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Lanit ("New Information Technologies Laboratory") is a multidisciplinary group of IT companies. One of the largest in Russia and the CIS.

Gens Philipp Georgievich - 99%
Mikhailov Alexander. - 1%


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees



+ Mikhailov Alexander.


The group of companies LANIT unites 49 divisions in the territory Russia and abroad. LANIT team - 8000 employees, including more than 1600 certified specialists. It is one of the largest Russian system integrators. Partner of more than 250 world manufacturers of equipment and software solutions:,,, Avaya,, Citrix,,, etc Ericsson HP Intel. Microsoft Oracle Siemens PLM Software The parent company of the group is LANIT CJSC (). Moscow

The number of employees of Lanit Group of Companies as of March 2018

Regional structure


Central Federal District


  • resource center "LANIT Volga" (Rybinsk)
  • resource center "LANIT Tver"

Northwest Federal District

Saint Petersburg:

Volga Federal District

Southern Federal District

Ural Federal District

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

CIS countries


Financial performance

Main article: Financial performance "Lanit"

Acquisitions of companies and sale of assets

Main item: Acquisitions and sale of LANIT assets

History of "Lanit"


Searches in "Lanit" - FSB officers seized documents

On March 20, 2025, FSB officers raided the Lanit IT company. Operational measures are related to the project of the integrated information system of courts of general jurisdiction of Moscow (KIS SOY), in the development of which Lanit took part.

According to RBC, during the searches, FSB officers seized documents related to the KIS SOY. This platform serves as the basis for information support for the activities of the capital's courts of general jurisdiction. CIS SOY is an electronic justice system that allows you to file lawsuits, read documents and court decisions via the Internet, as well as view online broadcasts and videos from meetings.

company "Lanit" was searched, during which FSB officers seized the documentation

"Lanit" as of the date of the operational measures does not comment on the situation in any way. At the same time, searches were carried out in the IT company "CROC," which is a contractor of KIS SOY. According to RBC sources, FSB and Rosgvardia officers check all organizations that are related to the development of this information system.[1]

Hackers attacked the "LANIT" and encrypted some of the servers. Group customers are advised to take urgent action

"FINCERT" (FinCERT) On February 21, notified credit and financial institutions about the possible compromise of the information systems of Lanter and LAN ATMservice, which are part of the Lanit group of companies. The press service of "Lanita" told TAdviser the following details of the incident:

On the night of February 20- 21, the 2025 part of the Lanit internal infrastructure was attacked. Some of the corporate servers, including mail servers, were encrypted with the virus. The attacked segment was completely isolated from the Internet and other networks of the company, which made it possible to avoid spreading to other segments of the Lanita infrastructure, as well as to the services of our partners and customers. The leak of confidential data has not yet been confirmed. The investigation of the incident is carried out by Lanita specialists together with leading Russian information security companies. The incident did not affect the key business processes of the company - we continue to fulfill all our obligations to customers and partners in full.

Lanter specializes in the supply of POS-terminal equipment, software solutions for transactional business, the provision of services to banks and trading enterprises, and LAN ATMservice is engaged in the supply of ATMs and banking kiosks, as well as provides services for the maintenance of equipment and other professional services for the efficient operation of banking terminal networks. The company found it difficult to name the damage from the incident for the business of both companies.

FinCERT reported the incident to the National Coordination Center for Computer Incidents (NCCCI), which published a warning[2] on its portal[3] incident as follows:

NCCCA recommends that all organizations change passwords and keys as soon as possible to access their systems operated in LANIT data centers. If Lanit development and software products are used in your infrastructure and Lanit engineers are granted remote access to them, it is also recommended to change the data for connection. In addition, it is recommended to strengthen the monitoring of threats and information security events in those systems that were developed, put into operation or serviced by engineers of the Lanit group of companies. In case of detection of signs of compromise of the information infrastructure of your organization, report this to NCCC.

This warning suggests that Lanita information systems may not be the ultimate target for a hacker attack - through them attacks on customer information systems are possible. This is the so-called attack on the supply chain or through trusted external channels of interaction. In this case, NCCCH recommends following rules for working with contractors:

  • For local technical works it is advisable to use an automated workplace (AWS) owned by the customer of these works;
  • Accounts and AWS for contractors engineers shall have access only to those

Servers and information resources that are required to perform ongoing work

  • The possibility of loading from external media should be limited at the AWS;
  • User access to BIOS/UEFI settings shall be restricted at the AWS;
  • Anti-virus protection, licenses and databases shall be installed and launched at the AWS

signature data of which must be up-to-date;

  • Automatic session termination shall be configured at AWS and in information systems.

NCCCA specialists have prepared a special bulletin[4] to minimize possible threats to information security when working with contractors - in 2024, the technique of initial compromise of systems in the form of attacks through trusted external channels of interaction turned out to be the most painful for Russian companies.


Creation of joint venture for ATM production together with "T1"

As part of the development of cooperation, T1 Holding and LANIT organized a joint venture on the basis of which a prototype of a Russian ATM was created. The partnership aims to develop and manufacture Russian self-service devices for the financial market. This was announced by T1 on October 9, 2024. [1]Подробнее #.2A_.D0.A1.D0.BE.D0.B7.D0.B4.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.B2.D0.BC.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D0.BD.D0.BE_.D1.81_.D0.9B.D0.90.D0.9D.D0.98.D0.A2_.D0.A1.D0.9F_.D0.B4.D0.BB.D1.8F_.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B8.D0.B7.D0.B2.D0.BE.D0.B4.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B0_.D0.B1.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.BA.D0.BE.D0.BC.D0.B0.D1.82.D0.BE.D0.B2 здесь.

Pilot implementation of SUPeR

The company LANIT completed a pilot project for the introduction of a hybrid management platform cloud ":" SUPER from a Russian developer. OTR The platform made it possible to simultaneously use Russian and foreign platforms for virtualizations different business tasks, managing them from a single window. Read more here.

Partnership Agreement with Organizational & Technological Solution

LANIT and, and OTR Russian integrator the developer IT of the solutions, entered into a partnership agreement. As part of the collaboration, the management platform hybrid cloud SUPER is included in the portfolio of LANIT products that the company provides to its customers. More. here

The investigation of the criminal case of extortion of 42.5 million rubles from Lanit has been completed

On July 24, 2024, it became known that the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow completed the investigation of a criminal case on extortion of more than 40 million rubles from Lanit. His defendants were retired FSB colonel Mikhail Polyakov, translator Denis Savinsky and general director of Heritage Production and Construction Company Alexander Sanin. Read more here

Creation of Lansoft IT Holding

The teams TURBO, LDM, BPMSoft, Goodt created the IT holding LANCOFT. All four platform low-code solutions in the corporate software segment are included in the unified product portfolio of the LANSOFT brand. The top managers of the four vendor companies included in the IT holding united to exchange best practices, as well as provide customers with a full range of solutions for all business needs. This was reported to TAdviser on May 28, 2024 by representatives of LANSOFT. Read more here.

Lanit is a strategic partner of TAdviser SummIT

On May 28, 2024, one of the leading events of the Russian IT industry will take place in Moscow TAdviser SummIT 2024]. Over the years, the conference has become a platform for dialogue between representatives of the public sector and large IT companies. The speakers of the LANIT group will take part in the event and share their expertise in thematic sections. Read more here.

Hit integrator "Lanit" under US sanctions

On May 1, 2024, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), as part of U.S. Treasury Department , announced new sanctions against Russian IT companies. The list, among other things, included integrators IBS and "," LANIT as well. Astra Group In addition, Ministry of Finance USA he introduced sanctions restrictions against developers of solutions for and, cyber security "Aladdin" ("Aladdin R.D.") Secret Technologies (Sikret Technologies LLC) as well as the developer of means of digitizing corporation documents (Electronic ELAR Archive LLC). The sanctions affected the subsidiary -: Scientific and Technical Center "Proteus" this LLC "Protei SpetsTekhnika" structure is engaged in the development of communication systems and integrated security. More. here

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser has drawn up a map the Russian IT of -companies that fell under sanctions in 2022-2024. and USA EU. Britain It included, among other things, the Lanit company. The article about the map can be found here.

"LANIT" created a company for the construction of a data center

In early March 2024, it became known that a subsidiary of the IT integrator LANIT"" created a company called "Astar Date." She will build a new turnkey data center. here More.

Lanit invested in a supplier of electric trucks and services for electrification of urban delivery

As TAdviser found out, Lanit Ventures, a member of the Lanit group, has invested in Sova Motors (Sova brand), a supplier of electric vehicles and services for electrifying urban delivery. According to the database of legal entities Kontur.Fokus, "as of February 2024, Lanit Ventures owns 70% of the authorized capital of Sova Motors. A share of 30% is owned by Konstantin Shirokov, who holds the position of general director of Sova Motors. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Deputy Head of Corporate Systems Department Alexander Orlovsky

Today, large tectonic shifts are taking place on the market of Russian BI platforms. Instead of the previously popular Western systems, customers can choose one of dozens of Russian developments. However, there are only a few solutions that can provide big data and data dicsovery tools for analysts. Alexander Orlovsky, Deputy Head of the Department of Corporate Systems, LANIT, talks about the unique project of creating a monitoring system for the UIS of Public Procurement. Read more here.


LDM Platform Focus on Enterprise Content Management

All content on one platform - under this motto, LANIT presented to customers and partners the capabilities of its LDM (LANIT Document Management) platform, which was released to the market just a year ago. Participants of the LDM.Day 2023 conference in Moscow got acquainted with trends in corporate content management and electronic document management, learned more about the capabilities of the LDM platform, interesting projects for implementing the platform in Russian organizations and partner solutions based on LDM. Read more here.

Lanit became JSC to hide owners

On December 8, 2023, it became known that the Lanit group of IT companies initiated the reorganization of the legal entity in order to change the form of ownership. Limited Liability Company (LLC) "Lanit-Holding" is transformed into a joint stock company (JSC), which allows you to hide the owners. Read more here.

