Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media Roskomnadzor
Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Development) - 100%
Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) is a federal executive body responsible for the control and supervision of the media, including electronic, mass communications, information technology and communications, the control and supervision of the compliance of personal data processing with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data, as well as the functions of organizing the activities of the radio frequency service.
Structure of the department for May 2015
Head - Alexander Zharov
Deputy Managers:
- Oleg Anatolyevich Ivanov
- Novezheva Antonina Arkadyevna
- Ksenzov Maxim Yuryevich
- Alexander Alexandrovich Pankov
The Federal Service includes 10 departments of the central office in the main areas of activity (215 people) and 71 territorial bodies (2804 people).
The powers of Roskomnadzor include the organization of the activities of enterprises of the radio frequency service. It includes FSUE "Main Radio Frequency Center" and FSUEs of federal districts.
The Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Technical Center" Information Register "is also under the jurisdiction of Roskomnadzor.
Management income
The head of Roskomnadzor, Alexander Zharov, increased his income in 2014 compared to 2013 by almost 1 million rubles - from 3.8 to 4.7 million, follows from his declaration published on the website of the Ministry of Communications[1].
His wife earned 19.8 million rubles in 2014 (including through the sale of apartments), while for the previous year her income was 26.4 million.
Thus, in total, the Zharov family in 2014 was able to receive income of 24.2 million rubles against 30.2 million for the previous reporting period.
In 2014, the head of Roskomnadzor owned a new land plot with an area of 644 square meters. m. And now he has three of them (the other two have an area of 869 square meters. m. And 2677 square meters. m.). In addition, Zharov owns two residential buildings (137.5 sq. m. And 320 sq. m.) and a share in the apartment (174.1 sq. m.), as well as a Toyota Land Cruiser car.
Judging by the declaration, Alexander Zharov has five minor children, one of whom, together with his father and mother, is a co-owner of the apartment, and others use it.
Deputy Head of Roskomnadzor Oleg Ivanov in 2014 received exactly the same income as in the previous year - 2855289.87 rubles. Nor did his wife's income change by a penny. It amounted to 822393.10 rubles. In the use of the family, as before, there is an apartment with an area of 30.2 square meters. m. They are not owners of real estate and cars.
Two other deputy heads of Roskomnadzor, Maxim Ksenzov and Alexander Pankov, as well as their wives, in 2014, like the Ivanov family, declared income up to a penny repeating the 2013 figures.
Ksenzov earned 2.09 million rubles, his wife - 4.83 million rubles. Pankov received 2.145 million rubles, his wife - 84 thousand rubles. The Ksenzov family owns a Hyundai car, the Pankov family owns a Nissan X-Trail.
There were no changes in the real estate assets of the deputies of Alexander Zharov.
The fourth deputy head of Roskomnadzor, Antonina Prizhedeva, in 2014 increased her income by more than 10 times (from 1.48 million rubles to 15.67 million), having received a subsidy for the purchase of housing.
Accordingly, the property owned by her has also changed. In 2013, Prizhedeva owned an apartment of 44.6 square meters. m. And a share in the apartment of 63 square meters. m. (also shares in it were owned by the husband and child of the official). In 2014, she remained the owner of the apartment 44.6 square meters. m., and also together with her husband now has an apartment 51.2 square meters. m. Her child remained the owner of a share in the apartment 63 sq. m.
There are no cars owned by Priezhaeva, while in 2013 there was a Lexus. In 2014, her husband became the owner of Lexus, increasing his annual income from 120 thousand rubles to 243 thousand.
Roskomnadzor's policy on Internet control
Main article: Roskomnadzor's policy on Internet control in Russia
Blocking sites by Roskomnadzor
Main article: Blocking sites by Roskomnadzor
2025: Transfer of control over the 3% tax on Internet advertising from the Ministry of Digital Development to Roskomnadzor
The Ministry of Digital Development proposed to give Roskomnadzor the authority to control fees for Internet advertising. The changes are provided for by the draft resolution, which was published on the portal of draft regulations in March 2025. ILV will be responsible for calculating mandatory deductions for the distribution of advertising on the Internet and monitoring the timeliness of their payment. To do this, the regulator will apply a unified Internet advertising accounting system. The resolution will come into force on the day of official publication, but not earlier than April 1. Read more here
Approval of the department's digital transformation program for 16.74 billion rubles
The expenses of Roskomnadzor in the direction of digital transformation for 2024 and the planning period 2025-2026. will amount to a total of 16.74 billion rubles. This is stated in the passport of the departmental program, which TAdviser got acquainted with in mid-December 2024.
One of the main goals of the program is to increase citizens' satisfaction with public services, including digital services, and reduce business costs when interacting with the state. It is planned to increase the level of reliability and security of information systems, technological independence of information and technological infrastructure from equipment and software originating from foreign countries. It is expected to eliminate the excessive administrative burden on business entities within the framework of control (supervisory) activities. In addition, Roskomnadzor intends to reduce the costs of public administration, sectors of the economy and social sphere, as well as create conditions for increasing income collection and reducing the shadow economy through digital transformation. Another task is to ensure the necessary level of reliability and security of information systems, information technology infrastructure.
