Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation


Federal Treasury - payment, accounting, control, information system in the field of financial activities of public legal entities

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation



+ Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Federal Treasury is a federal executive body (federal service) that performs, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, law enforcement functions to ensure the execution of the federal budget, cash servicing of budget execution of the budget system of the Russian Federation, preliminary and current control over the conduct of operations with federal budget funds by the main managers, managers and recipients of federal budget funds

Structure and functions of the Federal Treasury

The PK organ system includes:

  • PK central apparatus;
  • Management of FC for the subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • Departments of FC departments in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


  • Methodological and methodological support
  • Individual functions of financial bodies
  • Ensuring the execution of the federal budget
  • Cash service
  • Revenue Accounting and Distribution
  • Maintaining budget (accounting) accounting and drawing up budget (accounting) reporting
  • Maintenance and maintenance of state information systems
  • Ensuring the activities of the Federal Treasury
  • Performance of other functions in the established field of activity
  • Control and supervision in the financial and budgetary sphere
  • External Quality Control of Audit Organizations


Information systems:

Main stages of the development of the Treasury of the Russian Federation

2020: Mishustin appointed the Federal Treasury as the operator of the state property trading system

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin appointed the Federal Treasury as the operator of the state property trading system. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers announced this on November 22, 2020. Read more here.

2011: Electronic Budget Concept Approved

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2011 No. 1275-r approved the Concept for the creation and development of a state integrated information system for managing public finances "Electronic Budget."

2002: World Bank Loan

Paragraph 5 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 23, 1999 No. 677 "On the Federal Target Program for the Development of Federal Treasury Bodies for 2000-2004," the Ministry of Finance of Russia was instructed to provide for financing of the Program during the formation of projects of the program of state external borrowings of the Russian Federation for the corresponding years.

It was planned that the implementation of the main program activities will be carried out within the framework of the Project.

Borrowing from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) for financing the Project was provided by the Program of State External Borrowings of the Russian Federation for 2002 (Appendix 24 to the Federal Law of December 30, 2001 No. 194-FZ "On the Federal Budget for 2002") and the Program of Cooperation between Russia and the World Bank for the period 2002-2004, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on February 21, 2002.

During the preparation of the Project, during the period 1999-2001, 7 World Bank missions were conducted with the participation of representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), including an identification mission, three preparatory, pre-evaluation, evaluation and additional missions to clarify the borrowing scheme.

By a letter dated February 28, 2002 (No. YeSS10-N-2002-00137), the World Bank sent an invitation to the Ministry of Finance of Russia for negotiations and a draft Agreement between the Russian Federation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on a loan to finance the Project (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

On March 18, 2002, an order of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 321-r) on negotiations was signed, agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

On March 19, 2002, the directives and composition of the delegation of the Russian Federation for negotiations also agreed with these ministries were approved.

The agreed protocol of negotiations was signed by the parties on March 22, 2002.

The results of negotiations with the attached protocol and draft Agreement were submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation on April 2, 2002.

By letter No. 1983p-P13 of 8 April 2002, the Government of the Russian Federation notified the World Bank of its approval of the outcome of the negotiations.

On June 6, 2002, the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank approved the loan.

On July 18, 2002, the Ministry of Finance of Russia submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation a draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On attracting an adaptation program loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the modernization of the treasury system of the Russian Federation and signing an Agreement between the Russian Federation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on a loan to finance the project" Modernization of the treasury system of the Russian Federation, "" agreed in accordance with the established procedure with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, as well as with the Ministry of Justice of Russia. The specified Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 573 was signed on July 27, 2002.

Loan Agreement No. 4662-RU for financing the Project (the "Loan") between the Russian Federation and IBRD was signed on July 31, 2002.

The Project preparation was financed by a loan No. 3844-RU for the development of the loan portfolio of the Russian Federation and a grant from the Government of Japan No. TF-025812, which was in trust of the IBRD, in the amount of 497.0 thousand dollars (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1999 No. 1317, Agreement between the Russian Federation and the IBRD of December 22, 1999). The grant funds were spent in full, the grant was closed in the prescribed manner.

