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MPEI National Research University


One of the largest technical universities in Russia in the field of power, electrical engineering, electronics, computer science. This year marks its 80th anniversary.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - 100%





+ MPEI National Research University
+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Moscow Power Engineering Institute was founded in 1930. He has been preparing engineering and scientific personnel for foreign countries since 1946.


2025: Launch of Master's Program from "Edith Pro "

The National Research University "MPEI" and the company "Edith Pro" (group "Borlas") began to teach students under the master's program "Applied Informatics in power." Borlas announced this on February 12, 2025.

The program, developed by Edith Pro experts, involves students studying an extensive range of both general and specialized IT disciplines. Employees of the company introduce students to the features of database management, corporate information systems, design and software development.

The main emphasis in educational programs was placed on the study by university students of 1C products and strategies for their implementation, obtaining practical programming skills, as well as managing IT projects. During the training, MPEI students can undergo 1C certification, "said Ivan Shcherbatov, director of the Institute of Energy Efficiency and Hydrogen Technologies at MPEI.

As of February 2025, training under the program is carried out only in the classrooms of the university. However, in the coming months, part of the lectures and seminars will be held in the office of the Borlas group on the basis of the company's department, which will open in 2025.

We invite students to take a paid internship at the company at the very beginning of their studies. Having become our interns, students immediately begin to apply the knowledge and skills received within the program on real corporate projects, "said Dmitry Kichko, vice president of the Borlas consulting group.


Opening of the laboratory of situational control together with SATEL

SATEL and MPEI University continue to cooperate in the field of research and development of innovative technologies aimed at improving the efficiency of the electricity sector. On the basis of the university, the parties jointly opened a laboratory of situation and analytical management in crisis situations in power systems, where development, research and testing of intelligent systems of situation management and their new capabilities will be carried out. SATEL announced this on October 15, 2024.

The opening of the laboratory was attended by Vadim Fedorov, Director of the Digital Transformation Department of SATEL, Alexander Voloshin, Director of the NTI MPEI Center, Nikolai Rogalev, Rector of MPEI, and heads of energy companies. The special guest of the opening was Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak.

The laboratory, located at the Department of Relay Protection and Automation of Power Systems of MPEI, is a demo zone that simulates the workstation of the dispatcher for managing systems and equipment, monitoring parameters and indicators of their operation. A number of the main tasks of the laboratory include the development of intelligent situational control systems, testing the capabilities of systems using natural and man-made crisis simulations, demonstrating the capabilities of systems and solutions for representatives of energy companies.

The laboratory is equipped with a training bench that presents the SMART SAC solution developed by SATEL. The stand is part of the test site of intelligent electric networks and will be used to train the personnel of power companies in the methods of situational control and to work out interaction with the system of complex distributed control objects.

The SMART SAC software solution from SATEL allows you to automate processes in dispatch rooms situational centers power and companies in order to increase the efficiency of localization and elimination of accidents, conducts comprehensive monitoring of facilities and equipment, predicts risks and forms solutions for their elimination.

The main goal of cooperation between NRU MPEI and SATEL is to achieve more efficient use of resources and reduce the costs of energy companies. We are confident that in the future, information technologies and scientific and technical solutions developed jointly with MPEI NRU will bring positive results from the introduction of energy companies into real business processes, "said Vadim Fedorov, Director of the Digital Transformation Department of SATEL.

Agreement to create a competence center for Positive Technologies

NRU MPEI and the company Positive Technologies signed a cooperation agreement on October 8, 2024. The agreement is aimed at creating a Positive Technologies Competence Center based on MPEI, as well as performing joint, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT training and retraining personnel and ensuring the development of new competitive products for. the Russian power engineering specialists

Working with Positive Technologies will enable our students and faculty to gain access to modern technology and hands-on experience, an integral part of quality education. We are confident that this agreement will become the basis for the implementation of joint projects that will contribute to the development of innovative solutions in the field of information security and technologies. We hope that our partnership will lead to mutually beneficial results and help prepare qualified personnel who are ready for the challenges of the industry, - said Ivan Komarov, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation at MPEI.

{{quote 'Power is one of the strategically important industries in Russia, for the cybersecurity of which it is important to ensure the training of qualified personnel in a timely manner. These are specialists with experience in protecting industrial enterprises from cyber threats. And today they can get the necessary skills by learning from real technologies to build effective cybersecurity, "said Ilyas Kireev, CTO of Positive Technologies. }}

Positive Technologies plans to provide PT Industrial Security Incident Manager (PT ISIM) software and other products used in ensuring the information security of electric power facilities for use in training MPEI. In addition, the Competence Center will be equipped with computing equipment that allows creating a high-quality educational environment for students and teachers.

