Main article: Cancer (disease)
Causes of cancer
Main article: Causes of cancer
Cancer diagnosis
Main article: Cancer diagnosis
Free OMS treatment
Main article: Free cancer treatment for compulsory medical insurance
Main article: Chemotherapy
Main article: Radiotherapy (radiotherapy)
PDT (Photodynamic Therapy)
Main article: PDT (Photodynamic therapy)
Magnetic hyperthermia
Main article: Magnetic hyperthermia
Treatment of selected cancers
- Liver cancer treatment
- Lung cancer treatment
- Stomach cancer treatment
- Ovarian cancer treatment
- Treatment of genital cancer: Brachytherapy
- Occipital flap method (used in surgical treatment of head and neck cancer)
Ambulatory Cancer Care Centers (CAOPs)
Main article: Centers for Outpatient Cancer Care (CAOP)
T-hitmen in the fight against cancer
Main article: T-killers
Cancer immunotherapy
Main article: Cancer immunotherapy
Cancer vaccines
Main article: Cancer treatment
Drugs to treat cancer
Main article: Drugs for cancer treatment
Cancer treatment in Russia
Cancer treatment in Moscow
Main article: Cancer treatment in Moscow
Russia has developed a unique technology for delivering drugs to a cancer tumor that does not kill the rest of the body
In October 2024, it became known about the development by Russian scientists of an innovative method for delivering anti-cancer drugs directly to the tumor, minimizing the negative impact on healthy tissues of the body. The new technology was created by specialists of the Sechenov University of the Ministry of Health of Russia in cooperation with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after M. M. Shemyakin and Yu. A. Ovchinnikov RAS. Read more here
The first Russian neutron accelerator was built for boron-neutron capture therapy. It treats complex tumors
In the summer of 2024, the first Russian neutron accelerator source for boron-neutron capture therapy (BNZT) was completed. This event opens up new horizons in the fight against intractable tumors, especially in cases where traditional methods are ineffective. Read more here
Biological mechanisms have been discovered in Russia to prevent cancer recurrence
In August 2024, it became known that Russian scientists from the Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences made an important breakthrough in cancer research, revealing new biological mechanisms that can prevent cancer recurrence. The discovery has the potential to develop innovative therapeutic strategies aimed at combating so-called "sleeper" cancer cells that remain invulnerable to traditional therapies.
According to TASS, scientists focused on the study of the ubiquitin-proteosome system (UPS), which is responsible for controlling the degradation of about 80% of proteins in the body's cells. The study showed that this system plays a major role in the recurrence of cancer. Drug exposure to the components of PMS may be a new method for preventing metastasis and recurrence of tumors.
Scientists have revealed that the components of the UPC actively interact with key proteins involved in cancer recurrence processes. In each phase of this process, the ubiquitin-proteosome system plays a role by changing activity depending on the state of tumor cells. In particular, it was found that the activity of certain PMS enzymes supports the "dormant" state of cancer cells, which makes them resistant to chemotherapy. To "wake up" these cells requires a decrease in the activity of some enzymes and an increase in the activity of others, which contributes to the growth of the tumor.
Bashar Alkhasan, a junior researcher at the Laboratory of Protective Mechanisms of Cell, INC RAS, noted that the results obtained could become the basis for the introduction of new therapeutic approaches aimed at combating "sleeping" cells. One such strategy may be to block the enzyme E3 ligase, which will control the stability and activity of proteins that contribute to the formation of cancer cells and the suppression of the immune response.[1]
KRET has developed an ultrasound robot to remove cancer tumors
Controlled by the state corporation Rostec, the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern (KRET) has developed a mobile HIFU-therapy device MedUza 008 for non-invasive "operations without a scalpel." This became known in August 2024. Read more here.
MIPT physicists have created polymer submicrocapsules with gold nanoparticles for targeted cancer therapy
Physicists MIPT have created ones polymeric gold nanoparticle submicrocapsules that, under the influence of light, are able to convert intracellular hydrogen peroxide into molecular oxygen. This allows you to start the process cancer of cell death. This effect can be used in targeted therapy of malignant tumors. The results of the Clover study are published in the journal PARTICLE&PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION. This was announced on August 1, 2024 by representatives of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. More. here
In Russia, created a cure for cancer with 100% effectiveness
A new cancer drug has been developed in Russia, which has shown 100% effectiveness in clinical trials. Dostarlimab has demonstrated complete remission in all patients, which confirms its potential in the fight against cancer. This became known in mid-June 2024. Read more here.
