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Баннер в шапке 2

Federal Agency for Water Resources of Russia (Rosvodresursy)




+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Federal Agency for Water Resources of Russia (Rosvodresursy) is a federal executive body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Performs functions for the provision of public services and management of federal property in the field of water resources.

Main functions

  • ensuring within its competence measures for rational use, restoration and protection of water bodies, prevention and elimination of harmful effects of water;

  • granting the right to use federally owned water bodies;

  • operation of reservoirs and water management systems for complex purposes, protective and other hydraulic structures under the authority of the Agency, ensuring their safety;

  • development of schemes for the integrated use and protection of water resources, water management balances in accordance with the established procedure and preparation of forecasts of the state of water resources and the prospective use and protection of water bodies;

  • ensuring the development and implementation of flood control measures, measures for the design and establishment of water protection zones of water bodies and their coastal protective strips, prevention of water pollution;

  • provision of public services for the provision of information related to the state and use of water bodies under federal ownership;

  • maintenance of the state register of contracts for the use of water bodies, the state water cadastre and the Russian register of hydraulic structures, state monitoring of water bodies, state accounting of surface and underground waters.

Structure of the central office of the agency

  • Management of water resources and regulation of water management activities.
  • Office of Economics, Finance and Fiscal Accounting.
  • Property, Computer Science and Science Administration.
  • Administration of Civil Service and Personnel Affairs.


2023: Tadviser interview with Anastasia Buryakova, head of digital transformation projects portfolio

In a short time, the Federal Agency for Water Resources (Rosvodresursy) managed to launch a project for the digital transformation of budget planning. In particular, the Budget Estimates and Subventions services are being developed on the BPM platform. Currently, the agency is transferring the "Planning and Execution Control" segment of the GIS CPU Water to pilot operation. Anastasia Buryakova, head of the portfolio of digital transformation projects of the Federal Agency for Water Resources, spoke about the details of the implementation. Read more here.