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Баннер в шапке 2






+ Government of the Russian Federation

Coverings of "Metakley" are used in products of such largest Russian producers of pipes as "OMK", Severstal, Pipe Metallurgic Company and ChTPZ. Besides, Rybinskkabel and Samara Cable Company apply Metakley fire-retarding agents at production of a polymeric winding to different cables.

When using nanocomposite polymeric coverings the expiration date of pipes increases up to 60–80 years at significant decrease in gas permeability. At the same time coverings of "Metakley" are steady against extreme temperatures (from-60 C ° up to +80 C °) and to solar radiation thanks to implementation in a polymeric matrix of organomodifitsirovanny silicate (montmorillonite) with a particle size from 10 to 200 nanometers.

"Before start of the Metakley plant in the Bryansk region the Russian market of corrosion-resistant nanocomposite coatings for main gas pipelines was almost completely monopolized by foreign producers. However cooperation of JSC Gazprom and group of RUSNANO allowed to implement the large-scale import substitution program in the industry: at production of pipes of large diameter for the Force of Siberia gas pipeline the Russian producers will use domestic anticorrosion coating of Metalen — the Managing director of RUSNANO Andrey Gorkov noted.

Performance Indicators


The total revenue of Metakley RUSNANO portfolio company in 2014 increased more, than five times and was 2.15 billion rubles in comparison with 413 million rubles in 2013. "Метаклэй" it was succeeded to occupy 20% of the Russian market of polymers for anticorrosive protection of pipes of large diameter — the company shipped more than 20 thousand tons of products.