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Basis (joint venture Cloud Platform) is a developer of software products for the provision of cloud services and a dynamic infrastructure platform. The company was formed as a result of the creation of a joint venture by IT market companies - Rostelecom"," YADRO and/. GS InvestRubytech The result of the merger was the integration of developer expertise and the emergence of a single product portfolio for the market and. PaaS IaaS
Performance indicators
2024: Revenue growth of one and a half times
In February, Basis summed up the preliminary operational and financial results of 2024. According to management data, the company's revenue for the reporting period increased 1.5 times, exceeding 4.5 billion rubles, TAdviser reported in Basis. We are talking about unaudited data, audited will appear a little later.
Two-thirds of the company's revenue came from commercial B2B contracts. The number of new customers increased by 30%, and the number of projects for the implementation of the Basis ecosystem exceeded 160, which is 2.2 times more than in 2023.
The most significant projects for Basis in 2024 were projects with financial organizations. Thus, VTB Bank has transferred its VDI infrastructure from a foreign solution to Basis Workplace, a total of 65 thousand virtual workplaces will be created for bank employees. Gazprombank also chose the Basis ecosystem in its updated infrastructure. There are also large projects in telecom: an agreement with the mobile operator T2, concluded for a period of three years. The deal included all Basis software for virtualization and employee training.
The Basis partner network increased by 90% over the year, the total number of partners exceeded 150 organizations throughout the country.
The company notes that the results achieved have allowed it to become "the largest player and leader in the Russian server and VDI virtualization market, as evidenced by research conducted in 2024 by leading analytical agencies."
Since 2022, Basis has shown double-digit revenue growth every year. A significant role in this was played by the departure from Russia of Western vendors of virtualization solutions and the need for customers to switch to Russian solutions. In 2024, the need of customers for import substitution also became a significant factor in revenue growth, but not the only one, explained to TAdviser the general director of Basis David Martirosov. Moreover, even if there were no import substitution, domestic products would be in demand due to improving their quality and the ability to compete in price, he believes. It is also important to be able to refine products to meet customer requirements, "which foreign vendors usually do not do, especially for Russian customers."
If we compare with 2023, then the impact of the import substitution factor on the financial results of Basis remained the same in 2024. By 2025, almost everyone already realized the need for import substitution, began to look for vendors, select reference cases, launch pilot projects, etc., says the general director of Basis.
At the same time, the potential of classical virtualization is significant, "Basis" can show growth for several more years only for this type of products, David Martirosov noted in a conversation with TAdviser. However, this segment of the Russian market itself is relatively small. That is why the company is expanding the product line and developing the ecosystem.
In 2024, we successfully diversified our revenue: we already have 11 products, and every fifth ruble we earn on promising complementary solutions. Over the past two years, revenue from complementary products has grown 9 times, "David Martirosov cited TAdviser data. |
As for the transition of companies to Russian solutions, this process is almost completed in the public sector - more than 80% of state-owned companies already use domestic solutions or are in the process of transition, according to Basis. In private business, the share of import substitution is about 50% and continues to grow. And it is difficult to assess small and medium-sized businesses - such companies most often use cloud services.
Throughout 2024, the Basis team of engineers and developers continuously improved the company's product ecosystem: the total number of improvements exceeded 2.3 thousand. The company says that at the same time, the implementation of the safe software development approach (RBPO) was significantly improved, which contributed to an increase in the quality and security of Basis software at all stages of development.
In addition, the Basis ecosystem was strengthened by the products and technologies of Rustek, which Basis bought in May 2024. The acquired technologies and experience of Rustek engineers made it possible to bring the Basis Cloud Control product to a new level. Another agreement in 2024 was concluded between Basis and another domestic software developer, Angie. They agreed together to develop a boxed product in Russia for the organization of software-defined networks (SDN), which will become part of the Basis ecosystem. In terms of its main capabilities, the novelty should correspond to the popular VMware NSX solution and will appear on the market in 2025.
In 2024, the company's staff expanded significantly, the number of employees increased by 40%. At the same time, the share of IT specialists increased by 2 percentage points. - up to 86%.
