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Big Data Platform


Information Technology
Since 2020
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
115172, st. Goncharnaya, house 30, building 1


CommIT capital - 50%
VTB Bank - 50%



+ Big Data Platform (Platforma)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

About the Big Data Platform: The Big Data Platform (PBB) is a joint venture between VTB and Rostelecom. Created in 2020. The company develops tools for business based on big data: personalization services, geospatial analysis, sales planning, advertising platforms, and also develops IT infrastructure.


Closing a deal to sell 50% of MediaSniper to VTB and Rostelecom JV

The joint venture (JV) VTB and Platforma Rostelecom(Platform Company, big data PBB) became the owner of 50% in Programmatik Ecosystems, which manages the advertising platform. MediaSniper About this October 12, 2022 writes "" KommersantCompany with reference to the statement of companies. The remaining 50% is owned by the founder of MediaSniper. Dmitry Turkevich The amount of the transaction in the companies was not disclosed.

The fact that PBB wants to acquire a stake in MediaSniper was said in the joint venture back in April 2021. However, in the spring, VTB froze the deal, which was due, among other things, to the loss of a significant share of MediaSniper's revenue due to the departure of international clients (Henkel, Bayer, Bosh, LG, etc.), Kommersant sources said. Platforma clarifies that "the client portfolio has changed a lot, but MediaSniper's turnover is higher than the same period in 2021."

Platforma became the owner of 50% in "Ecosystem Programmatic"

According to the interlocutors of the publication, the loss of foreign budgets could affect the value of the asset. "The assessment of the media agency is based on the formula 4-5 EBITDA. In the current situation, a normal assessment would be 1-1.5 turns, "said Gennady Nagornov, general director of Genius Group. But, if the losses were quickly compensated by Russian budgets, the conditions did not change much, he says. The founder of Segmento Roman Nester estimates the deal at up to 1 billion rubles.

According to the head of the research department of the publication Irina Pustovit, Platforma was not included in the ratings of AdIndex programming platforms until recently, but according to the results of the transaction it can count on positions comparable to MediaSniper. The publication in June estimated the company's share in the segment at 15.7%, which corresponded to 20th place. With the departure of Google inventory, large customers began to transfer budgets to sites with similar technological functionality, says Dmitry Fedoseev, Managing Director of Hybrid Russia.

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Intention to invest 250 million rubles in the spatial data project

Platforma (Big Data Platform, a joint venture between VTB and Rostelecom), as part of the development of financial services, is investing more than 250 million rubles in a spatial data project, which, according to the company's plans, by 2025 should cover 95% of all Russian settlements from above and 80% of all residential and commercial premises from the inside. This was reported to TAdviser by representatives of Platforma on February 3, 2022. Read more here.


Acquisition of a stake in MediaSniper

The company VTB Rostelecom and Platform and big data one of the market representatives Russian advertizing of the company MediaSniper signed an agreement on the preliminary terms of the transaction for the purchase of a share. VTB announced this TAdviser on April 27, 2021. More. here

Approval of the development strategy until 2025

The joint venture VTB and "Platform," Rostelecom big data created in March 2020, approved a development strategy until 2025. This was reported on March 23, 2021 by VTB.

According to the approved document:

  • the goal of the Big Data Platform is to create a market leader in services based on Big Data, including by combining unique arrays of impersonal data, technologies and competencies;
  • by 2025, Big Data Platform plans to occupy more than 10% of the target Big Data product market in Russia;
  • The Big Data Platform, among other things, plans to bring Big Data exchange platforms, services for remote property valuation, new services for forecasting demand, services for accessing the cloud Big Data infrastructure to the market.
  • in 2021, the company plans to launch more than 30 pilot projects with potential customers.

"Our Big Data Platform company faces an ambitious task - to take a leadership position in the field of services based on Big Data by 2025. According to experts, in 2025 the volume of the Big Data product market targeted for the company in Russia will amount to 34 billion rubles, the Big Data Platform plans to occupy more than 10% of this market. At the same time, in a number of segments, our share will be significantly higher, for example, in remote property valuation, we expect to occupy more than 40% of the market, "said Vadim Kulik, head of the board of directors of the Big Data Platform, Deputy President-Chairman of the VTB Board.

"We rely on huge synergy by combining" big data "PJSC Rostelecom and PJSC VTB. Technical solutions of the Platform based on machine learning systems and artificial intelligence make it possible to count on the imminent launch of various popular products on the market. This approach has shown high efficiency among our foreign colleagues, and we expect to repeat our success. At the same time, we plan to actively develop the partnership direction, which provides for the use of our products, platforms and infrastructure by other organizations according to the service model, "said Alexander Aivazov, member of the board of directors of Big Data Platform, vice president for business development at Rostelecom.

