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Optima group of Optima Group


The diversified holding specializes in network and system integration, information management systems of automation and scheduling of the transport systems, information security systems, IT outsourcing, engineering of power facilities, managerial and IT consulting, software development, electronic document management systems, etc.

Shandalov Valery Mikhaylovich
Gazprombank - 35%
Shandalov Andrey Valeryevich
Kiselyov Pavel Leonidovich
Oganyan Alexander
Revenue millions

Number of employees




+ Optima (Optima Group)
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Nowfinteh
+ Kiselyov Pavel Leonidovich


Former employees

Mazurets Anatoly is the CEO of Optima till July, 2009.

Structure of holding

The following companies are a part of Optima:

Performance Indicators


In 2016 revenue of Optima Group made 15.719 billion rubles, having increased by 29.9% in relation to 2015. In a ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia" at the end of 2016 Optima Group took the 17th place.


Optima group revenue for 2011 made $415 million


Revenue of Optima Group in 2010 made 11 billion rubles, having increased in comparison with 2009 by 9.2%. In rating "CNews100 the Largest IT companies of Russia" Optima took the 19th place, having lost several positions in a year and having passed more fast-growing Asteros (+36.4%) and Softline (+49.6%) forward. The number of employees of the company in 2010 was laid off by 3%[1].

Products & Services

Aiming to solve the most relevant problems of customers at the different levels of enterprise management, Optima renders services in the most demanded directions:


  • IT consulting: ensuring effective use of information technologies of the company, increase in return from investments into IT;
  • Implementation of information systems: automation based on ERP systems and Business Intelligence, industry solutions and EDMS.

System integration

  • Network and telecommunication complexes: design and construction of networks of any appointment: from local computing to telecommunication distribution
  • Operating control and scheduling of management: different types of systems – from normal projectors to the special equipment for the "turnkey" situational centers
  • Intellectual building: creation of uniform information complexes for automated management of life support systems and security – ventilation, heating, water - and power supply, control systems of access, lighting, etc.
  • Reconstruction and creation of the engineering systems: implementation of end-to-end systems of operating control and management of the dispersed technology objects and automated management of technology processes
  • Complex information protection: the complex ensuring effective protection of objects of any level conforming to requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, FSB, FSTEC, MO Russian Federation, SVR and international standards
  • Automation of transport: complete solutions on automation and scheduling of transport objects

IT outsourcing

  • Support of IT infrastructure: technical support and hardware maintenance and software
  • Management of IT applications: support and management of business applications and means of collective work

Engineering of power facilities

  • Construction of power facilities: reconstruction and "turnkey" construction of gas turbine and gas-piston power plants with the combined cycle, thermal and power plants, substations, objects of small-scale heat-and-power and power industry and high-voltage transmission lines and also delivery of the modern and high-economic equipment and monitoring of the capital equipment
  • Automation of power facilities: complex automation of stations and substations, including implementation of the secondary systems (an APCS, RZA, AIIS KUE, AIIS TUE, PA, GIS system, etc.), building block system of control of backbone and distribution networks, creation and upgrade of the systems of telemechanics and HF communication
  • Warranty service of power facilities: Maintenance, service support and leadership in operation and support of the project

Construction of power substations

The Optima group announced in March, 2014 the Agreement of intent signed with Department Intelligent networks Siemens LLC. The agreement provides cooperation of two companies in construction of electric substations of high factory readiness.

In joint projects the standard solution on substations of classes of voltage of 35 kV and 110 kV will be implemented. The solution is developed by specialists of the Optima Group. At its implementation the equipment of the secondary systems – RZA, by an APCS and also the equipment of telemechanics and communications developed by Siemens company is used. Siemens will act as the technology partner on projects and also the supplier of the equipment. Assembly and integration of a system on the basis of the complete solution will be performed by specialists of the Optima Group. Siemens will be performed by further maintenance of the equipment, the Optima Group – the equipment of the RZA and PCS secondary systems.

The standard solution of the Optima Group on substations of classes of voltage of 35 kV and 110 kV includes design of substation with a complex of the PCSs and RZA PA secondary systems, a fire and security alarm and video surveillance without binding to the area.

The potential volume of the implemented projects which expect in the Optima Group, - up to 60 substations a year. It meets the needs of an electrical power complex for upgrade of the main capacities, and, at the same time, in increase in efficiency of the made investments. At the same time substations of 35 kV are focused not only on the market of the distribution electric networks, but also on large industries, including an oil and gas sector.

Software development

  • Development of the custom software: application development for business process automation of the enterprises and software platforms.

