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Skolkovo Innovation Center





+ Skolkovo Innovation Center
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Development Fund of the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies. The development plans of Skolkovo, announced by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in March 2010, are aimed at creating a center for technological and innovative development in Russia. The Skolkovo Innovation Center, built on the basis of President Medvedev's priorities for economic development and modernization of the country, will focus on information and communication technologies, as well as biotechnology, power and nuclear research. The project will be managed and financed by a consortium consisting of public and private organizations in Russia.


Main article: History of Skolkovo

Chronology of events from the moment of making the first decisions to the present day.

Skolkovo Foundation as a management company

Main article: Skolkovo Criminal Code


Planned stages of development

April 25, 2011 Viktor Feliksovich Vekselberg at a meeting of the Modernization Commission spoke about the development strategy of the Skolkovo Innovation Center[1]

Speaking about the Skolkovo project, we mean creating an environment for the formation of innovative knowledge that can ensure the breakthrough development of Russia through the implementation of absolutely advanced projects from a scientific and commercial point of view in the context of the most severe global competition. And I would like to emphasize, and Dmitry Anatolyevich has already said about this that the solution to this problem, the achievement of these goals will be possible only if our fund has absolutely highly effective cooperation with current and existing development institutions, as well as with relevant ministries and departments. We see the solution to this problem on four levels.
The first level is the formation of a management team, the formation of the Skolkovo fund itself. This year we will almost complete this work, a fully staff will be formed, procedures, regulations, formats of interaction will be determined both within the fund and with our participants. A significant part of this work, as I said, has been done. We have formed three councils: the Foundation Council, the Scientific Advisory Council, the Urban Planning Council. By the way, the leaders of these councils are here today. The councils conduct their work in accordance with plans, programs, and there is a very clear understanding of the tasks facing us, in the context of interaction with these, I emphasize, international institutions of management of the fund. Because the councils are formed on the principle of representing Russian international competence within the framework of these councils.
The second stage of this task is, in fact, the construction of the ecosystem itself, that is, the environment that is necessary to ensure the emergence, creation and development of innovative knowledge with its further conversion into specific practical business projects. To realize this, we need the following elements of this ecosystem. Firstly, these are universities (we will talk about this a little below), secondly, this is interaction with our large partners, and we have already started this, and thirdly, this is the creation of collective use centers, so necessary for high-quality research, fourth, this is an intellectual property center that will focus on supporting and promoting innovative projects. And ultimately, this is the city itself, the city that we want to build, the city that for us is the sixth cluster, a platform for implementing the first innovative solutions.
The third stage of achieving goals is the real work of this ecosystem, which should end, firstly, with the emergence of a new, qualitatively new, I would say, product of our university education - an entrepreneur engineer or entrepreneur researcher. This is the personnel potential, which, in fact, will serve as the basis for the implementation of all the tasks that we face.
This ecosystem should provide a continuous flow of startups, support for commercial projects at different stages. I emphasize, continuous flow. Only under this condition can it be guaranteed that we will achieve the goal, ensure the achievement of the corresponding tasks. And in the future, if we succeed, then, of course, the results of this activity should be reflected in the fundamental changes in the regulatory framework in which our innovative projects exist today, the prestige of the scientific and technical worker should significantly change, and today there is this problem. And as the final result, I hope that the initiatives and those results that will be achieved at Skolkovo as in a pilot project and broadcast throughout the Russian economy will affect the achievements and contributions of the innovative sector in the country's total gross product.

Skolkovo clusters

April 25, 2011 Viktor Feliksovich Vekselberg at a meeting of the Modernization Commission spoke about the cluster principle of the Skolkovo Innovation Center[1]

The structure of the fund is based on a cluster principle, and each cluster includes the main task: this is the coordination of all activities that are carried out in the appropriate direction. This coordination of activities is connected with the university, and with interaction with large companies, and with the support of new initiatives and new startups. And the cluster approach, I think, for the near future will remain a key basic approach to the implementation of these projects.
To date, our clusters are practically formed and have begun real, specific activities. Over the past period, clusters have considered 275 applications, of which 40 were recognized as worthy of obtaining the status of a participant and thereby obtaining the right to enjoy the tax benefits provided for by law. Of the 40 participants, 15 received grants or financial support to implement their respective projects.
Along with the fact that 275 applications were submitted, more than 4 thousand participants registered on our website. This suggests that the environment in which the desire to cooperate with us is formed is much wider today than we see in the flow of issued applications. And this suggests that in fact, potential corporate residents of our Skolkovo, alas, are not ready today to implement the requirements that we make for them. I think that the issue of education, the preparation of innovators for forms of interaction with the investment community will also be an extremely important element in the future.

At the beginning of 2015, within the framework of the Skolkovo project, there are five clusters developing innovative projects:

Information Technology

Main article: Skolkovo IT Cluster

The cluster team is developing strategic areas of information technology - from search engines to cloud computing. According to the results of 2014, the IT cluster is the largest cluster. Of the 1,060 innovative projects supported by the Fund, about a third (350) are residents of the IT cluster.

