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Siberian State Medical University (SibGMU)





+ Siberian State Medical University (Siberian State Medical University)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Siberian State Medical University is a medical higher educational institution in Tomsk.

He trains specialists in the field of biochemistry, biophysics, medical affairs, pediatrics, pharmacy and nursing.

It was founded in 1930 as the Tomsk Medical Institute (TMI), from November 16, 1938 to January 15, 1962 it was named after V.M. Molotova.

Siberian State Medical University


As of July 2018, the SibGMU includes 8 faculties, 78 departments, 3 research institutes, 7 interdisciplinary scientific and educational centers, 26 educational and scientific laboratories, TsNIL, the Siberian Competence Center for Infectious Diseases named after I. I. Mechnikov and R. Koch, their own multidisciplinary clinics with 830 beds, three anatomical museums with unique collections, the largest scientific and medical library in the region. Faculty of SibSMU (until March 1, 2013)

  • Faculty of Medicine (LF) - specialty 060101 "medical business," 060105 "dentistry." (Dean - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Histology, Embryology and Cytology Sergey Valentinovich Logvinov)
  • Pediatric Faculty - (PF) - specialty 060103 "Pediatrics." (Dean - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Normal Physiology Vasily Borisovich Studnitsky)
  • Faculty of Pharmacy - (FF) - specialty 060108 "Pharmacy." (Deccan - Ph.D. n., Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Vladimir Sergeevich Chuchalin)
  • Faculty of Medicine and Biology (MBF) - specialties 060112 "medical biochemistry," 060113 "medical biophysics," 060114 "medical cybernetics." (Dean - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Cybernetics Sergei Iosifovich Karas)
  • Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Social Work (FKPP and SR) - specialty 030302 "Clinical Psychology," 040101 "Social Work."
  • Faculty of Higher Nursing Education (FVMSO) - specialty 060109 "nursing."
  • Faculty of Economics and Management in Health Care (FEUZ) - specialty 080502 "Economics and Management at the Enterprise (in Health Care)."
  • Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists (PCF and PPS). (Dean - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valentina Mikhailovna Alifirova)
  • Department of Fundamental Medicine

Since March 1, 2013, the Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Social Work, the Faculty of Economics and Management in Health, as well as the Faculty of Higher Nursing Education have united under the name of the Faculty of Behavioral Medicine and Management (Dean - Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Nikolaevich Kornetov). The joint faculty will conduct student recruitment and training in the following areas: "Clinical Psychology," "Social Work" (Bachelor), "Management" (Bachelor). Training in the specialties is also completed here: "Nursing" - until 2014, "Social Work" (specialist) - until 2015, "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" - until 2016.



Launch of a world-class preclinical research center for 285 million rubles

The Siberian State Medical University (SibGMU) has launched a world-class preclinical research center, the construction and modernization of which cost ₽285 million. The center was opened as part of the Priority 2030 state program, and its work began in September 2024. The main task of the center will be to conduct research according to the GLP standard, which will allow developing new methods for the prevention and treatment of dangerous diseases, as well as testing drugs and medical devices.

According to the Ministry of Health of Russia, the new center is equipped with advanced infrastructure for a full cycle of preclinical research, from the development of ideas to the testing of medicines and products. The updated center includes an operating unit, which includes an operating room and a room for postoperative maintenance of laboratory animals, as well as a veterinary pathomorphology unit and a laboratory of functional research methods. An important part of the complex was auxiliary premises, such as a sanitary access zone, a disinfection and washing unit and a pharmacist service for storing and preparing drugs.

The Center for Preclinical Research was launched in SibGMU for 285 million rubles

According to the rector of SibGMU Evgeny Kulikov, the new infrastructure allows the university to significantly expand its competencies in the field of science and pharmaceutical development. The Preclinical Research Center will be a key element of specialist training, providing students, graduate students and faculty with access to the latest techniques and technologies. This will contribute not only to the training of highly qualified surgeons and pharmacologists, but also to the strengthening of the university's scientific base.

Elena Udut, head of the Central Research Laboratory of SibGMU, stressed that thanks to the new equipment, the center will be able to conduct preclinical tests of pharmaceuticals and medical devices at the most modern level. This will not only increase the quality of research, but will also minimize risks at the stage of clinical trials of drugs, which is an important step for the development of medical science in Russia.[1]

SibGMU became the first hub university in Russia for the development of all types of full-cycle medical technologies

In early August 2024, it became known that Siberian State Medical University (SibGMU) became the first hub university in Russia to develop all types of full-cycle medical technologies. By 2024, SibGMU has formed a portfolio of products for two types of medical technologies: medicines and medical devices. The key task in this direction was the transition to product logic, gaining experience in the production and implementation of created product solutions on the market.