A cell test system has been developed in Russia to select the optimal therapy
The cellular test system for personalized medicine was created by scientists of the Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Institute of Biophysics of the Future MIPT. Based on the patient's biomaterials, it provides a predictive analysis of his condition both when selecting the most suitable of the possible drugs, and for assessing the condition during treatment. The test system can be used in onco-therapy, for the analysis of cellular aging in age-related changes, as well as for the rehabilitation of postcoid syndrome. This was announced on April 16, 2024 by representatives of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Read more here.
170 metastases from the patient's lungs were removed by St. Petersburg oncologists - this is a world record
Doctors of the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology in St. Petersburg set a world record by removing 170 metastases from the patient's lungs. The press service of the medical center announced this at the end of March 2024. Read more here.
Russian chemists have developed compounds that trigger the self-destruction of cancer cells
In November 2023 MIPT , they announced the creation of biocompatible nanoparticles based on lactic and glycolic acids. They, according to the developers, are able to selectively penetrate breast cancer cells, illuminate and destroy them when irradiated with lasers. More. here
Russian oncologists cured the cancer of the last stage with the help of a new radiopharmaceutical
In September 2023, researchers from the Tomsk Research Institute of Oncology, TNIMC RAS presented the results of the successful treatment of stage four prostate cancer. Experts used the radiotherapy drug Lutetium-117 PSMA. Read more here.
Russian scientists for the first time in the world received the purest nanoparticles to fight cancer
Scientists of NITU MISIS, NRNU MEPhI and IZMI RAS for the first time in the world received the purest nanoparticles for a progressive method of treating cancer - magnetic hyperthermia. This was announced to Zdrav.Expert on July 31, 2023 by representatives of the University of Science and Technology MISIS. Read more here.
The number of cancer patients in Russia for 4 years increased by 4%
In 2023, the number of cancer patients in Russia reached 4.16 million people. This is 4% more compared to 2019. The growth is explained by the detection of new cases of malignant formations as a result of medical examination and preventive medical examinations. This is stated in the BusinesStat study, the results of which were published in early July 2024.
The review considers the state and commercial sectors of the market, as well as various types of medical care - outpatient and inpatient. Among the leading enterprises of the industry are named LLC "Center for Innovative Medical Technologies" (Euroonko), LLC "SM-Clinic" (Oncological Center "SM-Clinic"), LLC "Haven" (Oncological Center "Lapino-2") and JSC "Medicine" (Oncological Center "Sofia").
It is estimated that in 2019 the number of cancer patients in Russia was approximately 4.01 million. A year later, the figure increased to 4.05 million people, rising by 1%. And in 2021, a decrease of 0.7% was recorded - to 4.02 million people. The fall is associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. In the conditions of quarantine restrictions and against the background of a high incidence of coronavirus, oncological patients did not always receive medical care in a timely manner and in full. In addition, the coronavirus increased risks during chemotherapy and oncological operations. At the same time, the consequences of infection in some cases provoked deaths among patients with malignant formations.
In 2022, the number of cancer patients in the Russian Federation rose by 1.9%, amounting to 4.1 million people, and in 2023 an increase of another 1.5% was registered. It is said that in Russia there is an improvement in the indicator of cancer detection. In particular, the medical examination carried out in the country allows detecting oncological diseases at an early stage.[2]
In Russia, mastered digital spinal navigation for the treatment of tumors of the spinal column
Doctors of the Department of Neuro-Oncology of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology (Rostov-on-Don) mastered and introduced into practice an innovative technology for the treatment of spinal column tumors - digital spinal navigation. The press service of the institution announced this on May 18, 2023. Read more here.
The first Russian ultrasound complex for the removal of tumors has been created
On January 24, 2023, Rostec announced the creation of the first Russian ultrasound complex for the treatment of cancer. We are talking about the Diater-M system developed by the Novosibirsk Instrument-Making Plant (refinery) of the Schwabe holding (a subsidiary of Rostec). Read more here.
