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Rubytech (formerly IBS Consulting)
(effective January 27, 2021)
Financial results
2023 year
Revenue: 17 millions Ths. rub


Performance indicators

2023: Revenue growth by 40% to RUB 17 billion

By the end of 2023, Skala^r, the developer and manufacturer of a modular platform for building a corporate IT infrastructure, increased revenue by 40% compared to the previous year - to 17 billion rubles. This information was shared with TAdviser on July 17, 2024 by representatives of the Skala^r.

Skala^r revenue in 2023 increased by 40%

"The past year has demonstrated a serious increase in demand for Russian PAC to build an IT infrastructure from both business and the state. This is due to the indisputable advantages of serial production hardware and software systems when transferring the IT landscape to Russian technologies: component compatibility, stable indicators, effective operation, as a result - reducing the timing and cost of infrastructure projects, "said Viktor Urusov, General Director of Skala^r.

According to him, in 2023, almost twice as many customers applied to the company than a year earlier. Among them are large enterprises in the financial industry, fuel and energy complex, industry and government agencies.

Among the product areas, the largest growth, according to the company, was demonstrated by the Skala^r MW Virtualization Machines for building a dynamic data center infrastructure and virtual workplaces. Sales increased more than threefold and amounted to about 37% of total revenue.

In second place in terms of share in total revenue (30%) and with a growth rate of 16% is the family of Big Data Machines Skala^r MBD.8 to create an infrastructure for storing, transforming and simultaneously analytical and statistical processing of large amounts of information.

25% of the total revenue from the Database Machine Skala^r MBD.P., which is designed for the operation of PostgreSQL DBMS in high-load systems.

In turn, sales of the Data Storage Machine Skala^r the Moscow Art Theater for creating large-scale S3-storages have grown, according to Skala^r, by almost 3 times. This is one of the youngest areas that has been developed to the level of the corporate sector.

A separate focus of the company in 2023 is proactive participation in the development of the regulatory framework and standards in the field of PAC. In particular, Skala^r is a member of the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 167, which determined the aspects of the power of attorney for the application of PAC at CII facilities. The organization attributed to them technological independence, information security and functional stability.

The company worked to develop its own intellectual capital, as well as the personnel potential of the industry as a whole. The state of Skala^r increased by 2 times during the reporting period. Authorized courses for training administrators of Skala^r Machines have opened on the market.

"This year, the company will focus on scaling and replicating technological approaches. A separate focus will be on building personnel and innovative potential. Taking into account investments in internal development, we expect that by the end of 2024, revenue will continue to demonstrate significant growth, "concluded Viktor Urusov.



TAdviser interview with CEO Viktor Urusov

Viktor Urusov, CEO of Skala^r in December 2024 in an interview with TAdviser spoke about the results of the year and expectations from the future. Read more here.

Sovereign IT landscape in a short time to replace avalanche of import substitution projects

Skala^r introduced a new approach to building a corporate IT infrastructure. The concept implies the creation of a holistic technologically independent IT landscape on ready and pre-installed PAC instead of point import substitution of individual information systems by selecting and testing disparate solutions. The concept has proven its effectiveness and is an example for the entire market: Gazprombank is building an import-substituted IT infrastructure on Skala^r Machines. Read more here.

Participation in TAdviser SummIT

On May 28, within the framework of the Import Substitution session, Anton Karasev, technical director of Skala^r, a developer and manufacturer of a modular platform for building a corporate IT infrastructure, will speak at TAdviser SummIT. Read more here.

Inclusion in the US sanctions list

In early May 2024, Skala^r was included in the US SDN sanctions list. [1].

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser has drawn up a map the Russian IT of -companies that fell under sanctions in 2022-2024. and USA EU. Britain It included, among other things, the company Skala^r. The article about the map can be found here.


Natalia Sofronova - about the features of digital transformation of IT infrastructure

At the TAdviser Summit conference, Natalia Sofronova, director of alliances and promotion at Skala^r, shared the peculiarities of using PAC in building a modular platform for high-load information systems, and also spoke about the successful experience of creating a centralized data platform for federal executive bodies. Read more here.

Participation in TAdviser SummIT

On May 30, at the TAdviser SummIT plenary session , Skala^r will talk about its experience in creating a centralized data platform for federal executive authorities. Read more here.


TAdviser interview with CEO Viktor Urusov

In the first half of 2022, a number of measures were introduced in Russia aimed at ensuring the technological independence and security of critical information infrastructure. In particular, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Measures to Ensure Technological Independence and Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation" No. 166 of March 30, 2022, customers who make purchases in accordance with the 223-FZ cannot purchase foreign software from March 31, including as part of hardware and software systems without coordination with the Federal Property Management Agency authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. And from January 1, 2025, state authorities, customers are prohibited from using foreign software on significant objects of critical information infrastructure belonging to them. This is not an easy task, because, in fact, we are talking about creating a self-sufficient Russian IT industry, whose products should work in various sectors of the Russian industry. Viktor Urusov, CEO of Skala^r, told TAdviser how this task is solved at a practical level. Read more here.

Participation in TAdviser SummIT

The practice of building infrastructure platforms for high-load high-availability systems will be shared by the company's CEO [1] Skala^rViktor Urusov as part of a speech at TAdviser SummIT on November 29.

Since 2015, Skala^r has been developing and producing hardware and software complexes (PAC) for the segment of high-load high-availability systems.

