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+ Ilya Chekh
Chekh Ilya
Chekh Ilya


Ilya was born on August 8, 1989 in Polotsk, Belarus.

Until 2007, he studied at school number 16.

In 2011, he received a bachelor's degree in technology and technology with a degree in Mechatronics and Robotics from the Faculty of Precision Mechanics and Technology of NRU ITMO. Thesis: "Modeling of a four-engine UAV using the MatLab & Simulink application modeling package"

In 2013, he received a master's degree in engineering technology and technology with a degree in Mechatronics and Robotics from the Faculty of Precision Mechanics and Technology of NRU ITMO. The topic of the dissertation: "Analysis of the applicability of the balancing suspension for planetary rovers."

From 2013 to 2014, he worked as a leading engineer in the project of docking systems for small spacecraft at Selenokhod LLC.

Since 2013, CEO and founder, design engineer/electronics at W.E.A.S. Robotics.

As of December 8, 2015, Ilya Chekh works as the general director of Motorika.

2025: Building a Space Technology Developer

In February 2025, the co-founder of the developer of prostheses Motility"" Ilya Chekh announced his intention to focus on the development of the new scientific and technological company Guild Frontiers of Science. It is planned to implement technological projects aimed at developing products in the field of orbital and lunar stations, scientific equipment. According to Chekh, there are more than 30 planned projects, more than 100 million will be allocated for their implementation. rubles The start of development is scheduled for early 2025. More here


Robotics, travel, active recreation (snowboarding, football, tennis), reading, astronomy and astrophysics.