6.93 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the program in 2024. The costs in 2025 and 2026 will amount to 4.89 billion and 4.92 billion rubles, respectively. 18 key areas have been identified. One of the main ones is the Development of Information Systems of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Radio Frequency Center" (FSUE GRCC). We are talking about such platforms as the Software and Hardware Complex "Status Control of Identification Modules" (PAK KSIM), "Automated Security Assurance System" (ASBI), the information system of the Public Communication Network Monitoring and Management Center subordinate to Roskomnadzor (CMU SSOP), etc. The work provides for 2.42 billion rubles in 2024 and 2.37 billion rubles in 2025-2026.
An important sub-segment in the Development of Information Systems group of FSUE GRCC is the formation and maintenance of the Register of domain names, pointers of pages of sites on the Internet and network addresses that allow identifying sites containing calls for riots, extremist activities, participation in mass (public) events held in violation of the established procedure, unreliable socially significant information disseminated under the guise of reliable messages, which creates a threat of harm to life and (or) the health of citizens, property, the threat of mass disturbance of public order and (or) public safety or the threat of interfering with the functioning or termination of life support facilities, transport or social infrastructure, credit institutions, power facilities, industry or communications, information materials of a foreign or international non-governmental organization whose activities are recognized as undesirable in the Russian Federation. Since 2024, artificial intelligence algorithms have been used to form the registry.
Another major area is the operation of the information systems of the FSUE GRCC: for these purposes in 2024, 2025 and 2026, 3.623 billion, 2.078 billion and 2.079 billion rubles were allocated, respectively - in the amount of 7.78 billion rubles for three years. The third area is the Operation of the software and hardware complex for information protection of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GRCC (PAK ZI GRCC), for which 346.52 million rubles are allocated from 2024 to 2026. Another 345.26 million rubles will go to the creation of information systems of the FSUE GRCC, including the Antifrod complex (necessary to combat telephone fraud). Operation of the telecommunications infrastructure of the Central Office and territorial offices will cost 350.36 million rubles in three years. Other areas of the Roskomnadzor digital transformation program include (total costs for 2024-2026):
- Operation of the subsystem of special activities of the EIS of Roskomnadzor - 314.44 million rubles;
- Development of SPP (applied software subsystem) of special activities of the EIS of Roskomnadzor - 100.48 million rubles;
- Operation of the software and hardware complex for information protection of the Central Office and territorial departments - 71.63 million rubles;
- Operation of server equipment of the Central Office and territorial departments - 63.89 million rubles;
- Operation of automated workplaces of the Central Office and territorial offices - 54.81 million rubles;
- Operation of information and reference systems of territorial departments - 42.82 million rubles;
- Operation of printing and multiplying equipment of the Central Office and territorial offices - 56.91 million rubles;
- Operation of local computer networks of the Central Office and territorial offices - 24.22 million rubles;
- Development of the PPP of the standard activity of the EIS of Roskomnadzor - 8.25 million rubles;
- Operation of subsystems of typical activities of the EIS of Roskomnadzor - 11 million rubles;
- Operation of the "1C Budgetary State Institution" systems of the Central Office and territorial departments - 5.84 million rubles;
- Operation of the automated information system SGRIR FSBI NTC Information Register - 1.02 million rubles;
- Operation of the automated information system "Perspektiva" - 300 thousand rubles.[2]
Roskomnadzor plans to develop its InformSystem on Cisco and VMware technologies in 2025
At the end of November, Roskomnadzor completed the selection of a supplier within the framework of the tender[3]. to expand the functional characteristics of the Unified Information System of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (EIS Roskomnadzor) in 2024-2025. Refinement should be carried out in two stages, the first of which should be completed by December 20, 2024, and the second - by March 15, 2025. The total cost of the work is 7.8 million rubles. One application of E. Soft LLC was submitted for the competition - a contract was signed with it. More
DDoS attacks up to 579 Gbps
In October 2024, Roskomnadzor recorded massive DDoS attacks on its infrastructure. Their capacity reached 579 Gbps.
Roskomnadzor reported that the main bursts of traffic come from foreign networks. The attack speed is up to 50.76 million p/s. The department said that "attacks do not reach the target," and the resources of Roskomnadzor, including its website, "work without restrictions."
Cyber attacks on Roskomnadzor began after the department blocked the Discord platform. The reason for the blocking is the failure to comply with the requirements to restrict access to illegal information.
Roskomnadzor decided to draw Russia's borders in cyberspace
On the website of the discussion of the upcoming regulatory legal acts in mid-January, a draft order was published[4] "On amending the order of Roskomnadzor dated 31.07.2019 No. 221," which determines the list of information collected by the department in order to stabilize the Russian segment of the Internet.
In accordance with the text of the order, it should enter into force on September 1, 2024 and be valid until September 1, 2028. Apparently during this time, Roskomnadzor expects to collect all the necessary information about "telecom operators, owners or other owners of technological communication networks, organizers of information dissemination in the information and telecommunication network "Internet," as well as other persons who have a unique identifier of a set of means of communication and other technical means in the information and telecommunication network "Internet," in electronic form of information "- this is the complex wording of the list of persons to whom this order refers.
