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Russian Academy of Sciences





+ Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Russian Academy of Sciences was created by Emperor Peter I and is the highest scientific institution of the Russian Federation.

Today, the RAS includes 435 scientific institutions, as well as organizations of scientific services and the social sphere (scientific fleet, library network, supercomputing center, scientific and publishing complex, houses of sanatoriums, hospitals, etc.).

The main activities of the Academy: conducting fundamental and applied research in the interests of Russia; integration of academic, university and branch science; participation in the development of state decisions on the security of the country and the development of scientific and technological progress; in the development and examination of large scientific and technical projects, programs of economic and social development of Russia.

The Academy carries out wide international cooperation with scientists of 59 countries, is a member of many international scientific organizations, such as UNESCO, the European Federation of National Academies of Natural and Human Sciences (ALLEA), the International Association of Academies of Sciences (MAAN), etc.

The Russian Academy of Sciences is built according to the scientific and sectoral and territorial principle and includes 11 specialized (in the fields and areas of science) and 3 regional branches (Siberian, Ural and Far Eastern), as well as 15 regional scientific centers in the regions and republics of the Russian Federation.

The total number of people working in scientific organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences is about 96 thousand people, of which more than 48 thousand are scientists. Including 531 academicians and 769 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 10 thousand doctors and over 13 thousand candidates of sciences (data at the beginning of 2012). About 250 foreign members were elected to the Academy - outstanding scientists from 32 countries of the world. Many Russian scientists of world fame are also honorary members of foreign academies and scientific societies.

The RAS is training highly qualified scientific personnel through graduate school, doctoral studies and the Institute of Research Trainees.

In recent years, the Academy has been actively developing innovative activities, the purpose of which is to create structures aimed at implementing the results of research. Innovative structures are being created, such as Technology Transfer Centers, technology parks, incubators, etc.



Mishustin ordered to create the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

In May 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order to create the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The corresponding document is published on the portal of legal information. Read more here.

Kurchatov Institute transferred to the scientific leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The National Research Center (NRC) "Kurchatov Institute" has been transferred to the scientific and methodological leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). This became known on March 27, 2023. Read more here.

2022: Fraudsters from the "security service of the Central Bank" convinced a scientist of the Russian Academy of Sciences to give them 30 million rubles

A researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences became a victim of fraudsters who introduced themselves as specialists of the "security service of the Central Bank." This became known on September 5, 2022. Read more here.

1913: Transfer of the Bakhrushin Theater Museum of the Academy of Sciences

On November 25, 1913, the Bakhrushin Museum was transferred to the hands of the state in the person of the Academy of Sciences. On this day, the Granenaya dining room in the house of Bakhrushin was filled with a large number of important persons led by Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov.