Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



Oil industry
Since 2009
Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation
625048, 50 years old October street, house 8b


Gazprom neft



+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

Gazprom-Zapolyarye LLC is a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft, which implements large projects in the field of production. Based on long-term risk operator contracts, it develops 9 fields in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia and the Orenburg Region, licensed by Gazprom and its subsidiaries. The company's operational activities include the development of oil fringes of fields and gas condensate deposits, the creation of oil and gas infrastructure. The largest projects are associated with the development of the NEOCOM of-Jurassic deposits of the Bovanenkovsky and Kharasaveysky deposits, as well as the Achimov deposits and oil outcrops of the Urengoy NGKM.



In the spring of 2020, drilling of the first wells at the Urengoyskoye field began, the Kharasaveyskoye and Bovanenkovskoye fields, strategically significant assets, were added to the project portfolio.

In September 2020, Gazpromneft-Zapolyarye produced the first million tons of oil equivalent. Over 50 wells were built at the oil fields in Yamal, Yakutia and the Orenburg region. At the end of the year 2020, the total accumulated production of Gazpromneft-Zapolyarye reached 1.5 million tons of oil equivalent.


In March 2019, production began on the first assets of Gazpromneft-Zapolyarye. Three exploration wells were depreserved at Pestsovoye field in Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and six production wells at Yen-Yakhinsky. In July of the same year, drilling of the first wells at the Chayandinskoye field in Yakutia started.

In the fall of 2019, production began at the Zapadno-Tarkosalinsky, Chayandinsky and Orenburg fields. In December of the same year, hydrocarbon supplies began from the Chayandinskoye field to the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean main oil pipeline.


At the end of 2018, the company entered into the first long-term risk operator agreement with Gazprom. This allowed Gazprom Neft to operate on the assets of the parent company on conditions similar to its own ownership of the license, consolidate reserves, production and financial results from the development of fields.

2009: Creating

In 2009, to implement large projects in the field of production, it was decided to create a subsidiary of Gazpromneft-Zapolyarye.