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Business environment


The business environment is an online platform offering tools for creating and developing a business.



+ Government of the Russian Federation

"Business Environment" develops six service areas, each of which is aimed at solving the practical problems of entrepreneurs: "Bank" (selection and online processing of applications for Sberbank credit products), "School" (more than 130 video courses on business topics), "Store" (catalog of "cloud" applications for business management), "Market" (international electronic trading platform and services for the promotion of goods), "Club" (social network of legal entities with proven reputation), "Journal" (daily online magazine about entrepreneurship).

In the online store of the project, cloud products designed to conduct business are exhibited: for automating document management and accounting, managing employees, transactions, etc. Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to undergo remote business training programs at the School of the Business Environment, receive financing services in the Bank section, use the Market service to put up for sale their goods and services and find business partners.

As of October 1, 2013, 103 thousand individual entrepreneurs and companies of the micro- and small business segment were registered on the Business Environment website. Data for November 2013 - 110,684 Russian companies of the micro- and small business segment became participants in the Business Environment project from Sberbank. The maximum number of user companies of the Business Environment portal falls on the Volga region (10.2 thousand legal entities), followed by Moscow (9.5 thousand), South-West (7.6 thousand) and Central Black Earth regions (7.3 thousand). If we talk about the areas of activity of the company, then about 80% is accounted for by trade enterprises (40%), services (28%) and construction ( 11%).

2013: Structure of sales of cloud services in the subsidiary of Sberbank "Business Environment"

One third of sales of cloud applications for small businesses come from online accounting and tax reporting programs, 24% from services for effective customer relationship management and sales organization. Warehouse, sales and analytics applications account for 14% of the total. This is the structure of sales of cloud services in the subsidiary of Sberbank Business Environment, which combines more than 40 business applications from independent Russian developers on its platform and made more than 60 thousand sales in 2013.

Primacy is held by applications created to maintain online accounting and make it easier for users to prepare reports for various government agencies. The "box" solutions to these problems that require installation on the computer, which have dominated for many years, are gradually giving way to their "cloud" options, the share of sales of which in the "Business Environment" was 31%.

Image:Структура продаж облачных сервисов в дочерней компании Сбербанка Деловая среда.jpg

Separately, it is worth noting the high demand for applications for managing relations with customers and other counterparties aimed at increasing sales. Their share was 24%, which may indicate optimistic sentiment in small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and an emphasis on development.

Cloud applications for warehouse and trade management are inferior to previous leaders with a score of 14%. High demand for them is associated both with the convenience and advantage of these programs, and directly with the fact that a significant part of small and medium-sized businesses traditionally come from the retail sector.

The active development of online trading and the increase in the importance of the Internet channel in communications predetermined a relatively high share of applications for creating sites and online stores - 9%.