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Баннер в шапке 2

Rostelecom Urals Uralsvyazinform (Utel)


Macroregional branch "Ural" of JSC Rostelecom ("Rostelecom – the Urals") – structural division of JSC Rostelecom which operates on the territory of the Ural Federal District and Perm Krai.



Number of employees
2010 year



+ Rostelecom Urals (Uralsvyazinform of Utel)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

"Rostelecom – the Urals" is created in April, 2011 based on JSC Uralsvyazinform after accession of this company to JSC Rostelecom and today integrates 7 regional branches – Ekaterinburg, Kurgan, Perm, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansi, Chelyabinsk and Yamal-Nenets.

Uralsvyazinform is an operator of telecommunication services of the Ural region.

On September 30, 2002 reorganization of telecom industry of the Ural region ended. Six companies, namely JSC Uraltelekom of Sverdlovsk region, JSC Svyazinfrom of Chelyabinsk region, JSC Hantymansiyskokrtelekom, JSC Tyumentelekom, JSC Yamalelektrosvyaz and JSC ElektroSvyaz of the Kurgan region were attached to the telecom operator of the Perm region — JSC Uralsvyazinform.

A major shareholder of JSC Uralsvyazinform is the state holding JSC Svyazinvest (53% of stocks). Other actions are distributed between nominee holders (18%) and individuals (28%).

Stocks of society participate in biddings of the Russian Trading System on Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange and also on the Berlin and Frankfurt stock exchanges, the NEWEX exchange and curb market of the USA.

The company works at the territory of seven subjects of the Russian Federation with a total area of 1.9 million with the population more than 15 million people: Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions, Perm Krai, Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nenets autonomous areas.

  • As of December 1, 2008 the number of subscribers of fixed connection — 3.7 million, mobile communication of the GSM standard — 5.6 million, Internet users (broadband access) — 500 thousand.
  • For March 31, 2010 JSC Uralsvyazinform services 3.7 million subscribers fixed and 5.7 million subscribers of mobile communication, 784 thousand users of broadband access and more than 120 thousand subscribers of paid television.


  • Ufimkin Anatoly Yakovlevich is a CEO.
  • Akimenko Sergey Vasilyevich is the deputy CEO for personnel management.
  • Bodrashov Alexey Alekseyevich — the deputy CEO - the director of representative office of JSC Uralsvyazinform in Moscow.
  • Bychkov Igor Dmitrievich — the deputy CEO - the technical director.
  • Krymsky Mikhail Izrailevich is the First Deputy CEO.
  • Kuznetsov Andrey Gennadyevich — the deputy CEO - the director of interregional branch of cellular communication.
  • Menshenin Valery Aleksandrovich is the deputy CEO for security.
  • Samoylov Dmitry Ivanovich is the deputy CEO for corporate development.
  • Stoyanov Vitaly Vasilyevich is the deputy CEO for capital construction.
  • Chernyshev Valery Aleksandrovich — the deputy CEO - the director of economics and finance.



During 2015 the company constructed about one thousand kilometers of trunk city and 450 kilometers of intra house optical lines of communication, having provided access to the high-speed Internet for 180 thousand Sredneuralsk families. Leaders in the volume of construction became Yekaterinburg – over 42 thousand new "optical" households, Nizhny Tagil – over 46 thousand households, Pervouralsk – 14 thousand households and Serov – 6 thousand households. Internet building in Sverdlovsk region was conducted not only in the large cities, but also in rural areas.

"Because of crisis and growth of cost of the infrastructure equipment Internet service providers, except for Rostelecom, practically froze construction of networks and expansion to the new cities and regiony*. Rostelecom in 2015 built networks on Central Ural Mountains rates, record for itself. At the same time development of network was performed not only in the large cities of area, but also in 26 rural localities numbering over 500 people. The technical capability of connection to communication services on optics, appeared at more than 30 thousand inhabitants of the remote place. Internet revolution which we held in small localities provided to citizens equal online opportunities in comparison with residents of the large cities, - Makarov Vadim, the director of the Ekaterinburg branch PJSC Rostelecom tells.

Construction of "optics" in small localities took place in Sysertsky, Suburban, Beloyarsk, Kamyshlovsky, Novolyalinsky, Nevyansky, Nizhneserginsky districts and also in the suburb of Yekaterinburg, Kamensk-Uralsky, Pervouralsk, Polevskoy, Asbest, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Kachkanar and the Lower Tura. As a result of development of a communication network villagers received equal online opportunities in comparison with residents of the large cities.

Rostelecom "the optics to the apartment" which allows subscribers to use modern telecommunication services – the Internet at a speed over 100 Mbps, Interactive TV and telephony – on one wire brought directly to the apartment builds optical networks using progressive GPON technology, or. The technology provides high capacity of data transmission, guarantees a high image quality when viewing TV.

Expansion of an optical network on Central Ural Mountains – a part of the strategy implementation of Rostelecom providing the accelerated construction of "optics" across all Russia.