LANIT left the joint venture for the production of servers

On October 26, 2023, Yandex"" announced its withdrawal from the OpenYard server joint venture and the sale of a stake in it to a group of private investors. The group did the same. LANIT"" The parties refused to disclose details of the transaction, including its amount and new investors. here More.

The loss of the ex-head of the PR service

On August 20, 2023, during a tour of underground Moscow collectors, Dmitry Markushkin disappeared, who for several years headed the press service LANIT"" and was engaged in PR of the group of companies. here More.

Arrested another administrator of the Telegram channel in the case of extortion of 40 million rubles from the leadership of "Lanita"

On July 19, 2023, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow granted the investigator's request to arrest one of the administrators of the Kremlin Laundress Telegram channel (260 thousand subscribers) Denis Savinsky. He is accused of extorting 40 million rubles from the leadership of Lanita. Read more here.

Arrest of the administrator of the Telegram channel on charges of extortion from the Lanit group

On July 15, 2023, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow arrested for two months the administrator of the Kremlin laundress Telegram channel Mikhail Polyakov, suspected of major extortion (paragraph "b" of part 3 of article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; the maximum punishment is 15 years in prison) from the leadership of the Lanit IT group. We are talking about the amount of 40 million rubles. Read more here.

Results of the speech at TAdviser SummIT

On May 30, 2023, one of the largest events of the TAdviser SummIT IT industry took place in the Hyatt Regency Moscow Petrovsky Park Hotel. LANIT ― a strategic partner of the event.

Vice President of LANIT and Managing Director of NORBITVladimir Vertogradov attended the plenary session of the summit. LANIT experts also became speakers of thematic sections. Read more here.

LANIT - TAdviser SummIT Strategic Partner

On May 30, 2023 To Moscow , one of the most important events will take place - IT the TAdviser SummIT industry. Experts of the LANIT group will take part in the event and share their expertise. Read more here.

Insurance of 5,000 VMS employees in VSK Insurance House

On February 27, 2023, the VSK Insurance House announced that it had insured employees of the multidisciplinary group of IT companies LANIT with voluntary health insurance (VHI) policies.

Insurance protection is valid until June 30, 2024. The insurance program includes an outpatient clinic, dental and an ambulance medical , home care, an emergency and planned hospital, as well as an office doctor. According to the agreement, more than 5,000 employees of the LANIT group are insured.

Caring for employees and customers is a strategic goal of the VSK, so we are especially sensitive to the issue of protecting people's health. For example, in 2022, our company launched the Digital Clinic, which allows patients to receive medical services as soon as possible, and in the era of total digitalization, the VHI service is also actively developing. The fact that LANIT made a choice in favor of the VSK Insurance House speaks of confidence in the development of our technologies. I am sure that this cooperation will benefit both parties, - said Oleg Vitko, Deputy General Director for Health Insurance of the VSK Insurance House.

Programs that focus on employee well-being and health care are among the important components of our HR strategy. We always take a very careful approach to choosing a VHI service provider, guided by a large number of factors and primarily feedback from our employees. In 2022, VSK Insurance House showed a responsible and attentive approach as a contractor for the VMS service. We have decided with confidence to extend our cooperation for a longer period, - said Irina Barmina, HR Director of the LANIT Group.


7th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of EDMS, ECM and CSP systems in Russia"

LANIT ranked 7th in the ranking of the largest suppliers of EDMS, ECM and CSP systems prepared by TAdviser in early 2023 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of EDMS, ECM and CSP projects in 2022. Read more here.

Data for 2022

6th place in the ranking "Largest suppliers of ERP systems in Russia"

LANIT took 6th place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of ERP projects in Russia in 2022 and published in January 2024. More details here.

1st place in the ranking "Largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia"

LANIT took 1st place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the development and implementation of BPM solutions in Russia in 2022 and published in December 2023. More details here.

1st place in the ranking "Largest suppliers of CRM solutions in Russia"

LANIT took 1st place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of CRM projects in Russia in 2022 and published in December 2023. More details here.

LDM platform: new Russian brand in the EDMS/ECM/CSP segment

To Moscow It hosted the presentation of LANIT Document Management (LDM), a new Russian brand in the//CSP EDMSECM segment. The presentation was held in the format of a conference at which the speakers analyzed the trends of the Russian market, electronic document management the peculiarities of legislation in this area, presented to the participants of the event the LDM platform, its basic principles, architecture features, functionality, as well as implementation cases. More. here

LANIT to unveil new Lanit Document Management brand

On November 10, 2022, a presentation of the new Lanit Document Management (LDM) brand will take place in Moscow. LANIT experts and business representatives will talk about the capabilities and benefits of the LDM platform for managing digital content in the organization. Read more here.

LANIT experts speak at the annual TAdviser SummIT

May 31, 2022 in Moscow will be one of the most significant events in the IT industry TAdviser SummIT 2022. LANIT is a strategic partner of the event.

TAdviser SummIT participants will discuss the best practices for improving the efficiency of the largest companies in Russia using technologies and new IT challenges faced by both customers and players in this market. Experts from LANIT subsidiaries will share their vision of current processes and tasks for the IT industry.

The plenary part will feature the Chief information officers of the largest companies and government departments in Russia. Deputy General Director of Consyst Business Group Vladimir Egorov will present a report on the topic "Russian ERP market. The next step "and will talk about the trends and prospects for the development of the domestic ERP market.

At the IT in Industry section, the architect of EAM systems "Consist of Business Group" Sergey Ushakov will speak on the topic "Smart Maintenance." The expert will touch upon new IT capabilities and scenarios for enterprise asset lifecycle management using a solution on the Russian TURBO platform.

In the IT Security Day section, Ivan Melekhin, director of the center for monitoring and countering cyber attacks IZ: SOC of Informzaschita, will make a presentation on the topic "Information security at the speed of a click: own SOC or outsourcing." The speaker will tell whether external centers for monitoring and responding to information security incidents can be considered as an alternative to their own SOC.


Conference Review "Smart Solutions - Smart Country: Challenges and Change"

Artificial intelligence: from "hype" - to real experience

The direction of Artificial Intelligence has already reached the level of practical use, but so far we are talking about automation of routine operations, and full-fledged artificial intelligence is still very far away. This was stated by the participants of the Artificial Intelligence section within the framework of the conference "Smart Solutions - a Smart Country: Challenges and Changes," organized by the LANIT group of companies. Read more here.

Humanocentric and simplification: where are the technologies moving? Review of the discussion at the Smart Solutions - Smart Country conference

Within the framework of the conference "Smart Solutions - a Smart Country: Challenges and Changes," organized by the LANIT group of companies, a plenary discussion was held "The Future of IT: Technologies Change Lives, Life Changes Technologies," organized by RBC Events. IT and business experts discussed real digitalization cases, talked about the experience of their companies and spoke about IT development trends. Read more here.

Digital transformation: Which scenarios really work?

As part of the conference "Smart Solutions - a Smart Country: Challenges and Changes," organized by LANIT, the Digital Transformation section was held on October 7. Participants discussed the features of digital platforms, as well as approaches and scenarios for transforming businesses into a new era. Read more here.

"Overautomatization," "Internet of Behavior" and other trends that change the world. Smart Solutions - Smart Country Review

"Smart solutions are a smart country: challenges and change." The conference with this name was held To Moscow on October 6-7. At the event organized by the group of companies, LANIT business leaders and technology experts shared their views on development trends, IT strategies, as well as experience in implementing various solutions as part of the transformation of companies. Also, the participants gave forecasts for the coming years. The speakers also focused on the need for business and society to create a modern, safe and convenient digital environment. More. here

The business of the manufacturer of tests for coronavirus, in which Lanit invested, went on takeoff

As TAdviser found out, the Procurement Agency of the Moscow Department of Health purchased tests for the Express Antigen SARS-CoV-2-IKhA coronavirus from the Rapid Bio manufacturer for[5]. The supplier was the manufacturer of drugs "R-Pharm" Alexei Repik - a famous businessman, chairman of the public organization "Business Russia." According to Forbes, R-Pharm earned the most Russian drug manufacturers in 2020[6]. Read more here.

Smart Solutions - Smart Country: Challenges and Change

The conference with this name was held To Moscow on October 6-7. At the event organized by the group of companies, LANIT business leaders and technology experts shared their views on development trends, IT strategies, as well as experience in implementing various solutions as part of the transformation of companies. Read more here.

LANIT experts will talk about the impact of IT on banks and retail on TAdviser SummIT 2021

On May 26, 2021, one of the most significant events in the TAdviser SummIT 2021 IT industry will take place at the Radisson Blu Olympiyskiy Hotel. LANIT acted as a strategic partner of the event.

TAdviser SummIT participants will be able to hear speeches by the Chief information officers of the largest companies and government departments in Russia. The main topic of the speakers is to increase the efficiency of business and the state through technology. Leading companies will talk about advanced developments that are preparing to enter the market.

At the plenary part, Vice President of LANIT, Head of the Directorate for Work with Russian Post Vladimir Vertogradov will make a report "What will be the next" virus "for the IT industry." In his speech, the speaker will tell you what challenges await IT specialists in 2021. This is a close attention to information security issues, ensuring infrastructure reliability and the creation of internal competence centers for technologies that are vital for business. The expert will also touch upon problem areas in the report - a lack of personnel and the difficulty of managing remote employees.

Experts from LANIT subsidiaries will take part in the thematic sections. Marina Makarova, Director of the LANIT Network Academy Training Center, and Timofey Borzov, Head of the LANIT Financial Sector Directorate, within the IT in Banks section, will identify frequent problems in the banking sector and present a technological way to combine theory and practice in training to solve them. Director of Business Development of the LANIT-Omni Department of NORBIT Mikhail Tsapok will introduce the loyalty program "Systems of Personal Recommendations in Retail" and tell you how IT directly affects the economic performance of companies.

Events and information stands will attract the attention of guests. The head of the NORBIT innovation laboratory, Dmitry Demidov, will demonstrate the service of personal recommendations and talk about its benefits on a specific example - use in a large restaurant chain. Experts of the LANIT Network Academy organize express testing for those who wish with the issuance of training recommendations. The representative of the training center will also advise on the organization of corporate training and offer the most effective ways to test the knowledge and skills of employees.