According to the updated charter, the university can conduct preclinical and clinical trials of medicines for human use, clinical trials of specialized food products and dietary supplements, as well as clinical trials of medical devices. Preclinical and clinical studies are conducted to assess the safety and effectiveness of development and are a prerequisite for bringing a new product to market. Also, now SibGMU has the right to develop, produce and implement software and hardware complexes.

source = SibMMU
Siberian State Medical University became the first hub university in Russia to develop all types of full-cycle medical technologies

By analogy with the infrastructure of the full cycle of development and production of medicines already built in SibGMU, in the near future we will create a full cycle of development, production and implementation of medical software and hardware and software systems. These opportunities will allow the university to become a hub for the development of all types of full-cycle medical technologies within one organization, both in the interests of a wide range of customers and the implementation of proprietary technologies. This is the first such example in Russia, - said the rector of SibGMU Evgeny Kulikov.

All types of research will be carried out according to the standard of the Eurasian Economic Commission, which will make it possible to bring finished products to the markets of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.[2]

Creation of a laboratory for the treatment of stress disorders in virtual reality

In June 2024, it became known about the creation of an innovative scientific center in Tomsk, whose activities will be devoted to the development of advanced methods for the treatment of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other neurotic disorders. A new laboratory of neuropsychiatry was created at the Siberian State Medical University, the press service of the university said at the end of May 2024. Read more here.


Opening of a laboratory for the study of the brain for 15 million rubles

In October 2023, on the basis of the Department of Normal Physiology of the Siberian State Medical University (SibSMU), a scientific and educational laboratory of cognitive neurophysiology of psychosomatic relations was opened. It will study the fundamental mechanisms of the brain and cognitive functions in conditions of information loads, as well as create "breakthrough developments in this area," the press service of the university said.

As the head of the new laboratory, Yulia Kolobovnikova, explained, specialists by October 2023 do not have a single idea of ​ ​ what information overload is, which means that there are no recommendations for those who have encountered it. It is known that if a person receives too much information, he loses the ability to think critically, make decisions, cannot sleep normally and is constantly in a state of anxiety.

On the basis of the Department of Normal Physiology of the Siberian State Medical University (SibSMU), a scientific and educational laboratory of cognitive neurophysiology of psychosomatic relations was opened

Within the walls of the new laboratory, scientists hope to comprehensively study information fatigue syndrome and develop methods for maintaining the cognitive health of people suffering from it.

Laboratory staff began to study adaptation strategies to information loads for participants in the educational process, mental health indicators in students and teachers are assessed. This will make it possible to determine individual approaches to increasing resistance to information loads. Research is also carried out on laboratory animals.

It is noted that the project is being implemented within the framework of the strategic project "Precision Medicine" of the development program "Priority 2030." 15 million rubles were invested in the launch of the laboratory.

Earlier, SibGMU also won a grant in the amount of 7.1 million rubles from the "Platform of the National Technological Initiative" to organize acceleration programs to support project teams and student initiatives to form innovative products[3]

Development of a new way to diagnose osteomyelitis using MRI

The Siberian State Medical University (SibGMU) has developed a new way to diagnose osteomyelitis using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The press service of the university told about this on February 20, 2023. Read more here.

2022:21 million rubles added to the launch of the retinal pathology center

Siberian State Medical University (SibGMU) at the end of October 2022 received 21 million rubles from the budget of the Tomsk Region to launch a retinal pathology center. The funds will go to the purchase of special equipment.

The activities of the new center will be aimed at early detection of diseases associated with retinal pathology and their further treatment. It is assumed that this center will receive pictures of the fundus of patients at risk from polyclinics. If necessary, people will be invited to an ophthalmic clinic for an appointment. First of all, we are talking about patients with diabetes. It is such patients who are at greatest risk of severe visual impairment.

Siberian Medical University received 21 million rubles to launch a retinal pathology center

The SibSMU plans that the project will be replicated in other regions of the country in the future, especially in those where there are hard-to-reach areas.

{{quote 'The idea of ​ ​ creating a center was voiced to me by the doctors of the clinics of SibGMU at our strategic session on the development of health care in July. There are about 50 thousand patients with such pathologies in the region, so the center for the region, and for the whole of Siberia, was needed for a long time, - said the governor of the Tomsk region Vladimir Mazur. }} The project of the retinal pathology center was supported at joint meetings of the Commission on the Protection of Citizens' Health and Health Development of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Expert Council on Health of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, as well as at a meeting of the profile commission on ophthalmology of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

In September 2022, SibGMU won a grant in the amount of 7.1 million rubles from the Platform of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) to organize acceleration programs to support project teams and student initiatives to form innovative products.[4]

2020: Cancer cell pH level becomes foundation of targeted drug delivery system in cancer therapy

On November 26, 2020, it became known that the scientific team of NUST MISIS, SibGMU and RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogova discovered that the efficiency of penetration of magnetic nanoparticles with a drug into the tumor depends on the pH level of its microenvironment (tissues). The results of the study will help create an oncotherapeutic "accurate hit" and are published in the international scientific journal Nanomedicine. Read more here.
