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SME Bank Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises


Number of employees
2016 year



+ SME Bank
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses" (OJSC "SME Bank") was established in 1999.

SME Bank belongs to the corporation of the same name, which is managed by ВЭБ.РФ.


2024: Integration with Tochka Bank

Customers of the Point will be able to receive a loan from the Bank of SMEs in the interface of their bank. Tochka announced this on March 21, 2024. Read more here.


Provision of 100 million rubles to Pneumash

SME Bank on January 27, 2023 announced that it had provided 100 million rubles to NPO Pneumash, a manufacturer of machines for enrichment and classification of minerals. Read more here.

Appointment of Ivan Podbereznyak as Chairman of the Management Board

On January 17, 2023, Ivan Podbereznyak was appointed the new chairman of the board of SME Bank. Previously, he worked as Deputy General Director of the SME Corporation. This decision on the appointment was made at a meeting of the supervisory board of the credit institution. Read more here.

Opening a credit line for Harpix

LLC "Harpix" took advantage of the special product "High." SME Bank opened a credit line for the company for 100 million rubles for a period of 36 months at 3% per annum. The loan is secured by intellectual property rights, as well as a guarantee from the Center for Warranty Support of the Ivanovo Region in the amount of 20%. The bank announced this on January 18, 2023. Read more here.


Provision of concessional loans to Skolkovo residents for 2.4 billion rubles

Concessional loans to SMEs of the Bank totaling 2.4 billion rubles were received in 2022 by Skolkovo residents within the framework of the federal project "Take-off - from a startup to an IPO." In total, 25 companies of the innovation center used the financial support of the subsidiary of the SME Corporation. The bank announced this on February 13, 2023.

In 2022, under the program of concessional lending to high-tech SMEs, 88 companies were supported for 15 billion rubles, of which 25 are residents Skolkovo - for 2.4 billion rubles. At the same time, 6,853 Ministry of Economic Development Andrey Belousov, high-tech companies were supported in 2022 in terms of the "Take-off - from startup to IPO" fedproject, which is implementing, supervised by the First Deputy Prime Minister. By 2024, within the framework of the fedproekt, it is planned to create about 1.5 thousand new startups and support technology companies and entrepreneurs for a total of 55 billion rubles, - said the Deputy Minister of Economic Development. RUSSIAN FEDERATION Maxim Kolesnikov

One of the borrowers of SME Bank under the concessional lending program was Bimeister Holding. It is engaged in the development, engineering and implementation of digital solutions for industry, creates and develops a flexible digital ecosystem based on Russian Bimeister software products. It combines several solutions based on a single platform for effective design, construction and operation of assets, sustainable development of industrial enterprises.

Bimeister Holding products are included in the unified register of domestic software under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia. The company plans to use the funds provided by SMEs by the Bank to replenish working capital for the development of products and the execution of contracts concluded with large representatives of the gas and oil markets.

Another borrower - Gorserv Innovations (brand) Gorserv - implements project digital platforms for managing service and repair masters for,,. HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES retail telecom

The companies received financing from SME Bank in the amount of 30 million rubles each.

SME Bank's preferential loan product for companies is aimed at supporting technology startups. Available credit resources allow them to fully realize their potential and create competitive production. The preferential rate under the program is 3% per annum, - said Ivan Podbereznyak, Chairman of the Management Board of SME Bank.

Concessional lending from SME Bank is another real tool for supporting high-tech companies. Subjects small and medium-sized businesses can direct borrowed money for investment purposes or replenishment of working capital. Skolkovo residents also actively use this support: in total, in 2022, 25 startups received financing on the most favorable terms. We expect the resources raised, our own services and support programs to deliver further accelerated growth for our residents, "commented Senior Vice President for. innovations of the Skolkovo Foundation Cyril Kayem

Provision of a preferential loan to Microprocessor Technologies for 200 million rubles

SME Bank, a subsidiary of the SME Corporation, provided a loan in the amount of 200 million rubles to the Microprocessor Technologies research and production enterprise, a domestic developer of microprocessor technology. This was announced on September 20, 2022 to TAdviser by representatives of SME Bank. Read more here.

Opening of preferential loans for 5 months for 3 billion rubles

For five months of 2022, SME Bank opened credit lines to Russian innovative companies in the amount of about 3 billion rubles. Of these, entrepreneurs have already used support in the amount of more than 1 billion rubles. The bank announced this on September 5, 2022.

17 organizations have used preferential lending to SMEs of the Bank under the program of the Government of the Russian Federation "Take-off - from a startup to an IPO" since April 2022. Among them are manufacturers of neurotechnologies, high-tech solutions to improve road safety, artificial intelligence solutions and more.

One of the large credit lines, for 500 million rubles, was opened by a company producing composite materials used, in particular, in the space industry and civil aviation.

