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Gazprom Mezhregiongaz


Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC is a specialized 100% subsidiary of Gazprom OJSC.

Gazprom - 100%



+ Gazprom Mezhregiongaz
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code


2021: Creation of Gazprom Gasification. Sergey Gustov - CEO

In July 2021, the Gazprom group was replenished with a new specialized company - Gazprom Gasification LLC, according to data from the SPARK-Interfax system.

Gazprom explained to reporters that the company was created as part of a government order, it can act as a single gasification operator (EOG). At the same time, the decision on a single gasification operator remains with the government.

The founders of the new company are Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC (99%) and Gazprom Gas Distribution JSC. The CEO of the new company was the head of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Sergey Gustov. The company was incorporated on July 12.

The main activity of the new LLC declared the construction of utilities for water supply and sanitation, gas supply.

Earlier, the president Russia Vladimir Putin a year ago instructed Gazprom to ensure the "phased completion of gasification by 2024 and 2030" without attracting citizens' funds. The target level of complete technically possible gasification with network gas is the level of 83% (by the end of 2020, the level of gasification in the country reached 71.4%). Gazprom's obligations under the program for the development of gas supply and gasification of the regions of the Russian Federation for the next five years alone, 2021-2025, amount to 526.1 billion. rubles