Inclusion in the rating "Largest IT companies in Russia 2021"

LANIT is included in the rating "The largest IT companies in Russia 2021 by revenue in 2020," prepared by TAdviser in June 2021. Read more here.

Inclusion in the rating "The largest participants in the Russian market of EDMS, ECM and CSP systems"

LANIT is included in the rating "The largest participants in the Russian market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems by revenue for 2020," prepared by TAdviser in January 2021. Read more here.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of Russian IT solutions"

The company LANIT is included in the rating "Largest suppliers - the Russian IT solutions by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in May 2021. More. here

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in Russian retail"

The company LANIT is included in the rating "Largest IT suppliers in" Russian retail by revenue for 2020, "prepared TAdviser in July 2021. More. here

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT suppliers in banks"

LANIT is included in the rating "Largest IT suppliers in banks" by revenue for 2020, "prepared by TAdviser in July 2021. Read more here.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia"

LANIT is included in the rating "The largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia by revenue for 2020," prepared by TAdviser in December 2021. Read more here.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "IT suppliers in the Russian industry"

The company LANIT"" is included in the rating "The largest IT suppliers the Russian industries in by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT outsourcers in Russia"

LANIT is included in the rating "The largest IT outsourcers by revenue for 2020," prepared by TAdviser in December 2021. Read more here.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT Service Providers"

The company LANIT"" is included in the rating "Largest suppliers IT services Russia by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here

Top10 IT services 2021 1.png

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian public sector"

The company LANIT is included in the rating "Largest IT suppliers public sector Russia in by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here

Conference "Smart Solutions - Smart Country: Innovative Technologies for a New Reality"

At the conference "Smart Solutions-Smart Country: Innovative Technologies for a New Reality," organized by LANIT, participants discussed for two days how companies adapt to change.

Leading industry analysts, experienced IT practitioners, and technology solution providers have introduced their digital business products and solutions in such a challenging environment. Read more here.

The pandemic forced the introduction of technologies that companies postponed. Read more here.

The need for a massive transition to remote work in 2020 in connection with the pandemic, the strengthening of the role of digital channels in sales, in cooperation with customers, demanded that companies quickly modernize their IT infrastructure and increase system protection from cyber attacks. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Director of Strategic Projects Sergey Litvinov

In January 2020, in an interview TAdviser , the director of strategic projects "Lanit" Sergey Litvinov told why IT the company decided to cooperate Ubtech Robotics with and how the Chinese robots they will advance in the market Russian. More. here


Inclusion in the rating "Largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex"

LANIT is included in the rating "The largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex by revenue in 2019," prepared by TAdviser in January 2020. Read more here.

Inclusion in the ranking of the largest suppliers of ERP systems in Russia

LANIT is included in the rating of "The largest suppliers of ERP systems in Russia by revenue for 2019," prepared by TAdviser in January 2020. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Director of Document Management, Head of Innovation Center Alexander Radionov

In December 2019, Alexander Rodionov the director of the document management department, the head of the Innovation Center "" LANIT said in an interview TAdviser о that, in addition, he was import substitution radically changing the Russian market/. EDMSECM More. here

Participation in the development and launch of the OSAGO Assistant application in five pilot regions

On November 20, 2019, LANIT announced that, by order of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA), in cooperation with other companies, it took part in the development and launch into commercial operation of the OSAGO Assistant mobile application, the first Russian service for issuing Europrotocol online. Now car owners can register an accident electronically without calling the traffic police. Read more here.

Cooperation with Galactica Corporation on industrial and energy projects

On March 12, 2019, Galactica Corporation and the LANIT Group of Companies announced the start of joint technological projects in the field of industry and power. The partnership provides for work in a wide range of areas as part of the digital transformation of customer companies. Read more here.


Revenue growth of nearly 20%

Revenue of Lanit Group in 2018 amounted to 164.241 billion rubles with VAT, an increase of 19.8%. TAdviser was told about this in the company in April 2019. Read more here.

Transfer of George Gens assets to Philip Gens

After the death of the founder of Lanit, George Gens, his son Philip Gens entered into inheritance rights for all companies owned and in which his father had a share. Read more here.

"LANIT" decided to transform himself to then transform others

In November 2018, Lanit announced the launch of a corporate innovation center. Within its framework, it is planned to organize support for innovative ideas emerging in different divisions of the Lanit group, which could later be embodied in software products for digital transformation. Ultimately, Lanit wants to form an extensive portfolio of software products for digital transformation in order to offer them to its customers, follows from the words of company representatives.

The center was headed by Alexander Rodionov, director of the department of document management systems. He explained to TAdviser that the creation of an innovation center is part of Lanita's strategy to diversify its business: being an initially design and service company, the group expects to increase the share of product revenue. First of all, we are talking about products of our own design "Lanita," noted Rodionov.

According to representatives of the company, during the implementation of various projects for customers, its specialists have accumulated expertise in various fields and ideas began to appear that could later become ready-made solutions. The Innovation Center will provide internal customers with services such as incubation of ideas, which will select promising ideas that it makes sense to continue working with. For teams with already quite mature ideas, the center will provide their acceleration. The center will also provide digital marketing and discussion platform services.

Alexander Rodionov combines the leadership of the innovation center with the position of director of the department of document management systems "(photo - TAdviser)"

In turn, for the external market, the innovation center should become a single entry point for customer requests in the field of digital transformation, said Alexander Rodionov. It will also be able to provide services to start-ups as a channel to support and integrate technology with large customers. The innovative ecosystem will also be able to use the center's resources as a free venue for events and take advantage of its technological expertise.

Alexander Rodionov told TAdviser that in total, as of November, Lanit has about 20 products in total, of which 7 can already be shown to customers. The latter include:

  • LanitRPA technology for robotizing front office and back office business processes that require a large amount of manual routine operations;
  • iDVP (Interactive Data Visualization Platform);
  • a solution based on artificial intelligence Datana to form recommendations for managing technological processes in metallurgy, oil and gas and petrochemicals;
  • the TraceLabel blockchain platform for supply chain management and efficient communications within the ecosystem;
  • solution for automating routine tasks in the company, including user support services, using artificial intelligence technologies (development of Onlanta, a member of the Lanit group);
  • Consyst Smart Service - a service for predicting equipment failures based on data on its actual condition;
  • LanitONE platform, combining a large number of disparate software products for individual tasks within the framework of digital communications: for creating and promoting content in social media, monitoring, analytics, moderation and response in social networks, working with opinion leaders.

I must say that in February 2018, Lanit created a division of the Digital Transformation Group, the purpose of which looks similar: creating products for digital transformation. It focuses on competencies in the formation of new business models based on blockchain technologies, distributed registries and digital platforms. Alexander Rodionov explained to TAdviser that they would work in parallel. Unlike the Digital Transformation Group, the innovation center itself does not develop anything. He focuses expertise in consulting, sales and marketing to support innovative developments from different divisions of Lanita.

The company added that this is still a new direction and indicators for revenue, which need to be achieved from software products, have not yet been established.

Death of founder George Gens

Lanita President Georgy Gens suddenly died on April 30, 2018 while on vacation in Kamchatka (more). On May 7, 2018, Lanit reported that his son Philip had accepted the presidency.

TAdviser interview with company owner Georgy Gens

The founder and owner of the Lanit group, Georgy Gens, began to work less and travel the world more often, and the management of the group's companies began to delegate more to his son Philip and other managers. The entrepreneur spoke about his view on the current state of the market and his own business, competition and joint ventures, successful and unsuccessful investments in an interview with TAdviser editor-in-chief Alexander Levashov.

Lanit and Positive Technologies are preparing a joint product to protect companies from targeted attacks

Lanit and Positive Technologies are working on a joint product. It is possible that in the future this will develop into something more. This follows from the words of the president of "Lanit" George Gens, who in March 2018 gave in an interview with TAdviser. Read more here.

Creating a DTG Digital Ecosystem Integrator

The group of companies LANIT in March 2018 announced the creation of a digital ecosystem integrator (DTG Digital Transformation Group), which will act as a center of competence for the formation of business models based on technologies, blockchain distributed registers and digital platforms. More. here


Mask show: Armed FSB officers came to the Lanit central office

On December 6, 2017, investigative measures are taking place at the Lanit central office on Murmansk passage, a visitor to the office who witnessed the incident and an employee of the company told TAdviser. According to them, armed people wearing masks and hats with the words "FSB" arrived on several buses. An announcement was placed on the doors of the office that he was temporarily out of work.

Employees were not allowed into the building for several hours and were not let out of it, but by 14 o'clock in Moscow the passage through the passes was opened. Investigators, according to TAdviser sources, work on the floor where accounting and lawyers sit.

Lanit's office was closed during investigative measures (photo by TAdviser)

The official representative of "Lanit" by the time of publication of the material could not provide comments. Later, the press service of the company reported the following:

Indeed, on December 6, 2017, law enforcement officials conduct an on-duty check of documents under a contract closed in 2012. We regret that this standard situation caused the use of enhanced measures. For our part, we are always ready to provide all the required materials and are open to any checks. Currently, the company is operating as usual, we continue to fulfill all obligations to customers, partners and employees

FSB officers arrived at Lanit on several buses (photo by TAdviser)

TAdviser finds out the details.

Investigative measures similar to those held at Lanit are also taking place on the same day at the offices of NCC and OCS in Moscow and St. Petersburg, two sources told TAdviser, citing company employees. The NCC told TAdviser that they are not aware of the essence of the claims, but "apparently they are related to the 2012 contract, which only indirectly affects OCS." Read more here.

Lanit, we recall, is a contractor or subcontractor for the creation of a number of large state information systems, including GIS housing and communal services, GIS TEK, the public procurement information system.

In relation to GIS housing and communal services in the fall of 2017, the customer - Russian Post - unexpectedly decided to audit the work performed, but Lanit has been engaged in this system only since 2014. At the same time, work began on GIS TEK, while Lanit has been engaged in the creation and development of the public procurement portal since 2009.

