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The Russian Mars-500 project is part of the federal space program and involves an experiment to simulate a manned flight to the Red Planet, in which a number of conditions for such an expedition will be modeled. It is held by the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the auspices of Roscosmos and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation (SSC RF IMBP RAS)


+ Government of the Russian Federation

The purpose of the project is to study the human-environment system and obtain experimental data on the state of health and operability of a crew that has been isolated for a long time in a hermetically confined space of limited volume when modeling the main features of Martian flight (ultra-long-term, autonomy, changed communication conditions with the Earth - communication delay, limited resources consumed). Among the tasks of the project is to determine whether such a flight is possible from the point of view of psychology and physiology (with an acceptable level of modeling), and to develop certain requirements for a real expeditionary complex that will fly to Mars.