Creation of a hybrid power plant for UAVs S-76

NRU MPEI has developed the components of a hybrid power plant for a heavy unmanned aircraft UAC-OKB Sukhoi. UAV S-76 has 8 screws for vertical take-off and landing, driven by electric motors through power semiconductor converters, which were created by MPEI scientists. The university announced this on August 21, 2024. Read more here.

Opening of courses in the framework of the module "Robotics and Sensorics" in MTS

The educational project "Moscow Technical School" ("MTSh"), together with the National Research University (NIU), MPEI opened courses within the framework of the module "Robotics and Sensorics." On June 25, 2024, the Minister of the Government of Moscow, the head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Vladislav Ovchinsky. [1]Подробнее #.2A_.D0.9E.D1.82.D0.BA.D1.80.D1.8B.D1.82.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BA.D1.83.D1.80.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.B2_.D0.B2_.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.BC.D0.BA.D0.B0.D1.85_.D0.BC.D0.BE.D0.B4.D1.83.D0.BB.D1.8F_.C2.AB.D0.A0.D0.BE.D0.B1.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.85.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B0_.D0.B8_.D1.81.D0.B5.D0.BD.D1.81.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B0.C2.BB здесь.

Opening the laboratory of embedded cryptographic information protection tools

On May 29, 2024, an industry laboratory for embedded means of cryptographic protection of information of automated and automatic control systems of electric power facilities was opened at NRU MPEI.

The creation of the Laboratory is the first result of a long-term partnership between NRU MPEI and the domestic developer of cryptographic protection tools information JSC InfoTeCS"."

In the open space, university students and employees of software and hardware manufacturers used to power industry in other industries industries will be able to learn practical skills in developing trusted hardware and software systems using the ViPNet SIES solution.

Based on the technologies of the InfoTeCS Group of Companies, specialists from the NTI MPEI Center have developed specialized solutions for creating crypto-secure data transfer protocols for the formation of cybersecurity digital information and control systems for the domestic electric power industry. In addition, a unique training course has been developed designed to train developers of hardware and software systems to use embedded means of cryptographic information protection, "said Nikolai Rogalev, rector of MPEI National Research University, about the Laboratory.

The InfoTeCS company has been fruitfully interacting with MPEI for several years. We have many years of experience in training INFORMATION SECURITY specialists and are ready to share expertise with the electric power industry. The laboratory will solve the problems of advanced training of specialists involved in the design of software and hardware automation devices and the development of software automated control systems in the field of information security in general and the use of cryptography in particular, as well as ensure the training of new specialists (engineers, device developers) in the field of application CIPF in, - ASU added, Dmitry Gusev Deputy General Director of InfoTeCS.

Students of the courses will be able to use the most modern educational and methodological complex during the educational process, as well as work with a single industry ecosystem of R&D using digital twins.

The laboratory is part of the expertise unit in practical cybersecurity of the NTI MPEI Center and combines the accumulated experience of InfoTeCS JSC and MPEI NRU in the field of cryptographic information protection and the creation of domestic software and hardware systems to ensure cybersecurity of objects elektroenergetiki.​

Launch of a program for future front-end and back-end developers from Yandex

Yandex Education developed unified programs for future front-end and back-end developers, which from the 2024/25 academic year will be launched at NRU MPEI. The project will be launched in 19 universities throughout. Russia The modules are built into university courses and will strengthen them with Yandex application disciplines and cases. More than 4,000 students from 12 regions will undergo training: from Arkhangelsk region to. Primorsky Krai Yandex announced this on May 29, 2024. More. here

Master Training Start Plan for Digital Information Modeling of Engineering Systems of Buildings and Structures

In the fall of 2024, the training of masters in the educational program "Digital Information Modeling of Engineering Systems of Buildings and Structures," developed jointly with the company "Free Technologies Engineering," starts at MPEI. NRU "MPEI" announced this on May 6, 2024.

The master's program is aimed at training highly qualified professionals, designers of engineering systems and TIM specialists who will implement and apply information modeling technologies in the design and construction of unique engineering structures, such as data centers, high-rise buildings, cultural and entertainment centers, stadiums and others.

We are constantly improving the mechanisms for joint training with industry partners. The beginning of training specialists in the field of designing engineering systems of buildings and structures for special purposes together with a krpun engineering company is a big step forward, in fact, we are starting to shape the future of the industry, which is switching to information modeling technologies everywhere, "said Nikolai Rogalev, rector of MPEI, about the program.