Georgy Gens denied his involvement in the "Moldavian scheme" of money laundering

Following the publication of an investigation into Lanit's participation in the scheme to withdraw money through Moldova, Novaya Gazeta published a comment by the group's president, Georgy Gens.

{{quote 'author
= Georgy Gens, President of the Lanit Group of Companies | In the publication of Novaya Gazeta of March 20, 2017, "The main beneficiaries of Landromat," I am mentioned as one of such beneficiaries. This information is not valid. I have nothing to do with the withdrawal of billions of dollars from Russia under the so-called "Moldavian scheme." I first learned about its existence from your publications. I have never been involved in the management of Comptek International Overseas mentioned in the article. I know that she was engaged in the sale of electronics of world brands to Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries.

I know that this company was served in a bank with a global reputation UBS AG, which made payments for the supply of this equipment. Therefore, I believe that any suspicious payments would be immediately the subject of the bank's investigation and suspended. This has never happened, which suggests that these payments were perceived by the bank - and in fact were - normal business practice.

Also, as far as I know, the company has never participated in the implementation of government orders. In connection with the above, I believe that the article does not quite correctly emphasize me, which in many people causes a distorted perception of facts. This is proved by numerous reprints of the material from the mentioned article. I am already almost accused of some schemes. Such a presentation of material causes me, as well as a team of thousands of wonderful professionals working in the Lanit group of companies, a feeling of injustice and annoyance.

At the same time, I consider the topic raised in the article to be extremely important: without solving the problem of corruption, simplifying procedures and creating comfortable conditions for conducting fair business, it will be extremely difficult to achieve prosperity in the country!

Lanit was suspected of withdrawing 931 million rubles through Moldova to Europe

In March 2017, Novaya Gazeta reported that its journalists for several months of work with the participation of colleagues from other publications of the world were able to calculate the final recipients of Landromat money[7]So the journalists of "Novaya Gazeta" called the platform for money laundering, through which about 700 billion rubles were withdrawn from Russia in total.

According to the newspaper, money of dubious origin received by companies in Russia fell into Landromat, and under the guise of executing fictitious court decisions adopted by Moldovan judges were withdrawn abroad. Landromat received money from the largest government contracts; from smuggling, electronic engineers clothing and military products; from theft of assets in; and banks from financing political projects in, the To Europe newspaper writes.

Journalists claim that by building on the principle of "follow the money" ("follow the money") chains of money movement on the accounts of dozens of companies involved in Landromat, they calculated real, not nominal people who eventually got money withdrawn from Russia according to the "Moldavian scheme."

Novaya Gazeta calls George Gens one of the largest Russian recipients of money withdrawn under the "Moldavian scheme"

Among the largest Russian beneficiaries, Novaya Gazeta names Georgy Gens, the owner of the Lanit group, and Sergei Girdin, co-owner of the Marvell IT holding. According to the publication, from 2013 to 2014, a company from the British Virgin Islands, Comptek International Overseas, received $27 million, or 931 million rubles, to its account with the Swiss bank UBS AG. The funds came from the same fictitious offshore companies, in favor of which Moldovan bailiffs wrote off money from the accounts of Russian banks.

Comptek International Overseas was also served by Panamanian registrar Mossack Fonseca. In their correspondence, Mossack Fonseca employees wrote that the owner of Comptek International Overseas was Georgy Gens, Novaya Gazeta reports.

Lanita told Novaya Gazeta that the information that Georgy Gens has anything to do with the "Moldavian scheme" is not true. The company's lawyers are now reviewing the article and based on detailed analysis decisions will be made about our next steps.

As for Girdin, from 2011 to 2013, a company from the British Virgin Islands, Zymbeline Trading, received almost $96 million, or 2.9 billion rubles, in its account with the Swiss bank UBS AG. The money came from Moldovan bank Moldindconbank and Latvian Trasta Komercbanka. According to Novaya Gazeta, these funds were transferred by fictitious offshore companies, in favor of which Moldovan bailiffs wrote off money from Russia.

Documents regarding Zymbeline Trading are also in the "Panama Archive." In 2008, Sergey Girdin was indicated as the manager of the company's bank account. The publication was unable to clarify whether he controlled the company's account even later, when money was transferred to it according to the "Moldavian scheme," and Girdin himself did not answer Novaya Gazeta's request, the publication claims.

Marvell said that the company has nothing to comment on the publication of Novaya Gazeta, since no documents have been received from the publication for consideration. However, based on the analysis of open data, we can conclude that the results of the journalistic investigation have nothing to do with Marvell or Sergei Girdin, the company added.


Loss of 1.46 billion rubles due to payments on claims of the Tax Service

In 2016, the revenue of the Lanit group of companies amounted to 114.5 billion rubles, which allowed it to take third place in the ranking "TAdviser100: Largest IT companies in Russia 2017."

Revenue increased by 11.4% compared to 2015.

The main share of the group's income falls on distribution companies - Dihaus (39.2 billion), Landis (20.7 billion), Importtelecom (7.9 billion), Comptek (4.8 billion), LANIT Trading (3.9 billion).

The system integrator in the group is Lanit CJSC, which received revenue of 11.9 billion rubles in 2016 (-9% compared to 2015). The same company became the group's most unprofitable asset.

The net loss of Lanit CJSC in 2016 amounted to 1.46 billion rubles, while a year ago the company showed a net profit of 1.15 billion rubles.

The loss of "Lanita" arose in connection with the payment of the claim of the tax authorities

When asked about the reasons for the loss, Vladimir Gribov, vice president, executive director of Lanit, told TAdviser that it was related to the payment of the tax authorities' claim.

The Federal Tax Service, we recall, filed claims against Lanit back in March 2015. The company in 2011-2012 underpaid value added tax (VAT) and income tax. The integrator overestimated the cost of income tax by submitting VAT to the deduction from work with subcontractors who did not participate in the integrator's projects, and reflecting the double cost of buying Diebold ATMs ( see details below in the History/2015 section).

The Federal Tax Service demanded that Lanit pay 1.42 billion rubles.

The integrator tried to challenge the decision of the tax service, but achieved only a deferral and postponement of payment for 2016, so as not to disrupt the implementation of large government contracts, including with the Central Bank, Rosstat and the Federal Treasury.

As of the end of 2016, the debt on taxes and other payments was closed, and to calculate profitability indicators for the credit rating, the negative effect on reporting was interpreted by the RAEX rating agency as an expense on one-time events, adds Vladimir Gribov.

Lanit has a wide range of competencies, a balanced portfolio of products, services, has a stable flow of orders, shows high operating profitability, - he notes

Partnership with New Cloud Technologies

In February 2016, Lanit announced a partnership with MyOffice product developer, New Cloud Technologies.


Creation of Lanit Education Holding

Lanit announced the creation in the structure of the holding group of companies LANIT Education"," consisting of complementary and reinforcing companies in the field of educational solutions.

LANIT-Terkom opened a representative office in the Italian city of Bari (region of Puglia) to create information systems in the field of education. The locomotive of the new team at first will be Russian developers who will actively transfer technical knowledge about current projects to local specialists. Then the team of Italian developers will be significantly increased.

Lanit Huawei and entered into a cooperation agreement. The document was signed on September 17, 2015 during the First Kazan Forum of Innovative Financial Technologies FINNOPOLIS 2015. The agreement is of a framework nature. The parties agreed on the possibility of supplying equipment and solutions on a competitive basis for the technological needs of financial organizations in the territory. Russia It is assumed that it will be equipment for SDN (software-defined networks), local and wide area data networks (LAN, WAN), dedicated data networks for service. DPC For modular, mobile and micro-data centers, storage systems servers uninterruptible power supplies, dedicated data networks, big data, cloud technologies and systems can be supplied. virtualizations In addition, the agreement concerns audio and audio systems, video conferencings including high-density solutions, etc.

LANIT remains one of the country's largest system integrators. It ranks 74th in the ranking of "200 largest private companies in Russia" (Forbes, 2015) and 126th in the ranking of "600 largest companies in Russia in terms of product sales" (RAEX, 2015).

According to the annual IDC Competitive Profiles and Analysis of Leading IT Services Players in Russia (2015), Lanit ranks first:

  • by revenue among companies providing IT services in Russia;
  • in consulting in the field of information systems;
  • in design-oriented IT services;
  • in application management outsourcing;
  • in IT services for the financial sector, government agencies and industry.

LANIT regularly tops the rankings:

  • the largest Russian IT companies (Expert RA);
  • the largest players in the domestic consulting services market (Kommersant, Expert RA).

Creation of a research center in Skolkovo

Lanit created a research and development center on the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center, which received the status of a Skolkovo resident and took up the development of strategic computer technologies and software. The area of ​ ​ the center is about 500 square meters. according to the company's plans, by 2017 at least 100 people will work in it.

The total investment - for scientific, research, development activities and the functioning of the center - will amount to about 250 million rubles.

In "Lanit" they told TAdviser that, like all research centers of key partners, the center of their company will acquire the status of a Skolkovo resident. Investments from Skolkovo in the Lanit research center will not be attracted.

According to representatives, LANIT at the first stage, their center in Skolkovo will focus on new technologies in the field of personal and mobile electronic education. By 2017, according to the signed agreement, the center needs to patent at least three inventions in the field of personal and mobile e-learning.

The Lanita Research Center in Skolkovo will be located on an area of ​ ​ about 500 square meters. according to the company's plans, by 2017 at least 100 people will work in it.

The choice of R&D direction is due to the fact that Lanit is an active participant in the educational technologies market, offering consumers both technological solutions in the field of education and comprehensive educational solutions that combine educational and methodological developments, specialized software and various modern equipment, "they say in" Lanit "

Lanit has been training qualified IT specialists since the early 1990s. So, in 1995, the formed training center "Network Academy LANIT" trained over 100 thousand people. The portfolio of the Network Academy also includes federal projects.

"Lanit" develops another direction in the field of education - the translation into electronic form of paper school textbooks and their addition with interactive functionality. This is possible thanks to Active Textbook technology, which allows you to supply digital publications with multimedia content.

