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CC National Internet Domain Coordination Center



+ Government of the Russian Federation

A non-profit organization created in 2001 to develop rules for registering domain names in the domains of RU and the Russian Federation, accrediting registrars and researching promising projects related to the development of the Russian national domain.

At the time of its foundation, the founders of the RU Domain Coordination Center were: Public and State Association "Association of Documentary Telecommunications" (ADE), "Union of Internet Operators" (SDI), Regional Organization "Center for Internet Technologies" (ROCIT) and the Russian Research Institute for the Development of Public Networks (RosNIIROS).

In December 2015, the number of founders of the ANO "Coordination Center for the National Internet Domain" (CC) increased from four to six members, they included the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation and the Institute for Internet Development (IRI).

The organization is responsible for the development of two geographic zones - .SU and. RU, as well as one national -. RF, which as of January 2013 in total contain more than 5 million domains. Of these, 4.27 million are registered in the zone. RU and another 780 thousand - in. RF.

In its activities, the Coordination Center of the RU domain relies on the accumulated international experience, interacts with leading organizations responsible for coordinating the development of unique identifiers of the Internet and the domain name system. Among them:

  • Internet Corporation for Naming and Numbering (ICANN),
  • Council of Top Level European National Registries (CENTR),
  • Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and other international organizations.


The discussion of projects related to organizational and technical issues of registration of domain names in the domains of RU and the Russian Federation takes place within the framework of the advisory bodies of the Coordination Center (working groups and committees). The highest management body of the Coordination Center is the Council, which includes experts in the development of the address and domain space, prominent figures of the Russian Internet community.


Since the creation of the Coordination Center, the system for registering domain names in the RU domain has been reorganized:

  • administrative and technical functions of the registry are posted;
  • improved system of interaction with end users;
  • the conditions for accreditation of registrars have been adopted;
  • introduced a new interaction protocol between the RU Domain Technical Center (RosNIIROS) and registrars.


Expansion of relations with MTUCI in the field of information and telecommunication technologies and information security

The Coordination domains .RU Center/and RF Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics signed an agreement on cooperation in the fields formations and training of specialists, scientific and applied research, as well as external communications and public relations. The Coordination Center announced this on October 6, 2023. More. here

Russia is ready for Internet autonomy in case of termination of the ICANN system

The Domain Coordination Center/has built .RURF a system to counter the consequences that may occur if any sanctions decision is made by the global registrar. In ICANN particular, the registrar may disconnect the Russian domain the zones due to political pressure or default financial. The latter arose due to sanctions restrictions on settlements Russian banks with foreign ones. This became known on September 18, 2023.

A spokesman for ICANN told the media that the organization is aware of the problems faced by some Russian domain registrars in transferring payments to the United States, but so far this has not affected ICANN's ability to collect payments. They also added that ICANN maintains regular contacts with its registers and managing registrars, including in Russia.

The Coordination Center of Domains.RU/.RF promised that the and.rf will continue to work in the event of any restrictions from ICANN. The global registrar does not yet plan to separate the,.su,.rf. ICANN adheres to the principle that the Internet should not suffer due to geopolitical conflicts.

We have an agreement with ICANN on national domain and.rf, and it is important for us to ensure the integration of national domains into a common Internet addressing system, as well as ensure their reliable operation in any conditions. In particular, on the instructions of the state and Roskomnadzor, we have built a system for countering the consequences of possible disconnections of our domain zones and can promise that the and.rf will continue to work in the event of any sanctions decision or man-made disaster. The National System of Domain Names and in case of disconnection domains from the root of the Internet will allow Russian users and clients of providers in friendly countries to still have access to sites on these domains, "Andrei Vorobyov, director of the Coordination Center for.RU/.rf Domains (CC), told the media. [1].


Withdrawal of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications from the founders

On June 10, 2020, the ANO "Coordination Center of the National domain Network" Internet announced its withdrawal from the founders (Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia on the basis of its statement).

The corresponding changes were made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on June 09 and 10, 2020.

The Coordination Center recalled that the Ministry of Communications of Russia became part of the founders of the Coordination Center on December 3, 2015. In connection with the changes that have occurred in the near future, it is planned to make appropriate amendments to a number of local documents of the Coordination Center.

