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Market Music


Information technologies
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
North America
MIAMI, Brickell Bayview Center 80 S.W. 8th Street, Suite 2000, FL, 33130





+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Market Music company delivers the turnkey Digital Signage systems, music service with remote control offline and also the system of video analytics and targeted delivery of advertizing offline.


2020: Muzlab purchased Market Music

In September, 2029 it was announced Market Music sale to strimingovy music service for Muzlab business. The cost of the transaction of the company did not begin to be disclosed.

Under the terms of the agreement, almost all staff of Market Music will pass to work into Muzlab. Besides, the buyer will receive in the order more than 8 thousand outlets and all product line developed by the absorbed company including the software for Digital Signage, services of a background music Market Music and Hurdy Gurdy, Mark Traffic service which is used for calculation and profiling of visitors of shops.

It is expected that according to the results of the transaction Muzlab revenue in 2020 will grow by 500% in comparison with 2019, despite COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Muzlab purchased Market Music company

According to the co-founder and the CEO of Muzlab Victor Khristenko, the company, having purchased Market Music, becomes the leader of the Russian market among musical audiostrimingovy services for business. The transaction will provide "the powerful growth" of Muzlab, he said.

As the head of music service DeloZvuka Anton Dikansky reported RBC, by September, 2020 in the federal market of audiomarketing more than 50 companies work with different degree of development and a geographical covering. According to him, in top-3 players Market Music, Cubic Media and "Formaks" enter. However the most investment activity is just shown by Muzlab.

Children well move on investment model of development of the business and show excellent expansion. At other players of the market we do not observe such activity — he noted.

The analyst of Finam Leonid Delitsyn estimated the volume of all Russian Digital Signage market (i.e., advertizing on electronic displays) at 6 billion rubles, and his audiosegment — at 900 million rubles.[1]
