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Rosatom Renewable Energy (formerly NovaWind, novawind)


Since 2017
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
115093, st. Shchipok, d. 18, p. 2





+ Rosatom Renewable Energy (formerly NovaWind, novawind)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Rosatom Renewable Energy JSC (formerly NovaWind) is a division of Rosatom, the main task of which is to consolidate the efforts of the state corporation in advanced segments and technological platforms of the electric power industry.


2024: Renamed Rosatom Renewable Energy

Rosatom has agreed with the Government of the Russian Federation to rename 21 companies that are part of the state corporation's management loop in such a way as to include the words "Russian Federation," "Russia" or their derivatives in their names. The corresponding order of the Cabinet of Ministers (of 22.01.2024 No. 109-r) was published on the official portal of legal information on January 23, 2024. According to the list approved by the order, NovaWind JSC received the name Rosatom Renewable Energy JSC.

2017: Company Formation

Logo in 2018

NovaWind was founded in September 2017. At the initial stage, it combined all the wind energy assets of Rosatom and was responsible for the implementation of the wind energy strategy.

In 2017, four branches of NovaWind JSC in Volgodonsk, Krasnodar, Stavropol and Rostov-on-Don were established to implement wind power projects. In total, until 2022, enterprises in the control loop of NovaWind JSC had to create wind farms with a total capacity of 1 GW.