Entry of the Russian Federation into the composition of the founders

On June 3, 2020, the next General Meeting of the founders of the ANO "Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet" was held. At the General Meeting, it was unanimously decided in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 149-FZ) and by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2020 No. 584-r, to accept the founder of the ANO "Coordination Center for the National Internet Domain" of the founder - the Russian Federation, the functions and powers of the founder on behalf of which are carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of communications, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor). This was announced on June 3, 2020 by the Coordination Center.

Clause 4 of Article 14.2 of Federal Law No. 149-FZ provides for the entry of the Russian Federation into the founders of a non-profit organization that coordinates the formation of domain names included in the group of domain names that make up the Russian national domain zone, and which is the registered owner of databases of this zone in international organizations for the distribution of network addresses and domain names.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2020 No. 584-r, representatives of the Russian Federation in the governing bodies of the Coordination Center (in the Council of the CC) are appointed by Roskomnadzor.

The authorities gave the domains of RU and the Russian Federation to Roskomnadzor, taking away from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications

The Government of the Russian Federation transferred to the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) the powers of the founder of the autonomous non-profit organization "Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet"[2]

The corresponding order No. 584-r dated March 9, 2020, signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, was published on the official portal of legal information of the Russian Federation.

From now on, Roskomnadzor will exercise the functions and powers of the founder of the ANO "Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet" on behalf of the Russian Federation. Previously, the interests of the state among the founders of the CC were represented by Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation.

The order also delegates to Roskomnadzor the appointment of representatives of the Russian Federation in the governing bodies of the coordination center.

The reason for the transfer to Roskomnadzor of the powers of the founder of the CC of Russian domains on behalf of the Russian Federation was the implementation of federal laws "On Amendments to the Federal Law on Communications" and "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" ("Law on the Stability of the Runet"). It is these laws that determine Roskomnadzor by the founder of the ANO "Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet."

The "Law on the Stability of the Runet," which entered into force on November 1, 2019, implies the formation of a national routing system for Russian Internet traffic for reliable uninterrupted operation of the Russian Internet segment in cases of failures or large-scale external impact. Roskomnadzor has been appointed coordinator of work to ensure a safe and stable Internet in Russia.

Extension of redundancy of second-level domain names in the RF zone for state needs

On February 11, 2020, the Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet announced that the amended editions of a number of documents would come into force. We are talking about the Rules for registering domain names in the domains .RU and.РФ and the Regulation "On Procedures to be Applied in the Event of Disputes about Domain Names."

All changes were approved at the next meeting of the Council of the Coordination Center on December 17, 2019. Changes were made in paragraph 3.4. The rules for registration of domain names in the domains.RU and.RF due to the fact that on November 30, 2019, the Provision on the reservation of second-level domain names in the.RF domain for state needs expired. Some of the previously reserved domains remained unclaimed, and therefore it was decided to further reserve them by amending paragraph 3.4. Rules.

The changes made to the Regulation "On Procedures to be Applied in the Event of Disputes about Domain Names" relate to the procedure for the registrar to apply restrictions on actions with domain names in connection with a lawsuit, as well as actions to exercise the preemptive right of registration of the domain name after the entry into force of the judicial act on the merits of the dispute in relation to the domain name, as well as the terms of application of the Regulation were clarified.

The changes made will eliminate the possibility of double interpretation and incorrect application of the terms of the Regulation.


Intrigue with the transfer of regulatory powers to Roskomnadzor

In November 2019, the Coordination Center of the National Internet Domain (CC, regulator of domain zones.Ru and.RF) intrigue: the term of office of the director of the center Andrei Vorobyov expired in October. To extend his powers or elect a new director was to be a meeting of the founders of the CC. However, from November 1, the Sovereign Internet broke out. Now it takes for the domain and.RF, and at the same time Roskomnadzor In practice, this means that Roskomnadzor will be among the founders of the CC. But the state has already been there since 2015. Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media The curator of the CC in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications - Deputy Minister of Communications Aleksei Sokolov - would not like to share powers. Intrigue is not allowed and Vorobyov is still acting. In addition, it is not clear what to do with domain zone, which is administered by another organization - the Internet Development Fund, created by former Deputy Minister of Communications Aleksei Soldatov. The fate of Russian legal entities that have created their own domain zones, newgtld, is also not clear. According to the law, all this economy should go to Roskomnadzor, but how to do this remains unclear.