Within the framework of the partnership with Skolkovo, Lanit plans to explore promising areas and forms of training in order to create the most effective educational products and technologies. Among the promising projects in LANIT are also projects in the field of big data of the subsidiary CleverDATA. Together with the Skolkovo Foundation, the company plans to significantly expand this area.

In addition, Lanit intends to support Skolkovo participating companies - educational and acceleration programs and industry competitions will be held for them. Lanit is going to participate in scientific and technological conferences organized by the fund, involve Skolkovo residents in joint projects on outsourcing terms, consider specialized projects to assess the prospects for introducing their developments in its activities and, possibly, make joint investments in new, promising areas of activity.

Interview with TAdviser Vladimir Zakharov

In February 2015, Vladimir Zakharov, Deputy Director of the Lanit Integrated Projects Department, gave an interview to TAdviser.

IBM breaks off partnership with Lanit

In July 2015 , IBM unilaterally terminated partnership agreements with Lanit, depriving the integrator of the ability to purchase and supply equipment and software. About this publication "Kommersant" told[8] President Lanit Georgy Gens. Under the terms of the contracts, IBM had the right to terminate the partnership with three months' notice, which it took advantage of. IBM sent the corresponding letter to Lanit on April 16. Since July 16, Lanit has lost the status of "system integrator" and "solution provider" of IBM, and the main partnership agreement of IBM PartnerWorld and the authorization of Lanit as a partner in the provision of IBM warranty services have also been terminated.

Lanit became the second system integrator after CROC to lose IBM partner status

According to Gens, IBM for the past three months has ignored requests from his company to explain its actions and only on July 20, at a meeting with a representative of the corporation in Prague, he was told that the gap was caused by a reduction in the partner network.

Changing customer needs require us to adapt to new conditions, which naturally entails a change in existing relations with our partners, "the Russian representative office of IBM told Kommersant, stressing that the withdrawal of LANIT's partner status will not interfere with the execution of existing contracts for the provision of technical support services

This was the second time IBM has broken its contract with a Russian partner over the past year and a half. Earlier, in early 2014, this happened with CROC. In this case, IT market players associated IBM's actions with checking the legality of importing servers from an American vendor in 2011 for the needs of Sberbank. The general director of "CROC" Boris Bobrovnikov at the same time said that IBM then did not explain its decision.

"Lanit" did not pay taxes for hundreds of millions of rubles

On October 9, 2015, it became known that Lanit had underpaid taxes on hundreds of millions of rubles. The Federal Tax Service (FTS) in court forced the company to pay off the debt, wrote "Vedomosti."

In early September 2015, the Moscow Arbitration Court ruled to block the payment of 1.42 billion rubles to Lanit CJSC (this amount includes taxes and fines lost by the budget). The company achieved a delay in the transfer of these funds so as not to disrupt the implementation of large government contracts, including with the Central Bank, Rosstat and the Federal Treasury.

"LANIT" underpaid taxes on hundreds of millions of rubles

In March 2015 FTS , Lanit sued for the fact that the company in 2011-2012. underpaid value added tax () VAT and income tax. The integrator overestimated the cost of income tax, presenting VAT to the deduction from working with subcontractors who did not participate in the integrator's projects, and reflecting the double costs of buying ATMs, a Diebold person in the leadership of the Federal Tax Service told the publication.

According to him, the Federal Tax Service will not be able to receive money from LANIT in advance, although usually the payment of a fine and taxes to the budget is carried out after the decision of the Federal Tax Service, after which the company has the opportunity to return this money back if it defends its position in the courts.[9]

On December 24, 2015, the Moscow Arbitration Court supported the Federal Tax Service (FTS), demanding 1.42 billion rubles of underpaid taxes and fines from Lanit. The IT integrator had a month left to appeal the court decision.

As Vedomosti reported, citing sources close to both sides of the proceedings, the Arbitration Court recognized the legality of the claims in the dispute with Lanit. Back in early September 2015, interim measures were imposed on Lanit on the claim: the court blocked the company's payment of 1.42 billion rubles. Lanit provided a bank guarantee for this amount.

The Moscow Arbitration Court supported the Federal Tax Service, demanding 1.42 billion rubles of underpaid taxes and fines from Lanit

According to Alina Topornina, a lawyer for the Yukov & Partners collegium, according to Russian law, Lanit had a month to appeal the court's decision. Thus, the company needed to appeal by January 24, 2016. It was not possible to appeal the decision.

This lawsuit related to tax evasion between the Federal Tax Service and Lanit is not the first. According to the results of tax audits in 2009 and 2010. The Federal Tax Service collected 347 million rubles of unpaid taxes, penalties and fines from the integrator. In 2009 and 2011 Lanit won arbitration cases, in which the Federal Tax Service demanded 2.1 and 1.9 billion rubles from the company, respectively.[10]


V. Putin announced gratitude to the Lanita team

For the achieved labor successes and in connection with the 25th anniversary of the company, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced gratitude to the Lanita team. 70 managers and specialists of the group of companies were awarded state and departmental awards.

First Vice President, General Director of Lanit CJSC I.G. Dubrovo was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, II degree.

The Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation was awarded to:

Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation was announced to Andrei Vladimirov, General Director of LAN ATMservice.

For the first time in the history of the domestic information technology industry, such a significant number of professionals of one company received high recognition from the state.

LANIT took 36th place in the "Rating of employers of Russia 2014" HeadHunter and received a special prize "Internal HR-brand."

Create CleverDATA to develop Big Data

In July 2014, LANIT Group announced the creation of a subsidiary CleverDATA, which will develop a new direction for the group - the practice of analyzing "big data" and digital marketing.


Conflict with the Main Directorate of Regional Security of the Moscow Region

At the end of July 2013, LANIT filed an appeal against a court decision ordering the company to pay a fine of about 424 thousand rubles. The Main Directorate of Regional Security of the Moscow Region for late delivery of equipment. Initially, the authorities demanded that LANIT for this amount 51 times more - in the amount of 22 million rubles, but following the consideration of the case, the court reduced it.

The proceedings between LANIT and the security department of the Moscow region concern the supply of the latter equipment for expanding the Safe City hardware and software complex. The corresponding state contract with the company in the amount of 75 million rubles. was concluded at the end of 2012.

Earlier, a source in the department explained to TAdviser that under the contract the equipment was to be delivered to six settlements of the Moscow region, and for all of them, the regional security department noted a violation of the deadlines from 12 to 14 days.

According to the terms of the contract, for each day of delay within 10 days, the contractor must pay 2% of the cost of the goods, and if the delay exceeds this period, then the amount of the penalty increases to 4%. The contract also involves payment for supply only after payment of the penalty, if the contractor has improperly fulfilled its obligations.

LANIT declined to comment on the conflict with the department from the very beginning. However, from the decision published by the court in the case, it follows that the company does not dispute the very fact of violation of the delivery dates, but at the same time believes that with such a period of delay, violation of the deadlines could not entail losses for the plaintiff.

In this regard, the company asked the court to apply Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, providing for the possibility of reducing the amount of the penalty, if the penalty payable is clearly disproportionate to the consequences of the violation of the obligation, which the court eventually did.

It is worth noting that the security department of the Moscow region did not agree with the court's decision either: the authorities filed a corresponding appeal at the end of June 2013.

Establishment of the Bureau of Insurance Histories

LANIT has developed insurance companies a unified database of OSAGO contracts and losses for. Together SAP with the CIS, it implemented for the telecom operator "" VimpelCom the only Russia MDM service according to the model. SaaS

He won in an open tender for the supply and implementation of Siemens PLM Software solutions as a standard for the development and design of products of the FSUE S. A. Lavochkin Scientific and Production Association.

The company "LAN ATMservice" has created a smart video surveillance system of miniature sizes, a new solution for confirming the identity of the client by fingerprint bioPIN and an eBOX solution for withdrawing cash at an ATM from the account of his mobile phone or Internet wallet.

LANIT began producing electronic textbooks on the Active Textbook platform for Russian schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11.

Treolan bought SafeLine, a multi-vendor distributor of comprehensive information security solutions. Previously, SafeLine was part of the Informzaschita group of companies.

LANIT became a laureate of the National Award "Company of the Year 2013" in the nomination "IT-company." The organizer of the award is RBC.

The LANIT Group of Companies took 43rd place in the ranking of "TOP-100 Ideal Employers of Russia in 2013" by the international agency Universum. LANIT is the only system integrator that has become one of the hundred most attractive companies for young IT specialists.

The Computer Vision Systems company became a finalist of Startup Village, the first annual youth all-Russian conference of entrepreneurs and innovators. The product of Viziware entered the TOP-190 of the best Russian and foreign startups.

LANIT became a technical partner of the Moscow Drama Theater named after M.N. Ermolova. The company carried out comprehensive informatization of the theater, developed and launched a system for online broadcasting of performances. Thanks to the help of LANIT, the premiere of the play "Portrait of Dorian Gray" took LANIT, in which digital technology became a key staged solution.

The central office of LANIT was a new office on Murmansk passage (area - 22 thousand square meters).

The number of Treolan dealers exceeded 2,700 companies from 230 cities in Russia.

Seven leaders of LANIT - Georgy Gens, Vladimir Gribov, Valery Karabutov, Alexander Mikhailov, Mikhail Noginsky and Nadezhda Shalashilina - entered the XIV annual rating "TOP-1000 of Russian Managers," compiled by the Association of Managers together with the publishing house "Kommersant."

A specialist of the LANIT group of companies, working in Chelyabinsk in the regional company "LANIT Urals," Roman Koltakov is recognized as the fastest unimotocyclist in the world and is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

LANIT became a laureate of the National Award "Company of the Year 2013" in the nomination "IT-company." The organizer of the award is RBC.

The LANIT Group of Companies took 43rd place in the ranking of "TOP-100 Ideal Employers of Russia in 2013" by the international agency Universum. LANIT is the only system integrator that has become one of the hundred most attractive companies for young IT specialists.

LANIT won two nominations of the V-th annual All-Russian competition "The best 10 IT projects for the public sector 2013" of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and ComNews: "The best project using free software" for the project to create a standard solution of the Automated Information System for licensing certain types of activities (AIS LOD) and "The largest project in healthcare" for the development of the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System of Moscow (EMIAS).

