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Баннер в шапке 2






Revenue Ths. rub

Number of employees




+ Restream
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Restrim is a software developer, from collecting and formalizing customer requirements to deploying, administering, and supporting a complete solution. For the implementation of projects, a set of specialized specialists has been organized. The company uses its competencies, and, taking into account the volume and scale of infrastructure projects, recruits specialists in the field of programming and development.

Restrim was created in early 2015, is engaged in the implementation of strategic projects related to video surveillance in elections and a single state exam, is one of the main technological partners of Rostelecom in the following areas:

  • Development and technical support of Rostelecom interactive television;
  • video surveillance on: Unified Voting Day, Unified State Exam (USE), solutions for B2B and B2C segments;
  • creation of a platform solution for industrial Internet for the implementation of Rostelecom initiatives within the framework of the information society development strategy adopted by the President of the Russian Federation in 2017;
  • Development of Smart Home related products;
  • Monetization; big data Rostelecom
  • Web development, including refactoring of key Rostelecom portals and work on UI/UX.

The company's plans include the formation of Russian standards for the industrial Internet of Things as part of the activities of specialized associations, participation in pilot projects for the implementation of the created industrial Internet platform - IIoT, the development of the platform of Rostelecom's flagship service - Interactive Television, active cooperation with the digital office and the Rostelecom Center for Strategic Innovations, as well as the development of the Big Data direction.

Restrim employs more than 250 people, offices are located in Moscow and Ulyanovsk (45 people).

History and Performance Indicators

2024: Rostelecom and Proteus created a software developer

Rostelecom and telecom equipment manufacturer Protei have created a software developer - Protei-RTK LLC. The corresponding entry appeared in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL) at the end of January 2024. Read more here.

2017: Partnership with SIPIES LAB

The resident, Skolkovo Foundation IT Cluster company "" and SIPIES LAB a subsidiary of JSC RostelecomRestrim signed a strategic partnership agreement in September 2017, involving the joint development and implementation of the technology. industrial internet of things The agreement is valid until 2020.

To achieve the stated goal, the companies intend to implement joint research, applied and commercial projects aimed at the innovative development of Russian enterprises and the introduction of industrial Internet technologies on them. It is also planned to hold conferences, seminars and presentations, prepare and publish scientific and information publications.


According to Mikhail Tretyakov, financial director of the company, revenue in 2015 amounted to 274 million rubles, and in 2016 it grew more than 2 times to 553 million rubles.

The main drivers were the following areas:

  • Video surveillance with the Video Comfort project - an increase of almost 30% from 224 to 283 million rubles;
  • Interactive television - an increase of 5.6 times to the level of 179 million rubles;
  • Web development - almost 3 times growth. 9.5 million in 2015 versus 30 million rubles in 2016.

Also in 2016, the company began to cooperate in the direction of the e-Education Platform.

"Even within the framework of the conservative forecast in 2017, revenue growth targets will remain at the same level, which indicates that the business growth rate will remain. Restrim's development strategy for the next 2 years is aimed at creating a high-tech cluster within the Rostelecom group of companies, which will allow you to quickly create and implement new products, as well as develop digital services, helping Rostelecom to be a market leader ¬ "comments General Director of Restrim JSC Volgin Andrey

In 2015-2016, Restrim transformed from a one-project company into Rostelecom's main technological partner in the following areas:

The work of the IIoT project office is to create and implement an industrial Internet platform. Restrim is a technology center of competence in Rostelecom's industrial Internet of Things projects. Within the framework of the concluded agreements, R&D is carried out to form variable solutions in various industries, such as the oil and gas sector, transport, housing and communal services.

The direction of video surveillance is engaged in the uninterrupted operation of the online broadcast system of video elections to state authorities, as well as the Unified State Exam (USE). The second product is the product in the V2S segment - Video Comfort.

The ITV division develops, supports and develops the Rostelecom Interactive Television service platform.

The direction of web development cooperates with the digital office of Rostelecom on the implementation of projects related to the modernization of the architecture and interfaces of Rostelecom client services.

The BigData & DataScience team is engaged in storing, processing and transforming large amounts of data, building user behavior models using machine learning methods, developing recommendation services, expertise, developing and implementing related software products.


Previously, the company focused on video surveillance and web development projects. The project of video surveillance of the election of the President of the Russian Federation in 2012 was implemented, within the framework of which it was possible to deploy a large-scale and stable system in the shortest possible time, consisting of almost 100,000 cameras with millions of views per election day on the web portal.