In Russia, the costs of the state and Russians for the treatment of oncology continue to grow
In 2022, the cost of treating cancer in Russia reached 385.4 billion rubles, an increase of 9.4% compared to the previous year. This is evidenced by the data of analysts of the market research agency "GuideMarket." The report was published on November 15, 2023.
According to experts, the data on the market volume were formed on the basis of open and estimated information on the amount of funds allocated for compulsory medical insurance (the amount of compulsory medical insurance funds for the payment of oncological medical care), on quotas for high-tech medical care (VMP), as well as information on the revenue of the largest private clinics for the treatment of oncology.
Judging by the statistics of "GuideMarket," the cost of treating oncology in the Russian Federation has been steadily growing since 2015. The annual increase in the indicator varies from 9.4% to 41.7% at current prices. On average, the growth rate for 2015-2022 was estimated by analysts at 26.6%. Experts note that by 2022 the market for oncology services in Russia is on the growth of the life cycle and is unsaturated, and in the medium term it is predicted that it will grow annually.
According to Nikolai Dronov, chairman of the executive committee of the MOD "Movement against Cancer," whose words are given in the study, a big problem in Russia is the drug supply to cancer patients. In 2023, the FFOMS and the Ministry of Health reformatted the system for paying for cancer care under compulsory medical insurance. The number of treatment groups for solid tumors in adult patients increased from 17 to 19 due to the inclusion of new drugs in VED (paclitaxel + albumin, alpelisib, octreotide) and taking into account clinical recommendations. The total number of drug regimens increased from 1284 to 1353.
The adjustments also affected the coefficients of oncological medicinal CSGs, as a result of which their estimated cost will be in the range of 9.9-918 thousand rubles instead of the current 9.7-707.5 thousand rubles per case of treatment. The new tariff grouping, as Olga Tsareva, deputy chairman of the federal fund, explained, will bring drug regimens worth over 500 thousand rubles closer to the actual cost of treatment.[3]
Radiotherapy has become available to cancer patients in all regions of Russia
Radiation therapy has become available to cancer patients in all regions of Russia. The head of the Ministry of Health RFMikhail Murashko said this at the end of November 2022 at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. Read more here.
One in five cancer patients wait more than a month for an examination
About one in five cancer patients in Russia is awaiting examination for more than a month. This is stated in a study conducted by the Association of Cancer Patients "Hello!" The data was released in October 2022.
According to the survey, more than half of cancer patients expected to begin drug therapy for up to two weeks. And almost 10% could not start it for more than two months. One in five had to wait more than a month for an examination. Only a third of respondents reported that all surveys were carried out on time.
Every tenth cancer patient is forced to go to a day hospital to get the necessary medicine, said the president of the association, Irina Borovova. And 35% receive drug therapy in the form of droppers in the hospital. Pills at home are taken by 78% of respondents.
The number of violations in the provision of medical care to cancer patients identified during inspections of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (Compulsory Medical Insurance) decreased by 2.8% over the year, said Olga Tsareva, deputy chairman of the MHIF, in October 2022. And the number of defects during chemotherapy, opened during expert events, for 8 months of 2022 decreased by 4% compared to the same period in 2021.
Positive dynamics is also observed in the indicators of early detection of malignant neoplasms, stated Valeria Gulshina, Deputy Director of the Department for Organization of Medical Care and Sanatorium-Resort Affairs of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Thus, the share of malignant neoplasms detected at stages I - II increased by 2.5% - from 56.9% in eight months of last year to 58.3% in the same period of this year. One-year mortality decreased from 20.1% to 19.4[4]
Rostec presented a robotic complex for ultrasound diagnostics and cancer treatment
Concern Radioelectronic Technologies (KRET) of Rostec State Corporation at the forum presented a prototype device for the diagnosis and treatment of neoplasms using high-intensity focused ultrasound. This robotic complex, developed jointly with the FMBA of Russia, uses non-invasive technologies, does not violate the integrity of the skin and minimizes the risk of side effects in the treatment of oncology. Rostec announced this on September 20, 2022. Read more here.
Specialists of the INF SB RAS create an accelerator for boron-neutron-capture therapy of cancer
The first boron-neutron-capture cancer therapy in Russia will start working in 2024. The accelerator is created by specialists from the NPI SB RAS. This was announced on August 29, 2022 by Rosatom. Read more here.