Energy Efficient Technologies

The cluster supports innovations and breakthrough technologies aimed at reducing energy consumption by industrial, housing and communal services and municipal infrastructure.

Nuclear technologies

The purpose of the Nuclear Technology Cluster is to support non-energy applications of nuclear technologies and realize the industry's potential to transfer technologies formed during the development of nuclear science and nuclear power to other industries.

Biomedical technologies

Cluster experts support and develop innovations in biomedical technology.

Space Technology and Telecommunications

Cluster companies are engaged in space projects and the development of telecommunications technologies. This affects many areas of activity - from space tourism to satellite navigation systems.

Skolkovo Resident Companies

Main article: Skolkovo Resident Companies

The Skolkovo Foundation supports its residents in various forms (grants, tax incentives, consulting, expertise, marketing, etc.) and at different stages of the life cycle of the technologies they develop. Innovative companies with the status of a Skolkovo resident are located in many cities of the country.

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

Main article: Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech, SINT) is a private educational research university located in Skolkovo.

Skolkovo Law

2010: D. Medvedev signs first version of law

At the end of September 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the first version of the federal law "On the Skolkovo Innovation Center."

2012: V. Putin rejects amendments to the law

On December 13, 2012, it became known that the President Russia Vladimir Putin rejected the federal law "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the Skolkovo Innovation Center. "

"The federal law does not define the criteria and indicators necessary to assess the effectiveness of the results of the activities of the Skolkovo innovation center in the economic, social and scientific spheres," the Kremlin website said in a statement.

The existing gaps in the legislation in the field of regulating the rights to the results of intellectual activity, as well as concerning the needs of innovative companies, the federal law, according to Putin, does not fill, at the same time the status of existing science cities is leveled.

In addition, the president's claims touched upon the amendments giving the Skolkovo management company additional powers.

In a package of amendments to the Skolkovo law rejected by Vladimir Putin, the Skolkovo management company was endowed with urban planning powers to regulate construction on the territory of the Skolkovo center. According to the law, she received the right to issue building permits on the territory, approve urban planning plans, etc. The powers of municipalities in terms of urban planning at Skolkovo were limited.

At the same time, according to the text of the amendments, the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center was included in the borders of Moscow.

In addition, according to the amendments for the year (from January 1, 2014 to January 1, 2015), the entry into force of the requirement for the physical presence of participants in Skolkovo projects in the territory of the innograd was postponed. The accompanying documents to the bill stated that by January 1, 2014, based on the allocated budget funding, it would not be possible to provide the required amount of space.

The message on the presidential website clarifies that the legality of granting Skolkovo Management Company the rights of urban planning and design "raises doubts," since Russian legislation assigns these functions to state authorities and local governments.

Before being rejected by Vladimir Putin, the amendments giving Skolkovo Management Company additional powers were supported by 445 State Duma deputies and 134 senators in the Federation Council.

"The technical,
legal and legislative comments that have arisen will be worked out and, in the updated version, the bill, as we expect, will be adopted," Putin's unnamed Skolkovo spokesman[2] commented to RIA Novosti.]

2019: Skolkovo Innovation Center expanded throughout the country

In August 2019, amendments to the law "On the Skolkovo Innovation Center" entered into force in Russia. New norms abolish territorial restrictions for its residents, writes TASS. Now any organization engaged in research activities in Russia will be able to access all services and benefits of the innocenter. "The Skolkovo ecosystem will rely on successful regional and scientific and technological innovation centers," the agency said.

Also, the new edition removes restrictions for residents in the field of scientific research. Previously, they had to belong to one of six areas: energy efficiency and energy conservation, nuclear technology, space technology, medical technology, strategic computer technology, biotechnology in agriculture and industry. Now the law states that research must comply with the strategy of scientific and technological development of Russia.

The adoption of the law may lead to a twofold increase in the number of Skolkovo residents, the innocenter noted. "We plan that in the coming years the number of participants in the Skolkovo project will be at least 4 thousand. (Now residents are just over 2 thousand.) Such an increase will occur at the expense of regional companies that have long been ready to become participants in the project, but were waiting for the removal of territorial restrictions, "said Igor Drozdov, chairman of the board of the Skolkovo Foundation.

Financing Skolkovo

Main article: Financing Skolkovo

Results of operations

Main article: Skolkovo performance indicators

2018: Total revenue for all years - 147 billion rubles, 27 thousand jobs

As of May 2018, startups that have passed a special external technological examination of more than 1800. The total revenue of companies participating in Skolkovo for the period 2011-2016. exceeded 147 billion rubles. They created more than 27 thousand jobs, patented more than 1200 developments and technological solutions.

In 2016, Skolkovo participants inside the ecosystem earned 9.6 billion rubles, in 2017 - 17.4, and in 2018 - already 27.2 billion. At the same time, 63% of residents of the technopark (including coworking), the office center "Technopark" and "Hypercuba" increased in revenue or at least will maintain the level of 2017[3].


Intellectual Property Center and Patent Center

  • On April 25, 2011, the creation of the Intellectual Property Center in Skolkovo was announced. And here there are two directions: one direction is assistance in preventing the loss of intellectual rights, and the other direction is associated with the commercialization of intellectual rights.

