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Information technologies
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
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+ Government of the Russian Federation
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+ Jan David Evgenyevich
+ Leader of UK
+ Russian Venture Capital Company (RVCC)

Plazius (Platius LLC_- developer company of the payment system Plazius of the same name (before Platius). The Platius company is formed on the basis of the project which the iiko company develops since 2011.

Plazius is the system of mobile payments and the platform of digital marketing for the enterprises from the industry of retail and public catering. More than 1,500 restaurants and shops in Russia apply this innovative technology as main system of loyalty and mobile payments. Sberbank holds a controlling stake of a startup. Plazius integrates the following blocks: CRM; loyalty program; payment of purchases by means of the application in the mobile phone. "Thanks to Plazius buyers come more often, pay quicker, recommend shop to the friends and make purchases on the Internet" — claim in the company.


Among founders and shareholders there is Platius:


"Plazius is a marketplace where using technologies business and consumers find each other. Plazius use more than 1,500 restaurants and shops on the one hand and more than 4.5 million buyers with another. We work with Big Data, predictive analytics and cluster analysis that the platform brought benefit to both parties" — Zlokazov Dmitry, the chief executive of Plazius comments.

From the moment of the beginning of cooperation with Sberbank, the user base of Plazius doubled and made more than 4.5 million people. Monthly through the Plazius application there pass about 5 million transactions (160 thousand checks a day). The restaurants using Plazius thanks to effective service and customer retention note increase in revenue on average by 5-12% in the first six months of use of a system.

About change of the name with Plazius and start of work about retail segment

Platius — the platform of mobile payments and digital marketing — announced in April, 2016 start of work about retail segment. Due to entry into this market the company changes the name for Plazius.

Restaurants, cafe and other points of public catering were earlier primary clients of the Plazius platform. Now each shop from an epicure to large network can be connected to Plazius and use possibilities of the platform for development of the business and increase in revenue.

Plazius integrates in itself the system of mobile payments and the platform of digital marketing for business. The platform helps restaurants and shops to attract new buyers and to hold available thanks to the analysis of their audience (demographic and behavioural characteristics, consumer preferences) and involvement in purchase process. The built-in game mechanics of Plazius increase the frequency of arrival of guests by 33-65%: guests bring friends and make remote purchases, the average bill increases on average by 25%.

"Sberbank supports many innovation projects, participates in their financing and aims to implement new financial technologies constantly. The Plazius platform is an excellent example when technologies help to connect retail - business, restaurants and consumers in a uniform marketplace. Both users, and market participants will benefit from similar synergy. The purpose of Sberbank — to help the Plazius team to create the platform of mobile payments and digital marketing of national scale" — Mikhail Ehrenburg, the senior vice president, the head of directorate on development of digital business of Sberbank comments.
Retail sector the network of epicures "Globus Gurme" became the first partner of Plazius from: "Globus Gurme" became the pioneer of digital marketing in retail market. Before clients of epicures a number of new opportunities will open: purchases can be paid through through mobile application, just showing the special code to the cashier on the screen of the phone. On the basis of the analysis of preferences of clients of "Globus Gurme" will create personal offers directly in the Plazius application, and clients will be able to use them from any place in the world" — Andrey Yakovlev, the CEO of "Globus Gurme" comments.

2015: The company was purchased by Sberbank

On March 12, 2015 it became known of acquisition of a controlling stake of Platius LLC company by Sberbank.

"Within the Platius project Sberbank sets as the purpose creation of a system of mobile payments of national scale which will become the standard for the majority of retail businesses, – Lev Hasis, the First Deputy Chairman of the board of Sberbank of Russia noted. – We expect that by 2019 in Russia the number of users of mobile payments will exceed 40 million people. We set an ambitious goal – to provide Platius service at least for a half of these people".