Sergei Petrov re-elected chairman of the council

On February 28, 2019, a regular meeting of the Council of the Domain Coordination Center/was held, at .RURF which the issue of electing the Chairman of the Council was considered. The Director General was elected Chairman of the Council of the Coordination Center for a second term. Institute for Internet Development Sergey Petrov


Suspicion of monopoly high prices

Administrators of the national top-level and.rf are suspected of establishing an monopolistically high price for access services to the domain registry. This was reported in March 2018 by the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which opened a case after complaints from Russian registrars of second-level domain names in and.rf zones. They claimed unreasonable overpricing of registry access services.

According to the FAS, in 2017, the Council of the ANO "Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet" (CC) decided to raise the current cost of services of JSC "Technical Center Internet" since 2009 to provide access to the registry of top-level domain and.rf (each successful operation) almost 2 times.

"Such actions of the administrator can negatively affect both competition among the registrars themselves and serve as a consequence of an increase in price for the end consumer," said Elena Zaeva, head of the communications and information technology regulation department of the FAS Russia.

According to RBC, if the CC is found guilty, a fine of 1-15% of the turnover for the previous year may be imposed on him.

Sergey Petrov elected chairman of the council

On January 26, 2018, Serey Petrov was elected Chairman of the Council of the Coordination Center for Domains.RU/.RF.


German Klimenko will deal with the regulation of Big Data

Advisor to the President on Internet issues German Klimenko formed a working group on Big Data on the basis of the Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet (CC). This is reported by RNS, citing a source who participated in the meeting. Representatives of the Ministry of Communications, Roskomnadzor, telecom operators, Rambler & Co, Yandex and other companies became members of the working group.

The association was created to develop criteria for distinguishing between big data and personal, as well as control parameters. The working group will be headed by Sergey Kopylov, chief legal adviser to the Institute for Internet Development and deputy general director of the CC.

The state plans to take control of the management of.RU and.RF domains

The authorities decided to remake the Coordination Center (CC) and the Technical Center for the Internet (TCI) (75% owned by the CC), which ensure the uninterrupted operation of domain addressing of the Russian segment of the Internet, the Kommersant newspaper reports, citing its source familiar with the relevant plans. This issue was discussed in July at a meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the FSB, the Federal Tax Service and Roskomnadzor. At the same time, another source of the newspaper indicated that there was actually no meeting, since its participants were presented with the fact[3]

The essence of the project is that the CC will be nationalized, and the financial flows passing through it will go to government agencies. Igor Shchegolev At the same time, the presidential aide advocates that the CC receive the authority Rostelecom"," and the deputy head Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Aleksei Sokolov lobbies for the option c. Research Institute "Sunrise" Other applicants are called "" and Giprosvyaz. Research Institute of Radio

At the same time, a change in the legal structure of the CC is not discussed, since remodeling his powers is fraught with problems with the American corporation ICANN, which is the administrator of the domain names of the global Internet.

The publication indicates that per year the Internet Development Fund and CC receive 130 million rubles. royalties. TCI receives 420 million rub.​ from registrars for registration or extension of domains[4].

Sberbank's subsidiary will have the right to block phishing sites

The Coordination Center of the National Internet Domain (CC) can grant the "Safe Information Zone" ("Bison"), which is a subsidiary of Sberbank, the right to separate (turn off) sites if passwords or money are stolen through them. The head of the CC Andrei Vorobyov told the media about thisОшибка цитирования Неверный вызов: нет входных данных.

"Now Bison requires domain separation either through law enforcement agencies or through already accredited organizations. But it's time-consuming. Why would they work through an intermediary when the efficiency of blocking is important, because they themselves can do it, "Vorobyov said.

According to him, to transfer such rights to Bison, CC intends to use paragraph 5.7 of the "Rules for registering domain names in and." Rf zone, "which says that the registrar has the right to stop delegating a domain that is used for phishing, distributing viruses or materials with child pornography." In this case, Bison will act as a "competent organization" that determines which domain should be deactivated.

Russia the fight against prohibited and dangerous information on the network Internet , several departments are simultaneously carried out. He is engaged in the identification of pornographic materials, Roskomnadzor the search for information on the illegal distribution of drugs and their propaganda -, Federal Drug Control Service the detection of materials with the promotion of suicide and the identification of information harmful to the health of children -. Rospotrebnadzor Federal Tax Service engaged in gambling State Office of Public Prosecutor , and identifies extremist materials on the Internet. In this case, the delegation of the domain can be terminated either by the Office of "K" or MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS the Prosecutor General's Office.