  • On August 17, 2012, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the government to work out the idea of ​ ​ creating a patent center based on the Skolkovo innograd. Such a center could help small and medium-sized businesses protect their interests, including with the registration of domestic patents abroad[4]

Medvedev made the corresponding statement during a visit to a plant for the production of vegetable oil and biofuels in Rostov-on-Don. During a conversation with manufacturers of special agricultural machinery that does not destroy the soil, the Prime Minister learned that in order to register patents abroad, you have to resort to the services of intermediaries. As a result, the cost of patenting reaches 10 thousand dollars.

The commercial director of this company, Sergei Brindyuk, also asked the prime minister if it was possible to create a patent center in the country to help Russian companies abroad. Then Medvedev suggested that Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich establish such a center in Skolkovo. "It seems to me that there God himself ordered this to be done," the prime minister emphasized. According to Medvedev, without patents, Russian entrepreneurs will never be able to profit from their inventions. At the same time, the Prime Minister did not specify the timing of the creation of the center.

It is expected that in 2012 a special patent arbitration will open at Skolkovo, which will analyze cases related to intellectual property.

Moscow International Medical Cluster

Main article: Moscow International Medical Cluster Skolkovo

Skolkovo Makerspace Educational STEM Center for Schoolchildren

In mid-October 2017, the Skolkovo Makerspace educational STEM center was opened at the Skolkovo Technopark. The center is a joint project of the Skolkovo Technopark and Lego Education, Lintech, Tetrix and Standard-21.

Within the walls of the STEM center, elementary and primary school students can study engineering and information technologies: blockchain, the Internet of Things, mobile service robotics and others. It is expected that the knowledge and skills learned by students during the training process at the center will help them keep abreast of advanced technologies, which may become the main one of many professions in the future.

In addition to the STEM center, it is also planned to open 17 children's technology parks "Quantorium," aimed at the formation of creative, engineering and socio-emotional competencies in modern children.


2020: Gathering onlookers for money to play listeners

Casting "listeners" in October 2020

Construction progress

2023: Unification of coworking spaces with SEZ "Innopolis "

Skolkovo and the Innopolis special economic zone have agreed to create a unified infrastructure of coworking spaces and technology parks for residents and startups. Moscow startups will be able to fit into the walls of the technoparks of the Innopolis SEZ, and Innopolis companies will work and develop projects on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center. The Skolkovo Foundation announced this on January 26, 2023.

The package of measures was developed by teams of technology parks to support Russian startups. In addition, as part of the cooperation, the parties plan to attract investments of business angels in Innopolis, launch joint projects with the participation of residents of Skolkovo and Innopolis.

Cooperation between Skolkovo and the Innopolis SEZ is a logical and long-awaited step. A unified coworking infrastructure allows us to synchronize to achieve a common goal - the development of an innovative ecosystem, so that technology companies use all opportunities for growth. Now residents of Skolkovo and Innopolis can pay for one co-working space, and use three in fact. We plan to further expand the network of such partner coworking spaces in Russia and abroad,

Coworking reduces the financial burden on young startups, while providing all the necessary infrastructure for work. As of January 2023, the Skolkovo Technopark announced the opening of a second co-working space with an area of ​ ​ 700 m2 with 120 jobs. This co-working space will differ in concept. It will include technology companies representing creative industries.

Networking and active communication between residents of both technology parks will become effective tools for the development of the business environment in Russia. It is important for us to create equal access to the infrastructure and resources of the special economic zone not only for Innopolis startups, but also for projects in other cities, expanding the geography of services and helping to solve real business problems,
noted Renat Khalimov, General Director of the Innopolis SEZ.

As of January 2023, the Innopolis SEZ is considering expanding the services and infrastructure of "flexible" coworking spaces not only in Russia, but also in. countries CIS


Transition under the control of ВЭБ.РФ

On November 23, 2020, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced a large-scale optimization of development institutions. Some of them will come under the control of the state corporation ВЭБ.РФ. More details here.

Start of construction of a nuclear medicine center in Skolkovo

In early August 2020, it became known about the construction of a nuclear medicine center in Skolkovo. The project was implemented by Medinvestgroup businessman Viktor Kharitonin. Read more here.

Millhouse Capital invested $550 million in the construction of a business park in Skolkovo

On September 8, 2020, the investment company Millhouse CapitalRoman Abramovich announced the investment of $550 million in the construction of the Skolkovo Park business quarter in the Mozhaisk district in western Moscow. Read more here.


Base for testing unmanned vehicles

On September 26, 2018, the Monitoring Station, a high-tech base for testing unmanned vehicles (BPTS), was opened at the Skolkovo Innovation Center. Testing will be carried out in conditions close to public roads. The station uses a promising 5G network. The first tests were the buses of the second generation "NAMI-KAMAZ" 1221 of the "SHUTTLE" project. Read more here.

Opening a business center with a built-in Smart City system

On October 6, 2018, the Amaltea business center with the Smart City built-in system was opened on the territory of the innovation center, which automatically controls lighting, ventilation and power consumption. A large-scale pedestrian zone has been created inside the business center under the dome. The building is built according to the LEED level eco-standard Silver. The concept was designed by the French architectural company Valode & Pistre, and the Safmar industrial and financial group was the investor in the construction.

The total funding of the project amounted to about $180 million. The building is 78,000 sq.m. It took us 4 years to implement the Amalthea project. Up to 5 thousand workplaces will be accommodated.By the end of January 2019, the business center will be 90-95% busy. We are grateful to the Skolkovo Foundation for the support we received during the construction period, "said Sait-Salam Gutseriev, co-owner of the Safmar industrial and financial group.

The class A business center is located in the central part of Skolkovo. It connects the Technopark with the transport hub and the railway station "Innovation Center." It is assumed that for many visitors Amalthea will become the "main gate" to Skolkovo.

A key element of the business centre's premises is a wide gallery street under a glass dome that connects four office buildings. The height of the dome is about 20 meters, length - 270 meters. The pedestrian zone will allow you to comfortably move between the main buildings of the Skolkovo center at any time of the year - the constant air temperature under the dome will be maintained at 20 degrees Celsius even in winter.

A distinctive structural feature of Amalthea is the combination of facade glass and a powerful steel frame. The futuristic atrium roof lets in the maximum amount of light during the day, and glows beautifully from the inside in the evenings.

Amaltea is one of the key facilities on the territory of the Innovation Center. And very soon you will see the names of the world's leading companies on the facade of this building. The conditions that they will receive here will be absolutely competitive, if not more. One of the key aspects of the attractiveness of the business center is not only the magnificent Amaltea building, but also the entire infrastructure, which has already been largely created at Skolkovo, said Viktor Vekselberg, co-chairman of the Skolkovo Foundation Council, president of the Skolkovo Foundation.

The building has a total rental area of 41,200 sq.m., including:

  • Class A Business Center - 35,000;
  • retail premises - 6,200;
  • supermarket - 800;
  • dining room - 800;
  • cafes and restaurants - 800;
  • fitness center - 3,000.

Amaltea has 7 floors, including two underground floors occupied by parking (447 parking spaces).

In addition to mains power, the building uses solar panels and recuperators. Inside, a rainwater collection system is implemented, which is used for watering the territory and technical needs.

Tender for the construction of the Sberbank Technopark

On September 24, 2018, Sberbank announced a tender for the construction of a technopark in Skolkovo. According to the project, this structure should be a seven-story building with three underground floors, on which parking will be located, designed for 930 cars and 56 motorcycles. Read more here.

The opening of the new Skoltech campus "Eastern Ring" with an area of ​ ​ 136,000 sq. M.

On September 1, 2018, the new Skoltech campus, the Eastern Ring, opened its doors. The total area of ​ ​ the building, designed by the architect bureau HERZOG&DE MEURON, was 136,000 sq. M. The new campus has four levels, its circumference is 880 m.

Panorama of construction. PHOTO


Skolkovo will create a science park on the site of garages

On the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center, a park of sciences will be broken. Its concept was presented at a meeting of the urban planning council of the innocenter. This was reported by the press service of the Moscow City Administration and the official website of the capital's mayor's office.

Perhaps this will look like a science park in Skolkovo. Photo of the press service of the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Urban Development

The park is planned to be created on the site of a ravine, along the edges of which there were garage cooperatives. "As a result of such use, the soil was contaminated, the original relief was disturbed, and all plants are in a deplorable state," the current state of the site in the Moscow Architectural Architecture was described.

What exactly the "science" of the park will be is not yet clear. "The functional content remains open," says the portal of the Moscow Government. It is also yet to think over the engineering part of the project, the details of the preparation and reclamation of the territory.

So far, only the concept of the future object in its most general form has been created. Its developer was the project company "Institute for the Integrated Development of the Territory," according to the website of the Moscow Archsovet. The idea to improve the "garage-ravine" section of the innocenter was put forward by the Skolkovo Foundation.

The area of ​ ​ Skolkovo objects by 2020 will reach 1 million "squares"

The total area of ​ ​ Skolkovo real estate objects by 2020 will exceed 1 million square meters. m, said in August 2017, President of the Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo Foundation Viktor Vekselberg.

"This year, more than 300 thousand square meters will be additionally commissioned. First of all, the construction of the campus Skoltech"" will be completed, residential quarters and additional office buildings will be introduced, "Vekselberg quotes Interfax."

Anton Yakovenko, General Director of ODAS Skolkovo, also said that the entire innograd facilities will be completed by 2020. However, he announced the construction of 400 million square meters of land on 2.6 hectares of land. m of real estate. Yakovenko estimated investments in the project at $7 billion[5].

Skoltech Campus "East Ring"

The Eastern Ring, one of the key objects of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, will be a complex of buildings with a total area of ​ ​ 133 thousand square meters. It will include several dozen classrooms, seminar and conference halls, research laboratories, as well as teaching and administrative offices. The general contractor for the construction was the Serbian company "Voucher Uzhice," and architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meron from the Swiss architectural bureau Herzog & de Meron are responsible for the design work. In their project, they took into account the national flavor and at the same time used the most modern materials, techniques and solutions.


