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+ Motility
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the city of Moscow
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Nowfinteh

Motorika Company - founded in February 2015 by engineer to robotics Ilyyoy Chekh and specialist 3D printing Vasily Khlebnikov. The company was organized as a result of joint work on the project of and W.E.A.S. Robotics.

LLC "Motorika" is engaged in the development and production of traction and bionic prostheses of hands for children and adults, and also creates an ecosystem for users of various technical means of rehabilitation.

"Motor" creates electromechanical prostheses of the upper extremities and a training system for their users. The company's products are traction and bionic prostheses of hands and technologies in rehabilitation. The project team sees its task as creating prostheses that will not only compare in capabilities with a real hand, but also surpass it. For this, modern methods of controlling prostheses (removing electrical impulses from muscles) are used, and the prostheses themselves receive additional functions: color displays, control units for digital equipment or a radio-controlled model, cameras are built into them. Additional nozzles are designed for certain movements and loads.

Performance indicators

From 2016 to July 2021, the company produced more than 2,600 prostheses for 1,500 people in 12 countries, including unique cases of prosthetics for children who were previously refused due to the complexity of the injury due to the lack of suitable solutions.



New Delhi Office Opening

The Russian manufacturer of bionic prostheses "Motorica" has opened an office in New Delhi. The company announced this in mid-January 2025.

It is specified that the opening of a representative office in India will help Motorica provide a partnership approach in working with medical prosthetic centers and clinics throughout the country. This strategic initiative is aimed at meeting the needs of patients with amputations, the number of which is about 1 million people, added to "Motor."


Prosthesis sales up 62% to 2,600 products

The company "Motorica" in February 2025 reported that the volume of sales of prostheses in 2024 increased by 62%, amounting to 2600 products. Production of upper limb prostheses rose 61% to reach 2,800 units, the company said. In the total sales structure, 200 devices fell on lower limb prostheses.

The company expanded its product range in the second half of 2024 in response to growing demand for innovative solutions in the field of prosthetics and treatment of neurological diseases.

Russian "Motor" increased annual sales of prostheses by 62%

The launch of a new production complex in the special economic zone "Technopolice Moscow" allowed to increase the annual production capacity to 4,500 high-tech prostheses. In the structure of sales of upper limb prostheses, the share of bionic models was 72%, mechanical - 28%.

Motor CEO Andrei Davidyuk emphasizes the company's successful entry into new segments of the market for lower limb prostheses, neurostimulators and wheelchair seats, which corresponds to the company's development strategy.

The sales geography covers not only Russia and the CIS countries, but also the markets of Asia and the Middle East. The company received permits for the production of neurostimulants for the therapy of pharmacoresistant epilepsy.

The acquisition of a controlling stake in ZSO LLC allowed the company to enter the wheelchair market with a production potential of more than 40 thousand units per year. Motorica is actively developing a partner network, collaborating with medical centers and prosthetic enterprises both in Russia and abroad.

The increase in demand for prosthetics services is associated with an increase in government funding for support programs for people with disabilities, the departure of foreign manufacturers and an increase in the availability of high-tech prosthetics in Russia, especially in the children's segment.[1]

Gazprombank bought 12.5% of "Motor"

On December 27, 2024, Gazprombank announced that its subsidiary had acquired a stake in the international company (MK) Homo Auktus LLC, which is the owner of Motorika, a developer and manufacturer of functional cyber prostheses. The amount of the transaction as of the specified date has not been disclosed.

The Motor Group is engaged in the creation of cyberprotheses of the upper and lower limbs for adults and children over two years old. The company works in the field of medical cybernetics, and also develops the direction of neuroimplants for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Motorica implements a strategy to create an integrator with a wide product portfolio in the market of assisted technologies.

Bionic forearm prosthesis

As part of the transaction, Gazprombank acquired a 12.5 percent stake in the Motorika group. According to Pavel Salugin, Executive Vice President of Gazprombank, the purchase corresponds to an investment strategy aimed at forming technological leaders in a number of industries. Gazprombank expects to contribute to the implementation of projects for the development of a family of modern neurotransmitter devices, as well as to promote preparations for the publication of "Motor" on the stock exchange.

