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Institute of cultural and natural heritage of D.S. Likhachyov


Russian research institute of cultural and natural heritage of D.S. Likhachyov - Federal public budget research establishment.

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation



+ Government of the Russian Federation

License of Federal Surveillance Service for Compliance with the Legislation in Mass Media and Cultural Heritage Protection of March 4, 2005 No. 264 for implementation of activities for restoration of objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments).


1992: Creation of institute

The Russian research institute of cultural and natural heritage was created by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation in 1992.

Creation of institute was defined by need of implementation of provision of the Convention of UNESCO of "About Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage" and acceptance of effective measures for preserving, improvement and development historical and cultural and the environment. The purpose of creation of Institute is defined in the governmental decree as scientific ensuring the state cultural policy and regional programs for preserving and use of national heritage.

The history of emergence of institute is closely connected with work of the Soviet Fund of Culture created in the late eighties and working under the leadership of D.S. Likhachyov. The basis of staff of institute was formed by the specialists participating in work of Council for unique territories of the Soviet Fund of Culture.

Those principles which were developed during operation in Fund of culture, on scientific expeditions and the researches conducted under Dmitry Sergeyevich Likhachyov's patronage and in the course of formation of new cultural policy and lawmaking at a transitional boundary from the Soviet era to new Russia were put in the head of activity of new institute.

Idea of a fundamental role of heritage in preserving of a cultural and natural diversity of the country and in its sustainable development is the cornerstone of activity of Institute. The area of interest of institute defined already at the very beginning of its functioning: the methodology and the theory of preserving of cultural and natural heritage, development of comprehensive territorial programs of preserving of heritage, formation of a system of especially protected areas, cartographic providing the sphere of protection of heritage, studying of live traditional culture, – remains relevant and today.

In 1999 the name of the academician D.S. Likhachyov was appropriated to Institute.

2014: Arseny Mironov is appointed the director of institute

In September, 2014 Arseny Mironov is appointed the director of the Russian research institute of cultural and natural heritage of D.S. Likhachev.

Principles and activities

The basic principles of work of Institute for 2015:

  • Orientation to broad idea of heritage as reflection of historical experience of interaction of the person and nature. It assumes inclusion in category of heritage not only immovable and movable monuments history, the culture and the nature, but also objects of live traditional culture, traditional technologies, historically developed farm patterns and environmental management, a cultural landscape.

  • Consideration of heritage as system education in which separate objects of heritage cannot be saved out of communication with each other and out of the environment. At the same time not only separate monuments, but also all historical and cultural and the environment become object of protection. At the same time the unity and close interrelation between cultural and natural heritage are emphasized.

  • Domination of space approach to preserving of heritage. Territories - from the country in general to the certain cities, villages, estates, national parks, historical and cultural territories become the main object of protection and use. At the same time the concept of the territory means all variety of the historical and cultural and natural monuments included in it, ensembles, landscapes and also the traditional forms of sociocultural and business activities which remained up to now.

  • Consideration of activities for protection and use of heritage as organic part of a complex of modern sociocultural, social and economic, political and ecological processes.

Main directions of scientific subject:

  • methodological bases of preserving and use of cultural and natural heritage (determination of fundamental concepts, classification of objects of heritage, theoretical developments);

  • development of comprehensive regional programs of protection and use of cultural and natural heritage focused on a combination of activities for preserving of heritage to ensuring social and economic and welfare development of regions of different type (both methodical, and practical aspects);

  • the principles and methods of formation of a system of historical and cultural and natural territories, project works on creation of such territories;

  • creation of the Russian National Atlas of cultural and natural heritage and cartographic ensuring activities for protection of heritage;

  • development of scientific fundamentals of national policy in the field of protection and use of heritage (preserving of national cultures of the indigenous and small people, preserving of ethnographic and archaeological heritage, traditional forms of resettlement, environmental management);

  • implementation of new technologies of the system description of objects of cultural and natural heritage;

  • studying of historical and traditional technologies;

  • studying of traditional culture in its historical forms and modern "live" manifestation;

  • researches of opportunities of tourist and recreational use of capacity of historic towns and villages, natural territories;

  • studying of economic and legal conditions of preserving and use of heritage in modern economic conditions;

  • studying of environmental problems of preserving of heritage and formation of a system of complex monitoring for different territories;

  • information and analytical researches in the field of heritage;

  • complex forwarding researches historical and cultural and environment of regions.