The main changes in the order are the provision of information about the IP address ranges used by the above persons who have autonomous system numbers. And since earlier in the same order there was already a requirement to indicate the physical address of each communication node, the entry into force of this order will allow Roskomnadzor to link IP available from the Internet to a specific location. Such information will be especially valuable for new Russian regions.
In the explanatory note to the draft order, the collection of information about Russian IP addresses is explained by protection against DDoS:
Since 2022, the number and intensity of DDoS attacks on the state resources of the Russian Federation has multiplied. Attacks began to lead to prolonged difficulties in work, and often to the inaccessibility of state and other socially significant information resources, which negatively affects society and business. At the same time, the main amount of attacking resources is located outside the borders of the Russian Federation, therefore, to quickly configure protection against DDoS attacks from individual countries, telecom operators and owners of Internet resources form access lists based on data on the country affiliation of networks. Information on the country affiliation of networks is usually taken from publicly available international information services. In some cases, an incorrect sign of country affiliation is established, which leads to blocking access to Internet resources for legitimate users. |
And further:
Based on the provided data, a trusted database of IP address geolocation in Russia will be formed. Data Base will be regularly updated, telecom operators and resource owners will be able to use it to automatically create correct access lists, its creation will bring the digital border of the state in line with the physical borders of the Russian Federation. Russian citizens will have access to state, banking and other important resources anywhere in the country. |
In fact, the foundation will be laid for the formation of the sovereign territory of Russia in the so-called "fifth space," that is, along with state borders on land, by sea, air and space, Russia will form outlines in cyberspace.
Spending growth up to ₽31,1 billion. What the money was spent on
The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media completed 2023 with a budget execution rate of 96.6%, having spent ₽31,1 billion of the allocated funds. The data were published in a report by the Accounts Chamber of Russia in July 2024.
According to TASS, the main share of the department's expenses - 85.9% - were subsidies from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Radio Frequency Center." The funds are aimed at creating a system for monitoring Internet traffic routes, monitoring public communication networks and checking the reliability of subscriber information.
The revenues of Roskomnadzor exceeded the projected volume by 2.7% and reached ₽16,8 billion with a plan of ₽16,4 billion. Most of the receipts - 93.6% - were formed due to the payment of users of the radio frequency spectrum.
At the beginning of 2024, the balance of unused budget funds amounted to ₽1,08 billion or 3.8% of the approved limits. The main part of the undeveloped funds - ₽1,06 billion - was intended for FSUE GRCC to develop activities in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.
Incomplete development of funds is associated with the failed purchase of measuring equipment due to non-compliance of the proposed radio network analyzers with the terms of reference. The purchase of equipment has been postponed to 2024.
The expenses for the implementation of the Information Society program in terms of control and supervision in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications were fulfilled at the level of 96.5%.
The Accounts Chamber recognized the budget statements of Roskomnadzor for 2023 as reliable, noting the high quality of internal financial audit. At the same time, certain violations were identified in the inventory of assets and liabilities, procurement and budget estimates.[5]
Putin allowed Roskomnadzor to deprive licenses of telecom operators without trial
Russia Vladimir Putin The President signed a federal law amending the law "On Communications." This document, published in early August 2023 states , the head allowed Roskomnadzor to deprive the licenses of telecom operators without trial.
The amendments affect the procedure for assigning radio frequencies or radio frequency channels. According to the changes, a Unified Register of Frequency Assignments is introduced, which should indicate specific radio frequencies or radio frequency channels indicating a specific radio electronic means, the purposes and conditions of such use of radio electronic means and radio frequencies.
Roskomnadzor will be engaged in the assignment of radio frequencies and radio frequency channels. The decision to allocate radio frequency bands may be terminated out of court if inaccurate data is found in the documents submitted by the customer. If the customer has a license for the provision of communication services provided using the radio frequency spectrum, his license is revoked or terminated. The new law introduces requirements for the operation and management of networks in terms of the use of third-party services by telecom operators.
The amendments affect the licensing of communication services. Telecom operators providing access to, Internet as well as owners of traffic exchange points, must comply with the scheme of traffic passing through the TSPU, including traffic passing to the connected communication network. Licensing is also carried out by Roskomnadzor. The agency registers applications for licenses, makes decisions on granting or refusing licenses, extends and terminates the validity of licenses and maintains a register of licenses in the field of communications.
It is necessary to attach to the application for a license a scheme for building communication networks if the customer intends to use the radio frequency spectrum (including for television and radio broadcasting), carry out cable television broadcasting and wire broadcasting, transmit voice information (including over a data network), as well as provide communication channels that go beyond the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation or outside the territory of the Russian Federation.
Federal Law on Amendments to the Federal Law "On Communications"
Obtaining the right to prosecute violators of communication and data processing laws without on-site inspections
On December 29, 2022, the Law (No. 625-FZ) entered into force, according to which Roskomnadzor can, on the basis of the results of monitoring information resources, media, broadcasting, radio control, be held accountable for violations of Russian law. This was reported in the department on January 11, 2023.
They also noted that the adoption of measures based on the results of monitoring is carried out when violations are detected and there is no need for direct interaction with the owner of the inspection object.