Gazprombank supports the development of Russian science and invests in projects aimed at creating innovations. In this regard, we decided to enter the capital of the Russian leader of the assisted technology sector. The company is actively developing and offering innovative, high-tech solutions in the field of medical cybernetics, "Salugin said.

In turn, Andrey Davidyuk, General Director of the Motorika Group, emphasizes that the deal opens up new strategic prospects for business development, and also shows the interest of a large number of large financial investors in the assisted technology market.[2]

Purchase of 50.1% of ZSO wheelchair factory

On December 25, 2024, it became known that the Motorika group of companies, a developer and manufacturer of cyberprotheses, acquired a controlling stake in the amount of 50.1% of Special Equipment Plant LLC (ZSO), one of the leading manufacturers of wheelchairs in Russia. Read more here

Attracting ₽100 million investments

The manufacturer of bionic prostheses, Motorika, received funding in the amount of ₽100 million from the Moscow Venture Fund for a period of two years. This became known on December 23, 2024.

According to Kommersant, the interest rate on raised funds will be half of the key rate of the Central Bank of Russia (21% as of December 23), but at least 10%. The funding will be aimed at preparing for the IPO, scheduled for 2026.

Bionic prosthetic hand

Oleg Teplov, General Director of the Moscow Venture Fund, notes that in 2025, 10 to 20 offerings are expected on the stock exchange. The costs of preparing for an IPO represent a significant amount for a business that is difficult to extract from working capital.

Motor Director General Andrei Davidyuk confirms that the company has already begun the necessary preparatory measures to enter the capital market.

Motorika LLC, registered in 2015, has a complex ownership structure. According to SPARK-Interfax, 21.11% belongs to PPIT-15 LLC, 18.05% to Andrei Davidyuk, 16.04% to the Far Eastern Fund for the Development and Introduction of High Technologies.

The shareholders are also Vasily Khlebnikov with a share of 10.4%, RVC JSC owns 9.14%, First Management Company JSC - 8.53%. The remaining 16.34% is distributed among three individuals.

The medical technology market in the third quarter of 2024 showed growth of 40% compared to the same period in 2023, reaching ₽14,6 billion. The segment of devices, including high-tech prostheses, showed an increase of 50.45%, reaching ₽2,6 billion.

Motorica specializes in the development and production of mechanical and bionic prostheses, being one of the leading Russian manufacturers in this area. The company is actively developing technology and expanding production to meet the growing demand for high-tech medical devices.[3]

Homo Auctus consolidated 100% of Motorica's shares

Homo Auctus, a company registered in a special administrative region on Russky Island, completed a deal to consolidate 100% of the shares of the manufacturer of high-tech prostheses Motorika. The closure of the transaction became known on October 24, 2024.

According to the Business News Agency, the Far Eastern High Technology Fund, which previously owned 22% of the company, completely withdrew from capital. Anton Abramov, director of M&A at Motoriki, explained that the changes are related to the optimization of the corporate structure.

Bionic prosthesis Motors

The change of owners of "Motor" may be associated with the upcoming IPO of the company, scheduled for 2026. Earlier, the company has already made its debut bond placement on the Moscow Exchange.

Homo Auctus is owned by Andrey Davidyuk, Vasily Khlebnikov, Ppit-15 LLC and RVC JSC. The Russian venture capital company is also a member of the Far Eastern High Technology Fund, created jointly with Rusnano and the Far East Development Fund.

Initially, Motorica specialized in the production of prosthetic hands, after which it expanded its scope of activity, focusing on the market of assistant technologies and devices. Valeria Kazankova, head of investor relations at Motoriki, stressed that the public offering of shares will attract additional financial resources to expand the business and develop new products.