To ensure reliable insulation of the roof of buildings, slabs made of stone wool RUF BATTS V EXTRA were selected. Slabs are used as an upper heat and insulation layer in multilayer or single-layer coating structures, including for the construction of roofs without cement screed. The low thermal conductivity factor allows you to create maximum protection against heat loss. Effective thermal insulation will help to ensure stable temperature in the premises during winter cold, and in summer heat. In addition, the fibers of stone wool withstand temperatures of up to 1000 0S, becoming a reliable barrier to the spread of fire.

One of the most "Russian" of its details was the larch cladding. The wood of this Siberian tree is very durable and durable - over time it only becomes stronger, and as it ages it will acquire a particularly interesting and beautiful appearance.

Skolkovo completed the construction of energy-efficient apartments

Near the Skolkovo innovation center, the construction of apartments with energy-efficient glazing has been completely completed. This was announced by the representative of the developer company Alexander Gordeychuk, Interfax writes. Now documents are being prepared for permission to put the complex into operation, added Gordeychuk.

When installing the facades of the building, the builders used special glasses with a special coating. They retain 25% more heat than conventional ones. As a result, savings on heating apartments can reach 35%. In addition, the glasses do not overheat in the sun and transmit 29% less ultraviolet rays.

"Energy-efficient apartments" were erected in Nemchinovka near Moscow near the Moscow Ring Road. The 12-story building has 469 rooms. Most of them are studios with an area of ​ ​ 33 to 53 square meters. m.


  • More than 100 participating companies are located on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center and 9 R&D centers of industrial partners operate
  • In February 2017, the Skolkovo Technopark complex will be commissioned, which will become the core of the office and laboratory infrastructure of the center. Commissioning of the first stage with an area of ​ ​ 95 thousand m2 is scheduled for November 2016
  • The construction of the first stage of residential areas of the Technopark district is nearing completion


Theft of 2 km of cable

Two diesel generators and two thousand meters of cable were stolen from the open unguarded site of the innovation center near the village of Novoivanovskoye. According to law enforcement agencies, the theft took place on the night of Monday, November 19, 2012, and the damage from it amounted to 1.7 million rubles. A criminal case has been initiated under the fourth part of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft committed by an organized group, or on an especially large scale).

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expressed outrage at the large-scale theft of cable at the Skolkovo innovation center. According to Interfax, the Prime Minister said that the Skolkovo leadership needs to take measures to prevent such thefts in the future.

"Skolkovo needs to pay attention to the fact that until we have superconductors, the usual cable does not disappear in such quantities," Medvedev said, commenting on what happened at a meeting of the Council for the Modernization of the Economy and Innovative Development in Voronezh[2].

Relocation of residents to 2015

October 22, 2012 The State Duma website published the decision of the Committee on Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship to amend the law on the Skolkovo Innovation Center. This committee, responsible for the consideration of the draft document, recommends that deputies adopt it on first reading. The reading date is scheduled for October 24, 2012.

If the deputies adopt this document, changes will be made to the federal law on Skolkovo, which has been in force for two years. Among the four conditions for including companies in the register of project participants, it says that the permanent executive body of a legal entity should be permanently located on the territory of Skolkovo.

However, unlike all other paragraphs of the document, this condition did not enter into force immediately after the publication of the law - the date of January 1, 2014 was separately established, by which the construction was to be completed. In the new project, this period is postponed to January 1, 2015.

The explanatory note to the bill directly states that such a delay is associated with a breakdown in construction deadlines:

"Based on the allocated amounts of budget financing and the associated timing of the creation of infrastructure facilities in the center, by the initially established date, the amount of space required to accommodate the estimated number of project participants will not be provided."

Among the authors of the bill are Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak and member of the United Russia faction Oleg Savchenko. In addition to changing the date, the document also "specifies the regulation of construction activities, including in connection with the inclusion of the center's territory in the borders of Moscow."[6].

For October 2012, the full construction of the innograd is planned to be completed in 2017. It is expected that it will occupy an area of ​ ​ 400 hectares and accommodate 1.6 million square meters. m. Buildings.

As a result, due to the delay in the construction of Skolkovo facilities, the period of mandatory settlement of participants on the territory of the innograd was postponed from 2014 to 2015.

On March 4, 2013, Alexander Chernov told TAdviser that the construction is not behind schedule and no new postponement is planned for the settlement of residents.

City Master Plan from France's AREP

Skolkovo's master plan was developed by the French company AREP with the participation of the engineering company SETEC and the famous landscape architect Michel Devin, one of the participants in the Greater Paris project. Developing a proposal for Skolkovo, AREP sought to achieve the following fundamental goals:

  • make the most of the features of the site and landscape as a natural frame of the city;
  • create opportunities for productive interaction between people, knowledge, research and business institutions, which is the basis of the innovation matrix;
  • ensure a high quality of life based on the principles of sustainable development, thereby making the territory especially attractive.