Revenue - 140 million rubles

At the end of 2015, TCI's revenue amounted to 450 million rubles, CC (Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet) - 140 million rubles. At the end of 2015, there were about 5 million domains in the.Ru zone, and about 800 thousand in the.RF zone.

Andrei Vorobyov - New Director

On October 12, 2015, the Coordination Center of the National Domain of the Network Internet (CC) named its new director. It was the former PR director, Ru-Center Andrei Vorobyov who replaced him in the post, Andrey Kolesnikov who led the organization since 2009 and was fired due to a conflict with the founders of the CC. More. here

2012: Domain. RF shrinks

The Coordination Center of the National Internet Domain summed up the results of 2012 in the field of Network development in Russia. The organization is responsible for the development of two geographic zones - .SU and. RU, as well as one national -. RF, which together contain more than 5 million domains. Of these, 4.27 million are registered in the zone. RU and another 780 thousand - in. RF.

At the same time, the number of domains in the zone is growing. RU continues while the zone. The Russian Federation even slightly decreased - 937 thousand domains were registered at the peak. This is due to the fact that the excitement around the national zone has passed and the domains registered for future use are not used.

"We will
continue to clean the area. RF from unused domains, so in the future a slight decrease in their number is possible, - said Andrei Kolesnikov, head of the Coordination Center. "Note that the proportion of domains used in this zone continues to increase."

Percentage of domains used in the zone. The Russian Federation in 2012 increased to 75% (in 2011 it was at the level of 70%). In the zone. RU this share is 91%.

During 2012, the CC completed the implementation of the DNSSEC protocol in the domain zones under its control. In particular, all three zones served by the CC were signed with an electronic signature placed in the IANA root storage. The ability to authenticate the root servers of national zones allows DNS users, primarily operators that convert DNS records to IP addresses, to be sure that they receive the correct zone data from a reliable source.

Ensuring security, according to the Mikhail Medrish chairman of the Council of the Coordination Center, during this period is one of the key tasks of regulation. Internet The problem has become so severe that the International Telecommunication Union has even tried to include the internet in its sphere of influence for tighter regulation of rules of conduct. However, a final decision on this issue has not yet been made: some countries voted for regulation, some against, and there were countries that took time to familiarize themselves with the problem.

One thing is obvious: the internet is becoming an arena for cyber warfare. Therefore, the resolution of conflicts by organizations independent of states is becoming increasingly difficult. States have enough resources to develop cyber weapons, and this process needs to be monitored. Most likely, no self-regulatory organization will be able to collect enough resources to force any country to comply with such rules. Who exactly should ensure compliance with international agreements in the field of cyber weapons is still unclear, but the need for such forces is already overdue.

More: .RF (domain)

2913: Council update. Structure

In total, the Council includes 12 elected representatives, and one member of the Council is a representative of federal authorities and is delegated to the Council by the Communications Administration of the Russian Federation. Members of the Council are elected for a term of three years, respectively, each year a third of the members of the Council are re-elected.

The composition of the council since January 1, 2013:

Chairman: Mikhail Abramovich Medrish

2009-2011: Confrontation with Ru-Center

Until 2001, there was only one organization in Russia that registered domains in Runet - RosNIIRos. In 2001, Ru-Center was separated from this institute.

At the end of 2003, RU-CENTER, together with RosNIIROS (which retained some of the domains), owned 87.4% of the domain name market in the RU domain. The increase in the number of registrars did not greatly affect the redistribution of the market - all attempts by the Coordination Center to somehow change the situation and enable new registrars to work normally in the market ran into the active resistance of members of the council and board of the CC, who represented RU-CENTER.

The situation began to change only with the arrival in 2009 of Andrei Kolesnikov, director of the CC. He at one time stood at the origins of the creation of a distributed registration system in the RU domain and was one of the "founding fathers" of the Coordination Center. And his activities were largely aimed precisely at somehow reducing the RU-CENTER monopoly and providing conditions for the emergence of new registrars and more intensive development of those that already existed at that time. For a year and a half of its work, 5 new registrars appeared, and the market share that RU-CENTER occupied at that time in the RU domain decreased to 33%. It is clear that such a policy greatly worried the leadership of RU-CENTER - this is not only a blow to the image of the company, which, in fact, until 2009, looked like the main and almost the only carrier of the RU domain, but also a very tangible decrease in revenues.