According to sources of the Vedomosti publication on the market, the structures of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov showed interest in the company. Motorica also announced plans to launch the direction of robotic prosthetic legs.[4][5]

Attracting 900 million rubles of investments

On June 24, 2024, the developer of prostheses "Motorika" announced the attraction of 900 million rubles of investments. The company intends to spend the funds received on creating a digital ecosystem for users of Motorics devices and partners, developing services, as well as mergers and acquisitions.

According to "Motor," the investor and the terms of the transaction by June 24, 2024 were not disclosed, but may be named later.

Combining prosthetics, neurotechnologies, the Internet of Things, VR and devices and services of medical cybernetics will be able to bring the quality of life of people to a new level. The industry has inexhaustible potential, and we will do everything to increase our influence in this area, "said Andrey Davidyuk, General Director of Motorics.

Kamila Zarubina, Managing Director of the Center for Biological and Medical Technologies of the Skolkovo Foundation, commenting on the information about investing in Motorica, called the company a "strong partner" in the field of rehabilitation, which is subsequently ready to invest money, time and resources in young startup teams.

Motorica is one of the partners of our Innovation in ReHabilitation accelerator, we perceive this news as strengthening it for investments in small projects that we can find within the accelerator, "she said.

In 2024, Motorica plans to start producing prosthetic legs and launch the sale of neurostimulators - devices that produce electrical impulses under the user's skin to stimulate nerves and muscles. In 2026, the company is going to hold an IPO at the Moscow Exchange.

In June 2024, Motorica signed an agreement with the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnologies of the FMBA of Russia on the creation of the Center for Cybernetic Medicine and Neuroprosthetics, which plans to restore the ability to feel with a prosthesis for people after [6].

Localization of the production of bionic prostheses of hands in the SEZ "Technopolice Moscow"

Motorika, a manufacturer of functional prostheses, localizes production in the Moscow Technopolice SEZ. It is planned to start the production of bionic prostheses of hands in the third quarter of 2024. By the end of 2024, the resident intends to manufacture over 2 thousand units of innovative products. This was reported to Zdrav.Expert on May 16, 2024 by representatives of Motorika with reference to a statement by the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Vladislav Ovchinsky. Read more here.

Design concept of the "Motor" premises in Technopolice

Repositioning towards medical cybernetics

The company "Motorica," a manufacturer-developer of prostheses and neurointerfaces, on February 5, 2024 announced that it was starting to position itself as a company of medical cybernetics, and also announced a change in corporate identity.

Medical cybernetics is a related discipline in the fields of IT, medicine and robotics. In the USSR, Professor Anatoly Kitov became the founder of the scientific direction "Medical Cybernetics." In 1959, the Scientific Council on Cybernetics was organized under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. For February 2024, the discipline is introduced into medical universities and is already taught by the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, SamGMU and SibGMU, etc.

Also, "Motor" will introduce the term Cybernetic Man into its communications - this is a person who skillfully uses technology to control his body and health

The company will combine mobility products with man-machine interfaces. For February 2-24 years, the portfolio contains prostheses of hands, during the year prostheses of legs will be released, as well as neurostimulators for stopping pain syndromes and symptomatic treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. For example: chronic pain and epilepsy

Until the fall of 2023, the company focused exclusively on prosthetic hands, and one of our tasks was to give users the maximum opportunities that can be realized in prosthetic hands. In the fall of 2023, a new strategy was adopted. Added to focus are prosthetic legs, wheelchair and other mobility solutions, as well as neurotechnology for the treatment of nervous system nosologies and neurodegenerative diseases. The company pays great attention to research on the sensitivity of artificial limbs. Also, we have always offered our users the concept of cyborgization. Many of our users found this concept comfortable for themselves. Our users are people with new capabilities: bright, strong, purposeful, they take the most from new technologies. During this time, we realized that DNA "Motors" is not just prostheses or technical means of rehabilitation. We are an intermediary between man, technology and medicine, we create their organic synthesis, which could both remove restrictions from the body and expand their capabilities. Today, the company became the leader in functional prosthetics in Russia and entered the top 10 in the world, we became the first Russian prosthetic company in the bond market and are planning an IPO of shares, smoothly transforming into a wide-profile medical holding. Therefore, the transition to cyber is the next step in our evolution, "said Andrei Davidyuk, General Director of Motor.