According to the agreements reached with the World Bank, the financing of the Project was carried out from three main sources:

(1) a World Bank loan,

(2) tax co-financing allocated by the Russian Federation for the payment of taxes and duties under the Loan Agreement with IBRD not subject to financing from the IBRD loan; and

(3) non-tax (direct) co-financing of the Project allocated for the implementation of activities under government contracts, including funds from the Federal Target Program for the Development of Federal Treasury Bodies for 2000-2004 (since 2001).

Initially, it was assumed that the funds of the IBRD Adaptation Program Loan, used to finance interrelated, consistently implemented parts of long-term investment projects, would be used within the framework of the Project in two tranches totaling 400 million US dollars.

The first tranche (in the amount of 231 million US dollars) of the Adaptation Program Loan provided for the financing of 3 main components necessary for the implementation of the Program:

I. Technical assistance;

II. Equipment and software;

III. Training and training.

It was assumed that the implementation of these components, taking into account the partial formation due to non-tax co-financing of the Project by the Russian Federation of the necessary protected and disaster-resistant technical infrastructure, will allow achieving the key criteria for the implementation of the first tranche (first part) of the Adaptation Program Loan (in the amount of 231 million US dollars) determined within the framework of the agreed Protocol of negotiations.

It was assumed that the results obtained would allow to quickly allocate funds of the second tranche (the second part of the loan in the amount of 169 million US dollars), and already at the expense of the second tranche (the second part) of the Adaptation Program Loan The Government of the Russian Federation will ensure the achievement of the final goals of the Project. Raising funds for the second tranche was planned for the period from 2006 to 2010.

The change in the Project's financial support scheme in terms of the rejection of the second tranche of the Adaptation Program Loan, taking into account its replacement with co-financing funds of the Russian Federation, determined the postponement of the closing date of the first tranche to the end of 2010. This decision also determined the need to revise the goals and indicators of its implementation results, based on the financing by the first tranche of activities of the entire Project, and not just its first part. This was due to the fact that it was previously planned to carry out work and, accordingly, spend the funds of the first tranche of the Adaptation Program Loan within 5 years.

The changes agreed by the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia provided for the work and, accordingly, the spending of the Loan funds within 8 years, taking into account the fact that the entire amount of funds previously provided for in the second tranche will be completely replaced during these years by the funds of non-tax co-financing of the Project by the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the second tranche of the Adaptation Program Loan provided for the payment of work under contracts concluded and, accordingly, paid under the first tranche of this loan. In this regard, the Federal Treasury and IBRD significantly revised the Project Procurement Plan, redistributing the Loan funds to pay for long-term contracts already concluded, while maintaining the amount of operating costs (despite the fact that it was necessary to ensure the costs of managing the Project for not 5, but for 8 years). At the same time, the Federal Treasury decided to finance a number of Project activities from non-tax co-financing of the Russian Federation, which were originally planned to be financed from the Loan.

Said changes to reduce the Project costs under the Loan and, as a result, increasing current expenses at the expense of non-tax co-financing of the Russian Federation, were included in the Procurement Plan and were annually agreed by the Federal Treasury with the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in the order, provided for by the Regulation on the work with projects implemented by the Russian Federation with the participation of international financial organizations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2005 No. 43. At the same time, it should be noted that such non-tax co-financing of the Project by financing government contracts within the framework of the current activities of the Federal Treasury bodies was carried out in the general procedure of cash execution of the federal budget with the inclusion of information on cash expenditures made in the financial statements under the Project.