According to the strategy, the target products for the "Big Data Platform" are Big Data exchange platforms, services for remote property valuation, services for forecasting demand and access to the cloud Big Data infrastructure, Big Data projects in the field of scoring individuals and legal entities, advertising programming, personalization of proposals and leadership generation, geoanalysts.


First Product Presentation

On August 11, 2020, VTB and Rostelecom's joint venture Big Data Platform presented its product - a universal geoanalytics platform, announced future developments, and also talked about the team and its leadership.

The Big Data Platform company was created by VTB Bank and Rostelecom in the spring of 2020. Its first product is a universal geoplatform based on the analysis of impersonal data using automatic machine learning (Auto ML) methods. The data providers for the geoplatform are VTB and Rostelecom, as well as a fairly large number of companies whose names have not been disclosed. Geoplatform allows you to predict demand, customer flows and other factors in specific locations for making decisions on the location of a retail outlet, offices, advertising facilities, as well as assess the investment attractiveness of buildings and land plots.

Geoplatform products for assessing and predicting the flow of buyers and for placing targeted advertising are tested by two companies: the Magnit retail chain (testing is planned to be completed by the end of 2020) and Russ Outdoor, transit and indoor advertising operator in Russia. Geoplatform is available in the 50 largest cities of Russia. The information contained in it is relevant for 70% of the urban population of the country, with the exception of residents of small cities - with a population of less than 100 thousand people.

The geoplatform of the enterprise allows you to predict demand, customer flows and other factors in specific locations for making decisions on the location of a retail outlet, offices, advertising facilities, as well as assess the investment attractiveness of buildings and land plots.
With its help, we can estimate locations with an area of ​ ​ 500 by 500 meters. The geoplatform will compare 170 layers of impersonal data from the banking sector, telecom and digital services and offer an optimal platform, for example, for a new hairdresser, an advertising billboard for a highly specialized audience or the construction of a residential complex, "said Vadim Kulik, head of the board of directors of the Big Data Platform, Deputy President-Chairman of the VTB Board.

The data collected in a single geo-grid, according to him, allows the use of automatic machine learning methods - Auto ML, which speeds up the process of bringing products to market, technologies can be adapted to specific tasks of a particular company in a week.

Technologies of the geoplatform of VTB and Rostelecom can be useful to completely different companies from retail and manufacturers of food and household chemicals, fitness centers to banks, insurance companies, developers and logistics companies, - said Alexander Aivazov, member of the board of directors of Big Data Platform, vice president for business development at Rostelecom.

Coverage density, which means competition between retailers in Russia, has reached such indicators when choosing the location of a particular store is one of the most important tasks in the development of the network, said Florian Jansen, Deputy General Director, Executive Director of Magnit.

We plan to test the technology in fifteen large cities of Russia. According to our estimates, the use of geoplatform in combination with our own technologies for analyzing the competitive environment and selecting locations can help increase the return on investment in new outlets and reduce development costs by more accurately selecting locations with an optimal ratio of rent and buyer traffic, "said Florian Jansen.

The outdoor advertising market is increasingly relying on high-quality data both in planning and in analyzing the results of advertising campaigns, said Boris Peshnyak, commercial director of the Russ Outdoor group of companies.

The Big Data Platforms geoanalysis technology offers advertisers those locations where their target audience is more common, thereby increasing the efficiency of placement, "said Boris Peshnyak.

In addition to geoplatform, the joint venture between VTB and Rostelecom is working in the field of advertising services - developments that allow customers to exchange and enrich data, as well as solutions that make it possible to build not only geoanalytical reports, but also analytics based on other research. Another area of ​ ​ the company's work is services for financial structures that provide them with analytics about the audience of interest, said Alexey Frolkov, CEO of the Big Data Platform.

As of August, the company has a top management team, which, in particular, is engaged in writing the organization's strategy. Soon, according to Frolkov, a number of VTB and Rostelecom employees will also join the company, mainly technical specialists, in particular engineers, data scientists and product scientists. Also among them will be specialists whose task is to develop the solutions already available to VTB and Rostelecom that will be transferred to the Big Data Platform. What kind of decisions, Frolkov did not specify. In general, the staff of the enterprise is still 10 people, but it will be significantly expanded. How much, he did not say.

The board of directors of the enterprise, according to Alexander Aivazov, in addition to him, who is responsible for business development, from Rostelecom included:

  • Kirill Menshov, Senior Vice President for Information Technology at Rostelecom, responsible for the entire IT component;
  • Senior Vice President, Chief of Staff of the President of Rostelecom Anna Shumeiko, whose area of ​ ​ responsibility is the management and interaction with subsidiaries of Rostelecom.