In early 2023, the company developed and launched internship and practice programs for MPEI senior engineering students. In the spring of 2023, the first trainees were accepted, and in the summer - trainees. According to the results of the first program, eleven students became full-time employees of the company.

The training of highly qualified personnel who will be able to participate in the implementation of complex projects from an engineering point of view is one of the most important tasks facing us. The opening of the master's program together with one of the universities of our country will bring the training of specialists in the field of information modeling technologies to a qualitatively different level. A rich program awaits students, which will help them acquire the necessary skills in practice and become in-demand specialists. The training will be carried out by experienced employees of our company, who daily solve difficult problems in the framework of the implementation of projects for various purposes. We will be glad to see purposeful children at our master's program who are ready to study and work for the result! - shared the technical director of Free Technologies Engineering Evgeny Koloskov.

The disciplines related to ventilation and air conditioning systems, power supply, communication networks, automation and dispatching of data processing centers will be taught by specialists from Free Engineering Technologies at the basic department of Data Processing Centers. ​


Cooperation Agreement with the Central Institute of Modern Design

On October 17, 2023, NRU MPEI and Central Institute of Modern Design LLC signed a cooperation agreement. The document was signed by the first vice-rector of the National Research University "MPEI" Vladimir Zamolodchikov and the technical director of the company "Central Institute of Modern Design" Pavel Eroshkin. This was announced on October 18, 2023 by representatives of the MPEI NRU. Read more here.

Agreement with R-Vision to train students in the Department of Security and Information Technology

National Research University MPEI and R-Vision entered into a cooperation agreement on September 12, 2023. The partnership is designed to improve the quality of training of students at the Department of Security and Information Technology (BIT) of the university, as well as provide new opportunities for their employment and career development. The agreement provides for active interaction of the parties within the framework of the educational process and professional guidance of future specialists, as well as research activities.

One of the priority areas of cooperation will be the implementation of the internship program, thanks to which students of the Department of BIT NRU "MPEI" can undergo production practice and internship in the structural divisions of R-Vision with subsequent employment for those who have shown good results. In the summer of 2023, some students have already passed production practice at the Center for Technical Expertise of the company.

Another important aspect of the partnership was the possibility of students of NRU "MPEI" using the latest versions of specialized R-Vision software products for in-depth study and the formation of their professional competencies. Thus, even at the training stage, future specialists can gain applied skills and experience in working with cybersecurity technologies.

Joint activities also involve the participation of R-Vision experts in scientific and practical conferences, lectures, master classes and other educational events of NRU MPEI aimed at acquiring practical knowledge by students to improve professional skills.

The implementation of educational programs by universities is extremely important, since the speed of emergence of new technologies much exceeds the training time for specialists in the field of information security. Thus, the partnership with R-Vision will allow NRU MPEI to expand opportunities for effective training of students. The main areas of our interaction are joint educational and scientific events, a number of which we have already held in the summer of 2023, - commented Alexander Nevsky, head of the BIT department of the MPEI National Research University.

Cooperation with the training of qualified personnel

In 2022, the brand EKF and the National Research University MPEI signed an agreement on cooperation and EKF's entry into the Climate Transformation consortium, power industries which operates with the support of the Priority 2030 university development program. EKF announced this on June 8, 2023.

Within the framework of the approved action plan, EKF introduces students to electrical solutions, participates in the development of the laboratory base of the university, organizes practices, internships and excursions of students to production sites.

The departments of NRU "MPEI" assist in the training of qualified personnel for the company, providing a reliable personnel reserve. During career guidance events, students of electrical engineering specialties get acquainted with the leading domestic brand, better understand the structure of the electrical business, and determine the direction of their future work.

As part of the cooperation, EKF brand experts on lightning protection, earthing and impulse surge protection devices (USIP), as well as automatic reserve input systems (transfer switch) delivered a number of lectures for students of the MPEI National Research University.

During the lecture at the Department of Engineering Ecology and Labor Protection, students were able to ask the expert questions about the maintenance and operation of lightning protection systems, the cost of installation, the types of coatings and their impact on earthing. An EKF expert introduced students to comprehensive lightning protection solutions for both industrial facilities and residential and public buildings. A separate block was dedicated to the UZIP. At the end of the lecture, the speaker spoke about the attitude towards the technology of active lightning protection in different countries.