The application of this scheme was made possible due to the fact that initially not only funds of the Loan and tax co-financing, but also funds of non-tax co-financing of the Russian Federation were considered as general funds of the Project. The IBRD was put forward, and the Ministry of Finance of Russia and in the future the Federal Treasury adopted a number of requirements regarding the procedure for accounting for expenses for purchases financed through non-tax co-financing - they were carried out according to the rules acceptable to the IBRD within the framework established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, were included in the financial statements for the Project sent to the IBRD, audited and checked within the framework of the IBRD missions. The use of this unique scheme ensured the effectiveness of procurement from all sources and was one of the factors that ensured the success of the Project.

The Loan Agreement between the Russian Federation and the IBRD was signed on July 31, 2002, for a total amount of up to $ 400 000 000, for a period of eight years. By its status, the Loan Agreement is an international treaty.

The loan was originally planned to be borrowed under the adaptation program, in the amounts agreed during the negotiations - in two tranches in the amount of 231 million US dollars and up to 169 million US dollars, respectively.

The Ministry of Finance of Russia was able to fulfill the conditions of the Loan coming into force as soon as possible, due to which the Loan Agreement officially entered into force on October 2, 2002 (letter from the IBRD Director for Russia D. Schweitzer dated October 2, 2002 on the acceptance of the submitted evidence of compliance with the conditions preceding the entry into force of the Agreement).

Subject to Article II of Section 2.01 of the Agreement, the Bank has provided the Borrower with a Loan in the amount of USD 231 000 000. UNITED STATES.

The original closing date of the Loan was 31 December 2007 or a later date set by IBRD.

The attraction of the second tranche was planned for the period from 2006 to 2010.

A joint letter dated April 29, 2006 No. 42-4.3-05/8 signed by Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation S.A. Storchak and Head of the Federal Treasury T.G. Nesterenko addressed to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.L. Kudrin initiated the issue of agreeing on a change in the financial support scheme of the Project, taking into account the refusal to raise the second tranche of the loan and the postponement of the closing date of the first tranche to December 31, 2010.

Within realization of the main directions of debt policy of the Government of the Russian Federation (Minutes of the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2005) aimed at reducing the volume of state external borrowings of the Russian Federation, and taking into account the justifications submitted by the Federal Treasury dated April 29, 2006 No. 42-4.3-05/8, The Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia agreed on a refusal to borrow funds from the second tranche, taking into account their replacement by non-tax co-financing funds of the Russian Federation (letter dated May 29, 2006 No. 7514-KA/D13). IBRD agreed with the decision to not use the funds of the second tranche and attract the resources of the Russian Federation for this purpose.

On June 7, 2006, the Ministry of Finance of Russia appealed to the IBRD (letter No. 04-02-09/6292 addressed to the Director for Russia, Permanent Representative of the World Bank in Moscow K. Georgieva) with a proposal to amend the Loan Agreement accordingly.

In accordance with Section 2.03 of the Agreement, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the postponement of the closing date of the IBRD Loan by letter No. 2006-00449/ECCU1 dated July 14, 2006 set December 31, 2009 as the new closing date of the Loan, while indicating that the issue of postponing the closing date of the Loan to December 31, 2010 will be considered after the medium-term assessment of the Project.

On October 2, 2009, the Ministry of Finance of Russia sent a request to the IBRD to postpone the closing date of the Loan to December 31, 2010, by letter No. 2009-00555/ECCUI of October 30, 2009, the IBRD announced the adoption of the relevant decision.

On June 22, 2010, the Federal Treasury appealed to the Ministry of Finance of Russia with an official request to initiate the procedure for extending the Loan based on the assessment of the deadlines required for replicating the application software of the unified Automated System of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter referred to as FC AS). At the same time, the completion of these works was planned no later than January 1, 2012, and the specified period was met, and the additional six-month period - until June 30, 2012 - was initially considered as a reserve.

The proposal of the Federal Treasury to establish June 30, 2012 as the closing date of the Loan was supported by the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and adopted by the IBRD on December 24, 2010 (letter No. 2010-00719/ECCU1).

The IBRD Letter No. 2012-00128/ECCU1 of April 3, 2012 established a grace period of 4 months, that is, until October 31, 2012 on June 30, 2012. The loan was closed.

