Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Rostelecom integration (RT-integration)


Vestelcom - 99%
AMT - 1%


Financial results
2014 year
Revenue: 981000


+ Government of the Russian Federation



In USRLE base registration date of "subsidiary" of Rostelecom it is designated on April 10, 2009. Among its former names " circuit.focus " gives Istochnik i K LLC, separate information on which in base of the aggregator is absent. On the website of the company date of its education states 2014[1].

Since 2014 (since August 1) AMT Ltd, in turn for 100% the belonging JSC North-West Telecom was a part of founders of the considered legal person from shares in 1%.

The remained 99% "RT-Integratsii" are registered now for Vestelcom Ltd (it for 100% and owns Rostelk), which is her cofounder since August 26, 2009.

Performance Indicators


Rostelecom gave the contract for development of a number of the internal information systems to the child structure which is officially existing since 2014 — Rostelecom integration companies ("RT-integration"). The procedure was issued in a purchase format at the only supplier. Transaction amount was 554.1 million.

Judging by data of the website of state procurements, new "subsidiary" of operator got the first similar contract in July, 2014. Initially its amount was one million p365.7, however at the beginning of June, 2015 it was increased to one million p427.1 — on the basis of growth of "labour input" of services which rendering time frame in open access was not specified.

Thus, total revenue of integrator of 981 million rubles.

Within the new signed agreement of "RT-integration" it will be necessary to develop such systems as CRM (support of sales and customer service), DWH (storage, exchange and providing corporate information), ERP (corporate management), ASR (the automated calculations), OSS (operational support). A contract date — till December 31, 2016.