No less interest was aroused by a lecture on transfer switch for students of the Department of Electromechanics and Electrical and Electronic Devices. During the open dialogue, they got acquainted with the existing solutions for transfer switch systems, learned about the advantages of various solutions and applications. Communication with representatives of real industry motivates students to study special subjects. In addition to the technical aspects of young specialists, they were interested in how business processes were built in the company, and what professional skills would be required in future employment.

Within the framework of our cooperation, a series of events for students of the National Research University "MPEI" is planned. In the near future, EKF will organize an excursion of students to its enterprises in the Vladimir region, during which it will be possible to get acquainted with domestic production and see how the principles of ESG (English Environmental, Social, and Governance) are implemented in practice, "said Dmitry Kucherov, director of the EKF business management department.

{{quote "Within the framework of cooperation, we have planned internships of students of specialized areas of NRU" MPEI "in EKF. Already in 2023, 15 students of three MPEI departments will undergo production practice in various departments of the company. In addition, we plan to spend EKF day at our university, where the company's employees will talk about the possibilities of professional growth in the Russian company-manufacturer of electrical equipment. Together, the departments of NRU MPEI and EKF developed the concept of a number of stands, such as Lightning Protection and Earthing, Smart Home Systems and Digital Switchgear. This work has already entered the stage of developing design documentation and it is planned that in 2023 they will be transferred to the departments of NRU MPEI. Familiarity with modern equipment in the framework of laboratory work, as well as in performing master's theses, plays an important role in ensuring the quality of training of future engineers. We are glad that we have acquired a reliable strategic partner in the person of EKF and, thanks to active joint work, have already achieved good results - said Maxim Ryabchitsky, associate professor at MPEI, responsible for cooperation with the EKF brand. }}

Associate Professor MPEI robbed telephone scammers of 2.1 million rubles

Main article: Telephone fraud

A new victim of telephone scammers was a 61-year-old associate professor at the Moscow Energy Institute. During the class, his colleague entered the audience and said that soon the deputy head of their profile ministry would call the assistant professor himself.

At the end of the lecture, an unknown person really called the man in the "cart," introduced himself as an official, said that now FSB officers would contact him, and ordered them to strictly comply with all their requirements. The disgraced teacher believed that he was communicating with a man from the ministry, and then successfully went to the classic scheme with calls from "special services and the Central Bank," who advised to hide all the savings from "persons financing terrorism to a safe account."

The man removed all his savings and, as the curators ordered, threw them through an ATM onto the card of the very colleague who accompanied him on alarming "adventures." As soon as this happened, the card was blocked. As a result, the teacher lost 2.1 million rubles. Now the police are looking for fraudsters, and also find out whether the teacher's colleague turned out to be an accomplice or became a victim of deceivers himself, writes Shot.


Agreement with Dorogobuzhkotlomash on the creation of a Design Bureau for Boiler Equipment

On December 5, 2022, the National Research University "MPEI" signed an agreement on cooperation between NRU "MPEI" and the manufacturer of hot water boilers LLC "Dorogobuzhkotlomash."

Within the framework of the working meeting, the Engineering Center of MPEI discussed the creation of a joint student Design Bureau for boiler equipment, which will develop promising heat engineering equipment, as well as the modernization of the laboratory of high-temperature processes and installations (ITNO).

NIA "MPEI" plans to simultaneously develop joint educational projects, to work on promising heating equipment, including the expansion of the power range of burner devices. A feature of the created student design bureau will be the involvement in the work of a special laboratory of NRU "MPEI," with the use of which it is planned to test new boilers and burner devices. Within the framework of interaction, the test base of MPEI NRU will be strengthened with DKM equipment, which will allow both laboratory work with students on the basis of real equipment and testing promising equipment. If we talk about the educational sphere, then we plan to develop existing specialized courses and form new educational programs on the basis of DKM production facilities, "said Nikolai Rogalev, rector of MPEI National Research University.

As part of the meeting, the parties discussed the development of the material base of the Student Design Bureau, the organization of internships and practices of students of the National Research University "MPEI" in LLC "Dorogobuzhkotlomash" (DKM).

The creation and development of joint projects with MPEI National Research University, the attraction of talented students, the joint implementation of the set goals and tasks will subsequently give impetus to the development of the heat and energy complex. I am sure that we are on the verge of important and large-scale transformations. Prospects for interaction will open new doors for students. For Dorogobuzhkotlomash, an interesting chapter begins in history, which we will now write together with MPEI, - commented Alexander Bortsov, First Deputy General Director of Dorogobuzhkotlomash LLC.