On the part of VTB, the board of directors of the enterprise, according to Vadim Kulik, in addition to him, as its chairman, included:

  • Maxim Konovalikhin, Head of Data Analysis and Modeling at VTB, responsible for the competencies of Data Science;
  • VTB Vice President Igor Vorobyov, whose attention is focused on the business and commercial issues of the Big Data Platform.

The following managers became members of the board of Big Data Platform:

Plans to launch commercial Big Data projects in 2020

A joint venture (JV) between VTB and Rostelecom - the Big Data Platform - plans to create products based on the analysis of impersonal big data that will help to more accurately formulate offers when selling goods and services to customers. The key team of the new company has been recruited, the first commercial pilot projects are planned to be launched in 2020.

"The main goal of the joint venture is to create products based on Big Data for yourself and other companies that will help provide the client with the services he needs and right now. Monetization options are different: from an increase in the number of approved loans and better risk forecasting to the sale of additional products by accurately determining preferences and the correct location of customer service points, "said Vadim Kulik, Deputy President and Chairman of the VTB Board.

Vadim Kulik explained that by applying the products of the Big Data Platform, companies will be able to give customers "additional product recommendations or additional discounts, predicting their preferences."

"We combine expertise and knowledge of two key players in the telecom and banking market, so we see a wide range of customers as consumers of products and services: from micro and small businesses to state-owned companies. We will develop various solutions - from standardized and typed services to individual interfaces and products that reflect the specifics of certain industries. Our goal is to create highly competitive products and services in demand on the open market, "said Alexander Aivazov, vice president for business development at Rostelecom.

The composition of the key members of the board and board of directors of VTB JV and Rostelecom has been approved. Team members have competencies applied in the leading industries in the use of Big Data. Among them are the financial sector, telecom, advertising technologies and digital services. The team has experience building a business from scratch and developing it in the big data exchange and processing market.

Big Data Platform Registration

On March 30, 2020, Rostelecom PJSC "" announced TAdviser that, together with PJSC "Bank," VTB they registered the company Platform LLC (big data PBB), which will develop and monetize products based on processing large, data including using technologies and. artificial intelligence machine learning The management of the joint venture (JV) will be carried out on a parity basis: the board of directors responsible for strategic development will include three representatives on each side.

The technological basis of the joint venture will be a platform that will be open, including through the application programming interface (API), for all interested market participants from industries such as retail, telecom, financial services, development, as well as for public sector organizations . Platform customers will be able to receive products and services based on a unique set of knowledge about the audience and its behavior in a segment format. All data used will be checked for legality and quality, at the same time they will be depersonalized and encrypted. The launch of the first pilot projects is planned until the end of 2020.

We are in the process of forming the basis of a team that will be responsible, among other things, for the strategic roadmap of the platform's products and services. Together with our partner, we joined forces and focused on developing market solutions for various business segments. We will reveal details about specific products and services of the joint venture later. We expect to significantly expand the range of offers on the Russian market for working with big data, bringing our expertise and technologies to it,
said Deputy President - Chairman of the Board of VTB Bank Vadim Kulik

The big data market is just shaping up. In today's world, companies need to proactively and quickly respond to increasing volumes of processed. information We hope that the competencies and resources of the joint venture participants in this area will answer the promising needs of the market, and will also contribute to growth economies through the use of big data analysis technologies,
emphasized Vice President for Business Development of Rostelecom Alexander Aivazov

2019: Announcing the creation of the "Big Data Platform"

On November 20, 2019, Rostelecom and VTB announced the creation of a joint venture, in which they will invest 1 billion rubles. Investments will be provided in a ratio of 50:50.

The main objectives of the new company are as follows:

  • Building data processing, storage, analysis, exchange, and visualization systems
  • Manage the turnover of customer campaigns based on intelligent systems
  • turnover of impersonal and depersonalized data through data exchange.

All data used will be checked for legality and quality, and will be depersonalized and encrypted before transmission. The data will be stored on the side of the participating companies of the project.

The technological basis of the joint venture will be a platform that will be open to all interested market participants from industries such as telecom, financial services, retail, development, as well as public sector organizations.

The new platform will allow you to structure the big data accumulated in different sectors of the economy and make digital solutions based on them that meet the modern needs of the market, "says Andrey Kostin, President-Chairman of the VTB Board. - Using these solutions, VTB and its partners will be able to more effectively interact with their customers and offer new digital products. I am sure that increasing the availability and quality of big data is one of the main factors in the successful development of the digital economy in Russia.

The head of Rostelecom Mikhail Oseevsky on the sidelines of the VTB Capital forum "Russia is calling!" said that the first products on the JV platform are planned to be released on the data processing technologies market in 2020.

The partners want to create an open ecosystem in which each new type of data or information will allow both monetization and commercialization to increase, Oseevsky added.