Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2





+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ T2 Rus RTK Holding (before Tele2 Russia AB, Tele2)
+ Russia bank



On March 31, 2014 representatives of telecommunication companies Tele2 and "Rostelecom" announced end of the first stage of creation of joint venture — mobile operator "RT-mobile".

The new company forms on the basis of Tele2 LLC. During the first stage the Rostelecom enterprise transferred to the structure of holding the AKOS subsidiary companies, Eniseytelekom, "Volgograd to GSM", BIT, Baikalwestcom, "The Nizhny Novgorod cellular communication", Sky Link and also infrastructure in regions.

Along with it Rostelecom received 26% of an economic share and 45% of the voting rights in RT-mobile Ltd. It is going to complete the II stage until the end of 2014, following the results the economic and voting shares of Rostelecom should be balanced and make 45%.

The controlling stake in the amount of 55% will belong to shareholders of Tele2 Russia — to Alexey Mordashov, Bank Rossiya, [1].

In May, 2014 the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) approved the petition of joint venture of Rostelecom and "Tele2 Russia" - Tele2 LLC - about acquisition of 100% of stocks RT-mobile. In this structure the integrated mobile assets of Rostelecom were selected earlier. The parties will close the deal until the end of 2014. The relevant decision is published on the website of FAS.


  1. VTBPO to the materials