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National Clearing House for Transactions with Intellectual Property Rights and Objects



+ Russian Union of Rightholders (CPR)
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Russian Copyright Society (RAO)
+ New Century Bank

The main goal of the association "National Coordinating Center for the Processing of Transactions with Intellectual Property Rights and Objects" (IPChain) ─ the formation of standards, technologies and tools for the interaction of participants in the intellectual rights market in the digital environment.

The association is also responsible for the sustainability and development of a decentralized network of transaction blocks with intellectual property rights and objects ─ a distributed registry, IPChain which was created under the national program. " Digital economy of the Russian Federation The network provides guarantees and reduces risks in transactions with objects due to the openness of information about disputes and conflicts ─ both settled and in the process of settlement (data as of June 2021).


2022: Agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

The IPChain Association announced on February 11, 2022 that it had signed agreements with the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

The documents are aimed primarily at the development blockchain of infrastructure for the sphere. intellectual property Kyrgyzstan

The representative office of IPChain Association in the Kyrgyz Republic undertakes to provide partners with all necessary assistance in working to improve the efficiency of intellectual rights management in the digital environment, to standardize processes and introduce the best world practices. The parties announced their intention to contribute to improving the legislative framework of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of intellectual rights management using the latest information and communication technologies.

Cooperation with IPChain will expand the opportunities of Kyrgyz creative industries to commercialize their intellectual property. They are provided with electronic platforms and services that allow not only to store digital objects, fix intellectual rights, but also to conclude online licensing transactions.

According to an international study by Digital Riser 2021, from 2018 to 2020, Kyrgyzstan rose 22 points in the digitalization rating. In terms of dynamics, it overtook Russia and Ukraine. We have been cooperating with the republic for more than a year, helping the government radically reorganize the field of intellectual property. I am sure that the deployment of the public network blockchain infrastructure will contribute to the further growth of the competitiveness of the Kyrgyz economy,
said Chairman of the Board of the IPChain Association Maxim Proksch.

According to Valeria Brusnikina, managing IT portfolio of the IPChain Association, thanks to the introduction of the Hypergraph software solution developed by IPChain in the activities of Kyrgyz State, Kyrgyz State managed to significantly improve the quality of royalty distribution between authors. In 2020, 784 authors and performers received a total of 7.4 million catfish.

Together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, IPChain will work to expand the scope and accessibility of non-state online intellectual property services. The timing of these services should be reduced and the quality improved. In addition, it is planned to simplify the procedures for resolving disputes about intellectual rights, including in the process of pre-trial settlement.

By creating electronic platforms for depositing works, concluding licensing transactions or pre-trial mediation, the state eliminates discrimination on the basis of place of residence. In order to submit documents for registration, conclude an agreement or even resolve a dispute, you no longer need to go to the capital. I am convinced that the best practices of digital transformation, e-government, the state as a service will successfully take root in the Kyrgyz Republic,
noted Aigul Abdraeva, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The IPChain representative office will provide the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic with technological solutions for improving the information system of the state accounting of research and development works. In addition, partners are ready to promote the export of rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization, to expand the capabilities of Kyrgyz copyright holders to enter global markets for technologies, creative products and high-tech services.

Together with the Research Institute of Innovative Development at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, the IPChain representative office will create and distribute software solutions that allow depositing objects of intellectual rights and making transactions with rights, including using smart contracts. Through these joint efforts, information on works, inventions and other creative products, including their copyright holders, will become more accessible. This will allow the business to more effectively commercialize a large amount of intangible assets, and their creators - to increase the legal income from the results of intellectual activity.


Agreement with FIPS for development of digital market of intellectual rights

A bilateral cooperation agreement was signed by the IPChain Association and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS), a subordinate institution of the Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent). The document aims to improve the automated protection and management of intellectual property in the digital environment, as well as to facilitate the development of data exchange mechanisms and the involvement of new participants in the blockchain infrastructure. This was announced on August 10, 2021 by IPChain.

The parties have identified areas for joint work. The FIPS will have to transfer to the public network infrastructure for the management of objects and intellectual property rights IPChain information of Rospatent about inventions, useful models, industrial models, geographical indications, names of places of origin of goods to which this body registers rights.

In turn, IPChain will provide Rospatent with access to information received from other federal executive bodies. The practice of working and making transactions with rights in IPChain will be recorded and transferred to develop standards for interaction between market players, including the development of the state information system "Turnover of Rights."

When entering the global digital market, any industrial company inevitably faces issues of intellectual property rights protection. This motivates applicants to legally protect exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization, "said Oleg Neretin, director of the FIPS. - Increasingly, entrepreneurs, inventors submit applications in electronic form. FIPS provides the possibility of using electronic interaction services when receiving a number of public services. Services operate around the clock. I am sure that interaction with IPChain will continue to build a comfortable system for registering and circulating rights in a digital environment.

