The educational and experimental thermal power plant of FSBEI HE "NIU" MPEI "(CHPP MPEI) is a separate structural division of MPEI and provides the technological process of producing thermal and electric energy for educational and research purposes, as well as the commercial sale of produced energy resources.
2022: Closure for full-scale reconstruction
Since June 2022, the Educational and Experimental Heat and Power Center of the National Research University "MPEI" is closed for a full-scale reconstruction. The university announced this on June 6, 2022.
After the renovation of the CHPP, MPEI, together with the adjacent infrastructure of the university, will be a special energy cluster.
On the basis of our thermal power plant, we will create a special training and production center for the training of highly qualified specialists for electrical and thermal power engineering: classrooms and laboratories with the introduction of digital technologies for distance education based on existing energy equipment, providing safe and comfortable conditions for training, testing and research. Taking into account the development of information technologies, all educational organizations in Russia will be able to get free access and the ability to perform laboratory and research work on existing energy equipment, regardless of distances and time zones. During the reconstruction of the MPEI CHPP, our campus will not be left without heat and electricity. Everything will work normally, "said Yevgeny Leiman, Vice-Rector for the Modernization of the Property Complex and Legal Work. |
As part of the project, the area of the building will increase due to a number of additions and redevelopments, the facade will be updated, roofing floors, engineering systems and technological equipment will be replaced. In addition to the most educational and experimental CHPP, specialists will repair the scientific and laboratory building, a circular pumping station with an administrative block, two tower cooling towers and a distribution point.
In addition to the existing equipment, the reconstruction of the facility provides for the creation of 17 educational and scientific laboratories covering all the main technological processes for generating electric and thermal energy. The laboratories are supposed to be retrofitted at the expense of a special part of the Priority-2030 program grant within the framework of the university's strategic project - "Power of Large Capacities." The result of the project should be an increase in the efficiency of Russian energy equipment and a decrease in dependence on imports.
NRU MPEI heads a consortium of energy universities in Russia and the CIS. And the presence of such a thermal power plant and the associated educational and production infrastructure made it possible to create an energy cluster on the basis of our university. Given the significant contribution of NRU MPEI to educational, methodological and scientific work in this area, the creation of an energy cluster on the basis of our CHPP will make it possible to form a single competence center for all technical universities, scientific and research organizations, developers of new equipment and technologies, - commented the rector of NRU MPEI Nikolai Rogalev. |
It is planned to complete construction work, conduct comprehensive tests and commission the facility in 2024.
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