Russia has created a technology that will help in the treatment of colon cancer
In Russia, as it became known in July 2022, they created a technology that will help in the treatment of colon cancer. We are talking about the joint development of scientists from the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNIPU) and Iranian specialists. Read more here.
Russian scientists have created a robot microscope capable of releasing cancer cells
Russian scientists, together with colleagues from Hungary and Finland, have created a robot microscope capable of isolating cancer cells. The system was named SpheroidPicker. Read more here.
ITMO scientists have proposed the use of antisense oligonucleotides to destroy a cancer cell
On July 26, 2022, representatives of ITMO University announced that it was proposed to use antisense oligonucleotides - synthesized short DNA fragments - to destroy a cancer cell. Researchers have developed a system that allows simultaneously detecting tumor markers in cells and "turning off" genes responsible for tumor survival. The device can be changed for any cancer marker and target gene - this opens up opportunities for an effective fight against oncology. Read more here.
The first ultrasound apparatus in Russia to fight tumors has been created
In mid-June 2023, Russian researchers from St. Petersburg Peter the Great Polytechnic University (SPbPU) announced the development of a new complex to combat malignant formations using focused ultrasound. This is the first such device created in the Russian Federation. Read more here.
FMBA has developed a new method of treating prostate cancer
On March 22, 2022, the Federal Biomedical Agency (FMBA) of Russia announced the creation of a new method of treating prostate cancer. It was named "A Method of Focal Brachytherapy of Prostate Cancer in Patients Undergoing Low-Dose Intracanular Therapy."
This is the development of the North-West District Scientific and Clinical Center named after L.G. Sokolov FMBA of Russia. The method has already begun to be used in patients who have received intracanular radiation therapy based on I-125 (brachytherapy). In about 10% of cases after the intervention, local recurrence of the tumor requiring treatment is possible.
A new method of killing tumor cells involves implanting radiation sources into the pathological focus of the prostate gland without affecting the entire volume of tissue. This avoids irradiation of the entire organ and minimizes the number of radiation complications.
As noted in the FMBA, prostate cancer by March 2022 is one of the most common malignant tumors in men: in terms of growth, it ranks first among all oncological diseases, ranks 4th in morbidity and 3rd in mortality.
It is also noted that SZONCC named after L.G. Sokolov FMBA of Russia has extensive experience in the treatment of prostate cancer by brachytherapy (more than 2500 patients have already been treated), this is one of the few institutions where this intervention is carried out under the control of a computed tomograph.[5]
It is emphasized that modern low-dose brachytherapy (contact intracanular radiation therapy - LT) in prostate cancer since its introduction in the 80s of the XX century. has undergone a number of significant changes in terms of improving the visualization of the target organ, the development of computer planning systems and post-implantation control. All this was reflected in improving the quality of its implementation and improving long-term results.
Russian scientists have created molecular thermometers to fight cancer
Ultra-sensitive molecular thermometers for medicine created Russian-Finnish a team of scientists with the participation of specialists from the National Research Technological University of MISIS (NUST MISIS). According to the authors, the development will increase the accuracy and effectiveness of therapy for various tumors. NUST MISIS was informed about this by Zdrav.Expert on March 25, 2021. Read more here.
Putin awarded prizes to developers of new cancer treatments
In February 2021, Vladimir Putin signed a decree awarding young scientists presidential prizes in the field of science and innovation at the end of 2020. In particular, the award was awarded to senior researchers at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the creation of two methods of treating patients with malignant tumors and the formation of the main provisions of the new ideology of personalized antitumor medicine. Read more here.
Peer-to-Peer Advice platform will help Russian oncologists choose a tumor treatment strategy
Roche announced the launch of the Peer-to-Peer Advice online information platform in Russia, aimed at supporting clinical decision-making in oncology. This became known on November 19, 2020. Read more here.
Oncologists of the center "Medical City" cured a patient with the fourth stage of cervical cancer
On October 14, 2020, the Department of Health of the Tyumen Region announced the cure of a patient who was diagnosed with stage four cervical cancer. Oncologists of the regional multidisciplinary center "Medical City" performed a patient with intra-arterial chemotherapy. Read more here.
Laser operations began to be done in the Krasnoyarsk Oncology Dispensary
On September 16, 2020, it became known that the first operations with laser surgery took place in the head and neck tumors department of the regional oncological dispensary in Krasnoyarsk. They are made using the SO2 Lumenis laser surgical system. Read more here.