It is assumed that the changes make it possible to increase the efficiency of preventing the dissemination of information dangerous to citizens (calls for suicide, the distribution of drugs, child pornography, fakes, involvement in illegal actions, extremism and terrorism), the work of means of communication with violation of existing norms, telephone fraud, illegal processing of personal data, while reducing the administrative burden on the enterprises and organizations being checked.
Earlier, since July 2022, there was a norm that required a mandatory on-site check if violations of the law were detected. No administrative protocol was allowed without verification. This situation involved an increase in the unreasonable burden on business, and in some cases made it possible to hide the traces of the offense and avoid liability provided for by law, recall Roskomnadzor.[6]
From September 1, 2022, operators must notify Roskomnadzor of the beginning or implementation of any processing of personal data, except for cases when the data is processed in order to protect the security of the state and public order, transport security, or if the operator processes the data exclusively without automation.
Google filed the first lawsuit against Roskomnadzor
In May 2021, Google filed its first lawsuit against Roskomnadzor. The American company is trying to challenge the department's requirements to remove 12 links to "illegal content" posted on YouTube. Read more here.
Plans to launch digital public services for 5.6 billion rubles
At the end of January 2021, it became known about the plans of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) to transfer its services to electronic format. The agency estimates the implementation of this project at 5.6 billion rubles until 2023.
As they write Sheets"" with reference to the digital transformation program of Roskomnadzor, published on the portal for coordinating the informatization of state departments, by 2023 it is planned to translate five types of public services into a "digital":
- registration of radio electronic means and high-frequency devices for civil purposes;
- licensing of communication services;
- assignment of radio frequencies;
- licensing in the field of television broadcasting and broadcasting;
- media registration.
Thus, according to the plans of Roskomnadzor, telecommunications operators will be able to receive in electronic form licenses and permits necessary for the provision of communication services. It is expected that in 2021 1.933 billion rubles will be spent on the digitalization of the department's services, in 2022 - 1.914 billion rubles, in 2023 - 1.773 billion rubles.
The goals of this program Roskomnadzor calls:
- improving citizens' satisfaction with public services, including digital services;
- reducing business costs when interacting with the state;
- reducing the costs of public administration;
- creating conditions for increasing revenue collection and reducing the shadow economy through digital transformation;
- improving reliability and security of IT systems, technological independence of information technology infrastructure from ICT equipment and software originating from foreign countries;
- ensuring the reliability and security of IT systems and ICT infrastructure;
- elimination of excessive administrative burden on business entities within the framework of control and supervisory activities.[7]
Preparing to Start Multiple IT Systems
On January 18, 2021, the details of the digital transformation program of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media became known. Roskomnadzor plans to create several IT systems within three years. Read more here.
Rights to the.su domain passed from FRI to Roskomnadzor
In October 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Roskomnadzor as the founder of the Russian Research Institute for the Development of Public Networks (owns the rights to the USSR domain zone .su) on behalf of Russia. Representatives of Russia in the governing bodies of RosNIIROS will be appointed by Roskomnadzor. Read more here.
Joining the founders of the ANO "Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet"
On June 3, 2020, the next General Meeting of the founders of the ANO "Coordination Center for the National Domain of the Internet" was held. At the General Meeting, it was unanimously decided to accept into the founders of the ANO "Coordination Center for the National Internet Domain" the founder - the Russian Federation, the functions and powers of the founder on behalf of which are carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). This was announced on June 3, 2020 by the Coordination Center. Read more here.
Andrey Lipov appointed head of Roskomnadzor
On March 29, 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin appointed Andrei Lipov as head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).
Before Lipov, Roskomnadzor was headed by Alexander Zharov, who moved to the Gazprom Media holding.
Consideration of more than 6.4 thousand complaints against the Big Four operators
On February 12, 2020, Roskomnadzor summed up the results of systematic work with citizens' appeals regarding the provision of communication services by the Big Four operators. In 2019, more than 6.4 thousand such appeals were considered, of which 1.2 thousand are in the Central Federal District.
Most of the complaints were received by the telecom operator MegaFon PJSC "" (2,814), while PJSC VimpelCom"" - 1,678, PJSC MTS"" - 1,300 and LLC T2 Mobile"" - 666 complaints. The appeals are mainly related to the quality of the provision of mobile communication services, one-way change by telecom operators of tariffs for telecom services, the provision of additional paid services without the consent of the subscriber (content including services) and the transfer of subscriber numbers on mobile communication networks.
For comparison, in 2018, 6064 citizens filed complaints against the Big Four mobile operators. This is 16.3% of all received appeals to Roskomnadzor in the field of communications. Then 2,595 people disagreed with the amount of the invoice for communication services; 680 were unhappy with the lack of communication; 1670 complained of additional paid services connected without their consent; 597 users noted poor communication quality (discrepancy between the declared speed of the mobile Internet, noise, illegibility of speech, loss of sound during negotiations). Another 522 customers of operators complained about the provision of content services without warning about their cost and debiting funds from accounts.[8]
As a result of the work carried out, qualified responses were sent to the authors of the appeals with explanations from the department's specialists for further actions, some of the appeals were redirected to check complaints to Rospotrebnadzor.
As for the issues of changing tariffs, Roskomnadzor specialists give explanations about the admissibility of such changes, provided that the subscriber is informed in advance. When considering issues about content services, they provide detailed information from the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the procedure for providing such services, as well as on ways to protect against their accidental connection. So often the connection of an additional or content service is made by the operator legally, and the applicant simply does not know the basic rules of digital hygiene and connects to services out of ignorance. Regarding the transfer of subscriber numbers on mobile communication networks, operators are indicated that unreasonable refusals and repeated repeated requests of subscribers with applications when transferring numbers are inadmissible.
Centralized management of the public communication network in case of threats to Runet operation
On September 26, 2019, it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation made changes to the regulation on the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor, RKN), affecting the implementation of the law on ensuring the sustainable operation of the Russian segment of the Internet (Runet).
According to the sub-clauses, starting from November 1, 2019, the ILV will carry out centralized management of the public communication network in the event of threats to the operation of the Runet by managing technical means to counter threats or through the transfer of instructions to mobile operators, owners of technological communication networks, traffic exchange points, communication lines crossing the state border of the Russian Federation, and organizers of information distribution on the Internet with a unique identifier of a set of communication means.
Roskomnadzor will also coordinate the stability of the Runet, provide means to protect it and monitor the Internet to identify threats. In addition, Roskomnadzor will establish traffic routing rules if Roskomnadzor has to centrally manage the Runet[9].
In Ulyanovsk, three times tried to burn the office of Roskomnadzor
The Ulyanovsk prosecutor's office sent a criminal case to the court on charges of a user of pirated content in repeated attempts to burn the office of the regional department of Roskomnadzor, according to the website of the department in June 2019[10].
The prosecutor of the Leninsky district of Ulyanovsk approved the indictment in a criminal case against a resident of the regional center suspected of committing a number of crimes.
On April 2 and 15, as well as on May 9, 2018, an attacker wearing a mask at night broke windows in the building of Roskomnadzor, then spilled combustible liquid into them and set it on fire.
After the arrest, the man explained that it was revenge on Roskomnadzor for blocking a pirated Internet resource on which it was possible to watch illegal content. Material damage amounted to about 10 million rubles.
In connection with the proven circumstances, the attacker was charged under Part 3 of Article 30, Part 2 of Article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted destruction and damage to someone else's property, resulting in significant damage committed by arson), which provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 5 years.
After the indictment was approved, the prosecutor's office sent the criminal case to the court for consideration on the merits.
Minister Noskov announced the excessive powers of Roskomnadzor
During the welcoming speech at the expanded board of Roskomnadzor, the head of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media Konstantin Noskov said that the powers of the regulator should be revised, Kommersant reports in April 2019.
"The mechanism of the regulatory guillotine, which was recently announced, provides for a large-scale analysis and revision of the current functions of control and supervisory activities. The scope of activity of Roskomnadzor today is extremely wide. It is necessary to analyze what powers can and should be abandoned, "he said. The head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications clarified that there should be no too many control functions. |
Answering Noskov, the head of Roskomnadzor, Alexander Zharov, confirmed that the powers had really expanded since the regulator was founded in 2008: instead of 35, there were 147 of them, and partially attributed this "merit" to the State Duma, including its committee on information policy.
In case of threats to the functioning of the Runet, Roskomnadzor will take control of it. Discussion of documents started
On May 24, 2019, it became known that Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media it posted two documents on the Federal Portal of draft regulatory legal acts, which formulate the types of threats to, RuNet methods of countering them and approve the provision on conducting exercises to ensure the sustainable functioning of the Russian segment, Internet reports "."Roskomsvoboda
In the first of the documents, communications "On the approval of the procedure for centralized management of a public network," three threats are identified: the integrity, stability and security of the Runet. When they come, the management of the Russian segment of the network takes over. Roskomnadzor More. here
The Prosecutor General's Office found 10 corrupt officials in Roskomnadzor
On January 22, 2019, it became known that after checking the Prosecutor General's Office, ten officials of Roskomnadzor were punished for violating anti-corruption legislation. Violations were revealed in the Office of Roskomnadzor in the Southern Federal District.
As a result, the prosecutor's office turned to the head of the Office, presenting ten employees to punishment and demanding to eliminate violations. The management of the Office brought the guilty employees to disciplinary responsibility and took steps to eliminate violations.
During the audit of the Prosecutor General's Office, numerous cases were revealed when employees of the Office of Roskomnadzor in the Southern Federal District presented incomplete and inaccurate data on income, expenses, property and property obligations - their own, as well as their spouses or children.
In particular, the head of one of the departments did not file data that he owns a land plot and a residential building in the Krasnodar Territory. The leading specialist of the department kept silent about her husband's receipt of income in the amount of more than 900 thousand rubles. An employee of the Financial Security and Accounting Department did not adequately reflect the fact that seven vehicles were registered to her husband.
In addition, employees of the Office of Roskomnadzor in the Southern Federal District did not always act to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest.