The launch of the new domain of Russia of the Russian Federation was considered by the leadership of this registrar as an opportunity to take revenge and restore both its monopoly on the national domain and the level of its income. Well, for this, of course, it was necessary by all truths and untruths to ensure that the domain of the Russian Federation was associated among Runet users exclusively with RU-CENTER, and not with other registrars, and even more so not with the Coordination Center.

For this, RU-CENTER began the most active promotion of the Russian domain, both in completely legal and open ways, and not entirely honest ways, which will be discussed below. Actually, until a certain point, this registrar behaved like any other company that wants to get ahead of its competitors and take the maximum market share. But the methods by which RU-CENTER acted cannot always be called honest.

For example, in the spring of 2009, RU-CENTER sent several thousand letters to various state and municipal structures with proposals to choose RU-CENTER as a registrar, where it indicated that applications for domains should be sent to the Coordination Center, and copies should be sent to RU-CENTER. As a result, the Coordination Center received 864 applications with a request to register 7161 domains, of which 491 for municipal bodies. At the same time, Lesnikov, as a member of the council, knew that the provision on reserving domains for state needs had not yet been adopted by the CC council and that this list would be limited only to federal authorities, and municipal formations authorities would not receive any advantages. The coordination center then had to allocate a significant part of the CC resources to process these request letters and to explain the inability to satisfy most of them. RU-CENTER thus tried to get customers whose presence would significantly increase the status of this registrar as "state."

In the fall of 2010, before the start of open registration in the domain of the Russian Federation, when the Coordination Center and personally Andrei Kolesnikov asked the RU-CENTER management to give priority to the very municipal applications, the appearance of which was provoked by RU-CENTER itself, Alexei Lesnikov refused to do this, and all these domain names got to the internal RU-CENTER auction. And these domains were transferred to municipalities only after the mass appearance in the media of letters from representatives of these bodies - that is, not of their own free will, but "under pressure from the public."

If you look at the chronology of events, the situation with the auction in the domain. RF developed as follows: back in 2009, after the acceptance of the Russian application for the Russian domain by ICANN, the Coordination Center planned to introduce this domain in several stages, including before the start of open registration, to conduct a period of premium registrations (a period with a phased reduction in the cost of services for registering second-level domain names in the.RF domain), i.e. the same notorious "Dutch auction." And until the fall of 2010, it was precisely this way of distributing domain names in the Russian Federation. But at the end of summer, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) opposed this, i.e. the state, therefore, at the beginning of September 2010, the CC council decided not to hold an auction - by the way, the then state representative on the council Aleksei Soldatov insisted on this . It is noteworthy that a member of the CC council and director of RU-CENTER Alexei Lesnikov also voted in favor of the decision to cancel the auction. He prefers to keep silent about this, he is silent about the fact that, in accordance with the rules of the council of the Coordination Center, he, as a member of the council, had the opportunity to gather an unscheduled meeting of the council and defend his point of view, which he later so actively promoted.

After this event, RU-CENTER, having officially opposed the "big" auction, began to prepare the auction "at home," so to speak, privately. This is understandable: the general auction for this company was simply unprofitable, but after its cancellation, the chances of RU-CENTER to obtain a large number of "tasty" domains and further enrichment due to their actual resale from the company increased significantly. The Coordination Center knew about the upcoming auctions, so it posted an open letter to users on its website, which was immediately published by many media outlets. Attempts by the RU-CENTER leadership to find justification for their actions in the words of the director of the CC Andrei Kolesnikov do not stand up to criticism: the only news that says that Kolesnikov allegedly supported the auctions by the registrars himself has no confirmation. Not a single journalist who was present at the press conference, according to the results of which the news was written, gave these words anymore - only a representative of this respected news agency "distinguished himself," who either misunderstood something, or did not hear, or even confused the author of the quote. In all his interviews, which, before the launch of registration in the domain zone of the Russian Federation, were published a lot, Andrei Kolesnikov consistently spoke out against individual registrars holding their own auctions and warned of possible unpleasant consequences for both registrars and users.

Preparations for its own auctions were carried out by RU-CENTER earlier: for example, in May 2010, when RU-CENTER tried to arrange closed auctions for trademark owners, the Coordination Center was forced to freeze disputed domains until violations were eliminated. Then RU-CENTER explained this with a "technical failure" and stopped the violations, rehearsing the launch of its auction and calculating the possible consequences of such actions.

