia, Jordan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Armenia, Belarus.

In 2015, the staff of the institute exceeded 1000 people.


2017: Establishment of Nuclear Plant Cybersecurity Center

In April 2017, VNIIAES announced that the Competence Center for Cybersecurity of Nuclear Power Plants was created on the basis of it. It was formed in order to create a unified system for detecting and preventing cyber attacks on NPP APCS and maintaining in constant readiness the forces and means of eliminating the consequences of cyber attacks at nuclear power plants.

The center's tasks include the formation of an industrial and scientific and technical policy on cybersecurity of NPP APCS, the development and implementation of technologies and information protection tools at nuclear power plants.

Cybersecurity issues of nuclear power plants are planned to be solved in a single center (photo source -
Now we can expect that the issues of cybersecurity of nuclear power plants will be resolved in a single center, and not by each station separately, - said the general director of VNIIAES Farit Tukhvetov. - The center will coordinate all work, including the creation of a single base and the functioning of a common cybersecurity technology platform. The qualification of our specialists allows us to work in other areas.

When performing these and other tasks, the Center will interact with NIKIET and Atomtekhenergo, which are part of Rosatom.

Earlier, in January 2017, VNIIAES announced the beginning of the development of a number of standards for cybersecurity of the NPP APCS on the instructions of Rosenergoatom. At that time, the fundamental standard "Control and Control Systems. Cybersecurity of APCS of nuclear power plants. Terms and definitions "in two languages - Russian and English.

This standard establishes terms and definitions of basic concepts used in the field of APCS cybersecurity in order to unify cybersecurity solutions when creating, implementing and operating NPP APCS systems and complexes.

Even earlier, VNIIAES plans also included the development of a new concept for ensuring cybersecurity of APCS and an analysis of the state of protection of APCS of all operating nuclear power plants from cyber threats. The institute was going to conduct an analysis before the end of the first half of 2017.

2016: Agreement with Kaspersky Lab

In December 2016, an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation was signed between VNIIAES and Kaspersky Lab. We are talking about the development of partnerships in the field of ensuring cybersecurity of APCS, including at nuclear facilities.

The institute hoped that combining efforts with Kaspersky Labs would bring to a qualitatively new level scientific and technical developments in the field of cybersecurity of nuclear power complex enterprises.