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Баннер в шапке 2

Institute Hydroproekt





+ Government of the Russian Federation

Design, Survey and Research Institute "Hydroproekt" named after S.Ya. Zhuka is one of the oldest organizations designing hydropower and water facilities. The Institute performs a set of survey and design works at all stages - from the development of schemes for the energy and water management use of rivers to the completion of construction and commissioning of facilities for commercial operation. It is one of the world's leading design organizations in the field of hydropower.

The facilities implemented according to the projects of the institute are effectively and reliably operated in Russia and in many foreign countries. In Russia, the Baltic States and the CIS, the Hydroproject Institute has designed over 250 hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of more than 65,000 MW and an annual generation of about 230 billion kWh of electricity, and in 45 countries of the world - over 50 hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of more than 26,000 MW. The Institute also designed several shipping canals, including the Moscow Canal, the Volgo-Donskoy Shipping Canal named after V.I. Lenin, as well as the first and only tidal power station in Russia, the Kislogubskaya PES.

JSC "Institute Hydroproekt" has unique competencies and experience, allowing to engage in scientific activities, to implement complex technical solutions in various natural and climatic conditions in Russia and abroad.

Taking part in most projects for the construction of hydroelectric power plants in Russia, the institute has the largest archive of implemented projects (more than 400 facilities), which makes it possible to ensure a high level of design work during the reconstruction and modernization of operated facilities.