For example, an employee of the Office, who was married to a top manager of a company operating in the communications market, took part in the inspection of this company. This was done contrary to the decision of the commission to comply with the requirements for official behavior of public civil servants and resolve conflicts of interest.
The employee in question checked the accuracy of the information submitted by her husband's company. The information was submitted to make a decision on recognizing the company as a telecom operator occupying a significant position in the public communications network[11].
The case of a fraudulent salary scheme
The FSB is checking high-ranking officials of Roskomnadzor for involvement in fraud with the accrual of salaries. According to Kommersant, the surveillance was carried out for about six months, the special services listened to telephone conversations, checked the movement of funds on the accounts of employees.
On October 11, it became known that the press secretary of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky, the head of the legal department of the department Boris Edidin and the head of the apparatus Alexander Veselchakov became involved in the fraud case. All of them are under house arrest.
According to media reports, the case is related to the salary payment scheme, which operated in Roskomnadzor from 2012 to 2017 - in addition to the official salary, employees of the department received money transferred to fictitious employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Radio Frequency Center" controlled by Roskomnadzor. Thus, more than 20 million rubles were illegally paid.
Officially, the details of the case are not reported. According to a RBC source in the FSB, there are classified documents in the case, and some of the defendants have access to state secrets. The source suggests that the process may take place behind closed doors.
The lawyer of the press secretary of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky, Sergei Sedakov, called the accusations against his client absurd. This was reported in October 2017 by Kommersant.
"From the text of the decision to attract Mr. Ampelonsky as an accused, one can understand only one thing: he is only blamed for the fact that he agreed to work in Roskomnadzor," Sedakov said.
The charge, as follows from the publication, was brought against Ampelonsky on October 12.
According to the lawyer, "about any other actions [Ampelonsky] in the prosecution does not say a word." Sedakov added that "in terms of absurdity, it resembles the work of Franz Kafka" Process', "the newspaper reports.
The Prosecutor General's Office found corruption in Roskomnadzor. Four officials fired
Eight officials of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) suffered various penalties for violations of anti-corruption legislation. This was reported on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office, which conducted an appropriate check in the department of Roskomnadzor in the North-Western Federal District[12].
"Based on the results of the consideration of the act of the prosecutor's response, the management of the Office took measures to eliminate the violations committed, eight civil servants of the department, including three heads, were brought to disciplinary responsibility," the Prosecutor General's Office said in a statement. - During the consideration of the submission, four officials were relieved of their positions and dismissed from the state civil service on personal initiative. "
According to the Prosecutor's Office, some employees of Roskomnadzor, when filling out certificates, hid information about the income received by them or their spouses for 2015.
The Prosecutor General's Office punished several officials of Roskomnadzor
In other cases, it was found that officials of the Department responsible for the prevention of corruption offenses had data on a significant excess of the expenses of civil servants of the department over their income, but did not initiate appropriate measures. This is a violation of Art. 4 of the Federal Law "On Control over the Compliance of Expenses... income. "
For example, a leading specialist expert in the department of supervision in the field of telecommunications and postal services in 2015 purchased an apartment in St. Petersburg worth more than twice its total income in the three years preceding the transaction. "However, the legality of his receipt of income spent on the purchase of real estate has not been verified," the Prosecutor General's Office writes. "As a result, the procedure for monitoring his expenses was never carried out in connection with his dismissal from service."
In violation of the federal laws "On State Civil Service in the Russian Federation" and "On Combating Corruption," another leading expert of the Department did not transfer the shares of Rostelecom belonging to him to the trust. This organization is supervised by the department, and in 2015 an employee participated in its verification, which is a conflict of interest.
In addition, it was established that the head of the Department, exceeding the limits of the powers granted by law, issued an order approving the list of federal civil service positions, when appointed to which citizens and employees are obliged to provide information on income, expenses, property and property obligations - both their own and wives with children. "However, the territorial bodies of federal executive bodies are not endowed with the right to publish regulatory legal acts," the Prosecutor General's Office notes.
2015: Content analysis included in online media
On December 25, 2015, it became known about the launch by Roskomnadzor of a system for automatic collection and analysis of content in Internet media in 19 regions of the Russian Federation in test mode[13].
Read more about the system in the article: Online Media Control System.
2011: How Roskomnadzor monitors online media
From December 15, 2011, a computer system that detects illegal content in online media will work in Roskomnadzor. The developers of this system from the Moscow company DataCenter told Marker.ru of[14]how it will function, and representatives of Roskomnadzor explained why a lot will still have to be done by experts - people.
Violators will look for a computer
Nine companies participated in the April (2011) competition of Roskomnadzor for "development, supply and installation of a software and hardware complex for monitoring the information and telecommunication network of the Internet to comply with the mandatory requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation." The winner was DataCenter LLC, which promised to create such a system for 4.6 million rubles by December (the starting price of the competition is 15 million rubles). Answering a question about the experience of content projects, Olga Volodina, a representative of DataCenter, said that her company was developing "closed" projects for state organizations.
