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Russian-Japanese scientific and education center of visualization of heart



+ I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (First MGMU)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Medical Excellence JAPAN organization (MEJ, the president Shuzo Yamamoto) and Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation company (TMSC, the president Toshio Takiguchi) in cooperation with the First MGMU of Sechenov (rector Pyotr Glybochko) and Institute of clinical cardiology of A.L. Myasnikov (director Evgeny Chazov) founded "The Russian-Japanese scientific and education center of visualization of heart". The ceremony of opening took place in Moscow on September 7, 2015.

Creation and equipping of the project of the Russian-Japanese center under the leadership of the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Science Sergey Ternovy is based on the agreement reached MEJ and TMSC in October, 2014 and the contract signed with the Russian side in January, 2015. The project is included into the program of development and gain of globalization in medicine adopted by the Ministry of Economics, trade and the industry of Japan in 2013.

The supermodern Japanese systems of diagnostic imaging are involved in the training program of the Center which purpose is assistance to further development of diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Russia. Besides, the program includes the system of life-long medical education (CME) for the Russian doctors designed to stimulate permanent inflow of highly qualified specialists with professional skills of diagnostic imaging.


As of the end of 2013, the expected life expectancy in Russia makes 63 years for men and 75 years for women. At the same time 61.9% of all death are the share of diseases of a cardiovascular system, such as coronary heart disease and violation of brain blood circulation. The program of training of the Russian doctors using the hi-tech medical equipment from Japan will help to improve technology of diagnosing and treatment of similar diseases. Increase in number of specialists will promote earlier diagnosis and treatment and also warning of development of cardiovascular diseases that will lead to decline in mortality in Russia.

The Medical Excellence JAPAN company sends to the Center of the Japanese specialist as the instructor, and Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation provides the equipment necessary for early diagnostics at the Russian medical institutes. The first MGMU of Sechenov and Institute of clinical cardiology of A.L. Myasnikov provide premises, personnel and the organization of training.

Within the educational program of diagnostic imaging, MEJ and TMSC work on quality improvement of medical care. Cooperation between the Japanese and Russian doctors within work of the Center will help to increase the expected duration and quality of life of the population of Russia.