In order to create the Russian competitive complexes using domestic and open-source developments, the company took as a basis the idea of ​ ​ using and bringing to the corporate level open technologies created for global ones. cloudy providers

The result of this was the creation of a line of Russian products comparable in their main characteristics to the leading Western solutions, such as: FlexPod, HyperFlex, Nutanix, Exadata, Exalogic, Teradata.

As of November 2022, the company has put into commercial operation more than 250 complexes and 4,000 computing nodes. All Machines Skala^r included in the Unified Register of Russian Electronic Products.

Skala^r CEO Viktor Urusov will tell TAdviser SummIT participants about how the modular Skala^r platform contributes to optimizing GIS infrastructures and increasing the technological efficiency of the business.

"Skala^r" took second place in the rating "Import substitution of computer equipment in Russia"

The Skala^r company took second place in the rating "Import substitution of computer equipment in Russia" at the end of 2021, losing only to the ICS H olding group in revenue. Read more here.

"Skala^r" presented new approaches to processing big data at the TAdviser conference "Import substitution 2022: Real experience"

Skala^r, a developer and manufacturer of a modular platform for highly loaded state and corporate information systems, presented a line of products included in the Unified Register of Russian Electronic Products.

In his speech on February 16, the CEO of the company Viktor Urusov spoke about the practical experience of building converged and hyperconverged infrastructures. The speaker shared examples of implemented projects for the migration of highly loaded databases to Russian technologies.

New approaches were presented when combining various technological stacks within a single solution when processing big data, as well as prospects for using domestic microarchitectures.

Of particular interest to the audience was a modular approach with the ability to horizontally expand the platform and build geodistributed clusters.

2021: Separation into an independent business in the structure of GS INVEST Group of Companies

SCALA-R, a manufacturer of modular platforms for high-load corporate and state information systems, announced on June 7, 2021 that it was allocated to an independent business in the structure of the GS INVEST group of companies. It is expected that this will allow SCALA-R to develop more dynamically, consolidate the status of an independent manufacturer in the Russian technological market and form a partner network for active joint promotion and expansion of its presence.

Twenty years of experience in implementing projects to build highly loaded corporate infrastructures and accumulated expertise were converted into the creation of the SKALA-R product line. The subsequent serial production of SKALA-R complexes for more than five years, significant investments in R&D, well-functioning technological processes and technical control ensured the proper reliability of the systems. This made it possible to multiply the volume of supplies, the company noted. So, as of June 7, 2021, there are over 100 complexes in industrial operation throughout the country, which consist of more than 2,500 computing nodes.

The SKALA-R product line includes:

  • Virtualization machines to create a scale-out and fault-tolerant virtualization environment and virtual desktop infrastructure for users.
  • Database machines for online transaction processing in high-load systems that ensure high availability and safety of critical data.
  • Big data machines for creating a data storage and analytical processing platform, including modules:
    • - storage of semi-structured and unstructured data;
    • - analytical distributed DBMS of massively parallel processing;
    • - ultra-fast system of distributed computing in RAM;
    • - column analytical DBMS;
    • - Data streaming system.

"We feel a high demand for SCALA-R products from the largest customers and see ample opportunities to unlock our scientific and technical potential and commercialize the results of research and own developments. Thanks to the decision to separate the company into an independent business, the Russian market will receive an independent manufacturer of platforms for high-load corporate and state information systems. In the near future, SCALA-R plans to create a partner network and form an ecosystem of advanced Russian developments in the field of system and platform software and computer technology to solve the problems of digital transformation and import substitution, "said Viktor Urusov, General Director of SCALA-R.


Owner - Sergey Matsotsky

Logo "SKALA-R" for May 2020

As of May 2020, the owner of the Skala-R company was Sergey Matsotsky (with a 100% ownership stake).

Name change to "Rock-R" due to reorganization

On April 13, 2020, IBS announced that the founders of the company had decided to reorganize the business and ownership structure of the company. More on this here. Due to the reorganization, the name of IBS Interlab was changed to "Skala-R."

2019: Owner - IBS Group Holding

The owner of InterLab IBS for November 2019 was IBS Group Holding.

2015: IBS opens Samsung Competence Center

IBS Interlab logo

In December 2015, IBS opened the Samsung Competence Center as part of IBS Interlab, a developer of high-availability infrastructure solutions within IBS. The competence center will develop and distribute expertise in the integration of Samsung technologies into corporate computing infrastructures. In particular, the center will develop comprehensive solutions using thin clients, network printers, mobile devices, Samsung interactive boards.

IBS has been developing and offering its customers comprehensive solutions in the field of corporate computing infrastructures using Samsung technologies since 2014. From November 2015, all this expertise will be accumulated in a specialized Samsung Competence Center as part of the IBS Interlab test laboratory.

IBS specialists and Samsung engineers work together to develop projects, pilot implementations and test stands for customers in various industries, including government, finance, education and others.

One of the first products of the Samsung Competence Center as part of IBS Interlab was a solution for VDI virtual desktop infrastructure based on Odin VDI software and Samsung thin clients. IBS specialists tested the client software of the Russian certified protected solution Odin VDI on thin Samsung clients and confirmed its full performance on the equipment of the Korean manufacturer. For large customers, Odin VDI client software can be supplied as part of the factory firmware of these thin clients. The manufacture and flashing of thin clients is carried out at the Samsung plant in the Kaluga region with a production capacity of up to 10 thousand devices per day.

IBS Interlab also tested Samsung printers and print management systems for corporate users. The results of the stand-up will allow you to quickly deploy this system to the customer's infrastructure of any scale.

In addition, the Center's specialists, together with the vendor's experts, train and advise customer company employees on Samsung products.