As explained by the project manager of the DataCenter company Alexei Shilo, the software and hardware complex (PAC) created for Roskomnadzor is a server with specialized software, with a set of dictionaries and a library of materials recognized as illegal. This PAC analyzes the materials of the Internet media (Roskomnadzor does not deal with sites that do not have media licenses). Having discovered materials that have previously been recognized as illegal, he sends a message to the employees of the supervisory authority. The same happens if in articles there are words from special dictionaries - drug names, offensive names of nations, calls for illegal actions, etc. According to Alexei Shilo, the system will analyze the context in which words from the "risk group" are found, because, for example, the words "let's go wet" theoretically can refer to washing laundry.
Representatives of the Data Center claim that their PAC will analyze, including graphic, audio and video information. In the competitive application of this company, it was about 17 text formats, 10 - graphic, 14 - audio and 11 - video.
Of course, the computer system will not be able to determine all cases of illegal content, admits Nikolai Novikov, head of the Roskomnadzor department. The computer is just one of the auxiliary tools for control. In addition, the decision on the illegality of information in any case should be made by people.
People will help your computer
From September 1, 2012, Roskomnadzor will have more work. The law "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development" will come into force. It requires special signs to mark information products that are not intended for children. Judging by the text of the law, this also applies to Internet sites. There are a lot of types of information not intended for children. This is, in particular, content that denies family values, forms disrespect for parents, justifies illegal behavior, causes fear, horror or panic in children, etc.
Roskomnadzor hopes that the computer system will help them cope with all this work. According to the representative of the department, Mikhail Vorobyov, illegal content is rarely found in editorial materials - much more often it can be seen in the comments of readers. According to last year's ruling of the Supreme Court, Internet media must delete or edit such comments within one working day after the appeal of Roskomnadzor. If this is not done, Roskomnadzor issues an Internet media warning provided for by the law "On Mass Media."
2011: Control over 385 thousand legal entities
In 2011, in the Russian Federation, activities in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications were carried out by over 385 thousand legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and more than 89 thousand editions of the media. State control over them was carried out during scheduled and unscheduled inspections, systematic monitoring. In addition, media materials were monitored in order to identify violations of the law.
A total of 2511 scheduled inspections and 5353 unscheduled inspections were carried out in 2011. Out of the total number of measures of all types of state control, 63.5% are systematic observation measures (in 2010 - 51%). At the same time, most of all planned measures (83.6%, in 2010 - 64.3%) were also carried out by this method, which significantly reduced the administrative burden on the business, according to the report of Roskomnadzor.
In 2011, the agency implemented the possibility of providing 14 public services in electronic form. Also, Roskomnadzor and subordinate enterprises of the radio frequency service carried out work to improve the Federal Automated Information and Analytical System in the field of the use of the radio frequency spectrum and electronic media. Since October 15, 2011, on the FAIS Internet portal, as well as on the radio frequency service Internet portal, access has been opened for operators and citizens of the Russian Federation to part of the sections of the departmental base of radio frequency assignments of all civil telecom operators in the Russian Federation that is part of the FAIS.
During 2011, Roskomnadzor received 14,108 applications on licensing issues (2010 - 16,308, in 2009 - 13,154), including 7,613 applications for a new license. In addition, 6495 applications were received to extend the validity of the license, to make changes and additions to the license, to re-issue and cancel the license.
2008: Transformation into Rossvyazkomnadzor and further into Roskomnadzor
By presidential decree No. 724 of 12.05.2008, by presidential decree, Rossvyazokhrankultura is being transformed into the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and Mass Media (Rossvyazkomnadzor) and the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Field of Cultural Heritage Protection. Rossvyazkomnadzor becomes subordinate to the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.
In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.06.2008 No. 419, Rossvyazkomnadzor was entrusted with the functions of monitoring and supervision in the field of mass media, including electronic, and mass communications, information technology and communications, the functions of monitoring and supervision of the compliance of personal data processing with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the functions of organizing the activities of the radio frequency service.
Rossvyazkomnadzor was a licensing body in the field of television broadcasting and broadcasting, in the field of providing communication services, in the field of reproducing (making copies) audiovisual works and phonograms on any type of media.
In addition, Rossvyazkomnadzor assigns (assigns) radio frequencies or radio frequency channels and organizes tenders for obtaining licenses in the field of communications.
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1715 of December 3, 2008, Rossvyazkomnadzor is being transformed into the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). The Federal Service remains under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.
2007: Creation of Rossvyazokhrankultura
In March 2007, the authority to carry out licensing and control and supervisory activities in the field of communications and in the field of mass communications was shared within the framework of one department.
By presidential decree of 12.03.2007 No. 320, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Field of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage were transformed into the Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Communications, Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage. The new structure reports directly to the Government of the Russian Federation.
In addition, the new Federal Service was transferred the functions of carrying out radio frequency assignments and organizing the activities of the radio frequency service, as well as regulatory legal regulation in the field of control and supervision in the field of communications. In December 2007, the Service began to exercise its powers as an Authorized Body for the Protection of the Rights of Personal Data Subjects.
2004: Establishment of Rossvyaznadzor service
On January 1, 2004, the new Federal Law "On Communications" entered into force, which is based on the principle of creating equal conditions for access for all Russian citizens to communication services. It was followed by Presidential Decree No. 314 of 09.03.2004 "On the System and Structure of Federal Executive Bodies," according to which the Federal Communications Supervision Service (Rossvyaznadzor) was formed.