In September 2012, the Ministry of Finance of Russia applied to the IBRD with a request to extend the grace period for 2 months, until December 31, 2012.

By letter No. 2012-486/ECCU1 dated October 2, 2012, the IBRD confirmed the extension of the grace period for the Loan until December 31, 2012.


Treasury Development Program 2000-2004

In this regard, the main tool for reforming the Russian treasury system was the Federal Target Program for the Development of Federal Treasury Bodies for 2000-2004 developed by GUFK specialists (hereinafter referred to as the Program), agreed upon by almost all the main institutions of state power of the Russian Federation and approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on June 23, 1999 No. 677.

The state customer of the Program was determined by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of the Program was the development of the system of bodies of the Federal Treasury, necessary to improve the efficiency of management and control over state financial resources. The program was a long-term, well-developed strategy for the development of the federal budget execution system, which clearly indicated:

  • objectives, objectives, terms and stages of the Program implementation;
  • main program measures and ways of their implementation;
  • main end results;
  • financial support in the areas of expenses, implementation mechanisms, procedure for managing and monitoring the implementation of the program.

One of the main tasks envisaged by the program was the creation, development, full-scale implementation and organization of the effective use of a single information and telecommunication system of the Federal Treasury bodies, taking into account the security of information.

Budget Code of the Russian Federation

A serious step in forming the legal basis for the activities of the Federal Treasury bodies was the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (BC RF), which entered into force in accordance with the Federal Law of July 9, 1999 No. 159-FZ "On the Introduction of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation" effective January 1, 2000, except for certain provisions for which this Federal Law established certain conditions or other deadlines for enactment.

In particular, the BC of the Russian Federation for the first time at the legislative level established:

  • the subject of relations regulated by the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 1 of the BC of the Russian Federation);
  • the structure and hierarchy of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation (Articles 2 and 3 of the BC of the Russian Federation);
  • the ratio of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation and the norms of international law (Article 4 of the BC of the Russian Federation);
  • the effect of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation in time (Article 5 of the BC of the Russian Federation);
  • principles of the budget system of the Russian Federation;
  • legal status of participants in the budget process;
  • treasury execution of budgets and basic (uniform for budgets of all levels) principles of treasury execution of budgets;
  • legal basis of state financial control;
  • legal basis of the procedure and conditions for prosecution for violation of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

The budget code has become the main legislative act regulating key issues of treasury execution of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation.

An important condition for the rise of the Russian economy and ensuring further sustainable economic growth was the targeted implementation of structural and institutional reforms. Given the importance of the tasks solved by the Federal Treasury bodies in the country's economic security system, the process of developing the treasury system has become one of the key elements of the state budget policy and the entire range of reforms in the budget sector.

The main means of practical implementation of structural policies, states active influence on production and economic processes were targeted programs. Federal target programs are a complex of research, development, production, socio-economic, organizational, economic and other measures linked by resources, performers and deadlines to ensure an effective solution of tasks in the field of state, economic, environmental, social and cultural development. Russia

1996: Budget Classification Act

Certain issues of the Treasury's activities on the execution of the federal budget were regulated by federal laws on the budget for the next financial year, Federal Law of August 15, 1996 No. 115-FZ "On the budget classification of the Russian Federation," as well as legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation issued in pursuance of the above documents. These legislative and regulatory acts were the legal basis that ensured the creation and development of treasury bodies almost until recently.

1993: Clarification of the tasks and functions of the Treasury

Subsequently, the provisions and norms of this Decree, including the tasks and functions of the Treasury, were specified by Decree of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 1993 No. 864 "On the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation." In particular, the specified Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • approved the Regulation on the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation;
  • instructed the Ministry of Economy of Russia to develop, together with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, a federal program for the development of the system of bodies of the Federal Treasury.