The Computer Vision Systems company became a finalist of Startup Village, the first annual youth all-Russian conference of entrepreneurs and innovators. The product of Viziware entered the TOP-190 of the best Russian and foreign startups.


Regional Network Development

The re: Store Retail Group, a group of mono-brand chains, has changed its name to Inventive Retail Group.

Artezio enters the ratings of the world's leading outsourcers Global Services 100 and IAOPGlobalOutsourcing 100, Software 500, BlackBookofOutsourcing, GartnerReports, etc.

The official website of the Russian Federation for posting information about state institutions (, the patient flow management service of the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System of Moscow have been developed and put into operation, and the development of the Official Website of Public Procurement ( continues.

The INSYSTEMS company has equipped with engineering systems the new building of the Moscow City Court, as well as the Diesel Arena sports and entertainment complex in Penza.

LANIT-BPM was awarded the Pegasystems Gold Partner status and the Partner Excellence Awards for the successful implementation of BPM solutions in Russia, in particular, as part of the business process automation project at Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

The LANIT regional network continued to develop intensively. Subsidiaries "LANIT Krasnoyarsk" and "LANIT-SOUTH" (Krasnodar) were created. Major projects have been completed. LANIT-PARTNER installed communication equipment on the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas pipeline, LANIT Volga region modernized uninterrupted power supply systems for a number of branches of the Volga-Vyatka Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

The functionality of its own solutions has been updated to automate the provision of state and municipal services, as well as licensing services.

LANIT has updated the functionality of its own solutions to automate the provision of state and municipal services to the AIS MPSC, as well as licensing services for AIS LOD. The project of introducing the AIS MPSC in the Republic of Bashkortostan became one of the winners of the competition "The best free project of Russia in the public sector 2011."

LAN ATMservice announced a new approach to building security systems for an ATM network and presented its own solution - a working version of the Security Control Center for operational and analytical control over the state of the network of self-service devices.

The Network Academy LANIT has implemented a number of large educational projects, including mass training of specialists implementing the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System in the capital's medical institutions; developed and organized courses on information security for more than 400 employees of the Federal Treasury.

Tax authorities demanded 2.89 billion rubles from LANIT, but lost in court

Tax authorities demanded 2.89 billion rubles from LANIT. In their opinion, the company carried the goods through a chain of one-day trips in order to save on VAT.

The Arbitration Court Moscow on April 16, 2012 considers the claim of the company "" to the LANIT interregional inspection FTS Russia No. 7, follows from the materials of the court. LANIT disputes the decision made by the tax authority following a field audit of the company for 2007-2008. According to tax authorities, LANIT created a VAT avoidance scheme, as a result of which the budget received less than 1.99 billion rubles. And the total amount of claims, including penalties and fines, amounted to 2.89 billion rubles. [11]

Employees of the tax authorities told Vedomosti about the details of this case. The claims, they say, relate to the company's purchase of software Windows office equipment HP and ATMs. Diebold Having direct supply contracts with manufacturers, LANIT allegedly purchased goods through several one-day firms with signs and companies controlled by it (Promnet LLC, Alkira LLC, Pilon LLC, etc.), although in fact the products were supplied directly from the manufacturers' warehouse to the LANIT warehouse in. To Moscow The funds that were received for one-day goods, together with taxes, went offshore to the accounts of firms controlled by LANIT itself, and the company received the right to large VAT deductions. Tax claims in any case should not become fatal for LANIT.

On April 27, 2012, it became known that the Moscow Arbitration Court declared illegal the claims of the tax service against LANIT CJSC. Thus, the court fully satisfied the claim of LANIT CJSC to cancel the decision of the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on the largest taxpayers number 7 (MIFNS-7).

2011: Start of NCR ATM deliveries to Russia

In 2007, LAN ATMservice became a supplier of ATMs and NCR services in Russia.

The number of Treolan dealers was more than 2,300 companies.

On February 9, 2011, LANIT announced that the company had successfully passed a recertification audit of its own information security management system (ISMS) for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2005. Such an audit is carried out every 3 years. LANIT was certified by BSI in 2007. The renewal of the certificate for the next 3 years is a guarantee that the information of partners and customers within the scope of ISMS LANIT is reliably protected.

The audit of the LANIT information security management system was carried out by BSI Management Systems. LANIT and BSI have been partners since 2006.

The Official All-Russian Public Procurement Website was launched, the software developer of which was LANIT.

The Computer Vision Systems software and hardware complex developed by LANIT-Terkom specialists was among the projects participating in the Skolkovo innovation center.

The Network Academy of LANIT was the first in Russia to bring to the market a new format - Personal Learning.


Creation of Treolan, LAN ATMservice and LANTER

The LANIT distribution department was transformed into a separate company under the Treolan brand. The separation of the business of the banking technology department into independent companies - LAN ATMservice and LANTER was completed. Both entered the LANIT group.

The employee information technology training project, Federal Treasury implemented by the LANIT Network Academy in a consortium with the Microinform training center, took first place in the Educational Solutions nomination in the annual World Partnership Project Competition. Microsoft More than 3,000 applicants from around the world participated in the competition. This is the first victory of Russian training centers in an international competition of this scale.

LANIT and the Akvamarinaya Book publishing house have released the first edition on cloud computing in Russian - Peter Fingar's book "DOT.CLOUD: a business platform of the 21st century."

FTS puts forward claims against Lanit on the payment of VAT in the amount of 1.5 billion rubles

Russia In 2010, the Federal Tax Service filed claims against LANIT CJSC for payment VAT for the period from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2006. Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation () FTS asked the Supreme Arbitration Court to reconsider the decision of lower courts to invalidate its claims against LANIT CJSC (the parent company of LANIT Group of Companies) to pay VAT in the amount of 1.5 billion rubles. In addition, the Federal Tax Service also demanded that LANIT pay penalties in the amount of over 640 million rubles.

The application of the Federal Tax Service to the Supreme Arbitration Court was sent after its decision on claims against LANIT was invalidated by the court of first instance of the Moscow Arbitration Court and the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District, and after that, in a similar case, the department was refused in the appellate and cassation instances.

The decision in question was made by the Federal Tax Service following a repeated field audit on compliance with the legislation on taxes and fees for the period from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2006, which took place at the end of 2008. During this audit, the department revealed that LANIT had VAT arrears. The total amount, including penalties, exceeds 2 billion rubles.

The main subject of the study and assessment of the repeated field inspection was the relationship between LANIT CJSC and Nordfinance LLC under the contract for the supply of computers, terminals and other products dated September 20, 2004, according to which the first acted as a buyer and the second as a supplier. As follows from the materials of the case, on the part of Nordfinans, the agreement was signed by General Director Sergei Klyuev. He, according to the Federal Tax Service, is an applicant for the registration of EMS-LANIT (a joint venture of LANIT and the Western system integrator EDS).

The tax authorities found out that for the 2005-2006 audited. Nordfinans delivered goods manufactured by Hewlett Packard, Microsoft and Dibold to LANIT for a total amount of over 22 billion rubles. The agreement concluded between LANIT and Nordfinan is recognized by the tax authority as a "pretend transaction" aimed at concealed transactions between LANIT CJSC and MIOL (Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited), Hewlett-Packard Europe BV and Diebold corporations, as well as to obtain unreasonable tax benefits in the form of the application of VAT in a larger amount.

This served as the basis for the additional charge of VAT and penalties to LANIT. The Federal Tax Service refers to the fact that LANIT (or the Peregrine LTD company affiliated with it) had direct contractual relations with foreign manufacturers, and Nordfinans formally purchased goods from them and supplied LANIT. At the same time, as follows from the case file, Nordfinance paid all the necessary taxes.

A source close to LANIT told CNews that the company ceased cooperation with Nordfinans, since the latter closed back in 2007 due to restructuring. According to the source, in total LANIT had 10-20 suppliers during the audited period, but Nordfinans was the largest of them at that time, and the tax authorities were interested in relations with him.

Based on the results of the consideration of the case, the court considered that the tax authorities did not provide enough evidence to recognize the fictitious transaction and did not provide a single condition for recognizing companies as interdependent. So, the judicial act, for example, says that it does not confirm the interdependence of the fact that the applicant for the registration of Nordfinance and EMS-LANIT is the same person - Sergey Vladimirovich Klyuev.

It does not confirm the dependence, according to the court, and the fact that the persons who worked and received income in the companies LANIT, LANIT-Konsalging, Insystems, Network Academy LANIT, which are part of the LANIT Group of Companies, as well as EDS-LANIT and Nordfinans in 2005-2006 were insured in the same insurance company. And the content of the responses of Microsoft Rus and Hewlett-Packard submitted by the tax authorities in the case file does not indicate a direct contractual relationship with LANIT CJSC, since they refer to LANIT Group of Companies, in respect of which it requested information from the Federal Tax Service, the case file says.

The arguments of the tax authorities that LANIT CJSC had direct supplies of HP products, Microsoft and Diebold directly from manufacturers and that this fact is confirmed by contracts, prisoners with these companies directly or with the formal participation of Peregrine LTD cannot, according to the court, to testify to the direct nature of transactions for the supply of exactly that product, which was the subject of a contract that became the subject of research during re-inspection.

In addition, the court referred to the fact that the powers of the tax authorities include only monitoring the taxpayer's compliance with tax and collection legislation, and not imputing income to them based on their own vision of ways to achieve an economic result with lower costs.

Experts believe that the Federal Tax Service has very little chance of winning this case, given that all three lower instances refused to satisfy her claim. According to Yuri Dobronravov, managing partner of the law firm Dobronravov & Partners, the Federal Tax Service should have prepared more obvious evidence, since the list of grounds for recognizing companies as interdependent is clearly defined by law.

