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Баннер в шапке 2







+ Government of the Russian Federation



On seismic exploration materials in 90e years of the last century 10 oil and gas fields, including Morozovsky, Southern Morozovsky, Ternovaty, Coastal, Sandy and others were found. From 2000 to 2014 in the territory of Krasnodar Krai seismoprospecting works of MOGT3D are carried out on 12 squares, search and detalizatsionny works of MOGT2D more, than on 30 squares in Krasnodar Krai, the Republics of Kalmykia, Dagestan, Tatarstan, the Samara and Volgograd regions. Besides, regional complex geophysical surveys in which main amount is provided by seismic exploration of MOGT2D under public contracts are conducted in Krasnodar Krai of 4000 running kilometers, the Republic of Adygea, in the southwest of the Rostov region, in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and in the Tersko-Sulaksky lowland of Dagestan.


In 1994 the Krasnodarneftegeofizika production association was transformed to Krasnodarneftegeofizika open joint stock company according to "Regulations on commercialization of the state enterprises with the simultaneous conversion to public joint stock companies" approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "About Organizational Measures for Conversion of the State Enterprises, Voluntary Associations of the State Enterprises in Joint-stock Companies" of July 01, 1992 No. 721 and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "About Features of Privatization and Conversion to Joint-stock Companies of the State Enterprises, Production Associations of Oil, Oil-processing Industry and Oil Products Supply" of November 17, 1992 No. 1403. Society is registered by the Resolution of the head of administration of Krasnodar of May 20, 1994 for No. 187p. In 90e years up to 80% of seismic works are spent for the purpose of search of traps in Miocene deposits in the western part of Krasnodar Krai in the conditions of the limanno-plavnevy zone and the territory occupied with the rice systems. One of seismic batches was equipped with cross-country and floating appliances, airguns for excitation of oscillations, easy drilling rigs for well-drilling.


In 1989 for development and deployment in production of the VSP method which gained recognition around the world State awards were conferred a number of workers of software of Krasnodarneftegeofizik.


In 1987 from the State geophysical trust "Krasnodarneftegeofizika" was the Krasnodarneftegeofizika production association is formed. The method of borehole seismic researches VSP which is theoretically developed by E.I. Galperin gained the permit in production and further development as a result of cooperation of IFZ AN laboratory with engineers of Krasnodarneftegeofizika trust.


In the 1970-1980th years, during intensive implementation in investigation of the OGT seismic method, to a training in trust there came specialists from Iraq and India, groups of specialists of trust left for works on contracts of consolidation Zarubezhneft to Algeria, Iraq, India, Egypt, Syria, Angola and other countries.


The most noticeable success of seismic exploration of the end of the 50th years – the beginnings of the 60th years in Kuban is a discovery of gas-bearing structures of Eyskoberezansky district. The resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 21, 1967 the staff of Krasnodarneftegeofizika trust for merits in opening of oil and gas fields is awarded with the Memorable Banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.


In the early fifties last century a number of the large structures, such as Anastasiyevskaya and Novodmitriyevskaya which appeared rich oil fields was opened by seismic exploration. In 1953 the Krasnodar department of the State Allied geophysical trust was transformed to the State geophysical trust "Krasnodarneftegeofizika". The trust carried out works not only in Kuban. The large volume of geophysical works was executed to Stavropol Territory, in Kalmykia, in the Rostov and Volgograd regions, in the Crimea, in Belarus and in Kazakhstan, the promyslovogeofizichesky office of trust was organized in Poltava.


In 1949 the Krasnodar department of the State Allied geophysical trust was was reorganized into the Krasnodar State geophysical office Glavneftegeofiziki which integrated 15 promyslovogeofizichesky and 7 prospecting batches working not only on Kuban, but also in the Crimea. 1949 is considered year of establishment of the enterprise in an effect transformed to JSC Krasnodarneftegeofizika.


After liberation of Kuban from nemetskofashistsky aggressors and their allies drilling of oil wells was resumed and the geophysical service is recovered and in 1944 the Krasnodar promyslovogeofizichesky base and the Krasnodar geophysical expedition of the State Allied geophysical trust as a result of which consolidation the Krasnodar department of the State Allied geophysical trust was formed was created.

1932: Creation of the company

In far 1932 when and Neftegorsk at Mayneft trust the first logging batch was organized, and in 1937 the first field geophysical batch executing electroinvestigation by methods of profiling and VEZ, then and the first pilot seismoprospecting works were carried out. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in Kuban three logging bases – in Neftegorsk, Hadyzhensk and village Kiev functioned. The Hadyzhensky promyslovogeofizichesky expedition exists in an organization structure of Society to this day, being the oldest division of modern JSC Krasnodarneftegeofizika.