Based on the results of the meeting, a draft plan of joint activities of the National Research University "MPEI" and LLC "Dorogobuzhkotlomash" was drawn up, the joint work of which will allow creating highly efficient domestic burner devices and condensate boilers within the framework of promising Research and Development (R&D ).

Opening of the Department of the Air Force in the Smolensk branch

On September 8, 2022, the Department of the Air Force of the Military Training Center at the MPEI NRU in the city of Smolensk was opened. At the same time, the university announced this.

In 2021, we will equip the Air Force department with modern equipment and equipment, provide all the necessary conditions for the cadets of the Smolensk branch of the MPEI to be able to acquire the skills of the military profession at the highest level, - Stanislav Shidlovsky welcomed the first cadets of the training center.

Operation and repair of aircraft, helicopters and aircraft engines "; "Operation and repair of aircraft equipment of aircraft and helicopters"; "Operation and repair of electronic equipment of aircraft, helicopters and aircraft missiles.

Students who successfully study at the military department, after graduating from the Smolensk branch of the MPEI National Research University, will receive an additional military specialty, the corresponding military rank and will be enrolled in the reserve without military service on conscription.

We hope that the Department of the Air Force in Smolensk on the basis of the branch of NRU "MPEI" will become a center of attraction for local youth. In the near future, the training center will receive equipment: two Su-27 aircraft, a Mi-8 helicopter. Thus, the training of military specialists in Smolensk will not be inferior to the training at the head university. At the beginning of September 2022, we are the only university in Smolensk and the region where military training is carried out, "said Colonel Alexander Koberman, head of the military training center at MPEI.

The opening of the student center

On September 1, 2022, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak opened the Student Center of the National Research University MPEI.

The student center of NRU "MPEI" was opened on the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and Rosmolodezh, aimed at creating creative spaces for young people in universities. The multifunctional center of NRU "MPEI" will unite more than 30 university communities and organizations, become a platform for the implementation and development of student initiatives and a point of attraction not only for students, but also for all Moscow youth. Social organizations will also be located here, ready to help students in determining the career trajectory (MPEI Competence Center), in solving administrative problems (Student MPSC), in psychological support and organizing holidays. On the territory of the center there will also be its own media sports, a cinema, a rehearsal room, a conference zone and a street area equipped for sports and recreation.

Over the years, a fundamental scientific school has been formed on the basis of the Moscow Energy Institute and a significant personnel potential has been accumulated, while the number of specializations continues to grow - students can undergo training in 25 areas of training. On the basis of NRU "MPEI" there are more than 100 research laboratories, a specialized experimental plant, an educational and experimental TPP, a scientific and technical library and a renewable energy landfill. Now, almost in the very center of the campus, a multifunctional Student Center has been formed, creating opportunities for the development of all social interaction skills among future professionals in the TEK industries, "Alexander Novak spoke at the opening of the MPEI Research Center.

Agreement with Technopolice "ERA" for the development of technologies for military and dual-use products

On August 17, 2022, the National Research University MPEI signed a cooperation agreement with the ERA Military Innovative Technopolis.

Within the framework of cooperation, scientists from MPEI together with colleagues from technopolis will develop breakthrough technologies in the interests of creating military and dual-use products, exchange scientific and technical information on innovative developments, perform applied and comprehensive research in promising areas of science and technology using the laboratory-experimental and production base "Era."

The existing dual-use projects and technologies of scientists at MPEI are of great interest to Technopolice. The university's developments in the field of unmanned transport systems, noise-resistant navigation, radar and radiophotonics are advanced, and we are ready to develop them together with our colleagues for the benefit of strengthening the defense capability of our country. Also, NRU MPEI has extensive experience in digitalization and the creation of intelligent systems, in the use of artificial intelligence methods to counter cyber threats, and I am convinced that we will be able to successfully adapt and transform our developments to the specific tasks of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, - commented on the rector of NRU MPEI Nikolai Rogalev.

Agreement with Satel on the development of competitive technologies in the field of electric power industry

On July 7, 2022, President of SATELLITErtur Aynetdinov and Rector of|MPEI National Research University Nikolai Rogalev signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of research and development of competitive innovative technologies in the field of electric power industry. The document was signed as part of a tripartite meeting of representatives of SATEL, NRU MPEI and En + Group. SATEL announced this on July 18, 2022. Read more here.

Agreement with Mosvodokanal on cooperation in the field of professional training and retraining of specialists

On July 11, 2022, a cooperation agreement was signed between NRU MPEI and JSC. As Mosvodokanal part of the agreement, the National Research University "MPEI" will provide training and retraining of specialists for the company in the field of water supply and sanitation.