Rosatom will build an interregional center for radionuclide therapy in Lipetsk for 1.26 billion rubles
On September 11, 2020, it became known that an interregional center for radionuclide therapy will be built in Lipetsk. An agreement was signed between the Government of the Lipetsk Region and Rusatom Healthcare JSC (integrator in the field of radiation technologies in medicine and industry of Rosatom State Corporation) to create the Lipetsk Regional Oncological Dispensary, the first project from the investment program implemented by Rosatom State Corporation to create a network of radionuclide therapy centers in the Russian Federation. Read more here.
Hybrid with humin: a method to synthesize nanoparticles potentially beneficial for cancer therapy
On September 7, 2020, it became known that scientists at NUST MISIS together with colleagues from the Institute of Organic Chemistry named after N.D. Zelinsky RAS and the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry named after A.N. Frumkin RAS created a hybrid structure of magnetic nanoparticles and humic molecules. The proposed hybrid is biocompatible, its production does not require high costs, and in the future it can be used for magnetic diagnostics and high-temperature therapy of cancer. An article on the development was published in Nanomaterials. Read more here.
Production of Varian Halcyon radiotherapy devices to be launched in Russia
Radiotherapy equipment factory"" (part of the GC R-Pharm"") on September 3, 2020 announced Zdrav.Expert that, under a license agreement with the company Varian Medical Systems (), it USA will launch local production radiotherapy systems Halcyon in four modifications in the first half of 2021. More. here
ITMO scientists have proposed the concept of a nanorobot cancer fighter
On January 28, 2020, it became known that a group of researchers from ITMO University proposed the concept of a drug against cancer. A nanorobot created from DNA fragments, in theory, will be able not only to destroy cancer cells, but also to recognize them throughout the body at the same time. Read more here.
Biocompatible gold nanoparticles will accelerate individual cancer diagnosis and treatment
On May 26, 2020, the online publication Zdrav.Expert learned that an international group of researchers from NUST MISIS and Clemson University (Clemson University, Clemson, USA) proposed their own method for producing gold nanoparticles based on ultraviolet synthesis. Method excludes use of aggressive chemical agents, obtained nanoparticles are safe for organism and can be used for diagnosis and therapy of oncological diseases. Read more here.
2018: Rostec announced the timing of the start of production of bionanorobots for the treatment of cancer
On September 10, 2018, the state corporation Rostec announced the timing of the start of serial production of bionanorobots designed to combat cancer. The corresponding statement was made at the Biotechmed forum.
According to RBC with reference to the executive director of Rostec Oleg Yevtushenko, by September 2018, the company is working on an investment project to launch the production of a "digital medicine" for the treatment of cancer by 2025.
According to Yevtushenko, the production of equipment to combat oncology and cardiovascular diseases is an important area of work of the state corporation.
Our holding "Roselectronics" demonstrates great success in this. Bionanorobots for molecular cell theranostics and rapid diagnostic systems in oncology are being developed and produced here. These are fundamentally new means of diagnosing and treating cancer, - said Yevtushenko, adding that these means of diagnosing and treating cancer are fundamentally new in medicine |
Yevtushenko also stressed that the latest DNA-aptamer sensor systems developed by Krasnoyarsk scientists were used in ten operations to remove a brain tumor. The results of the operations showed the effectiveness of the use of new developments and their harmlessness for the body.
The availability of cancer care is one of the most painful problems in Russian health care. Despite the fact that the results of cancer treatment are steadily improving, and mortality from many of its species is decreasing, it is still high, and many people perceive this disease as a death sentence.
In the May decree in 2018 health care , the president Russia Vladimir Putin again named the fight against cancer among the priorities and set a specific goal - to reduce the death rate from it by 2024 from 197.1 cases per 100 thousand population to 185 cases, that is, by about 6%.[6]
2016: Roselectronics develops lasers to fight cancer
On October 5, 2016, Rostec announced that the Roselectronics holding, which is part of the state corporation, is developing lasers to fight cancer. The new technology will be applied not only in medicine.
We are talking about infrared lasers (2-5 microns) of quantum cascade type, which are planned to be used to improve the accuracy of diagnosis of diseases, as well as for the selective destruction of cancer tumor cells and in wound healing. Read more here.
