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Deposit to the future Charitable foundation of Sberbank






+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Deposit to the Future charitable foundation is created by Sberbank in 2015.

Activity of Charitable foundation of Sberbank "A deposit to the future" is directed to support of development of modern Russian education taking into account calls of the 21st century and development of the inclusive environment providing to members of society equal opportunities of self-realization and full life activity regardless of features of development and health.


As of June, 2020 the fund develops three directions.

Within the Modern Education direction the fund initiates and supports the projects contributing to the development in children of skills of the 21st century and new gramotnost.

Within the Inclusive Environment direction the fund gives support to projects and the best practices of socialization, adaptation, career guidance, employment of children without parental support, and children with features of mental development.

Within the direction "the Together Program fund promotes development of charity in Russia through creation of new opportunities for NPO, including based on services for collecting of address and regular donations.

The fund does not render address, including financial aid on requests of the organizations and individuals.

Programs and projects


Among key programs of fund for June, 2020 - "The digital platform of the personalized education for school" and "Digital skills and competence".

The "Digital Platform of the Personalized Education for School" program is directed to transformation of modern school so that each child received the education and skills personal, modern and interesting to it necessary in real life. The personalized approach — a method of design and implementation of educational process in which the pupil acts as the subject of educational activity is the cornerstone of the Program.

The instrument of implementation of the personalized approach in the program of fund is the Digital platform. This means of planning and the organization of educational process at which each pupil can productively use the school hours and quickly receive a feedback based on achievement of the educational purposes. The platform does not replace the teacher: its role of the mentor, tutor and navigator in educational process is key.

The educational content which is contained on the Digital platform conforms to requirements of federal state educational standards. The school student can select levels of complexity of the educational purpose and methods of its achievement. In order that children mastered new skills, on the platform are provided: the-level system of complexity of tasks, interdisciplinarity, project and research activity, a harmonious combination of individual, group forms of work and project activity, interactivity, gamification and a permanent feedback with the pupil on his achievements.

Program implementation stages:

In turn, the "Digital Skills and Competences" program is aimed at the development of digital skills in school students that they could be guided confidently in the digital world, have necessary knowledge and abilities, including in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

Flagman draft of the Program - The academy of artificial intelligence for school students (AI-ACADEMY) is implemented with assistance of Sberbank. Its purpose – to create interest in AI and ML technologies at school students and also to develop skills, necessary for these spheres. Within the project educational initiatives are implemented, educational content is developed and implemented into the school program, competitions among school students are held.

Educational lessons are available to school students constantly on the website AI-ACADEMY. The module on programming on Python, the input module on AI and the module on data analysis for 7-8 classes is uploaded on "The digital platform of the personalized education for school". The command of Academy constantly develops new educational products, professional development course for teachers. One of key actions of AI-ACADEMY are annual competitions for school students where children can apply the skills of data analysis and win valuable prizes. For 2 years of existence of the project the geography of competitions extended from 60 to 84 regions of Russia and 12 countries.

In 2019-2020 academic year the annual competition of Academy of artificial intelligence for school students took place within the Olympic Games of the Roundabout movement NTI. More than 3,700 school students of 8-11 classes participated in the competition AI, the final was reached by 100 school students from 33 cities. The general prize fund of the Olympic Games of 2.6 million rubles was distributed between the participants who solved a problem of machine learning it is better than others. Winners and prize-winners received preferences at receipt of MIPT, Higher School of Economics National Research University, ITMO, MSTU of Bauman, DVFU and other universities (100 balls of the USE) and training invitations in an ecosystem of Sberbank in the Data Science direction.


The "Digital Platform of the Personalized Education for School" program is directed to transformation of modern school so that each child received the education and skills personal, modern and interesting to it necessary in real life. The personalized approach — a method of design and implementation of educational process in which the pupil acts as the subject of educational activity is the cornerstone of the Program.

The instrument of implementation of the personalized approach in the program of fund is the Digital platform. This convenient and effective remedy of planning and the organization of educational process at which each pupil can use most productively the school hours and quickly receive a feedback based on achievement of the educational purposes. The platform does not replace the teacher: its role of the mentor, tutor and navigator in educational process is key.

The fund together with Sberbank implements the "Digital Platform of the Personalized Education for School" program. Personalisation in the conditions of mass school and a cool and fixed system with high fullness of classes is performed by means of the digital platform which purpose – quality improvement of educational work of the teacher and pupils. The platform serves as a convenient and effective planning tool and the organizations of educational process, creation of individual educational trajectories, the platform of interaction of all participants of educational process, is scaled for an unlimited circle of users.

The program is implemented according to order of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2019 No. Pr-118. Since September 1, 2019 approbation of the personalized education model on the digital platform is carried out at 15 schools of five territorial subjects of the Russian Federation (The Kaluga, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod regions, the Republic of Tatarstan). In 2020/21 academic years scaling of the program at 100 Russian schools is planned.

Within the program the "Digital Skills and Competence" program with assistance of Sberbank was open "Academy of artificial intelligence for school students"-. In 2019 within AI Academy more than 3.7 million school students and 10000 teachers passed input lessons of artificial intelligence. In April, 2019 the Second hackathon of AI Academy for school students organized by fund with assistance of Sberbank took place. More than 2,000 people from 12 countries took part in it.