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State Contemporary Art Center (SCAC)




+ Government of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Institution of culture "State Contemporary Art Center" (SCAC) – the museum and exhibition and research organization which activity is aimed at the development of the modern domestic art in the context of world art process, formation and program implementation and projects in the field of the modern art, architecture and design in the country and abroad.

The order "About Creation of the State Contemporary Art Center" was issued on August 11, 1992 by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and on August 16, 1994 GTsSI was founded and began the activity.

The state contemporary art center was created in Moscow at the moment when the modern art in our country only found conditions for the normal existence and development. The center became important and vital structure which consolidated activity of masters of contemporary art, stimulated their creative activity. Activity of GTsSI became an essential factor in those processes of reorganization of art life of Russia which actively went in the 1990s. It was important as for Moscow where then the Center was based, and for a set of regions of the country where thanks to an initiative and efforts of GTsSI art projects of the modern art were performed that led to activation of processes of its development on places.

GTsSI – the network organization which branches are open in the largest cultural centers of our country: St. Petersburg, Vladikavkaz, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara and Tomsk.