New technologies
2025: Cancer was first treated with proton arc therapy. Her exposure is much less
At the end of February 2025, Italian researchers from the Trento Center for Proton Therapy reported the first clinical procedures using proton arc therapy. This opens up new opportunities for the treatment of cancer. Read more here.
Russian scientists have proposed using neutrophils to deliver drug nanoparticles to cancer tumors
Russian scientists have proposed using a special type of white blood cell - neutrophils - as carriers of drug nanoparticles to combat malignant tumors. The study opens up new perspectives in the development of effective treatments for cancer. MISIS announced this on December 4, 2024. Read more here.
Innovative therapy developed to treat breast cancer with bone metastases considered indistinguishable
In mid-October 2024, promising results of a study of a new drug RK-33 for the treatment of breast cancer with bone metastases, previously considered almost incurable, were published. It has previously been shown that RK-33 also helps in the treatment of other cancers and viral diseases. Read more here
Toxic glass developed that kills 99% of bone cancer and restores bone tissue
In late September 2024, British researchers unveiled bioactive, gallium-doped toxic glass that kills 99% of bone cancer cells and allows bone tissue to regenerate.
Osteosarcoma is an extremely malignant bone cancer that mainly affects children and young adults. Usually, an aggressive combination of resection and chemotherapy is used for treatment, but survival rates have barely improved since the 1970s. Alternatively, a research team at Aston University has developed bioactive glass that selectively kills tumor cells.
The main goal of osteosarcoma treatment is to destroy the tumor and prevent recurrence. But more than half of patients remain bone deficient, which can lead to fractures. Bioactive glasses are already used to repair and regenerate bones - they bind to bone tissue and activate osteogenesis by releasing a number of ions such as calcium, phosphorus and silicon. But along with this, they can be tuned to release tumor-toxic ions, such as gallium ions, which integrate into the metabolism of cancer cells and cause their death. In addition, gallium suppresses bone resorption, which is especially important in patients with osteosarcoma.
It is suggested that bioactive glasses doped with gallium ions can solve both tasks - to prevent cancer recurrence and reduce the risk of fractures. They developed a new biomaterial that provides targeted drug delivery to the tumor site and also serves as a regenerative scaffold to stimulate the growth of new bone.
The team of researchers plans to test this material on a variety of bone cancers to make sure the treatment is effective, and to optimize the dosage and delivery method before conducting preclinical trials.[7]
First T-cell therapy for metastatic sarcoma released
In early August 2024, regulatory authorities approved the use of the first T-cell therapy for the treatment of inoperable or metastatic synovial sarcoma resistant to chemotherapy. Read more here
Implant for complex femoral and tibial defects due to cancer entered the market
In mid-July 2024, Orthofix launched the Fitbone implant for complex femoral and tibial defects. The company also reported the first successful implantation of the device. Read more here
Implantable LED device that treats deep cancerous tumours released
In mid-July 2024, researchers at the University of Notre Dame unveiled a new development in cancer therapy, a miniature wireless LED device that can be implanted directly into deep-seated tumors. The new approach uses the power of LEDs in combination with a photosensitive dye that allows the effective destruction of tumor cells while stimulating the body's immune response. Read more here
Innovative proton therapy saves the lives of 83% of neck and head cancer patients
In early June 2024, researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center presented the results of a Modulated Intensity Proton Therapy (IMPT) study, which allows meaningful improvements in head and neck cancer outcomes. Read more here.
A microrobot has been introduced into clinical practice that treats an aneurysm and blocks brain tumors
In late February 2024, a group of Chinese researchers announced the development of a magnetic microfibre robot for medical purposes. It is claimed that the device can reduce the risk of bleeding in a brain aneurysm and help with the therapy of malignant lesions. Read more here.
Nanorobots designed to reduce bladder tumor by 90%
On January 15, 2024, Spanish specialists from the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona announced the development of a new technology for the treatment of malignant bladder lesions. We are talking about the use of special nanorobots working on urea. Read more here.
New treatment for aggressive prostate cancer developed with 87.3% efficacy
On October 19, 2023, an international team of scientists proposed a new combined treatment for prostate cancer patients at high risk of biochemical recurrence. We are talking about the use of enzalutamide in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) Leuprolide. Read more here.
