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RM RM Nanotech





+ Government of the Russian Federation

The project company "RUSNANO" of JSC RM Nanotekh is the only Russian company making a membrane cloth and rolled membrane elements for the reverse osmosis (RO), nanofilterings (NF), ultrafiltrations (UF).

Production capacity of the JSC RM Nanotekh plant allows to produce 2 million square meters of a membrane cloth and to 50 thousand membrane elements (in terms of a standard size 8040) in a year. The range of obratnoosmotichesky membranes includes membranes for desalting of sea water, desalting of saltish waters and also low pressure membranes. The company actively exports the products to many world regions of the world, including Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, cooperating with the leading engineering companies.


2015: The plant of Nanothat RM produced first production lot of domestic gas-separating membrane modules

On the production capacities in Vladimir the RUSNANO portfolio company of Nanothat RM completed in the fall of 2015 localization of the production technology of gas-distributing elements of rolled type for helium selection. The transfer of technology became possible thanks to cooperation with UOP company, the world's largest producer of the membrane systems.

Joint work of Nanothat RM and UOP started in 2014, and technology processes, including process of winding of a gas-separating membrane, were fulfilled on production capacities of Nanothat RM in May, 2015. The first production lot of the membrane elements made in Russia will be tested as a part of gas-separating installation on the Kovykta field of PJSC Gazprom.

The only industrial system in the world for selection of helium from natural gas with a performance of 1.3 bcm a year in Algeria, as well as the world's largest 10 bcm gas-separating installation in a year in Spain, are designed on the basis of UOP technologies and membrane elements of the company. The gas-separating modules manufactured on this technology at the plant of Nanothat RM in Vladimir can find the application in the project on selection of a helium concentrate on the Chayanda oil-gas condensate field of PJSC Gazprom.