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Баннер в шапке 2

Vladivostok TETs-2





+ Government of the Russian Federation


2024: An increase in the budget for modernization by three times to 66.3 billion rubles

The cost of modernizing the Vladivostok TETs-2 RusHydro"" has almost tripled in five years and reached 66.3 billion rubles. This is stated in the presentation of RusHydro, which was presented to market participants at a meeting in the state holding on November 27, 2023.

As Kommersant writes with reference to this document, in 2019-2020. the project was estimated at 22.04 billion rubles. The actual price of 66.3 billion rubles turned out to be 28% higher than the maximum standard costs for modernization, specified in the minutes of the meeting, to which the newspaper refers.

Vladivostok TETs-2

Vladivostok TETs-2 is the largest energy facility in the city, its installed electric capacity is 497 MW, its thermal capacity is 1.05 thousand. Gcal • h. Earlier, the Russian government included the reconstruction and modernization of the power plant (three units with a total capacity of 360 MW) in the all-Russian program, under which projects are guaranteed a payback with a yield of 12.5% (adjusted for the level of OFZ profitability) due to increased consumer payments.

Judging by the presentation of RusHydro, the cost of work on the main building of the TETs-2 increased sevenfold (to 3.85 billion rubles), boiler replacement - three times (11.34 billion rubles), replacement of three turbine units and installation of auxiliary equipment - 1.7 times (24.71 billion rubles).

RusHydro explained to Kommersant that the cost of the project increased, among other things, due to the need to completely replace the main building of the CHPP, as well as the worn out eight boiler units - for three new high-capacity boilers. OBIN was developed without taking into account these circumstances. Moreover, the state holding will exclude from the price part of the measures for the replacement of electrical equipment. Glavgosexpertiza has already issued a positive conclusion on the estimated part of the project.[1]