Main acquisitions

In October, 2007 Optima announced that the consulting block of holding was replenished with Alfa-Intergartor company. A main objective of accession to Optima of Alfa-Intergartor company - expansion of a product line and industry expertize. As a result of the transaction, the Alfa-Intergartor company had an opportunity to propose the solutions in the industries, new to itself: a state administration, telecommunications, construction and also to increase examination in mechanical engineering and military industrial complex; while the consulting Optima direction (provided including, and Optima consulting company), – an opportunity to offer the clients all product line of the class ERP in the Russian market: SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, BAAN, Mincom.


Main article Projects of Optima company

The priority industry for the company yavyaltsya power. Optima has wide experience of project implementation both in Russia, and beyond its limits.


2018: Claims for 327 million rubles for non-performance of conditions of contracts

At the beginning of July, 2018 it became known of several claims which were submitted by partners of Optima to IT holding. The problems in group are explained with a payment delay under public contracts.

The developer of security systems ElVIS-NeoTech intends to take legal action with the statement for recognition of JSC Optima (enters into Optima Group) the bankrupt as since October, 2016 Optima does not pay for use of software on one of agreements, Kommersant with reference to the notification in SPARK-Interfax writes.

To Optima IT holding submitted claims for 327 million rubles

Besides, since the beginning of 2018 Optima became the defendant in 19 similar arbitration cases for the total  amount over 327 million rubles. The largest claims the producer of the electrotechnical equipment of the SVEL group ( 71 million rubles) and the producer of Emikon automation systems ( 38 million  rubles) showed Research institute of radio (the claim for 125.5 million rubles).

In materials of a card file of arbitration cases it is said that Optima did not satisfy a condition of the license agreement on which it had to pay ElVIS-NeoTech companies for use of the software. An outstanding amount —  33.7 million rubles. In December, 2017 became effective court's decision on collecting this amount and a penalty in the amount of  12.8 million  rubles.

The representative of Optima Group announced the edition that negotiations on settlement of debt which arose because of irregular payments from one of customers which the security agency is are conducted.

We are in negotiation process with Optima company within settlement of debt on the contract of state defense order. Together with Optima we make efforts for receiving money from the final customer for actually performed works. For this purpose it is necessary to pass judicial authorities — the adviser to the CEO of JSC ElVIS-NeoTech Alexander Rakutin reported Kommersant.[2]

2012: Gazprombank increases a share to 35%

In December, 2012 it became known that in a year after purchase 25% plus 1 action of the Optima group Gazprombank buy in addition another 10%, the representative of group reported.

It was founded in 1990 by Valery Shandalov and Pavel Kiselyov. They are co-owners of group still, the representative says it; minority stakes belong to the son of one of founders of Optima — to Andrey Shandalov and the CEO of group Alexander Oganyan.

All of them sell to Gazprombank 10% of shares in proportion to the sizes of the packets, the representative of group says, specifying: the deal is not closed yet. In what amount increase in a packet will cost bank, it does not specify, but sellers invest all this money in Optima business.

In a recent interview to Rossiyskaya Gazeta Valery Shandalov called Gazprombank the portfolio investor who is not participating in operational management by group. The lion share of turnover of Optima is the share of energy industry: 48% — on the power company, 12% — on Rosneft, Gazprom and other oil and gas companies.

System integrators are estimated about 4 times above an annual figure of EBITDA, the analyst of Uralsib capital Konstantin Belov says. Optima does not publish data on profitability, but Belov considers that it at group is not higher, than at IBS — 6.4% for 2011. And Optima revenue for 2011 made $415 million — therefore, according to Belov, the company costs no more than $106 million Gazprombank purchased 25% plus 1 stock Optima exactly a year ago, then the buyer estimated all company less than at five annual EBITDA. That time Optima carried out additional share issue, and the group got investments made by Gazprombank.

Shareholders of Optima group for December, 2012[3]:

2011: Sale of a block packet to Gazprombank

On December 26, 2011 it became known that the Optima group sold a blocking stake (25% plus 1 action) to Gazprombank[4]. The raised funds completely will be invested in the company, her representatives note. Transaction amount does not reveal.

"The taken place transaction opens essentially new opportunities for group – Alexander Oganyan, the CEO of Optima Group considers. – Today we actively are engaged in development and deployment of the innovative solutions in the field of power, an oil and gas industry, transport and other sectors of economy. The company together with Gazprombank will pay special attention to implementation of new projects in the field of energy-saving technologies".

Gazprombank is not going to participate in management of operating activities of Optima Group, Anatoly Milyukov, the senior vice president, the head of business of trust management of Gazprombank says: "We consider this acquisition as profitable investment of capital in the large and perspective player in the market of high technologies".


Optima-Integration and Comptel Corporation companies sign the agreement on cooperation according to which the service package of the company was replenished with offers on implementation of the systems of technical accounting of telecommunication resources, providing and connection of services. Potential customers of solutions are operators of mobile and fixed connection, the IP telephony, operators of cable networks, service providers of broadband access, operational services of large departmental communication networks.