The agreement between Russian power the university and Mosvodokanal JSC will provide professional retraining of the company's employees, will become the main one for targeted training of specialists, and will begin the implementation of joint programs in the field of educational, methodological and scientifically research activities.

The signing took place in the presence of university scientists and company specialists. On the part of NRU MPEI, the agreement was signed by the first vice-rector of the university, Vladimir Zamolodchikov. JSC Moskvodokanal was presented by Yevgeny Danshin, First Deputy General Director of the Company for Personnel and Activity Control.

The implementation of joint programs of NRU MPEI and Mosvodokanal JSC will be carried out within the framework of the Institute of Energy Efficiency and Hydrogen Technologies (IEVT MPEI) and the Institute of Electric Power Industry (IEE MPEI), with the active participation of the Department of Engineering Ecology and Labor Protection (IEiOT MPEI).

The National Research University "MPEI" was originally created and was aimed at cooperation with organizations of the real sector economies and training highly qualified specialists. industries It is very important for us to sign an agreement with a company that ensures the existence of a large region of our - countries and. Moscow We Moscow region are interested in our students learning from real examples and objects, taking internships and solving practical-oriented tasks within the framework of the activities of the high-tech company Moskvodokanal JSC, "said Vladimir Zamolodchikov, First Vice-Rector of MPEI National Research University.

Participation in the formation and development of young specialists allows us to look with confidence at the future of the industry. Such agreements allow raising communications between educational structures and potential employers to a new level, excluding even minimal discrepancies between the capabilities of the former and the needs of the latter. Mosvodokanal JSC is interested in attracting talented graduates and is ready to participate in their preparation: from information and methodological consulting in the first courses to pre-graduate internships, - said Yevgeny Danshin, First Deputy General Director for Personnel and Activity Control of Mosvodokanal JSC.

Cooperation Agreement with HSE

On June 16, 2022, a cooperation agreement was signed between the National Research University "MPEI" and the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" as part of the program of field expeditions of initiative students and youth for the implementation of research and project activities in the regions of Russia of the project "Opening Russia again."

The cooperation agreement was signed by the rector of the National Research University "MPEI" Nikolai Rogalev and the rector of the Higher School of Economics Nikita Anisimov. The signing of the agreement took place in the presence of the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs "Rosmolodezh" Ksenia Razuvaeva.

The subject of the agreement will be joint work on the organization of student expeditions and scientific research, holding joint events (seminars, conferences, round tables, symposia) on the topics of the main areas of cooperation and in the interests of the development of joint research.

The dissemination of the results of student expeditions and scientific research may be expressed in the preparation of scientific reports, articles, textbooks and other publications reflecting the results of solving socially significant problems in the regions of our country.

Cooperation Agreement with Consyst Business Group

On May 31, 2022, the National Research University MPEI announced that it had entered into a cooperation agreement with Consyst Business Group (part of the Lanit group of companies). The companies will join forces in the field of personnel training and the creation of IT solutions for Russian enterprises and organizations in the field of education, federal and municipal administration. Read more here.

Соглашение о сотрудничестве подписали ректор НИУ «МЭИ» Nikolay Rogalev General Director of Consyst Business Group Pavel Goryansky

Cooperation at Rosatom Technical Academy

On February 28, 2022, the National Research University "MPEI" and the Technical Academy of Rosatom signed a cooperation agreement.

The document was signed by the rector of the Technical Academy of Rosatom Yuri Seleznev and the rector of the National Research University "MPEI" Nikolai Rogalev.

The parties agreed to develop cooperation in educational, scientific, technical, innovative and research activities in the field of hydrogen and wind energy, nuclear power plants, nuclear infrastructure and waste management methods, I&C in the market of thermal, nuclear and renewable energy, thermal power and heat engineering, electrical engineering, laser and additive technologies, digital power, digital products and cybersecurity.

The purpose of the signed agreement is to create a basis for joint activities on the training of personnel of foreign NPPs, instructors, accelerated training of replacement personnel of Russian NPPs, as well as the export of educational programs on topics included in the scope of competence of NRU MPEI.