2025: Virtualization Market Leader
IT developer "Basis" entered the leadership quadrant of the first import substitution matrix in Russia in the segment of software for server virtualization, prepared by the analytical company STREAM Consulting together with the community of the club of top managers 4CIO with the support of ANO "Digital Economy." Read more here.
Large-scale update of the Basis ecosystem: more than 700 new features and improvements
Basis, a Russian developer of solutions for organizing dynamic infrastructure, virtual desktops and providing cloud services, has released a large-scale update of its infrastructure software ecosystem. The company's flagship and complementary solutions have received more than 700 new features and improvements. Read more here.
Acquisition of Rustek
On May 2, 2024, Basis, a developer of solutions for organizing dynamic infrastructure, virtual desktops and providing cloud services, announced the completion of a deal to acquire 100% stakes in Rustek, a virtualization developer. Rustek was bought from I-Teco, one of the largest system integrators in Russia. Read more here.
Revenue growth by 80% to 3 billion rubles
In 2023, Basis's revenue amounted to 3 billion rubles, which is 80% more than a year ago at 1.67 billion rubles. This is evidenced by the data that the Russian manufacturer of infrastructure software published on April 1, 2024.
Read more about Rostelecom's IT ecosystem here.
From the materials of "Basis" it follows that the number of clients of the company in the corporate segment (B2B) in 2023 increased by 85%, and in the public sector (B2G) - by 29%. The total number of client virtual machines running on Basis solutions in 2023 increased 7.5 times compared to 2022.
The number of Basis partners in 2023 doubled. The press service of the company notes that the vendor does not train organizations from among partners, which allows them to provide them with basic competencies in working with Basis products at the time of starting work on joint projects.
The main result of joint work with partners "Basis" called the launch of software and hardware complexes designed to help companies switch from foreign infrastructure to domestic.
The staff of "Basis" in 2023 increased 1.5 times, and the share of engineers in the total number of personnel reached 84%. In 2023, Basis took part in the preparation of future IT personnel - 21 universities throughout Russia entered the corresponding program, the number of student participants amounted to 8 thousand people.
In 2023, Basis expanded the list of promoted products with Skala^r, continued to develop cooperation with BASEALT, within which it uses the company's products as guest operating systems.
Basis CEO David Martirosov expects that in 2024 the volume of the Russian workplace virtualization market will grow to 12 billion rubles from 10 billion rubles in 2023.
We assume an increase in the purchase of licenses with delayed implementation, which will also stimulate market growth, "he said. |
1st place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest developers of server virtualization platforms"
The company "Basis" took 1st place in the ranking of the largest platform developers, virtualizations servers prepared TAdviser in July 2024 based on the revenue of companies from projects to implement/supply their own solutions in 2023. More. here
General Partner of the Digital Transformation Day 2023 Industry Conference
The general partners of the Digital Transformation Day 2023 industry conference, which will be held on March 1 in, To Moscow will be the companies "Basis," domestic developer integrator cloudy and solutions, and, MIND Software the developer of software solutions for migration and resiliency virtual in cloud environments. Read more here. [1]
Russian virtualization. Review of 15 developers of domestic products
The analytical center TAdviser studied who is who Russian in the funds market, virtualizations analyzed the functional and integration capabilities of the products, assessed the experience of development companies. Among the companies and products studied are the Cloud Platform (product). BASIS Read more about the research here [2]
Development of training programs for DevOps engineers
In September 2022 the Russian , universities will start training programs DevOps for engineers - specialists in continuous development and administration. The software training will use domestic products in the field of infrastructure solutions "Basis," developed by the company "Cloud Platform." This was announced on September 5, 2022. "Rostelecom
The program of training DevOps engineers at universities is implemented in order to ensure the digital economy of Russia with highly qualified IT personnel in the most popular areas, such as automation of flexible service development, creation and support of dynamic high-load cloud infrastructure.