At the end of 2008 consolidated revenues of Optima holding were 11,506,001 thousand rubles. In comparison with a similar indicator of 2007 (+ 41.4%)


At the end of 2007 consolidated revenues of Optima Group were 8,139,338 thousand rubles (+ 37.5%).

The UpScale Soft company develops the special software product — the mail SatFlow system improving communicative capabilities of courts and other moving objects for which the high-quality and continuous communication is as necessary as also hard-hitting.

OXS presented heads of a housing and utilities sector the innovation program in support of the Priority national project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing — to Citizens of Russia". The Modern Administration program is an optimal solution for the housing and public utilities enterprises in the conditions of transition to a new management system to the industries.

UpScale Soft (Optima Group) opens the development center in Rostov-on-Don and sales office in Bellvyyu, the State of Washington, the USA. The consulting block of holding is replenished with Alfa-Intergartor company. It allows to expand a product line and industry expertize.


Cumulative revenue of Optima Group in 2006 - 5,920,000 thousand rubles.

Optima Group creates the center of examination for IT outsourcingTesCom companyTechnology Services&Communication. The company renders services in support of jobs, storage and data transmission and also in service of specialized business applications.

As a part of holding one more new company – TransIT ("Transport - Information technologies"), offering automation and scheduling of objects of the transport and telecommunication industries appears. OXS registers the solution on maintenance and repair of the equipment (TORO). The solution is a part of the full-function EnergoPack complex developed by OXS together with Microsoft for the enterprises of power industry. The TesCom company opens representations in St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Yekaterinburg.


Based on "Competence Center in power" - one of divisions of Optima-Integration system integrator - the Enner Engineering company is formed. One more new company - UpScale Soft is soon created. Its emergence became possible thanks to work of Department of the software of JSC Optima which staff were engaged more than 10 years in application developments and creation of solutions in the field of business process automation of the enterprises. With the purpose of optimization of a management system for holding, the decision on formation of Management company Optima Group is made. The OXS company opens the representation in Ukraine.


Turnover of the company makes about $49 million, personnel at this time – 350 people. For expansion of a range of consulting services the decision on creation of the center of examination in the field of implementation of business solutions of global manufacturers - the companies is made OPTiMA eXchange Services (OXS). There is a further increasing project work in power industry, projects of area data protection in the Russian Railway, etc. are kept.


Attention is paid to training – the seminars devoted to solutions in the field of consolidation of networks on a radio channel at the Netcom exhibition '95 are held. The personnel of the company grew to 300 people, turnover makes tens of millions of dollars. In the company serious restructuring begins at this time: the decision to leave distributor business and to focus completely on system integration was made.

The default which burst in the country did not lead to big losses, the company in the conditions of crisis managed to stand. By the end of the year revival of a project work was outlined. Optima continues to keep projects in power, on transport and in public sector.

Along with projects on the equipment of networks, communications, display systems and communication, the company for the first time began to render consulting services: attention is paid to economic processes of the customer, creation of information models, the analysis of a situation and reaction of the enterprise to possible external changes. In general, there is a significant increase in volumes of a project work, including in government institutions.


Specialists of the company successfully implemented the project of the first radio-bridge between Goskomstat and Major computer center of Goskomstat. Work is carried out to Ministry of Railways (nowadays the Russian Railway): in the dispatching hall of Command center of transportations of major computer center of Ministry of Railways the third largest videowall in Europe consisting of 40 video cubes, production of the Belgian firm Barco was created. A system allowed to control completely a situation on strategic trunks of Russian Railways.


The first project in power is successfully complete: installation of modem communication on northeast section of power Moscow region network (Moscow – Sofrino – Sergiyev Posad) for the Central supervisory control of the Power pool system of Russia is implemented. Specialists of Optima managed to increase data transfer rate considerably: information which was transferred during the whole day earlier after project completion began to reach the addressee in only 1 hour.


As well as many Russian IT companies, Optima began with sale of computers, certification of the equipment, service maintenance, installation, participation in design of systems and carrying out training. To create material resources for achievement of a main goal – development in the field of IT – the company at that time had to be engaged also in the directions of business, non-core for itself. During this period successful work with JV RGdata-Moscow - the American distribution company began; Optima acquired exclusive rights of representation in Russia and Ukraine of the Canadian computer maker of Sidus. In parallel the company actively held the training seminars on processing of large volumes of information and their record on just appeared CD ROM. Project works in telecommunication began. Very significant for Optima was the project of installation of communication according to the data transfer protocol of standard X.25 between Moscow and Kiev.


The company begins the official history on October 21, 1990 – from the date of when the Optima Research and production center was registered. Founders of the company became Valery Shandalov (nowadays the President of Optima Group) and Pavel Kiselyov (Vice president), natives of the Ministry of medium engineering of the USSR. Experience of a command of the new company defined the main vector of activity of Optima - system integration, development of IT technologies, business process automation.