The unfinished rules for holding an auction in the domain of the Russian Federation are what is most often called one of the main reasons for refusing to hold an auction and is reproached to the director of the CC. But there is one cunning detail here: RU-CENTER director Alexei Lesnikov, who later scolded these rules and called them "crooked," was one of the members of the very working group of the committee of registrars of the CC, which developed these rules. What prevented Lesnikov from making the rules better and "straighter" is not clear. Unless personal greed: according to information from some council members and from CC employees, Lesnikov demanded $40,000 for participation in the development of these rules, for which he was refused: the budget of the Coordination Center does not provide funds for such purposes.

Claiming that RU-CENTER was guided exclusively by the interests of its users during auctions, its representatives, to put it mildly, were cunning. For example, take the same list of "auction" domains. When RU-CENTER was asked to provide a list of unfortunate "owners" of domain names won at the auction in order to have information about these actual administrators and in which case be able to restore their right to domain names, RU-CENTER sent... a plate with the names of sixty-thousand-plus domains in XN-- format -: without details, contacts, names or at least some signs by which these "owners" could be established. That is, today these "owners" are recorded only in the local RU-CENTER registry, and in the main registry, where data on all domain name administrators in the Russian domain are collected, there is only one administrator for 62,000 domains - RU-CENTER. And there is no way to know who all these people who won the auctions are, how much they paid, whether there was any deception from the auction organizers. Well, in addition, the list of domain names that RU-CENTER registered for itself hardly reflected the interests of ordinary users: проститутки.рф domains and several hundred more similar ones registered by RU-CENTER are clearly not required by an ordinary runet.

As for the international experience, which RU-CENTER and its representatives so like to refer to, there is practically no international experience in holding auctions in new country (ccTLD) domains. There are two reasons: firstly, the vast majority of the national domains that exist today were "launched" long before that, as a domain space began to interest the public and business of these countries, and therefore all the "most delicious" domains are quite in accordance with the rules and ICANN, and the national registrars received those who were the first to fuss and understand, that a domain name is not just a registry entry, and a real source of additional income, popularity and the possibility of influencing others. Secondly, in accordance with ICANN recommendations, "the applicant must demonstrate his readiness to manage the root domain on the principles of equality and equal access for the local Internet public. The registration rules should clearly state that all people should be able to register domains with equal conditions, without giving any preferences to a certain segment of the Internet public. This is not considered to be correct if domain registration is limited only to the people of the country that the domain serves. " The constantly cited example with the restart of the Colombian CO domain and the fact that it was the auction held during the restart that helped to avoid scandals and proceedings in this domain zone is completely incorrect. First of all, the state spoke out for holding the auction in this domain zone, which took an active part in the formation of both the rules for holding the auction and (importantly) the rules for distributing the profits received from the auction. There are no more examples of auctions in country domains - in the EU domain, which they also like to refer to in RU-CENTER, the auction was not held as such, a number of "especially valuable" domain names were implemented by the domain administrator at an increased price. As for the example with the.ASIA domain, it is generally a public domain (gTLD) and was allocated to the operator by ICANN on quite commercial terms.

Further, in the fall of 2010, during the start of the procedure for open registration of domains in the zone. RF, Ru-Center collected preliminary applications for 25 thousand domains and put them up for auction, thus collecting 366 million rubles. CC General Director Andrei Kolesnikov considered such actions a violation of the rules, since the domain must be registered in the interests of the first applicants, moreover, the registrar does not have the right to register domains for himself. But Kolesnikov's demand to stop auctions was ignored by Ru-Center.

Pavel Levushkan, director of the Other Europe Center for Strategic Studies, commented on NI[5] in July 2011[5]"Ru-Center actions are a classic example of cybersquatting. Having paid for the most popular domain names at only 70 rubles. at cost, the company bought them and sold at least 25 thousand domains at closed auctions at an average price of 5-7 thousand rubles. for each. "

Election to the Council of the CC for 2011

On October 31, 2010, the acceptance of applications from new members for inclusion in the Council of the Center was completed, they could be nominated either independently or on the recommendation of the current members of the Council. Two new members of the Council should be elected in both categories. A total of 16 applications were submitted, of which 5 were on the recommendation of Council members.