All projects are subject to examination by an expert council formed under the SME Corporation. It is very important that we help entrepreneurs at all stages of the application. It is supplied through the digital platform МСП.РФ, where there is already a pre-filling of fields. We help with all documents, conclusions about innovation. It is important for us that as many entrepreneurs as possible can take advantage of a preferential loan, "said Alexander Isaevich, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SME Bank, CEO of SME Corporation.

Our clients are high-tech companies whose activities lay the foundation for the Russian economy of the future. Thanks to preferential lending to SMEs of the Bank, these companies can look with confidence into tomorrow, focusing on scaling their business and creating new jobs, "said Petr Zaselsky, Chairman of the Management Board of SME Bank.

The rate under the program "Take-off - from a startup to an IPO" is 3% per annum. The conditions were developed specifically to support high-tech organizations from among small and medium-sized enterprises.

Credit line for Itekma

Itekma Company received a preferential loan from SME Bank under the program "Take-off - from a startup to an IPO." The bank announced this on August 17, 2022. Read more here.

Inclusion in the register of IT companies

The Ministry of Digital Development has included a subsidiary of the SME Corporation in the register of IT companies. SME Bank announced this on July 29, 2022.

The decision to grant accreditation to SMEs to the Bank was made on the basis of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 18, 2021 No. 929 "On State Accreditation of Organizations Operating in the Field of Information Technologies."

{{quote 'The development of information technology is, without exaggeration, a key item on our agenda. As a bank, we are committed to providing high-quality, uninterrupted and safe service to our customers. We invest every day all possible resources in the creation of such a stable and well-functioning infrastructure, "said Petr Zaselsky, Chairman of the Management Board of SME Bank. }}

Among the benefits provided by SMEs by the Bank in the status of an IT company is a deferral from the army for employees of draft age.

Opening a credit line for AIR Mainline

SME Bank opened a credit line for 150 million rubles for AIR Mainline. Read more here.

Issuance of a loan for 25 million rubles for the "Knowledge Laboratory"

SME Bank, on June 10, 2022, announced the provision of a loan of 25 million rubles to the Knowledge Laboratory, a manufacturer of neurotechnologies. These funds will be used to finance the costs of developing a comprehensive project. Read more here.

Issuance of credit 300 million rubles for IVK AIR Group

Credit rubles Bank A manufacturer of high-tech engineering solutions in the field constructions and reconstruction of airfield facilities received 300 million from SMEs. IVK AIR Group The funds will be used to scale the business. SME Bank announced this on June 2, 2022. More. here


Decrease in the authorized capital by 2 times to 10.7 billion rubles

In July 2021, it became known that SME-Bank reduces the authorized capital by more than half in order to eliminate the basis for revoking the banking license. The bank decided to reduce the authorized capital from 24.2 billion rubles. up to 10.7 billion rubles.

Photo: мойбизнес.рф

Decrease in equity below share capital

In May 2021, SME Bank's own funds were lower than its authorized capital. The capital of SME Bank, which performs the function of supporting small and medium-sized businesses, as of June 1 dropped to 22.9 billion rubles, follows from the data on the Central Bank website. This is 1.3 billion rubles. below the value of the authorized capital (24.2 billion rubles) and happened for the first time since the beginning of 2014, that is, from the period when banks, on the recommendation of the regulator, began to publish data on the calculation of their own funds.

Problems in the bank's capital provoked an additional charge of reserves, which, among other things, led to a loss (4.1 billion rubles in January - May). The loss arose from provisions for the corporate loan portfolio. In May alone, the net additional creation of reserves turned out to be twice as much as in January-April. The bank has 45 days to recover capital.

2020: Support for innovative startups together with the Skolkovo Foundation

On June 17, 2020, the Skolkovo Foundation announced that, together with SMEs, the Bank had signed an agency agreement with exclusive conditions for financial support for Skolkovo residents. The document will allow the Fund to help small and medium-sized companies undergo the procedure for obtaining financial leverage from SMEs of the Bank, as well as assist in obtaining guarantees from the SME Corporation for high-tech startups as collateral. Read more here.


International rankings:

  • Standard & Poor's: BBB (foreign currency), BBB + (local currency), outlook is stable.
  • Moody's Investors Service: Baa2, outlook is stable.

As of 01.06.2012

  • the authorized capital of the Bank amounted to RUB 14.66 billion.
  • own funds - 27.7 billion rubles.
  • operating assets - 92.6 billion rubles.
  • profit before tax for 5 months 2012 amounted to 311 million rubles.


In accordance with the Federal Law of May 17, 2007 No. 82-FZ "On the Development Bank" and Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 07, 2007 No. 1766-r "On the Introduction of Shares in the Authorized Capital of Vnesheconombank," one hundred percent of the shares of the Russian Bank for the Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses belong to the state corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Activity (Vnesheconombank)."