This Decree, for the first time in domestic history, the functions of state supervision in the field of communications were assigned to a separate federal executive body.
On April 26, 2004, Government Decree No. 223 "On the Reorganization of the System of State Supervision of Communications and Informatization" was issued, as a result of which the departments for supervision of communications and informatization in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation liquidated and created the corresponding territorial bodies of Rossvyaznadzor.
By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 30.06.2004 No. 318, the functions of Rossvyaznadzor were determined. They expanded significantly. The tasks of organizing and conducting state supervision over communication and informatization were supplemented by the tasks of licensing activities in the field of providing communication services, the tasks of state regulation of prices for joining and passing traffic by "significant" operators, and the tasks of ensuring non-discriminatory access to the market for communication services.
2001: Department for Supervision of Communications and Informatization in the Ministry of Communications
In 2001, the Service was reorganized in accordance with Government Decree No. 380 "On the Reorganization of the System of State Supervision of Communications and Informatization in the Russian Federation." As a result, the Department for Supervision of Communications and Informatization in the Russian Federation is being created as part of the Ministry of Communications of Russia and 77 departments in the regions, united by the general name Gossvyaznadzor.
The Department for Supervision of Communications and Informatization as a management structure and Gossvyaznadzor as a control body, primarily ensured the implementation of measures for control and supervision in the field of communications and information technology in order to ensure compliance with licensing conditions and mandatory requirements in the country's telecommunications market.
1999: Establishment of the Ministry of Press
In the fall of 1999, the Ministry of Press, Broadcasting and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (IPTR of Russia) was created, which included regional departments. In August 2000, territorial administrations were transformed into district and interregional territorial administrations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Broadcasting and Mass Media.
District and interregional territorial departments of the Ministry of Transport and Industry of Russia carried out state policy in the field of media and mass communications. Also under their jurisdiction were issues of registration of the media, news agencies, licensing of printing activities. The function of monitoring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the media also remained unchanged.
1993: State Communications Oversight Service
Since the beginning of the 1990s, the communications industry, like all other segments of the Russian economy, has switched to market rails: new technologies were introduced, the range of services provided was expanded, the number of operators grew, new communication equipment was massively imported into the country. A side consequence of the active development of the industry was unfair competition, the illegal use of electronic means (RES), the creation of interference with communication systems of public administration. The current situation in the industry required the introduction of new organizational forms and methods of regulation.
On November 15, 1993, by resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation No. 1156, the State Communications Supervision Service under the Ministry of Communications of Russia was created. Its functions included monitoring the state of networks and means of electrical and postal communications, providing consumers with communication services under licenses issued in accordance with the established procedure and in accordance with established quality standards, as well as conducting frequency assignments for the operation of RES and high-frequency devices.
The service consisted of the General Directorate of State Communications Supervision and regional directorates and offices.
Adopted in 1995, the Federal Law "On Communications" assigned the Service the function of organizing and ensuring state supervision and control.
The service successively became subordinate to the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization (1997-1999), the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Telecommunications (1999), and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization (1999-2001).
The result of the work from 1995 to 1999 was a 5-fold reduction in the number of operators working without licenses, the number of complaints about the work of telecommunication operators decreased by 20%, the share of uncertified communication equipment significantly decreased.
1991: Inspectorate for the Protection of Freedom of the Press and the Media under the Ministry of Press
The predecessor of Roskomnadzor in the field of supervision of the activities of the media and mass communications was the Main Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press.
By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 566 of February 25, 1991, it was reorganized into the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Freedom of the Press and the Media at the Ministry of Press of the Russian Federation. In 1994, by order of the Russian Press Committee, regional departments were created. The main task of the Departments was the implementation of state policy in the field of mass media, including: registration of mass media, licensing of printing activities, protection of freedom of the press and mass media, control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of mass media.
- ↑ section-50 Information on the income of officials
- ↑ Passport of the departmental program of digital transformation for 2024 and the planning period 2025-2026 of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications
- ↑ Performance of work to expand the functional characteristics of the Unified Information System of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media in 2024-2025
- ↑ on amending the order of Roskomnadzor dated 31.07.2021 No. 221
- ↑ The execution of budget expenditures by Roskomnadzor in 2023 amounted to 96.6%
- ↑ Changes in legislation make it possible to speed up the suppression of violations dangerous for citizens in the field of information, communication and data processing
- ↑ Roskomnadzor will transfer services online for 5.6 billion rubles
- ↑ More began to complain about the "big four"
- ↑ and has received new powers to protect the Runet
- ↑ The prosecutor's office of the Leninsky district of Ulyanovsk sent a criminal case to the court on charges of a user of "pirated" video content in repeated attempts to burn out of revenge the office of the regional office of Roskomnadzor
- ↑ , the Prosecutor General's Office found 10 corrupt officials in Roskomnadzor
- ↑ CNews: the Prosecutor General's Office found corruption in Roskomnadzor. Four officials have been fired
- ↑ , Roskomnadzor launched a system for monitoring Internet media
- ↑ computer will begin to monitor the Internet media from December 15,