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+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Belarusian Innovation Fund
+ Infrafond RVC (Infra Fund)

DentalPRO is a medical information system for dentistry. The company is developing an AI platform that allows dental clinics to automate the diagnosis, treatment and support of patients. By December 2023, the service is available by subscription. Its cost varies from 7990 rubles to over 27,480 rubles per month, depending on the size of the clinic and the services in the package.


2023: Attracting RUB 130 mln of investments

At the end of December 2023, it became known about investing 130 million rubles in DentalPRO. The funding round was led by venture capital fund Kama Flow, a spokesperson told Forbes magazine.

The Russian-Belarusian venture capital investment fund and a group of specialized industry investors also took part in the investment deal, their names were not disclosed.

IT platform for dentistry DentalPro attracted 130 million rubles of investment

The received funds, the DentalPRO team will direct to the expansion of technological tools, a multiple of subscribers adaptation and launch of the product to the markets of the MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa). 

According to investor forecasts, by 2027 DentalPro may occupy a significant share of the Russian market for medical information systems in the segment of private dentistry, the annual volume of which is estimated at 5 billion rubles. In addition, a possible international expansion is capable of opening up markets for companies with a total volume of more than 20 billion rubles a year, according to the investment company Kama Flow.

DentalPRO claims that by the end of 2023 the company offers the only one in Russia a set of programs for dentistry allows you to completely customize the functionality for a clinic of any size. According to DentalPRO's own data, the company's regular monthly income for 2023 doubled and exceeded 6 million rubles. The service has more than 500 partners in Russia and the CIS countries.[1]
