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Big Data Machines Skala^r MBD.8

Developers: Skala^r (formerly InterLab IBS)
Technology: Big Data


Main article: Big Data

2024: Big Data Machines Skala^r MBD.8 - The Big Data PAC Family and Data Science

Data is a key asset of the organization, allowing you to optimize processes, launch new services and increase revenue. Every year the volume of information is growing exponentially. This, together with the state course towards technological sovereignty, increases the demand for Russian comprehensive solutions for working with big data. Read more here.

2023: Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation approves the first software and hardware complex for processing big data

On August 2, 2023, the Russian Ministry of Digital Development included the first hardware and software complex (PAC) for processing big data in the register of domestic software. We are talking about the Big Data Machine platform Skala^r MBD.X.

The named system, as reported by the Vedomosti newspaper, allows you to build statistical and predictive analysis based on semi-structured information. Similar solutions are applied in the public sector and in business structures that work with big data.

The Ministry of Digital Development has included in the register of domestic software the first software and hardware complex (PAC) for processing big data

PAC can Skala^r process data streams from video cameras, biometric samples, information about Internet activity and financial transactions. In particular, data on the processing of plastic bank cards can be analyzed. Moreover, there are no complete analogues of Russian production for the new platform as of the beginning of August 2023.

The new PAC, according to the developer, should become an analogue of foreign products Oracle Big Data Appliance, Teradata Appliance for Hadoop and Amazon Elastic MapReduce. The software is compatible with the Russian Alt 8 SP operating system. The implementation of PAC is important in the current geopolitical situation and the implementation of a comprehensive import substitution program.

Skala^r has a conclusion from the Ministry of Industry and Trade confirming the production of products in Russia. In public procurement, it excludes the selection of other applications. At the same time, the inclusion of the platform in the Ministry of Digital Development register gives the right to tax benefits.

The cost of the complexes has not Skala^r been disclosed. Earlier, the solutions of Oracle Big Data Appliance were used by VTB, Aeroflot, Sberbank, Gazprom Inform. In 2019 − 2021, VTB bought PAK Oracle for 1.28 billion rubles, Gazprom Inform - for 686.3 million rubles, Transneft - for 330.7 million[1]