Development Strategy to 2028

According to Andrey Davidyuk, CEO of Motorica, the demand for assistant technologies that help people with disabilities feel comfortable in everyday life is growing around the world. Therefore, in 2023, the company adopted the development strategy of "Motor" as a multi-product.

Development of "Motor" until 2028

Launch of the direction for the development of prosthetic legs

The Russian developer and manufacturer of functional prosthetic arms "Motorika" (Skolkovo resident) has begun to develop prosthetic legs. Representatives of "Motor" reported this to Zdrav.Expert on July 18, 2023. According to the company, investments in the direction may amount to several hundred million rubles. The company is looking for developers and partners: the release of the first models is scheduled for 2024. Read more here.

AFK Sistema invests in Motorica

In early June 2023, it became known about the investment of AFK Sistema in the manufacturer of bionic prostheses "Motorica." The interest of the state corporation in the startup is manifested against the background of increased demand for prostheses due to hostilities.

Details of the deal between AFK Sistema and Motorica by June 6, 2023 were not disclosed. Motorik only told Kommersant that the company "continues to develop supplies throughout the Russian Federation, the CIS and in the countries of India and Southeast Asia: Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand." In 2023, the company decided to launch the direction of robotic prosthetic legs and is now looking for ready-made solutions or development teams with pre-production production, the startup said. They also added that an IPO is planned.

AFK Sistema invested in the manufacturer of bionic prostheses "Motorica"

MaxBionic CEO Timur Sayfutdinov noted that large Russian companies began to show interest in investing in developers and manufacturers of bionic prostheses. According to him, there will be an increase in the number of prosthetics contracts for participants in a special military operation. According to Sayfutdinov, about 200-300 prosthetic hands with microprocessor control are sold per year.

One prosthesis can cost from 2 million rubles, taking into account the installation, continues the head of MaxBionic. Microprocessor-powered lower limb prostheses sell 1,000-2,000 a year at a similar unit price, he said.

Arthur Martirosov, venture partner of the Voskhod Foundation, believes that the market for upper limb prostheses is growing by more than 15% per year, and the share of bionic and traction prostheses has exceeded 55% and is increasing. According to him, the short-term trend is a special operation, but the key factors for the market are the replacement of cosmetic prostheses and the growth of the segment of children's prosthetics.[7]


Appointed a new general director of the company-manufacturer of cyberprotheses "Motorica"

In November 2022, Andrei Davidyuk became the general director of the Russian company Motorika, which is engaged in the manufacture of prostheses. He replaced co-founder Ilya Chekh, who wrote about his departure on a page on one of the social networks. Read more here.

Conclusion of an agreement on the production of prostheses in Uzbekistan

In October 2022, the Russian manufacturer of prosthetic arms "Motorica" and the agency for the development of medical and social services of Uzbekistan signed a memorandum on the development of the rehabilitation industry in the republic until 2026.

The agreement involves the possibility of launching the production of high-tech prostheses of the hand and forearm in Uzbekistan.

Russian hand prosthesis developer localizes production in Uzbekistan

In addition, Motorika presented in Uzbekistan its line of technical means of rehabilitation and a full-cycle rehabilitation program and a system for developing skills in ownership, and also installed several prostheses for disabled people, including two children.

The first stage involves providing children under 18 with functional prosthetic arms, and the next - adults over 18 with the further launch of the full cycle of the rehabilitation program.

In Russia, several companies are developing in the field of bionic engineering in the direction of "prosthetics." One of the leaders is the Motorica company, whose plans include the creation of an artificial muscle for fine motor skills of the fingers with control based on AI technologies and a robotic prosthesis with mobility identical to the motor capacity of the hand.

