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Dubna Nanotechnology center



+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Radio engineering and information systems (RTI of a system)
+ Dubna Special economic zone SEZ

The chairman of the board of UK RUSNANO LLC Anatoly Chubais, the CEO Fonda of infrastructure and educational programs Andrey Svinarenko, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow region Denis Butsayev and the CEO of the Dubna nanocenter Gostomelsky Alexey took part in the opening ceremony of the eighth nanocenter of RUSNANO network in Dubna in July, 2014. The general project budget makes 2 billion rubles, including joint financing of RUSNANO in the amount of 1.1 billion rubles. As partners and investors of the project the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, "the RTI of a System Concern, IT Company. Information Technologies Ltd and the Dubna Special economic zone also acted.

The nanotechnology center "Dubna" commercializes the innovative developments and integrates in itself functions of an incubator, the technology platform and fund of sowing investment. The main specializations of the Dubna nanocenter are "smart" coverings, green power, the personalized medicine, new materials and cosmeceuticals. As of July, 2014 the portfolio of the Dubna nanocenter includes 41 projects among which there is a business incubator, five technology companies and 35 startups.

Products of the project companies of the nanocenter generate revenue already now and are demanded by large industrial players. Many developments are in a stage of pilot production and are implemented within joint with city administration Dubna of the Show-window of Innovations project. A project objective — search of the innovative solutions improving life of citizens, and creation of the pilot platform on their implementation in Dubna with the subsequent replication in other cities of Russia. Already today the hydrophobic structures developed in the nanocenter cover glasses of city buses, a facade of church, the pilot video surveillance system in the territory of the university of the city is unrolled.

"the Dubna nanocenter represents the next step of network of the nanocenters. – Alexey Gostomelsky noted. – First, it is the first nanocenter of RUSNANO network which attracted the investor to the second round of financing of the project. A product of this project are portable current sources based on alyumo-water generators of hydrogen and hydrogen-air fuel elements. Secondly, it is the most cooperation nanocenter keeping joint projects with the nanocenters of Moscow, Ulyanovsk, St. Petersburg, Saransk, Novosibirsk and Tomsk. Thirdly, the nanocenter at the time of opening has not only ready-made products, but also revenue. Fourthly, from simple search of projects the nanocenter passed to their assembly by the staff of the nanocenter in the selected specializations. Thus, the Dubna nanocenter took the first step to more effective project management system".

The nanocenter is based on the territory of the Dubna Special economic zone and has a number of specialized technology platforms beyond its limits — in the territory of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), the International university of the nature, society and the person Dubna, the innovation technopark of Eksten and the Cosmetic consolidation "Freedom".

Information on some projects of the Dubna nanocenter

The technology company Zashchitnye pokrytiya LLC is the platform for creation and development of startups within which coverings with water-repellent, antiseptic, protective and other special properties are developed and made. Product: The nanostructured structures giving protective properties (hydrophobic, oleophobic) to the surfaces processed by them. Structures can be adapted for drawing on any surfaces (glass, fabric, a stone, a tree). The hydrophobs produced by the company actively are used by the official autodealer centers, services of municipal economy, construction companies.

The technology company Comberry (ULNANOTEK. Kombkoating LLC) is the technology platform for carrying out research works and creation of startups in the field of photovoltaics, smart coverings, power electronics distributed between the nanocenters of Dubna, Ulyanovsk and Saransk. Product: Services in carrying out research works, custom works on drawing multifunction thin-film coverings on different materials. Programs of joint developments will allow clients of the company to increase efficiency in the field of Research and Development, to accelerate a cycle of research works and to create a large number of intellectual property items at sharp reduction of terms of an output of a product to the market.

The technology company Umnye adgezivy LLC is the platform for creation and development of the startups developing technologies of receiving the innovation adhesives with the set properties. Product: The nanostructured structures capable to connect materials by superficial coupling – adhesives to the set properties. Within the technology company superadhesives for construction, space and defense industry, medicine and microelectronics are created; the thermoswitched adhesives for creation of sticky labels and the cling films deleted without pain for protection of an operational field and strips for bleaching of teeth.