{{quote 'The activities of the Rosatom Technical Academy are focused primarily on short-term training programs for active personnel to work at foreign nuclear power plants. While NRU "MPEI" within the framework of cooperation can carry out more fundamental training and retraining of specialists in such areas as nuclear and wind energy, hydrogen and additive technologies, energy systems, digital power and cybersecurity, - said the rector of NRU "MPEI" Nikolai Rogalev. }}

During the meeting, the heads and specialists of the Technical Academy of Rosatom got acquainted with the material and technical base of the university: the guests examined the specialized classrooms and laboratories of the National Research University "MPEI," got acquainted with the educational capabilities of the Institute of Thermal and Nuclear power (ITAE), the Institute of Electric Power Industry (IEE) and the Institute of Hydropower and Renewable Energy Sources (IGWIE).

Due to the rapid development of IT infrastructure, cybersecurity issues of critical nuclear power facilities are coming to the forefront. The university implements educational programs, conducts scientific and applied research in areas related to information security in the power. Therefore, we see one of the key areas of cooperation with NRU "MPEI" training of specialists in the field of cybersecurity. We are confident that cooperation with such a university as NRU "MPEI" will contribute to increasing the professionalism of workers in the global field of nuclear technologies to ensure the goals of sustainable world development, - said the rector of the Technical Academy of Rosatom Yuri Seleznev.



Creation of the consortium "Climate transformation of the energy industry"

On December 9, 2021, an agreement was signed between the National Research University "MPEI" and the Ufa State Oil Technical University (UGNTU) to create a consortium "Climate Transformation of the Energy Industry." The consortium is part of the MPEI strategic project implemented within the framework of the Priority-2030 state program for supporting higher education. Read more here.

Opening of the industry Competence Center

On September 1, 2021, on the basis of the National Research University "MPEI," the project "Assessment and development of managerial competencies the Russian educational in organizations" was opened. The competence center of NRU "MPEI" will be the first pilot industry competence center in. Russia

At the opening of the Center, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Leksander Novak, Advisor to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Scientific and Educational Policy Anna Shashkina spoke, Chairman of the Management Board of JSC "System Operator of the Unified Energy System" Fedor Opadchiy, Rector of the National Research University "MPEI" Nikolai Rogalev, First Deputy General Director - Executive Director of PJSC "Rosseti" Andrei Murov, Alexey Komissarov, Director General of ANO "Russia - Country of Opportunities," as well as Alexey Svistunov, Director of the Department of Public Service and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The opening of the country's first industry competence center is really an extremely important event, because the purpose of this project is to organize a platform for interaction between students, employers and authorities, to enable students to improve not only professional qualities, but also to obtain supraprofessional skills, knowledge in related industries, to develop personally. It is important to be communicative, aimed at achieving results, to be able to work in a team. This is what future employers want from graduates, - commented on the opening of the Center Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak.

Competence assessment centers are a meeting place for students, employers and regional authorities, which often resolve their personnel issues on the basis of universities. At the Center, students and recent graduates will be tested to assess their supraprofessional and business skills. Based on the results of the diagnosis, a profile of each student will be built, on the basis of this, the Competence Centers will offer students the formation of personal educational trajectories and help them choose the necessary educational programs.

The demand for such Centers is due to the fact that the standards of higher education and, accordingly, educational programs of universities primarily involve the assimilation of professional knowledge, skills and skills (hard skills). But with supraprofessional competencies (soft skills), everything is a little more complicated, especially in terms of their assessment, development and fixation.

At the same time, many employers clearly form their request for the education system - at the exit from universities, young specialists should have a set of important competencies, for example, planning and organization, result-based orientation, leadership qualities, etc. At the same time, many students admit that at the start of their careers they lack precisely supraprofessional or managerial competencies, especially in terms of their practical application.

The fact that the first industry Competence Center is open precisely in NRU "MPEI" is a sign order phenomenon. Power is the basis of the economy, including high-tech. The formation of specialists who are well prepared for the challenges of time, the development of knowledge and skills that go beyond exclusively professional competencies - the key to the success of the professional development of engineers of the future. And, most importantly, the key to stable work and sustainable communications of the entire Russian industry and the economy of tomorrow, "said Nikolai Rogalev, rector of MPEI.

In the first year of activity, the project will cover 16 regions, and 150 thousand students will undergo testing of personal and cognitive abilities. In 2021, 80 companies and 10 basic assessment tools will be involved in the project.

The expert council of the project "Assessment and development of managerial competencies in Russian educational organizations" is headed by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeyev and General Director of the ANO "Russia - Country of Opportunities" Aleksei Komissarov.

