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Joint project of SPC ELVIS with Rusnano



+ ELVIS of SPC (ELVes)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

ElVIS-NeoTech is domestic developer and the producer of security systems and business monitoring on the basis of technologies of computer vision, video analytics, thermovision analytics, radar observation, biometric identification, etc.

ElVIS-NeoTech creates essentially new products in the field of security systems and business monitoring focused on the world markets. It is planned that the company will deliver own products and to act as the technology partner for system integrators in big integration projects in Russia and abroad.

So, based on own chips the company creates a line of the innovation products: intelligent encoders and surveillance cameras with the built-in video analytics of IP-2; the software for video surveillance systems, business monitoring, thermovision, radar-tracking systems, the situational centers.

It is expected that activity ElVIS-NeoTech will allow to take a big step in development of domestic microelectronics, to make hi-tech security systems and business monitoring on the basis of chips of own development, to create the world innovation center in Russia.

Competences of the company are confirmed with numerous implementations in Russia (the international airport "Sheremetyevo", objects of the RusHydro group, JSC Gazprom, etc.) and abroad (Israel, the USA, England, etc.).

In ELVIS group more than 500 specialists, 5 Doctors of Engineering, 25 candidates of science.

Corporate business incubator ElVIS-NeoTech

The corporate business incubator ElVIS-NeoTech is created for support of scientific and technical collectives, the small and medium enterprises which develop the innovation products and provide services on the basis of technologies of computer vision.

The corporate business incubator ElVIS-NeoTech trains in profile technologies of the company, provides services in scientific and technical examination, business planning and commercialization of developments. Within activity of business incubator the small companies are given a training opportunity in ElVIS-NeoTech training center.


2020: Inclusion in the structure of ANO TT

The ElVIS-NeoTech company — the domestic developer and the producer of hi-tech security systems – was included into the Consortium ANO Telekommunikatsionnye tekhnologii (ANO TT) formed by Rostec state corporation, PJSC Rostelecom and Element group. On June 9, 2020 the Consortium reported about it.

For years of work we implement more than 500 large projects in the field of security systems, including for the urban environment, industrial enterprises, objects of energy industry, transport infrastructure. We have all necessary competences to make the powerful contribution to development of telecommunication equipment of domestic production", - Alexander Rakutin, the CEO of JSC ElVIS-NeoTech reported.

2019: State subsidies in the amount of 99.7 million rubles for development of the single board computer

On April 10, 2019 it became known that Minpromtorg selected 99.7 million rubles for support of the project of domestic company "Elvis Not Hypostasis" meaning serial release of the single board computer of its own development intended for video analytics on transport. Read more here.

2017: Affiliate program

ElVIS-NeoTech in March announced start of a new initiative for stimulation of growth of business partners in the market of security systems. A main objective of the program — increase in growth of business of partners due to expansion of the range of proposed solutions, joint participation in technology projects and developments of collective solutions.

The affiliate program gives an opportunity to partners to use competences and the acquired experience ElVIS-NeoTech, to develop the most effective technical solutions and also to take part in industry projects, occurrence into which was followed by technology barriers earlier, reported in the company.

The mechanisms of training of specialists of the partner directed to optimization of work and interaction of the partner with technical support of the company are provided in the affiliate program.

2015: Imagination and ELVIS jointly work on new generation of solutions for video analytics

Group "ELVIS" which includes portfolio company RUSNANO "ElVIS-NeoTech", and the company Imagination Technologies announced in May, 2015 cooperation in the development area of new generation of solutions for video analytics.

ELVIS and Imagination jointly work over several innovation and high-performance 'systems-on-crystal' of the next generation, executed on technology regulations of 28 nanometers, supporting the systems of video analytics, including the advanced solutions for 4K (Ultra HD) and cloud servers. The ELVIS group will apply these solutions for creation of 4K-stereocameras, home nano-servers and also server Data storage centers of new type.

Emerging markets show the considerable product demand, based on video analytics (processing and recognition of video flows), including such as:

  • The smart city (Smart city) – the solutions based on the innovation IP cameras providing monitoring in real time.
  • Retailers / umny' the shops equipped with the systems of augmented reality and security systems of new generation.
  • Cars with the systems of advanced support of management (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems — ADAS).
  • Mobile devices with enhanced capabilities (augmented reality and visual search) and cameras of higher quality.
  • Internet of Things (Internet of ThingsIoT) in which the camera serves as the main sensor.
  • Multimedia means, home theaters and other technologies – area where the existing markets aim to reach higher level of development and to use video analytics potential.
  • The Internet most of which part of content make video files. It causes the requirement of application of video analytics on cloud servers.

For meeting requirements of these markets, the cores processing data and 'system-on-crystal' should be designed in a special way that they could support the systems of video analytics. The complexity of the equipment and the software supporting the systems of video analytics promptly increases, thousands of billions transactions should be executed in one second, the functionality becomes more and more wide. And all this is implemented using the advanced silicon technologies 28nm-10nm.

Cooperation Imagination Technologies and ELVIS allows both companies to integrate the available experience:

  • Imagination is the checked scalable IP cores allowing clients to create various 'system-on-crystal' with the low level of risks and fast time to market;
  • ELVIS — the platform of semantic video processing — the technology integrating new algorithms of video analytics and library of the software for the user IP platforms.

The ELVIS group licensed the big portfolio of IP blocks and platforms of Imagination company including the following products:

  • The integrated PowerVR Vision IP platform which integrates a graphic core of PowerVR GPU and a core of image processing and a video information that allows to reduce the volume of the consumed energy and to provide the capacity necessary for modern applications for cameras.
  • A set of cores of multitredingovy central processors is MIPS CPU (32-bit and 64-bit) with the flexible and powerful 128-bit SIMD coprocessor accelerator providing processing of the video analytical applications which are characterized by high computing intensity.
  • The communication Ensigma (RPU) radio processor maintaining high capacity of the built-in systems of communication of standards Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for ensuring work of future wireless multidimensional (multi-dimension) of video analytical cameras.

For "it is system - a crystal" ELVIS companies of an IP core of Imagination company will be complemented with specialized programmable powerful IP cores of development of ELVIS group which can be used including for processing 4K (FullHD) of stereoflows with face recognition, augmented reality, etc.

Within strategic cooperation the Imagination company also licensed some technologies developed by ELVIS group.


In 2013 ElVIS-NeoTech and the National research university "MIET" created the "Computer Vision and Semantic Analysis of Images" Center, one of the main objectives of which is development of objective methods and tests for check of algorithms of video analytics of domestic and foreign developers.