The technology company "A-Trek" is the platform for creation and development of the startups developing technologies of receiving track membranes of new generation for filtering systems and also products on their basis. Product: Asymmetric track membranes of the increased performance. Based on the technology company the startup Vita Plazma developing plasma filters for microline elimination of plasma when holding procedures of a plasma exchange on small pets in veterinary clinics develops.

The technology company Kvazikristally LLC is the platform for creation and development of the startups developing the production technology and industrial applications of quasicrystals. Product: A quasicrystal (special type of the structure of substance consisting of metal elements). The company has the production technology of quasicrystals and drawings them on difficult surfaces. Based on the technology company the startups developing antifriction lubricant which increases a resource of operation of bearings and other frictional units without tractor feed of lubricant develop; the biological activator in the form of powders and coverings accelerating growth of a chlorella and suppressing development of other types of microseaweed; composite antifriction materials on the basis of babbit; the de-icing coverings on power transmission line wires.

The technology company Kosmetsevtichesky inkubator LLC is business incubator in the field of production of cosmetics based on the cosmetic consolidation "Freedom" and Lomonosov Moscow State University. The Kosmetsevtichesky incubator is a comfortable infrastructure for scientific groups which will be able to test the ideas, releasing small batches of new products. The incubator provides production capacities, attracts financing and partners, renders legal and accounting maintenance and builds in scientific developments cooperation with industrial productions. The Kosmetsevtichesky incubator is designed to become competence center on the technologies for the cosmetic industry in Russia conducting joint developments with scientific leaders of the industry.

Startup Dipayp of technology develops technologies of receiving new types of products on the basis of multilayer metalplastic composites. Product: Nanocomposite metalplastic pipes with the increased adhesion of polymer to metal and the fitting to them made on unique technology. The new production technology allows to raise life of pipes, to reduce the cost of the pipeline system and to simplify its installation.

Startup Lyuminnotekh develops technologies of receiving the new silicon nanostructured phosphors for detectors of ionizing radiation with the improved characteristics significantly exceeding world level. Product: The silicon nanostructured phosphors – the "molecular antennas" consisting of several different phosphors integrated through silicon atoms in the uniform structure having both high intramolecular efficiency of transfer of energy, and high quantum yield. Phosphors are used in plastic scintillators and as smestitel of a range in detectors of ionizing radiation: radiation control on nuclear power plants, at the airports, on borders; x-ray detectors; high energy physics, space researches; personal detectors of radiation; in organic electronics: organic thinfilm transistors; OLEDs; organic photodetectors and solar batteries.

The startup of Intekhlen develops technologies of receiving ognebiozashchitny fiber, ognebiozashchitny heater, lnonanokompozit of copper and silver. Products: linen fiber with ognebiozashchitny properties; heater with ognebiozashchitny properties; lnonanokompozita of copper and silver. In the project production organization of ognebiozashchishchenny linen fiber and release on its basis of volume nonwoven cloths is planned.

Startup Hendipauer develops portable current sources based on alyumo-water generators of hydrogen and hydrogen-air fuel elements. Product: The portable chargers on the 5 W fuel elements with disposable replaceable cartridges intended for a charge of accumulators and an external power supply of portable electronic devices (mobile phones, players, navigators, lighting instruments) in the conditions of lack of the power supply network. Potential consumers of HandyPower are people who spend much time on the way: businessmen, journalists, fans of outdoor activities. Besides, the device can be demanded by formations of the Ministry of Defence in the conditions of lack of the power supply network and generators and the Ministry of Emergency Situations when holding rescue operations in disaster zones.

The startup of Layvnet develops technologies of the integrated transfer of electrical energy and data. Product: Complete energy efficient solutions (security systems, Wi–Fi, lighting and power supply) for objects and territories with the minimum costs for installation. The company proposes complete solutions for traffic safety of public transport and providing continuous zones of high-speed Wi-Fi of access for passengers on all route of the movement and in adjacent territories (it is implemented in Dubna on Stroiteley St.); creates the innovation video surveillance systems in the territory of educational institutions with wireless access to educational content and develops Smart Grid technologies, fulfilling models of power supply of small settlements using alternative energy sources on the proving ground in the territory of the International university "Dubna".