1992: Establishment of the Treasury of the Russian Federation

In the early 1990s, the Russian Federation took a course towards reforms in various fields: political, economic, financial, social. Serious institutional changes began to be carried out in the field of financial accounting, the banking system, the formation and execution of the country's budget.

By mid-1992, the Russian Federation came to a state when the execution of the federal budget largely fell out of the control of the Government of the Russian Federation. Delays in crediting taxes and fees to the accounts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, delays in transferring funds from the federal budget and reporting on credited funds were the norm in the work of many banks, including the work of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The latter, in turn, lost control over the accounts of budgetary institutions, which, in pursuit of profitability, began to transfer them to commercial banks. Federal budget accounts were opened with commercial banks. There was a negative practice of offsets (cash-strapped offsets) when paying taxes and fees to the budget system of the Russian Federation.

The current situation in the economy was characterized by the following negative factors:

  • insufficient efficiency of accounting for the receipt and expenditure of budget funds;
  • insufficient control over the targeted use of budget funds;
  • duration of passage of allocated funds to the final recipient.

As a result, the lack of effectiveness of mechanisms for monitoring budget spending significantly destabilized the country's budget policy and reduced the possibility of active participation of the Government of the Russian Federation in its implementation. The objective condition for the positive development of the current situation in the financial sector was the adoption of a new version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which clearly delineated the functions of the executive and legislative branches of government, as well as the role and place of the Bank of Russia in the financial structure of the state. In accordance with Article 114 of the Constitution, the Government of the Russian Federation ensures the execution of the federal budget and is accordingly responsible for the proper performance of this function. The Bank of Russia, in accordance with the law, cannot carry out cash execution of the budgets of the Russian Federation.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 8, 1992 No. 1556 "On the Federal Treasury," in order to effectively manage income and expenses during the execution of the federal budget, strengthen control over the receipt and targeted use of public funds in the Russian Federation, a new financial body was formed - a single centralized system of bodies of the Federal Treasury (treasury), subordinate to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. As part of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the GUFK) was created. By this Decree, the Treasury bodies were entrusted with the following main tasks:

  • organization, implementation and control over the execution of the federal budget, management of funds in treasury accounts;
  • regulation of financial relations between the federal budget and state (federal) extra-budgetary funds, control over non-budgetary (federal) funds;
  • short-term forecasting of the amount of state financial resources, as well as operational management of these resources within the limits established for the corresponding period of government spending;
  • collection, processing and analysis of information on the state of public finances, submission to federal state authorities of reports on financial transactions of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • management and servicing together with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of the state internal and external debt of the Russian Federation;
  • development of methodological and instructional materials, procedure for maintaining accounting operations on issues within the competence of the Treasury;
  • keeping records of the state treasury of the Russian Federation.

To solve these problems, the treasury bodies were granted this Decree, including the following rights:

  • produce in ministries, departments, enterprises, institutions and organizations, banks and other financial and credit institutions based on any form of ownership, verification of monetary documents, accounting registers, reports, plans, estimates and other documents related to the crediting, transfer and use of federal budget funds, as well as receive the necessary explanations, certificates and information on issues arising during inspections;

  • receive from banks, other financial and credit institutions certificates on the state of accounts of enterprises, institutions and organizations using the funds of the republican budget of the Russian Federation, state (federal) extra-budgetary funds, as well as extra-budgetary (federal) funds;

  • demand that managers and other officials of the inspected public administration bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations eliminate the identified violations of the federal budget execution procedure, monitor their elimination;

  • suspend operations on the accounts of enterprises, institutions and organizations (including banks and other financial and credit institutions) using the funds of the republican budget of the Russian Federation, state (federal) extra-budgetary funds and extra-budgetary (federal) funds, in cases of failure (or refusal to present) to the treasury authorities and their officials accounting and financial documents related to the use of these funds;

  • to recover funds allocated from the republican budget of the Russian Federation or extra-budgetary (federal) funds used for other purposes from enterprises, institutions and organizations in an indisputable manner, with the imposition of a fine in the amount of the current accounting rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.