We are launching the first industry Competence Center for power engineers, electrical engineers, novice specialists in the field of electronics and radio engineering. Competence centers are not only a social elevator for Russian students who are just entering the labor market. They are also a platform where employers, universities and students from different regions of Russia can work together, listen to and hear each other's requests and, accordingly, respond to them, "said Aleksei Komissarov, General Director of the Russia - Country of Opportunities ANO. - Of course, we have made a significant emphasis on interaction with employers. We communicated with them and found out their expectations from university graduates, which the guys lack at the start of their careers. And in the work of the Centers of Competence, we will take into account these requests so that employers receive competent young specialists, and students and graduates - a successful career start.

2020: Cooperation with Megafon to train IT specialists

The National Research University "MPEI" and the operator of digital opportunities MegaFon signed an agreement on cooperation on the launch of the educational project "Internet of Things Laboratory" MPEI. " This became known on December 25, 2020. This project will allow us to unite the efforts of the company and the university in the training of specialists for the telecommunications industry, the radio-electronic industry and IT enterprises. Both sides will conduct joint research to develop Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and other Industry 4.0 technologies.

In addition to holding a number of educational events, students and employees of MPEI NRU will participate in work aimed at applying and researching various aspects of the Internet of Things - from the simplest elements smart home to wireless collection systems data based on technologies, NB-IoT 3G// and 4G.LTE Wi-Fi MegaFon will provide the necessary equipment, software as well as access to its own information resources, for testing to the members of the Internet of Things Laboratory of MPEI.

MegaFon is actively developing the direction of IoT products. To solve practical and scientific and technical problems, we are looking for young specialists. NRU "MPEI" is one of the universities for the training of technical specialists in such strategically important areas as power, radio electronics, mechanical engineering and telecommunications. We decided to combine our capabilities to increase the level of competence of industry specialists, "says Valentina Vatrak, Director of Corporate Development and Human Resources at MegaFon.

Our university already has educational programs and solutions in the field of cyberphysical systems, the Internet of Things and the Industrial Internet of Things. All of them were created as part of solving the problems of the federal project "Digital Technologies." And everywhere we combine the use of information technology, accumulated experience and the latest scientific achievements. Cooperation with MegaFon will allow the use of scientific knowledge in practice, as well as the use of up-to-date equipment in the work. This is an excellent example of cooperation between a university and a business for the development of end-to-end digital technologies, "commented Nikolai Rogalev, rector of MPEI.

On the basis of the laboratory, it is planned to carry out scientific and technical projects to integrate various wired and wireless sensors, sensors and actuators into IoT and IIoT information systems. The laboratory team will also be engaged in the design and preparation for the production of devices for cyberphysical systems and the industrial Internet of Things, smart power and transport infrastructure, smart city and home, agriculture and health, to improve logistics, build geolocation systems, monitoring, unmanned vehicles.

In addition, within the framework of the agreement, scientific and technical competitions and seminars for students and graduate students will be held, which will be prepared by a joint team of leading employees of MegaFon and MPEI. Winners of competitions will be able to undergo practice and internship in the field of development of IoT technologies for MegaFon with the possibility of further employment. The training of specialists for the implementation and research of information systems including IoT and IIoT technologies and protocols, such as NB-IoT, CSD/HSCSD, GPRS/EDGE/HSPA/LTE, LTE-M, Wi-Fi, will allow the Russian IT sector to be actively developed.


since 2015 - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University" MPEI '"


Since May 2011, the official name of MPEI has become the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)" Since July 22, 2011, - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University" MPEI '"


Being the basic university for training personnel for the energy industry, MPEI (TU) owns a unique educational and laboratory base and knowledge base and is one of the 57 universities in Russia that have introduced innovative educational programs into their activities. The wealth and variety of specialties and scientific areas allows not only to carry out comprehensive scientific research, but also to provide opportunities for students, graduate students and doctoral students to undergo training in areas necessary for future activities that differ from the main specialty. For 2010, it has modern educational buildings, educational and scientific laboratories, hostels, a powerful experimental base, an experimental plant, an educational and scientific heating station, an educational and scientific television center, a powerful network of pre-university training and postgraduate education.

As of July 2010, the university is equipped with modern technological equipment, a fleet of powerful, medium and personal computers (more than 1,700 sets). MPEI (TU) has students and graduate students from 68 countries of the world. For success in training engineers and scientific personnel, he was awarded two orders of Russia and six orders of foreign countries.


The data is relevant for July 2018.

  • the city of Smolensk

Address: 214013, Smolensk, Energetika proezd, 1

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  • Volzhsky city, Volgograd region

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  • Konakovo city, Tver region

Konakovo Power College:

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Phone: 8 (48242) 4-30-54

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  • Dushanbe City ( Republic of Tajikistan)

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