On December 20, 2010, regular elections to the Council of the Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet were held. According to the results of the elections, Alexander Fedorovich Klimov, Alexander Sergeevich Nashchekin, Alexander Valerievich Panov and Sergey Alexandrovich Plugotarenko became new members of the Council. The Chairman of the Council instead of Mikhail Vladimirovich Yakushev, whose term of office expires in 2010, was elected Marina Vasilyevna Nikerova. The new members of the Council will begin their duties on January 1, 2011.

In 2010, the term of office of the members of the Council expired with the Chairman of the Council Mikhail Vladimirovich Yakushev and with three members of the Council: Vasily Vadimovich Dolmatov, Alexei Pavlovich Platonov and Mark Mikhailovich Tverdynin.

New council members were chosen by its existing members by a ranking vote. According to the charter, it was necessary to elect 2 members each in categories "A" (candidates nominated by council members) and "B" (self-nominated and candidates issued by society).

Among the candidates who did not pass in category "A": Dmitry Mednikov, head of the department for the development of digital technologies of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company (VGTRK), Dmitry Mednikov, director for work with key clients of the main operator Eurotel (a subsidiary of MTS), Dmitry Zakharov, and head of the network solutions department of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Latvia (administrator of the domain zone. lV) Katrina Sataki.

In category "B" among the non-candidates: 1C-Bitrix CEO Sergei Ryzhikov, employee of the Russian representative office of IBM Dmitry Burkov, representative of the Friendly Runet Foundation Yevgeny Bespalov, lawyers Viktor Naumov and Anton Sergo.

Until now, only one registrar has been represented on the CC council - this is Ru-Center CEO Andrei Lesnikov. In addition, the council included the director of the Russian Research Institute for the Development of Public Relations (RosNIIROS) Alexei Platonov and the founder of this organization, Deputy Minister of Communications Aleksei Soldatov. In the 90s, RosNIIROS was the administrator and only domain registrar in the zone. Ru, and with the beginning of the demonopolization process, Ru-Center was allocated from this organization. Market participants believe that Platonov and Soldatov are co-owners of Fiard, which owns a 49% stake in Ru-Center.

Platonov this year drops out of the council members, and Soldatov, after resigning in November of this year, was recalled by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. The representative of the state occupies 13 metos in the council, has the right to veto and is appointed to the council bypassing the elections. This place was taken by Deputy Minister of Communications Ilya Massukh.

Vasily Dolmatov, deputy general director of CryptoCom, and Mikhail Yakushev, former head of the legal department of the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Russian representative office of Microsoft (now works for Group), also leave the council.

The composition of the Council of the Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet since January 1, 2011:

Election to the Council of the CC for 2012

In 2011, 16 people applied for the vacating 4 places for 2012.

Among the new members of the council are two representatives of telecommunications companies:

  • Director of the MTS data transmission network department, former technical director of Comstar - Direct (worked under the Stream trademark) Victor Belov. In 2010, MTS already had a candidate for the CC council: Dmitry Zakharov, director of key customer relations at Eurotel (MTS main subsidiary), but then his candidacy did not pass.
  • technical director of Akado - Capital Mikhail Medrish.
  • Also on the council was Mikhail Yakushev, vice president of Group for Legal Affairs, former chief lawyer of the Ministry of Information Communications and the Russian representative office of Microsoft[6].

As for Medrish and Yakushev, they were already members of the CC council, but at the beginning of 2011 they left it due to the rotation system of council members adopted in 2007 after three years in it. Medrish has been a member of the council since its foundation in 2001, Yakushev - from 2004, and from 2007 to 2010. he was chairman of the council.

  • Another new member of the council is Pavel Khramtsov, head of the Internet group of the Ru-Center domain registrar. In fact, he replaces Alexei Lesnikov, adviser to the general director and ex-head of Ru-Center, who is leaving the council with the beginning of 2012.

Who else applied for election to the CC council is not reported. But two sources of CNews close to the council said that among the candidates were former marketing director of the Openstat service Alexei Matveev, president of the Contact-Expert marketing agency Grigory Trusov, general director of the RegTime domain registrar Sergei Sharikov and head of the law firm Infoexpertiza Sofya Grunyushkina.

Since 2010, the CC Council has also included:

  • Hosting Community Managing Partner Alexander Panov, who simultaneously became the CEO of Ru-Center in the spring. Thus, Ru-Center retained two representatives on the council.
  • Oleg Tabarovsky, Technical Director of AMT Group, was elected the new chairman.

The composition of the Council of the Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet since January 1, 2012:
