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Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation




+ Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Subordinate organizations and departments

Subordinate federal services at the beginning of 2017:

Organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance of Russia:

  • PKU "Test Chamber of Russia"
  • PKU "GU" VO of the Ministry of Finance of Russia "
  • Gokhran of Russia
  • FSUE V/O Almazyuvelirexport
  • PKU "GU AZ of the Ministry of Finance of Russia"
  • NIFI
  • FSBI "IFC of the Ministry of Finance of Russia"

Development of information technologies

2024: The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation buys servers and DSS for 2.6 billion rubles to update GIS

At the end of May 2024, the Russian Ministry of Finance announced a tender for the large-scale purchase of domestic software and hardware and servers for the modernization of the department's information and telecommunication infrastructure. The total amount of the contract is 2.6 billion rubles. Read more here.

2023: The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation forbade employees to use iPhone

In mid-July 2023, it became known that the Ministry of Finance and power of Russia banned employees from using iPhones and other Apple devices for official purposes. A similar ban is already in effect in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Digital Development and the Rostec state corporation. Read more here.


The Ministry of Finance will simplify the receipt of subsidies from the budget. A special online platform is being prepared for this

Elena Gromova, Director of the IT Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on November 23, 2021, spoke about the creation of a single platform for providing financial support measures. The department began implementing this project in 2021 together with the Ministry of Digital Development. Read more here.

Delivery of non-operating software

On January 25, 2021, it became known that the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on fraud in the supply of inactive software to the Ministry of Finance.

The Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal case of fraud in the supply of software for state needs to the Ministry of Finance, which was inoperable, the source said.

According to the source, according to the investigation, the contractor knew at the conclusion of the state contract that he would not be able to create the required software, but misled the customer to receive the bulk of the payment. The source did not specify the amount of damage involved in the criminal case.

The name of the executor of the state contract is not known. Monitoring of software contracts of the Ministry of Finance recently gives an unambiguous answer to the question of who exactly put inoperative software does not give[1].

2016:2016 results and 2017 priorities

On April 20, 2017, during the expanded board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the head of the department Anton Siluanov spoke about the results of work in 2016 and the tasks for the upcoming period.[2]

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov spoke about the impact of IT on tax collection

Part of the minister's report was devoted to the development of the IT direction. In particular, it was about new information systems that should improve the administration of income.

The main task here is to increase tax collection and reduce the administrative burden for conscientious business, increased attention to enterprises that still use gray schemes. We plan to use advanced information technologies here, which we have adopted with the subordinate services. Here is the Federal Tax Service Automated Control System VAT-2% 28ASK VAT-2% 29 ASK NDS-2, here is the state automated information system for alcohol accounting% 28EGAIS% 29 EGAIS, here is the marking that we talked about and which made it possible to increase the turnover of legal products several times, - said the minister.

The increase in collection should be accompanied by a reduction in the administrative burden. According to Siluanov, the Ministry of Finance plans to abandon paper reporting for EGAIS users.

Recently, a public council was held, which said that we need to reduce paper reporting and switch to modern methods of presentation and exchange of information. We have prepared a corresponding bill, which will be implemented after the adoption this year, he added.

The main task in the field of income administration for the coming year, the Minister of Economy calls the full coverage of retail 2015:_.D0.97.D0.B0.D0.BA.D0.BE.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B5.D0.BA.D1.82_.D0.BE_.D0.B2.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.B4.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B8_.D0.BE.D0.BD.D0.BB.D0.B0.D0.B9.D0.BD-.D0.BA.D0.B0.D1.81.D1.81_.D0.B2_.D0.A0.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.81.D0.B8.D0.B8 with cash registers with online data transfer to the Federal Tax Service.

As a result, a unique tool is created that allows you to receive information about all retail sales in the country. This is not only accurate status observations. You can tie tax policy tools to this information and thus minimize the burden on taxpayers, - said the head of the Ministry of Finance.

One important task concerns the customs sphere. Here, the goal is to create a system that monitors the movement of goods from the border to a specific retail buyer.

The pilot project for the introduction of a product monitoring mechanism will start on February 1 next year, during which it is planned to expand the product monitoring inventory. The task for this year is the integration of information systems and risk management systems between the Federal Tax Service and the FCS.

We are now fully using a risk-oriented approach in our subordinate services, and the risk management system that exists in the tax service will now be available to customs authorities and vice versa. And this will create a single dossier of a participant in foreign economic activity, a taxpayer, which, accordingly, will improve administration and provide bona fide taxpayers with a green light both for customs clearance and for passing administrative procedures. And for those taxpayers who, on the contrary, fall into the red zone, increased control will be established, - concluded Anton Siluanov.