The company from France was selected by the Foundation based on the results of the concept competition and with the active participation of the public, including residents of the future innovation center. An important role was played by the position of the Skolkovo urban planning council, which includes Russian and foreign architects and urbanists.

The obvious advantages of the French project were considered:

  • emphasis on the use of mixed-use areas;
  • the scale of objects commensurate with humans;
  • interesting landscape solutions;
  • a layout promising that the new city will have a distinctive, memorable look.

An important advantage of the project is the possibility of phased implementation.

The innovation center plan is a development and rethinking of traditional urban planning concepts of a linear city and new urbanism. Skolkovo is formed as a chain of connected and, at the same time, possessing their own personality, inscribed in the landscape of compact areas, each of which has everything you need for life and work.

The connecting transport and semantic axis is the Central Boulevard passing through all districts. A network of parks and other public spaces has been thrown at the city. The internal structure of each of the districts is designed in such a way as to ensure the optimal location of residential and working areas and from any of the points of the city to offer spectacular views of nature and iconic architectural objects.

The central zone formed around the main square and connected to the main transport terminal, where the congress center, hotels, cultural institutions and other socially significant objects attracting visitors are located, stands out. Directly adjacent to it from opposite sides are the campus of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and the Technopark. Each of these areas includes office and residential buildings.

Further down the boulevard are mixed-use quarters, where, in addition to offices for large and small technology companies, there is also housing, service enterprises, places for recreation and communication, everything necessary for life and work. Low-rise dense buildings create a comfortable, rich and aesthetically attractive urban environment. The approaches to the creation of engineering and transport infrastructure laid down in Skolkovo's master plan proceed from the requirement to ensure long-term sustainable development of the territory without increasing resource consumption.

For April 2012, the final versions of the planning projects of all five innograd zones submitted by the curators of the districts assigned to them were considered:

Guest Zone Z1: HyperCube

Guest zone Z1, supervised by the SANAA and OMA bureaus. The first building of the innograd "HyperCube," designed by Boris Bernasconi, is being built here. The area of ​ ​ the building is 6 thousand square meters. As of April 2012, all 7 floors of the building were built, work was carried out on the facade. It was planned that by May 15, 2012, the building should be fully built. The installation of multimedia displays on the facade, interior decoration, landscaping and other final work were to be completed in September 2012. At the end of 2012, the building was populated - including the management company of the Skolkovo Foundation moved into it.

Only electricity is supplied from external networks to Hyperkub. The building is heated using heat pumps, water is drawn from an artesian well and after complete cleaning is used for irrigation.

Hypercube in the 2012 project

Image:Гиперкуб Сколково 2015.jpg

Hypercube in Reality, 2015

In the same zone, there should be the largest innograd communication hub, which includes the Trekhgorka station, a passenger hall with an electric car rental point, exhibition and trade pavilions.

One of the most innovative architectural objects will be the "Dome" - this is a glass hemisphere, a three-dimensional solution of the zone, presented by the curators.

In this zone there is also another iconic object of the innograd - the multifunctional building "Skala" (includes a hotel, cinema, shops, restaurants, theater).

D1 Mixed Use Zone

Mixed-use zone D1, developed by SPEECH together with David Chipperfield - parking lots, Sberbank IT Infrastructure Development Center, post-start-up offices, residential buildings, a school with a kindergarten, a cultural and entertainment center.

Technopark: Zone D2

In order to provide appropriate service and support to Skolkovo companies, the project has created a technopark, the main task of which is to provide services to startups, help them in formalized preparation of documents, development of business plans and, more importantly, in the future, this is the provision of a laboratory base for conducting appropriate experiments in the format of their activities.

The D2 technopark zone, designed by the Valode & Pistre bureau in conjunction with the dean of the Harvard School of Design Mohsen Mostafavi, is the technopark itself (146 thousand square meters), the offices of majors and post-startups, production and research centers of the 5 main industry clusters (IT, biomed, space and telecom, kernel, energy tech), collective use center, residential buildings, elementary school, kindergartens, family sports center, trade and household services).

In March 2012, an open competition for residential development in the zone of Technopark D2, initiated by the Skolkovo Foundation, ended. The competition was attended by an unprecedented number of applications in the history of domestic architecture - more than 500. As a result, it selected the work of 10 contestants who will design residential buildings in the area.

Works of the winners of the competition. Slideshow

University: Zone D3

Шаблон:Main 'Skolkovo Institute of Technology

The next facilities to be built in Innograd after Hyperkub will be the University and Technopark - their completion is scheduled for 2014.

As of the beginning of 2013, the design of the technopark and Skoltech building is being completed.

Skolkovo Open University began its work in 2011. The first students, these are more than 100 people, were selected on the basis of five Moscow universities. There was fierce competition, selection, 500 students entered the second round (Vekselberg, April 2011).

D3 University Zone, designed by Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meron. Here are the university complex itself with laboratories, residential buildings, post-start-up offices, a sports center, and a high school.