Andrei Duyunov, a leading lawyer at Pepeliaev Group, believes that so far the chances of the Federal Tax Service to win the case can be assessed as insignificant - no higher than 10%, and this can be explained, first of all, by the fact that the case has not even been transferred to the Presidium, and by the fact that from judicial acts there is no obvious inconsistency with any positions expressed by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The persistence of the Federal Tax Service in challenging the decision, according to Dunov, is primarily influenced by the significance of the disputed amount. "A certain image component is not excluded either - after all, it is not the ordinary inspection that loses, but the Federal Tax Service itself," the expert concluded.

The claims against LANIT were invalidated by the court of first instance of the Moscow Arbitration Court, the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District, the department was also refused in the appellate and cassation instances and, finally, in October 2010, in the Supreme Arbitration Court.

2007: 3,500 employees

The total number of employees of the group at the end of 2007 reached 3,500 people.

Network Academy LANIT trained 8,000 specialists. 50 people graduated from the Expert Higher Computer School.

LANIT has received two top awards from Siemens PLM Software, a division of Siemens Industry Automation Division, the world's leading provider of PLM software and services: EMEA Channel Partner Award 2007 and Top Performing Channel Salesman Russia.

The implementation of budgeting and control systems in the holdings United Confectioners and OAO Gazprom-Media has been completed, and a system for maintaining regulatory reference information in the Severstal group of companies has been developed and implemented.

Engineering systems were equipped in the South-West Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, the Central Repository of the Bank of Russia, the Bagration Tower (Moscow), TNK-BP, Russneft, SIMPLI, and the First Mechanical Radio Parts Plant.

2008: Onlanta established on the basis of IT Services Department

Onlanta has been formed on the basis of the IT services department, specializing in IT outsourcing. LANIT opened the Avaya Solutions Competence Center.

HP has recognized LANIT as the best distributor of HP server and storage sales. The group shows the best result in sales of HP servers for the ninth time.

2009: Large-scale project for Roshydromet

According to information that was posted on the association's website on AP KIT behalf of LANIT in December 2009, 3,108 pieces of equipment were stolen from the company. In particular, they were stolen (switchboards Cisco Catalyst 2960, Catalyst 3750, Cisco Catalyst 6503E), hundreds of Cisco IP phones (models 7911G, 7941, 7942, 7960G), Cisco network modules and other components. The criminals were dressed in the uniform of traffic police officers.

LANIT received the status of the Competence Center Oracle in the direction of "Integration and optimization business processes BPM of SOA//Integration."

The Group completed the largest project in Russia for the technical re-equipment of the Roshydromet ground meteorological observation network, which delivered equipment for 1900 objects of the observation network and carried out work at 240 sites.

LANIT has created a single disaster-resistant data center for AK Alrosa using equipment from more than 20 manufacturers.

At ROSBANK JSCB, LANIT specialists have automated the management of ATM collection based on the Microsoft Dynamics AX system.

2006: Group turnover for the year up 50.8%

The company LANIT"" has created a new division - the Center for Priority Programs. The company APT Telecom, specializing in the design and implementation of communication systems based on equipment, joins LANIT. Avaya

Completed projects to install the largest refrigeration machine in Russia in the Mission Control Center of the Federal Space Agency and to create a single information and computing center of OJSC MUEC.

According to the results of 2005, the turnover of the ANIT group increased by 50.8%. The total number of employees reached 2,500.

2005: Converting to a Group of Companies

LANIT has been transformed into a group of companies.

LANIT includes a leading distributor of network and telecommunication equipment, CompTek as well as a developer. software Artezio

As part of the state program "Creation of technology parks in the Russian Federation in the field of high technologies," LANIT begins the creation of an IT park in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region.

The group received HP Premier Partner status and confirmed Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status for Microsoft Business Solutions.

2004: The head of "Lanit" Georgy Gens receives the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin

President of the LANIT holding Georgy Gens received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation "for his great contribution to the formation of the Russian economy, creativity and dedication in fulfilling the tasks of the Government of the Russian Federation."

LANIT is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and Oncontact Software Certified Partner.

For the anniversary of LANIT, the book "The Concept of Business Performance Management: The Beginning of the Journey" was published, written by a team of authors edited by G. V. Gens. This is the first book in Russia dedicated to a new promising management concept, which sets out its theoretical foundations and experience of real projects implemented by LANIT consultants.

According to the total volume of products sold in 2003, LANIT became one of the 400 largest companies in Russia (Expert RA rating).

2003: Partnership with Ericsson Enterprise and Ascon

The holding becomes a partner of Ericsson Enterprise and Ascon (solutions in the field of industrial automation), a distributor of Avocent KVM switches. Enters into a partnership agreement with Artemis International Solutions (project and project portfolio management).

LANIT is recognized as a Golden Partner of Hyperion Corporation. Enters into 2 new partnerships with leading information security technology companies - NetScreen Technologies and RSA Security.

New clients - Wimm-Bill-Dann Food Products, RAO UES of Russia, Agro-Industrial Holding Razgulyay-UKRROS, Sarapul Power Generation Plant, etc.

The LANIT Network Academy Training Center receives the status of an authorized BEA Systems training center and the Microsoft Gold Partner Status. Together with the Higher School of Economics, he begins his master's studies in the course "Corporate Management Systems." On the basis of LanDocs, a training course "Automation of document management" was created for the Russian State Humanitarian University and NSU named after N.I. Lobachevsky.

LANIT dealer network - more than 600 companies in 90 cities of Russia and the CIS.

2002: Overseas Expansion

The holding included the Ukrainian group of companies Iv Communications.

Competence centers have been opened,,, the Intel NR Oracle status of the Navision Solution Center and the highest status of the BEA Systems business partner have been obtained.

LANIT confirms the status of the ADR Gold Distributor for server sales, Premier Partner Cisco Systems and IBM, as well as Microsoft's Large Account Reseller. Becomes a distributor of Cybernet (POS terminals).

LANIT Network Academy is the only training center in Russia and the CIS authorized by Intel.

New customers: Rostelecom, LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez, Rostselmash and Buryatzoloto. The largest consulting project for the development of budgeting and automation methodology is Norilsk Nickel. The highest performing IBM AS/400 server in Europe for the Russian Pension Fund.

The number of dealers is more than 500 companies in 90 cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

2001: The staff has 1,300

In LANIT, by merging the department of financial and analytical systems and the department of enterprise management systems, a branch of financial and production resource management systems is created. The competence center for integration solutions and platforms based on BEA and IBM solutions opens. The direction of MBS (ERP system for medium-sized businesses - Navision) starts. LANIT-NN (Nizhny Novgorod) begins to work.

The holding becomes the Gold Distributor for sales of Intel servers and the Silver Distributor for sales of storage devices from HP. LANIT is recognized as a Premier Partner in Russia by RIT Technologies (30,000 "smart ports" - an unofficial record of Russia).

The development of LANIT LanDocs is certified by the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

The company begins to work with new customers: NPO Saturn, Delta Telecom, Irkutsk Aviation Production Association, Palmira, INVAKORP Pharma, DHL International, Situation and Crisis Center of the Ministry of Atom of the Russian Federation, Slavneft, VATOIL.

In the state of LANIT - more than 1300 people.

2000: For the first time in Russia, the latest information security technology

The holding, LANIT which unites 16 companies, deservedly becomes the largest Russian system integrator. Regional subsidiaries operate in 7 cities: St. Petersburg Almaty, Barnaul Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Tashkent, Khabarovsk. Business Analysis and Systems departments have been created. information security LANIT, CompuLink Research Inc. and the CompyuLink group of companies for the first time Russia present the latest comprehensive information security technology that uses biometric PC user data for authorization and access control.

LANIT - distributor Lexmark, Compaq Computer, Lantech, Xerox; Navision Business Solutions Partner. LANIT was recognized as "The Best Distributor of Unigraphics in Russia," "The Best Partner of IBM," "The Best Partner of RIT Technologies."

New customers: OMZ, Norilsk Nickel, Russian Aluminum, Bank of Moscow, Rosenergoatom.

Certification audit of GOST ISO 9001-1994 series was completed. The LANIT quality system is recognized as complying with international standards. Licenses and certificates of the State Technical Commission of the Russian Federation, FSB, FAPSI, Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, Moscow Department of Education of the Government of Moscow.

Following the decision of "Problem-2000," the Minister for Communications and Informatization of the Russian Federation announced gratitude to LANIT.

1999: The state has 900 people

LANIT Holding unites more than a dozen companies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tashkent, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

The CAD department, the information security systems department were created, subsidiaries LANIT-AL (Almaty) and Bayt (Barnaul) were opened. On the basis of the Weston company included in the holding, a department of financial and analytical systems is formed. LANIT products include the development of Veston's Analysis of Banking and Financial Information (ABFI).

PMI (Project Management Association, USA) for the first time conducts training in Russia, the first group is formed from LANIT employees.

Network Academy receives the status of an authorized Oracle Applications training center. The number of branches of the training center increases to two dozen. The network of service centers has 40 companies.

LANIT becomes a partner of Unigraphics (CAD), Zulauf (monitors), Diebold (ATMs). More than 40 of the world's leading manufacturing firms are official business partners of LANIT.

The holding wins the tender for the status of the system integrator of the Information and Management System with material and technical resources of OAO Gazprom, becomes the general system integrator of the Russian State Library.

LANIT solves Problem 2000 for Gazprom, Rosneft, TNK and the head office of the People's Bank of Kazakhstan. Implements CAD at Uralmashzavod.

The dealer network is almost 400 companies.

LANIT team - 900 people.

1998: Conversion to Holding

LANIT CJSC is being transformed into a holding, which includes several specialized companies in Moscow and a number of developing companies in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries: LANIT-TA (Uzbekistan), LANITH DV (Vladivostok) and LANIT-Terkom (St. Petersburg). The personnel core of the latter is specialists and students of the Department of St. Petersburg State University.

The Department of Financial and Analytical Systems, the Department of Quality Management Systems, the Department of Project Management was created. Together with the world leader in the field of IT services, EDS formed a joint venture.

Two new directions are laid in parallel. The first is project management (based on the A-Project company included in the holding) with the flagship product Open Plan Professional of Welcom. The second is quality management: LANIT provides enterprises with services for the creation, implementation and preparation for certification of quality management systems based on the ISO 9000 series of international standards.

A FAPSI license was obtained for the use of special cryptographic information protection tools in projects.

It retains the status of the largest distributor of Novell in Russia and the CIS countries, the largest supplier of ZyXel products to the CIS countries, and a partnership with Hyperion, Hypercom (banking equipment) and BancTec is developing.

Network Academy is an authorized Informix training center, an Intel training center. VUE, Sylvan Prometric test centers have been opened.

US CRN headline: "Disaster nears. The 2000 crisis threatens the integrity of information around the world. " LANIT becomes the first official Competence Center in Russia on problem-2000 (certificate of the State Communications Committee No. 001) and develops a program of special courses.

Among the customers: Metallurgical Investment Company, People's Savings Bank of Kazakhstan, Patent Office of Uzbekistan, Central Election Commission of Russia (State Automated System of the Russian Federation "Vybory"), Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation, Rosvooruzhenie, Moscow Mint.

1996: Agreement with Microsoft

The election campaign of the President of Russia was accompanied by a drop in sales in the IT market.

LANIT became one of the leaders in distribution and system integration of the Deitor rating.

A subsidiary of LANIT-Condi CJSC is being created, specializing in professional services for creating high-precision climatic conditions in the premises of computing and communication centers, the development of its own product has begun - a replicated system for automating workflow and document management. LanDocs

Security departments of facilities, computer telephony and climatic systems are created.

The Network Integration Department offers a full range of solutions for corporate infrastructure: corporate directory services; corporate e-mail systems; terminal access systems; DBMS systems.

Agreements have been concluded with Microsoft, F.G.Wilson (diesel generator sets), Ericsson (communication systems), Compuware (development tools), Liebert (climate systems).

The Network Integration Department becomes IBM's "High Availability Systems Competence Center."

The Network Academy receives the status of an authorized training center for IBM and SCO Group.

The 1st stage of the Unified Information and Computing System of the Central Office of the Bank of Russia was commissioned, and the Unified Information and Reference System of the Moscow Association of Realtors was developed.

1997: Agreements with Sberbank, Gazprom, RAO UES

A good year for IT. It became the basis for subsequent market estimates (by analogy with 1913 in the USSR).

LANIT completed the development of the first in Russia document automation system LanDocs.

A master agreement was signed with Sberbank of the Russian Federation, cooperation with the Bank of Russia, RAO Gazprom, RAO UES continued.

A department of enterprise management systems is being created, specializing in comprehensive automation of financial and economic activities of enterprises. The range of services provided is expanding. Now it is an analysis of problem areas and automation needs, development of infrastructure and application parts of the project, specification of purchased components and development of terms of reference for programming, delivery and installation of all software and hardware in the complex, development of application software, training of all categories of personnel, system support and maintenance.

The Department of Enterprise Management Systems and Internet Solutions has been created. Subsidiaries were formed in Khabarovsk, Vladivostok and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

LANIT becomes the largest distributor of ARS in Europe, Novell in Russia and the CIS, ZyXel in Russia and the CIS, AST in Russia, IBM in ATMs in Russia.

The company received FAPSI licenses for the sale and installation of certified cryptographic protection tools. He begins to collaborate with Baan, Tatung UK, Iomega.

The staff of the company is 500 people.

Dealer network - more than 250 companies.

1995: System Integration Course

In 1995, a branch of financial and office systems of more than 60 people was created, as well as a department of communication systems and electrical equipment. The Company aims to expand its operations as a system integrator. Sales through dealer channels at that time make up 40% of total sales.

LANIT signs a general agreement with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Collaborates with companies, Oracle HP AST Research (, servers PC), Cheyenne (for ON system management data storage), M-Group (network diagnostics systems), Trio Information Systems (fax software), Castelle (print servers and fax servers). Gets the status of 3Com Network Integration Center.

Expands the division of financial and office systems. Creates the Department of Communication and Power Supply Systems and the LANIT Network Academy training center, which quickly receives the status of a certified Microsoft training center.

The building at ul. Dobroslobodskaya, d. 5 becomes the property of the company.

The company has more than 70 analysts and programmers.

The number of LANIT partners is expanding: the company begins working with Citrix, Best Power Technology GmbH, Mod-Tap (now Molex), IBM.

LANIT becomes Novell's largest distributor in Eastern Europe. An agreement was concluded on the distribution in Russia of the Mebius-Bank system (Rabis-NP).

The colorful catalog "Guide to Computer Networks" has been released.

1994: Creating a Service Center

In 1994, LANIT undertakes the creation of turn-key geographically distributed information systems.

Among the customers of LANIT are the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the first project to create a local area network in the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Tambov Region and 24 cash settlement centers), MAKB Vozrozhdenie, Unicombank, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

The Lanit team in 1994. George Gens in the center.

The company cooperates with, Oracle, HP AST Research (, servers PC), Cheyenne (for ON system management data storage), M-Group (network diagnostics systems), Trio Information Systems (fax software), Castelle (print servers and fax servers). Received 3Com Network Integration Center status. The Department of Financial and Office Systems was formed.

The number of dealers is more than 70.

1993: Master Agreement with CBR

The joint venture "LANIT" is re-registered as CJSC "LANIT," departments for dealing with dealers and public relations have been created. The company moves to the building on the street. Dobroslobodskaya, d. 5.

Partnership agreements are signed with 3Com, Dell, ZyXel, Newport Systems Solutions. Legalization of "black" copies of Novell products is being carried out.

A master cooperation agreement with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is signed.

1992: Software Development Department

In 1992, LANIT created an application and instrumental network software development department and a supplier communication department. LANIT enriches the range of products it offers with a variety of peripheral and network devices. He begins to actively work in the automation sector of banking institutions. A strategic decision is made to create a "production" division - the application software development department.

LANIT is a distributor of APC, Tricord super servers, Seiko Epson Corp printers, DynaTek (storage systems).

Together with Data Construction A.B. and the Association of Russian Banks, the Novell Association of User Banks is being established to promote modern network technologies in Russia.

1991: Partnership with Microdyne and IMC Networks

LANIT is actively developing the direction of computer networks. Promotes network technologies based on Novell products. A new training course for IT specialists "NetWare Network Administrator" has been organized. An agreement has been signed with Microdyne, IMC Networks.

1990: Distribution of Novell

In 1990, LANIT became the first distributor in the USSR of Novell, the leading developer of software for local networks. Already at the very beginning of its existence, the company outlined the areas of future activity: network integration, distribution, training.

The number of full-time employees at the end of 1990 is 10 people.

The direction of design and integrated supply of computer networks opens. The school-seminar "NetWare Networks" begins its work, the technical department (future network integration department of LANIT CJSC) is organized.

The number of dealers is 5.

1989: Establishing a Company

On October 16, 1989, the New Information Technologies Laboratory company was registered in the register of joint ventures under number 977. The abbreviation LANIT was born during a conversation between the founder of the company, George Gens, and Andrei Pandre, one of the first popularizers of information technology in Russia. LANIT is engaged in separate technical and software tools for networks, actively researching the market, looking for business partners. The company offers out of the box network software and hardware.

Subject of activity: implementation of software-technical, software-technological and information-computing complexes and turnkey systems; testing, adjustment and service, provision with software and other means; training, maintenance and other services for the use of such complexes and systems.

At this time, the Soviet Union intended to purchase 500 thousand personal computers. The five-year plan is to produce only 1.1 million computers by the end of 1990, mainly low-power computers for use in schools.

Products and Services

The main activities of the group:

Integration - development and implementation of comprehensive solutions for automation of business processes and process control systems, integration of systems and applications into a single information space. Design and build infrastructure solutions, enterprise communications, computing infrastructure, data centers, structured cable systems and multi-service networks, and manage information infrastructure.

Distribution - wide-profile IT distribution for the corporate and SMB markets; premium distribution of computers, digital devices and accessories; distribution of products and solutions of leading telecommunications companies; distribution of electrical and engineering equipment.

Consulting - IT consulting, financial and management consulting, implementation of corporate information systems for enterprise resource management ERP (), customer relationship management (), CRM business performance management (), project EPM management, document management, creation of storage and multidimensional databases, automation of design, technological preparation of production and engineering data management (), PLM business process management (). BPM

Banking technologies - delivery of banking equipment and professional services to banks implementing projects using plastic cards, solutions using POS-terminal equipment for servicing bank cards, management of ATM collection, integration of systems into a single information space, automation of end-to-end technological business processes and information flows between systems.

Engineering solutions - safety and automation systems of facilities, ventilation systems, air conditioning and cold supply, power supply systems, IT security centers, technical solutions and installation of projection means for displaying video and graphic information, interactive communication solutions for transmitting audio, image and information data, software and hardware communication solutions, traditional and IP telephony, unified communications, radio relay, mobile and wireless communication, specialized solutions for mobile and fixed operators, virtual operators (MVNO).

Development of software, including regulatory reference information management systems, document management systems, analytical systems, portal solutions, e-commerce systems, human resources systems, electronic catalogs and other distributed high-load systems; development of own software products.

IT outsourcing - operation and technical support of computing and information systems of enterprises: support of IT infrastructure (availability monitoring, support for servers and system software, network equipment, corporate telephone and video conferencing systems, engineering systems); user support; Service Desk service; Print environment management information security services; functional testing of software; placement of equipment in the data center.

Cloudy services IaaS-/; PaaS SaaS Software as a Service store; enterprise business applications, cloud personal data protection, software development and testing environment.

Information security is the design and creation of systems that combine legal, technological, organizational, technical and physical measures to protect information, taking into account the current trends in the development of the IT infrastructure of enterprises and the use of the latest solutions that meet customer requirements.

Professional training and certification in the field of information technology - full-time, distance and e-learning, "personal training," authorized and author training courses for IT specialists, users and managers, testing and certification in the field of IT, development of educational materials and tests, shooting video courses, conducting seminars and master classes.

Retail trade is the development of networks of specialized stores of leading manufacturers of digital electronics, children's and sports goods.


The fight against Krok for government contracts

In October 2016, TAdviser held a virtual duel between Lanit and Krok, analyzing the collisions of companies at tenders (read more).