The Russia demand for DevOps engineers is growing in multiples, their professional skills are actively used in, and bank telecommunication -, ITindustries as well as in. public sector That is why our training program for such specialists is so important. This is the key to successful technological development, - countries explained David Martirosov. |
The training of highly qualified personnel in the field of IT will expand the number of offers in the domestic labor market in the most popular professions, including DevOps engineers. Graduates receive guaranteed employment immediately after receiving a diploma due to a shortage of similar specialists in the labor market. In particular, the best graduate students of the program will be offered employment at Rostelecom, - said I.O. Rector of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman Mikhail Gordin. |
In the first year of the pilot program on the basis of four universities, it is planned to train more than 1.6 thousand specialized specialists. Taking into account the needs of business and the state in DevOps engineers in the academic year 2023-2024, it is planned to expand training as part of a pilot project from four to 12 universities, and the total number of graduates of the program can reach 10 thousand people annually.
The first universities in which DevOps engineers will begin to train will be MSTU "STANKIN," MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, RTU MIREA and UrFU.
Students will have the opportunity to replenish their knowledge in the framework of federal state educational standards in technical areas of training, including "Informatics and Computer Engineering," "Information Systems and Technologies," "Applied Informatics" and "Software Engineering." The training program will also be available in the form of an elective or additional education. Training in all forms of training for DevOps engineers is completely free for student participants in the project.
In reality, in which we found ourselves, joint efforts to expand the level of cooperation between universities and the real sector of the economy, to increase the demand for graduates in the labor market, became absolutely necessary. emphasized Rector of RTU MIREA Stanislav Kuj.
For September 2022, this is a special project of such network cooperation, and in this sense it is difficult to overestimate the importance of launching such a project. I am confident that productive interaction with a focus on the quick and successful result of key industry representatives with leading universities will allow the country to fulfill its ambitious goals to reduce dependence on foreign software and increase the number of highly qualified specialists who are ready to ensure the transition to a new technological structure, added rector of MSTU "STANKIN" Vladimir Serebrenny.
The developed working programs of educational disciplines are compiled taking into account the latest developments and trends in the field of software development methodology, and also cover new directions for the development of DevOps culture. In addition, the programs were formed with the participation of domestic software developers, leading IT engineers and highly qualified programmers with many years of experience in pedagogical practice. Over the past two years, the demand for such specialists has grown by 70-80%, and for specialists who know how to work with Russian software - by 200%.
In addition to university teachers, lectures and seminars will be conducted by practitioners who have at least four years of experience in the field of IT development. The training will be organized in a mixed format, including using the resources of Rostelecom's public cloud, which will ensure maximum student involvement in the knowledge acquisition process.
Speaking about the details of the organization of the educational process, the rector of Ural Federal University Viktor Koksharov said that students will have competencies in the field of DevOps, automation of flexible service development, creation and support of a dynamic cloud infrastructure and the deployment of domestic virtualization tools.
As part of the training, teachers and students will use the domestic ecosystem of software products Basiz.Digital Energy, which closes the entire range of basic products for building and supporting cloud infrastructure. BasicDigital Energy is a DevOps pipeline based on a dynamic infrastructure that allows you to organize a full cycle of software development and testing, as well as create a scalable, secure infrastructure that can handle various types of loads: containers, large archives, virtual machines and applications. The complex solution of Basiz.Digital Energy was created with the participation of Russian representatives of the domestic software development market, such as Yadro, Rubytech and Rostelecom.
The implementation of Basiz.Digital Energy in educational organizations has already been completed, 150 teachers of participating universities have already undergone enhanced training, mastered practical skills and are ready to fully launch pilot training programs from September 2022.
TAdviser interview with CEO David Martirosov
In April 2022, in an interview with TAdviser, the general director of the Cloud Platform, David Martirosov, spoke about the new development strategy for the Cloud Platform, which involves the creation of import substitution solutions and plans to contribute to the Russian open source community. Read more here.
2021: GS INVEST transfers 100% to Skala Software in exchange for a 20% stake in the Cloud Platform joint venture
Legally binding documents were signed on the entry of the GS INVEST group (represented by Rubitech Integration LLC) into the members of Cloud Platform LLC by adding 100% of Skala Software LLC. This was announced by Rostelecom to TAdviser on December 28, 2021.
As a result, the share of GS INVEST in the Cloud Platform will be 20%, the share of Yadro (part of ICS Holding) - 29.697%, and Rostelecom will receive 50.303% shares, retaining control and management.
The technological basis of the Cloud Platform is a product portfolio that combines a complex of PaaS and IaaS services. After entering the new member, the company plans to significantly expand the current product line of the company, especially in the field of terminal and VDI solutions, as well as gain additional potential in the development of new complementary existing software products.
The entry of the company "Rock Software" is a logical subsequent step to strengthen the company's competencies in the cloud services market. Cloud Platform products will be especially relevant to meet the growing needs of government authorities and government corporations in domestic IT systems. explained the first vice president, chief of staff of the president of Rostelecom Anna Shumeiko.
The development of our own digital products, including PaaS and IaaS services, is one of the key areas of development of our company. We set ourselves the goal of creating a national champion in this area. In 2020, the share in the company was acquired by the Yadro group, and now GS INVEST. The fact that such significant players for the domestic market have become our partners suggests that we are moving in the right direction, said David Martirosov, vice president for IT operation and infrastructure at Rostelecom.
For us, this is a strategic investment that organically complements the product range of the GS INVEST group, added Vasily Belov, CEO of GS Invest.
GS INVEST was founded Sergey Matsotsky in May 2020. The Group unites and develops - the Russian IT companies. Thus, as of December 2021, the GS INVEST group includes companies: system integrator Rubytech with expertise in building, IT infrastructures creating, DPCs creating network solutions and technologies in the field; information security enterprise platform storages and processing developer with; big data open source Arenadata developer of solutions in IT areas state and municipal management; BFT Russian developer of systems identifications and access control to information resources of the enterprise; Avanpost developer for software corporations and government organizations; developer and IT One manufacturer of modular platforms for high-load corporate and government information systems. ROCK-R
2020: Rostelecom and Yadro create joint venture to develop PaaS and IaaS services
On September 16, 2020, the company Tionix announced TAdviser that "" and are Rostelecom Yadro creating a joint venture.
The technological basis of the joint venture will be a combined product portfolio, which will combine a complex of PaaS and IaaS services. Created solutions will allow customers to develop their own digital products in the most efficient way - from planning and creation to industrial operation.
The joint venture Cloud Platform LLC, whose work will expand the business direction of Rostelecom data centers, will be created by merging Rostelecom and Yadro subsidiaries - Tionics LLC and Digital Energy LLC, respectively. Rostelecom will receive a 51% stake in Cloud Platform LLC, Yadro's share in the joint venture will be 49%. The companies have already begun to develop a joint platform solution that will meet the needs of large corporate clients and the public sector, which have embarked on the path of digital transformation.
"Rostelecom" tops the rating of providers of IaaS solutions, occupying a quarter of the Russian market for public cloud services. On the basis of the joint venture, Rostelecom creates a major player in the market of technological solutions for cloud services under its management, supplementing its line with PaaS solutions and thus strengthening its own competitive positions in this direction. It is planned that by 2025 the share of companies using the joint venture solution in the corporate and public sectors will reach 40%, and the share of companies in the average market - 15%. |
The transition to a unified product portfolio will allow customers to increase the efficiency of utilization of computing resources by 15-17% and reduce the cost of operating structural services by 20%. In addition, the solutions will be useful for meeting the increasing demand of Russian enterprises for domestic IT systems.
The merger with Digital Energy will strengthen data the business cluster of Rostelecom's processing centers. We will be able to increase market coverage, meet the needs of more customers from different sectors. economies The line of PaaS solutions actively developed by our joint venture partners will enrich the ecosystem of Rostelecom's digital services and will help strengthen the company's competitive position in the actively growing segment of cloud products. explained the senior vice president, chief of staff of the president of Rostelecom Anna Shumeiko.
As a result of the transaction, we plan to provide domestic companies and government agencies with full-cycle platform products: from development to operation, which becomes very popular in the market. We hope that Rostelecom's step towards expanding the range of cloud services on its own software products will increase its competitiveness and serve to accelerate the import substitution process, added vice president of cloud services at Rostelecom Pavel Kaplunov.
The merger of our two teams will allow us to combine experience, competencies and give us the opportunity to work on creating more complex and large-scale projects. I am sure that this is the next level of development for both Digital Energy and Thionics and the next stage for the entire digital product market in Russia, added Digital Energy Product Director Ivan Ermakov.
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