Appointment of Ivan Chebeskov as Deputy Minister

At the end of November 2023, the Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Ivan Chebeskov as the new deputy. Minister of Finance of the Russian federation Prior to that, in the department, he headed the department of financial policy. More. here

Departure of Timur Maksimov from the post of Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin dismissed Russian Deputy Finance Minister Timur Maksimov at his request. The corresponding order of the government was published on October 24, 2023. By this day, the reasons for the dismissal of Maksimov were not disclosed. Read more here.

2022: State Committee in Aeroflot increased from 57.34% to 73.77%

On July 13, 2022, it became known about an increase in the state's share in Aeroflot by more than 16 percentage points at once - from 57.34% to 73.77%. These are shares that Russia will receive in the person of the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Property Management Agency. They submitted a joint application for the acquisition of more than 1.5 billion shares of the airline for 52.5 billion rubles at a placement price of 34.29 rubles. Read more here.


Purchase of Aeroflot shares for 40.94 billion rubles

On October 14, 2020, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation bought Aeroflot shares for 40.94 billion rubles. As part of the additional issue of ordinary shares of the air carrier, more than 682.3 million securities were purchased at the expense of the National Welfare Fund (NWF). Read more here.

Appointment of Andrei Ivanov to the post of first deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development

On July 17, 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a government order appointing Andrei Ivanov to the post of first deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development. Prior to that, he was Deputy Finance Minister. Read more here.

Rubitech will develop a design solution for the modernization of the telecommunications infrastructure of the data center of the Ministry of Finance

IBS Consulting, which has changed its name to Rubitech, will present to the Ministry of Finance a design solution for modernizing the telecommunication infrastructure of the data center system of the department[3]. In addition, the company will develop design solutions for the Federal Tax Service to replace the software and hardware complex (PAC) based on Teradata solutions used in the unified information and analytical platform (EIAP) of the automated information system "Tax 3." The contract with Rubitech was concluded by the Main Scientific Innovative Implementation Center following the results of the purchase from a single supplier on June 25, 2020.

Information about the purchase, the only supplier of which was Rubitech, was posted on the public procurement portal on June 25, 2020. At the same time, the period from May 26 to June 25, 2020 is indicated in the contract as the deadline for the work of IBS Consulting. The contract price is 10 million rubles. The initial maximum contract price was similar. The cost of modernizing the telecommunication infrastructure of the data processing centers of the Ministry of Finance is 8 million rubles, developing solutions for the information and analytical platform of the Tax 3 system - 2 million rubles.

According to the terms of reference, by modernizing the telecommunications infrastructure of the data processing centers of the Ministry of Finance, IBS Consulting must:

  • develop a new architecture for the network and link layers of the data center telecommunication infrastructure;

  • Identify approaches to choosing a solution to upgrade the data center's telecommunications infrastructure and develop the solution

  • prepare logical and physical diagrams and a plan for the transition of the data center to the new infrastructure;

  • develop a specification of technical means for upgrading the telecommunications infrastructure of the data center.

Purchase of a 50% stake in Sberbank from the Central Bank for 2.14 trillion rubles

On April 10, 2020, the Ministry of Finance of Russia announced the purchase of 50% of ordinary shares of Sberbank from the Bank of Russia at the expense of the National Welfare Fund. The transaction was carried out at the weighted average trading price on the Moscow Exchange for the period from March 9 to April 7, which amounted to 189.44 rubles. per share. The transaction amount is about 2.14 trillion rubles. The Central Bank clarified that the purchase and sale agreements were concluded on April 8, and on April 10 the shares were transferred to the government of the Russian Federation.

Another ordinary share of Sberbank remained in the possession of the Central Bank, which will be transferred no later than May 6. The preservation of this share from the Bank of Russia is necessary to conclude a shareholder agreement, explained in the Central Bank.

On March 10, 2020, Deputy Finance Minister Vladimir Kolychev, who is responsible for this deal, called the circumstances for the purchase of Sberbank a good moment. On this day, Sberbank shares fell by almost 9% amid a general collapse in the stock market after the breakdown of the deal to limit OPEC + oil production. The next day, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that the deal could be completed in one tranche, and did not rule out its completion in April. "We intend not to postpone, so as soon as the legislation is adopted, we will quickly complete this deal," said Mr. Siluanov (quoted by TASS). He noted that the National Welfare Fund is formed in foreign currency and in ruble terms, reserves have become higher. "Therefore, we expect that we will have enough financial resources to carry out this deal at once,"[4] explained[4].

In early April, the Ministry of Finance announced that in March it converted funds from the National Welfare Fund (NWF) in the amount of $8.67 billion, €7.92 billion and £1.6 billion into 1.49 trillion rubles. in order to acquire ordinary shares of Sberbank.