In addition, the St. Petersburg JSC "NPP" Krasnoznamenets"(part of the GC" Rostec") announced plans to localize at its facilities the serial production of bionic prostheses of the hand developed by Vsevolozhsk Lite Electronics under the brand A.R.M Project Titanium. In parallel, another enterprise of the state corporation - the scientific and production association "" Quantum- announced the mass production of modular prostheses SmartLi developed by "Tekhbionic" in. The Russian Veliky Novgorod[8]

2021: Attracting 300 million rubles of investments

On January 19, 2021, it became known that Motorika had attracted investments in the amount of 300 million rubles. The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and the Far Eastern High Technology Fund (DFVT) have invested in the Russian manufacturer of prosthetic arms and rehabilitation systems.

According to the press service of the RDIF, the fund invested 100 million rubles in Motorica, and most of the amount (200 million rubles) was provided by DFVT. It is noted that RDIF is investing in Motorica within the framework of the Investment Elevator mechanism, designed to promote the accelerated development of medium-sized non-resource companies with export potential.

Russian developer of prosthetic arms "Motorica" attracted 300 million rubles of investment

Motorica intends to use the funds received for further development and improvement of upper limb prostheses, development of a platform for telerehabilitation Attilan and development in the field of invasive technologies, scaling of production, development of a service network in the territory Russia and in the target international markets. In the Far East, the company plans to open an R&D office and research center together with the Medical Center of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU).

As for foreign expansion, Motorica intends to focus on the Indian market, as well as the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and the European Union. The company will continue to invest in product certification for foreign sales, the RDIF said.

We expect that with the help of our investments, the company will be able to significantly advance in the development of modern solutions in the field of prosthetics and rehabilitation using artificial intelligence and virtual reality technologies. The company is working to ensure the sensitivity of the bionic limbs of the hands and we hope that in the foreseeable future a product will be launched on the market that helps the owner receive information about the properties of the object to which he touches, - said the head of the DFVT Ruslan Sarkisov.[9]

2018: Opening of a representative office on Hainan Island (PRC)

Logo in 2015

On December 26, 2018, Skolkovo the Foundation "" announced that the company "Motorica," a resident of biomedical the Skolkovo Foundation Technology Cluster, opened a representative office in Technopark on Hainan Island (PRC). The initial tasks in the region are to solve the production and service tasks of prosthetics, as well as the development, clinical trials and implementation of the platform. ATTILAN

For a technology company in the field of prosthetics, the Asian direction is most promising for a number of reasons:

  • more than half of the world's population lives here: 4.5 billion people - 60% of the total number of people in the world;
  • according to the Asian Development Bank, the GDP growth rate of Asian countries, with the exception of Japan, will be 4.1% this year, instead of the previously predicted 4%;
  • the growth of social guarantees from the state: assistance to people with disabilities has been an important strategic direction in the social policy of the PRC since the 90s of the twentieth century, and in India the expected amount of health care spending in 2021 will be about $205.3 billion;
  • active introduction of technologies: the Asian region, according to experts, will soon become a flagship not only in the information and communication technologies market, but also in the digital economy;
  • in the region there are more than 20 thousand children and more than 220 thousand adults with amputation of the upper limbs.

author '= Ilya Chekh, CEO of Motorika
Asia is a kind of magnet for young, tech and progressive companies. We focused on two countries - India and China. In India, more than 1000 children are born annually with hand injuries and about 23.5 thousand amputation operations are carried out. There is a need for an inexpensive prosthetics solution that we can provide. In turn, China is an excellent development opportunity in the venture capital industry.

The company "Motorica" only in 2018 began to actively promote its products to foreign markets. Since the project is difficult to scale, colleagues have developed models of work, taking into account regional specifics. Thus, the founders of the company bring to another level the rehabilitation industry and the availability of solutions outside Russia, developing and testing a platform solution for the use of technical means of rehabilitation.

The global goal of Motorics is to form a platform and product that takes into account the specifics of customers in this region and the regulatory framework of Asia. The next step is to create a company in Singapore that will be responsible for working with investors, protecting intellectual property and coordinating all work in the region.