The SINT concept was created, among other things, based on the experience of Skolkovo's partner, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The layout of the institute does not imply the existence of a rigid structure based on faculties, which is an innovation for Russia. Students and teachers will be able to step directly from the audience onto Central Boulevard - the busiest street in the city or enjoy the peace of quiet courtyards. A well-thought-out system of pedestrian connections will allow you to move around the institute with minimal time loss.

The star architectural bureau Herzog & de Meuron Architekten (Basel, Switzerland) is involved in the design of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology campus. It is known for such projects as the Tate Modern Gallery, which brought the founders of the bureau the Pritzker Prize for achievements in architecture, the Brandenburg University Library-Media Center in Cottbus, and the National Olympic Stadium in Beijing.

The campus will be about 60 hectares. Construction is planned to be carried out in two stages. The first is due to be commissioned in May 2014 to open the SINT doors to students in September of that year.

D4 Mixed Use Area: Residential Area

D4 Mixed Use Area, designed by the Meganom Project Bureau and Stefano Boeri Architecetti.

Residential development prevails here, there is parking, as well as offices of majors and post-startups, social infrastructure.

It was reported that housing will be provided to innovators for rent for 10 years - it is for such a period that, on average, Skolkovo will attract scientific personnel. "Housing in the city is not subject to privatisation, this is a common practice for scientific centers around the world, however, our rental rates will not be completely market-based. We lay that residents of Innograd will spend no more than 20-25% of their income on rent, which will be no more than 30,000 rubles. per family, "promised Maslakov (May 2011). According to him, transport costs will also not be compensated for Skolkovo employees: the administration of the future city notes that they are faced with the task of recouping the costs incurred.

Trekhgorka transport hub

On July 25, 2012, the head of the Skolkovo Foundation Viktor Vekselberg and the president of RussNeft, Mikhail Gutseriev, signed an agreement on cooperation in the construction of a multimodal transport hub in Skolkovo. The agreement envisages the creation of a hub in the area of ​ ​ the Trekhgorka railway station, which will become the central entrance to the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center. The area of ​ ​ this transport­nogo node will be approximately 30 thousand square meters. m. The hub should include a distribution hall that provides boarding and disembarkation of passengers on new railway platforms (concourse), crossing the federal highway M-1 "Belarus," zones for pedestrians and public transport with commercial facilities.

The investor of this project will be Finmarkt LLC, which is controlled by Mikhail Gutseriev, the Skolkovo fund said. Finmarkt will be engaged in the design, stroitelst­vom and operation of the transport hub. Within a year, the developer must draw up project documentation, after which he will begin construction of the hub, which is planned to be completed by December 2015, according to the Viktor Vekselberg fund.

The infra­strukturnym project will be directly managed by the brother of the president of RussNeft, Sait-Salam Gutseriev, who controls the BIN development group. The RBC daily group confirmed this information. The parties do not comment on the financial details of the partnership. A similar project for the construction of a transport terminal in Moscow City is estimated at the rate of 1.5 - 2.5 thousand euros per 1 sq. m.

Construction in Skolkovo will be expensive and difficult, notes a source at RBC daily in the BIN group[7]. According to him, the hub project approved by Dmitry Medvedev has a rather weak economy. The architectural concept of the transport hub involves the construction of a large dome, which entails the loss of space and, as a result, an increase in the payback period of the project. In exchange for full financing of the construction of the transport hub, Finmarkt will receive a number of bonuses and preferences, according to a source familiar with the terms of the agreement being prepared for signing.

Part of the transport hub in Innograd will be given under the shopping and entertainment gallery. Its example is the commercial infrastructure with shops and catering facilities connecting the terminals of Sheremetyevo Airport with the Aeroexpress platforms. The Gutseriev company will have the right to dispose and lease the commercial areas of the hub, the interlocutor of RBC daily notes.

The property built in Skolkovo will go to the investor for a long-term lease for a period of 49 years, added Mr. Vekselberg's fund. According to another RBC daily source, in the future Finmarkt may participate in the construction of the innograd itself.

The Gutseriev family was forced to enter the infrastructure project, as the traffic flows that lead to the "silicon valley" pass through the lands of the BIN group on the Mozhaisk highway and directly in Skolkovo. According to a source from RBC daily, the developer planned to build a DIY hypermarket here. It is impossible to cancel road construction in New Moscow: from July 1, Skolkovo entered the borders of the capital and over time should host the G8 summit. Therefore, the Gutserievs agreed to combine the project of a multimodal transport hub with commercial construction, the format of which has adjusted, the interlocutor of RBC daily notes. In addition to retail real estate, entertainment complexes with concert and sports venues will appear on the lands of the BIN group.

Smart City Concept from Cognitive Technologies, Ernst & Young, Cisco and Panasonic

The concept of a "smart city" for Skolkovo in the summer of 2012 was created by Cognitive Technologies, Ernst & Young, Cisco and Panasonic. In addition to 3D modeling of buildings, it takes into account traffic flows, safety systems, etc.

2010-2011: Urban Planning Project Selection

December 20, 2010 it became known what innograd in Skolkovo might look like. Of the 27 companies that submitted applications for participation in the competition for the urban development project of Innograd in the summer of 2010, two remained: OMA (Netherlands) and Arep (France)#[1]Now their proposals will be studied by the Skolkovo Foundation Council, after which a final decision will be made. However, as reported when announcing the results, it is quite possible that the authors of the projects rejected today will still be invited to cooperate on certain parts of the project.

The Dutch bureau, headed by the star of world architecture, Rem Kulhas (author of the building of the central Chinese television, the central library of Seattle, etc.), proposed to divide the city in half. It turned out to be an L-shaped plan. The half that is closer to the campus of the Skolkovo business school was given for research and educational buildings, the other for housing. Hotels and exposition buildings are located at the junction of the two parts. The remaining public buildings are evenly distributed along the outer border of the city. Inside, the city is divided into rectangular cells of various, but mainly large scale.

Arep, who worked together with the French landscape designer Michel Devin (participates in many urban planning competitions, in particular, was a member of one of the teams for developing a development strategy for Greater Paris by 2030), allocated 5 zones in the city - in terms of the number of originally announced areas of research supported by Skolkovo. All of them are strung onto a single "ridge" stretching along the long axis of the site, which runs almost parallel to the Moscow Ring Road. Each zone contains both science buildings and housing. The authors crush the planning grid, starting with a large scale of laboratory structures closer to the highway and bringing to division into separate areas for cottage buildings.

The meeting of the expert council, which took place after the five-hour presentation of each of the six projects by the authors, took another 2 hours. Commenting on the projects, the chairman of the council, the head of the French architectural bureau Valode & Pistre, Jean Pistre, said that the OMA project creates a "strong, iconic image," in the second proposal he emphasized the creation by architects of a connection between nature and the city.

"The selected projects are completely different and at the same time the same," architect Boris Bernasconi, a member of the expert council, commented to Vedomosti. - Arep's plan grows out of the local landscape, while the OMA project is globalist, it can be put anywhere, although architects open up promising views of the surrounding area, but it's like looking at nature from a landing spacecraft. However, in both cases, an open linear system is proposed, allowing the city to further develop along the given axes, capturing neighboring territories. "

  • By June 30, 2011, the final version of the urban planning concept of the Skolkovo Center for Innovative Development, which was carried out by the French bureau AREP Ville together with landscape architect Michel Devin, will be submitted to the public[1]. On 16 May 2011, the Urban Development Council of the Innograd, headed by chairman Jean Pistre, made the latest recommendations to AREP Ville CEO Etienne Tricot.

In its current state, the master plan of the innograd does not suit the urban planning council of the Skolkovo Foundation. As stated in the materials of the fund, the bureau will redo the drawing of the road network in a number of clusters, as well as change the decision of the Trekhgorka platform, which should be connected to the center of the settlement.

The authorities plan to complete the construction of the innograd in a short time - by 2015. As the city manager of Skolkovo Viktor Maslakov told Vedomosti (May 2011), by this time up to 400 hectares of territories given for innograd should be developed. 1.6 million square meters will be erected on them. m of buildings and structures. The first facilities, mainly communal infrastructure facilities, will appear in Skolkovo in 2011, Maslakov promised. For these purposes, 120 billion rubles will be spent, 60 billion rubles. of which Skolkovo hopes to receive from the federal budget, and the fund intends to attract the rest of the amount from private investors. "We are actively engaging bankers as well. In particular, Sberbank expressed interest in creating its project in Skolkovo, "Maslakov said.

Construction companies that will participate in the Skolkovo development have not yet been selected, technical documentation will be developed by the end of 2011. It is assumed that 600 thousand square meters of housing will be built in Skolkovo.

2010: Three planned construction phases

On August 2, 2010, the foundation received a building permit. Thus, the collection and preparation of all the necessary documentation took the fund a record three months. The construction of an innograd on the territory, which increased to 500 hectares, can be considered to have begun. The building permit that the fund received was valid until January 2, 2011. After that, it could be extended. It is planned that 15,000 people will regularly live in Skolkovo, 11,000 of whom will be employed directly in the innovative sphere, another 7,000-9,000 people will come to work every day.

It is assumed that the construction will take place in three stages. The first - design - will be completed in May 2011. After that, the second - the construction of linear facilities (roads, underground communications) will immediately begin, and in parallel with it in September 2011 the third - the construction of housing and production facilities will start.

As Nikolai Skladnev, Director for Innograd Design and Construction, told, in August 2010, the selection of companies that claim to develop an innograd general plan continues. Seven applications were received, mainly from foreign companies.

Skolkov's builders have lowered the installation from above: to prevent conflicts with the local population. In particular, the question of the fate of about 1 thousand garages that ended up in the territory of the future innograd will be decided with their owners with the participation of the local administration.

A special headache for the builders, according to them, in August 2010 was delivered by fire prevention events. All fields are plowed around the perimeter, a fire truck is constantly on duty, and a strait of territory is regularly held.

According to Vekselberg (February 2011), it is planned to build the first office building by the end of 2011. "We already have his project, and in November, we hope that the entire administrative center will move directly to the territory of Skolkov, in order to associate no longer abstractly, but rather specifically," said Vekselberg.