The transition of the turnover of intellectual property rights and objects to digital form can occur only if the market operates on the principle of consolidating the efforts of all its participants and open information exchange, "said Andrei Krichevsky, President of the IPChain Association, Chairman of the Committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) on Intellectual Property and Creative Industries. - Signing an agreement with the FIPS is not only a very important stage in expanding the boundaries of long-term cooperation with Rospatent, but also a significant step for the full transition of the national market for the turnover of rights and intellectual property objects to digital format. In fact, Russia is becoming an international leader and legislator of trends in the modern stage of the development of the digital intellectual property market.

Partners also intend to develop mechanisms for the exchange of information and automatic state registration of rights to objects. By September 2021, the IPChain Association and the FIPS undertake to determine the scope and structure of the data provided, after which patent holders will be able to publish information about their developments.

Establishment, together with the Ministry of Digital Arts, of the Russian Center for the Turnover of Rights to the Results of Creative Activity

On June 29, 2021, it became known that the President RUSSIAN FEDERATION Vladimir Putin signed a Decree on the creation of the public state organization "" Russian Center for the Turnover of Rights to the Results of Creative Activity(hereinafter the Russian Center). The functions of the center will include supporting the connection to the IPChain infrastructure of corporate and public services and platforms owned by private companies and companies with public participation. The founders of the Russian Center will include, and Mintsifra its property will be formed at the expense of the contribution of the second founder - the IPChain Association. More. here


According to 2020 data, the partners of the Association and direct participants in the IPChain project are the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent), the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, and the Court of Intellectual Rights ( SIP). The Association is an official partner of the Skolkovo Foundation and one of the developers and providers of blockchain solutions - Bitfury Group.

The IPChain Association is an official member of the global blockchain consortium Hyperledger, created by the Linux Foundation to promote cross-industrial blockchain technologies.

2019: Member of the European Legal Tech Association

The IPChain Association became a member of the European Legal Tech Association ELTA (European Legal Technology Association) - an association of European legal and technology companies, startups and consortia of developers and the Asia-Pacific Association of Legal Innovation and Technology ALITA (Asia-Pacific Legal Innovation and Technology).

The IPChain project brings together more than two dozen major organizations accumulating and producing intellectual property, including the Russian Professorial Assembly, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC), Union of Journalists of Russia, Association of Film and Television Producers (APKIT), Association of Subject Design Specialists, Intellectual Property Registration and Monetization Service, Kyrgyz Patent, RDO online service (Resolve Disputes Online), Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities, Sitronics, n'RIS, Litres, BigAsia TV Channel, Association of Internet Publishers, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Soyuzmultfilm Film Studio, Russian Venture Company JSC (Foundation for the Promotion of Small Businesses), Foundation. Network nodes and a digital repository are created on the basis of the State Film Fund of Russia.

It is planned to join the project of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Eurasian Patent Organization, cooperation with the National Electronic Library and the National Media Group media holding.

In order to implement programs and projects aimed at the formation and effective use of human capital for the social and economic development of the regions of Russia, as well as with the aim of developing and implementing regional policy in the field of intellectual property, an agreement has been concluded on long-term partnership with regional administrations. So, in April 2019, an agreement on cooperation with the Government of the Kaliningrad region was signed.

Work is underway to integrate the Eurasian societies of rights holders into the IPChain project with the support of the EACOP. In the future, it is planned to replicate best practices in the regions of active economic cooperation of the Russian Federation (EAEU, BRICS, etc.).

The IPChain Association co-organized the Council on Digital Economy and Intellectual Property of the Assembly of Peoples of Eurasia, which, on the basis of systematic interaction with leading expert communities, national and interstate development institutions, business structures are called upon to significantly increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the Digital Agenda of the EAEU.

The Association is a co-founder of the Eurasian Digital Consortium "Applied Science," organized to coordinate the activities of a network of public digital research institutions created throughout the Eurasian Economic Space.

In 2019, IPChain launched the program of additional professional education "Intellectual Property in the Digital Economy" and co-founded the Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy (NCIS).

2017: Establishment of IPChain Association

The association "National Coordinating Center for the Processing of Transactions with Intellectual Property Rights and Objects" (IPChain) was established in September 2017.

Acted as founders of Association Fund of development of the center of development and commercialization of new technologies (Skolkovo Foundation), the All-Russian Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), NIU "Higher School of Economics", the Russian Union of Owners (RUO), Saint Petersburg State National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, the Russian Author's Society (RAS), Partnership for protection and management of the rights in the sphere of art (UPRAVIS), New Century bank.

The main task of the Association is the implementation of the IPChain project, aimed at forming a national network of transactions of rights and intellectual property objects.