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Gazprombank Mobile GPB Mobile



Revenue and Net Profit Ths. rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Nowfinteh

GPB Mobile (LLC NMK) is a mobile MVNO operator of Gazprombank (license No. 183555).


2023: Revenue growth doubled to 574.3 million rubles

The New Mobile Communications Company (NMK), which offers mobile services Gazprombank under the Mobile brand, earned 574.3 million rubles in revenue in 2023 against 281.9 million rubles a year earlier (an increase of more than 100%). At the same time, the virtual telecom operator remained unprofitable: in 2023, its net losses were measured at 387.1 million rubles against 396.7 million rubles of cash losses in 2022. This is evidenced by the data of the service "," which Contour Focus TAdviser I got acquainted with in April 2024. 

As TAdviser was told in NMK, the operator's double revenue growth is due to the development of an active subscriber base and an increase in the cost of tariff plans. The company noted that the number of Gazprombank Mobile subscribers doubled in 2023. The absolute indicator is not disclosed.

Gazprombank Mobile doubled its annual revenue

2023 for LLC "NMK" was the third year after the launch, the operator continues to invest in the recruitment of an active subscriber base and the development of client services, the company added.

The cost of sales of New Mobile Communications LLC in 2023 reached 803.8 rubles against 544.2 million rubles in the previous year. Gross loss decreased from 262.3 million to 229.5 million rubles, loss from sales decreased from 509.3 million to 494.3 million rubles. The loss before tax at the end of 2023 turned out to be equal to 481.1 million rubles, which is slightly less than such a loss recorded a year earlier (495.6 million rubles).    The company's commercial expenses increased from 50 million rubles in 2022 to 123.1 million rubles in 2023, and management costs decreased from 198.4 million rubles to 141.8 million rubles. Accounts payable of New Mobile Communications LLC by the end of December 2023 amounted to 156.8 million rubles (in 2022 - 213.4 million rubles), receivables - 55 million rubles (in 2022 - 86.7 million rubles).


2022: Appointment of Anastasia Speshilova as CEO

On November 21, 2022, Gazprombank Mobile announced the appointment of Anastasia Speshilova as the company's general director. Read more here.