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Digital television (TsTV)



Financial results
2016 year
Revenue: 2.24 millions



+ Digital television (TsTV)
+ All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

"Digital television" (TsTV) — the joint project of VGTRK and Rostelecom. Under the Digital television brand thematic channels of informative, children's, film and entertaining subject are joint.


Revenue of TsTV grew almost by a quarter

Revenue of Digital television (TsTV) grew almost by a quarter (23%) in 2016 – to 2.24 billion rubles, Vedomosti with reference to Dmitry Mednikov writes – the deputy director general of VGTRK which is the owner about 59% of TsTV. Rostelecom which head Sergey Kalugin also confirmed indicators of TsTV owns the remained share.

Up to 80%, the company receives the main part of income for the account of expels of the Russian operators of cable and satellite TV, however in plans of TsTV – to lower this indicator to 40%, having increased at the same time income from foreign business.

"The last two years we actively are engaged in sale of our content, first of all cartoon serials and informative documentaries in the world markets. For this purpose we translate content into several languages", - quotes Mednikov's edition.

According to him, TsTV is going to advance mobile applications in foreign markets. Meanwhile content of the company is available in the Asian countries – China, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia and also in Eastern Europe. Despite the plans announced in 2015, to South America TsTV was not succeeded to leave yet, as well as to the USA and Western Europe.

Investments of the company into development of the new directions made more than 1 billion rubles in 2016 – thus, the company is unprofitable now, but Mednikov called it "conscious investments into the future".

Consortium in the development area of VR

The Russian companies working in different segments of media — Digital television, animation studio "Parovoz", studio of television graphics Vizart Lab, the developer of mobile applications Interactive CARTOON and Institute of modern media — announced in the summer of 2016 creation of the Russia's first consortium in the development area of virtual reality. In more detail - VR Consortium.

Consulting and research companies predict rapid growth of the market of VR and AR in the next 5 years. In particular, in the report of PricewaterhouseCoopers company (PwC) "The overview of show business and media: the forecast for 2015-2019" is said that in 2016 the break in the field of virtual reality which will attract the bigger number of users in 2017 and 2018 is expected. In 2016 the first luxury sets of VR helmets from Oculus, Sony and HTC for immersion in virtual reality then the similar equipment will be provided also by other producers will be released. Analysts of Digi-Capital company predict that in 2020 the volume of the world market of production of VR content of the different directions will exceed 30 billion dollars. At the same time more than a half of this amount will be spent for movies, TV programs and games in a format of virtual reality.