A device has come out that releases sound waves to destroy liver tumors. Johnson & Johnson invested in the developer
On October 9, 2023, the American company HistoSonics announced the Edison system, designed to destroy malignancies using sound waves. This method is a minimally invasive alternative to surgical resection and thermal ablation for patients with primary and metastatic liver cancer. Read more here.
Scientists have made a quantum leap in the treatment of a brain tumor
Researchers have discovered a new way to kill cancer cells in hard-to-treat brain tumors. This was announced on September 14, 2023 by the University of Nottingham. Read more here.
A micro-device has been developed to select the optimal treatment for glioma
On September 6, 2023, American researchers at Brigham And Women's Hospital announced the development of a micro-device that will help doctors choose the optimal method of treating glioma, a malignant formation that affects the glial cells of the brain or spinal cord. Read more here.
Exacay releases equipment to treat breast cancer on a deep breath
On August 9, 2023, Accurate Incorporated announced the release of the Radixact VitalHold system, developed to treat breast cancer on a deep breath. Read more here.
Swiss company ADC Therapeutics stopped working on a drug to treat lymphoma after the death of 7 patients
On July 11, 2023, the Swiss company ADC Therapeutics announced the termination of work on the drug Zynlonta for the treatment of lymphoma in connection with the death of seven patients. Read more here.
CRISPR therapy developed that blocks the development of all cancers
On July 6, 2023, American researchers from Yale University reported on the development of a new technology for combating malignancies through gene editing (CRISPR). Read more here.
Thyroid cancer has been treated with radioactive iodine for 80 years. Now a new way has been found how to do it even more efficiently
In late June 2023, researchers at The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust were able to calculate the individual dose of treatment for each patient with selumetinib. This method may help provide patients with refractory differentiated thyroid cancer with the maximum benefit of radioactive iodine treatment after redifferentiating therapy. Read more here.
Universal Cancer Treatment Found
On June 27, 2023, Japanese specialists from the Institute for Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) announced the development of a new method that allows treating several types of cancer with fewer negative side effects than the methods used in medicine.
Scientists say that side effects of standard chemotherapy and radiation therapy can be devastating, while the destruction of all cancer cells is not guaranteed, especially when the cancer has already metastasized and spread throughout the body. There are methods of purposefully killing cancer cells, but they cannot be applied to all types of malignancies. The new technology allows you to bypass this limitation.
The proposed method is based on the fact that a compound called acrolein accumulates in cancer cells. Previously, the method was used to detect individual breast cancer cells. Since acrolein is almost absent in healthy cells, the technology allows the body to identify cancer cells with high efficiency. To do this, experts attached a fluorescent substance to a certain type of azide - an organic molecule with a group of three nitrogen atoms (N3) at the end.
In the new work, instead of illuminating cancer cells, the researchers focused on destroying them. Specialists introduced the substance astatin-211, which kills exclusively cancer cells, which was activated when interacting with azide. Experiments in mice implanted with human lung tumor cells showed that without targeting, malignant ones formations continue to grow. At the same time, when a probe with astatin-211-azide is injected into the tumor or into the bloodstream, cancer cells die: the survival rate of rodents in these cases was 100% and 80%, respectively.[8]
Brain implant for cancer and Alzheimer's out
On June 27, 2023, French company Carthera announced the SonoCloud therapeutic ultrasound device, a specialized implant designed to treat cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Read more here.
Revolution in radiotherapy. New AI system created to precisely kill cancer cells
At the end of June 2023, British researchers from Addenbrooke's Hospital announced the development of a new technology based on artificial intelligence to accurately destroy cancer cells. Read more here.
Special bandages for cancer treatment began to be printed on a 3D printer
On June 6, 2023, Canadian researchers at Waterloo University reported on the development of an innovative dressing designed to improve the process of tissue repair after burns. In addition, the device can be used for drug delivery during therapy of malignancies. Read more here.
Innovative technology developed for the treatment of carcinoma
On May 30, 2023, the medical company ABK Biomedical announced the development of an advanced technology for the treatment of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common primary malignant tumor of the liver. Read more here.
Immunotherapy that suppresses the most aggressive type of brain cancer developed
On May 12, 2023, a group of researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden announced the development of a new method to combat glioblastoma - an aggressive brain tumor. Read more here.
Nanoparticle system designed to deliver immunostimulatory drugs to tumors developed
On April 19, 2023, employees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced the development of a new way to deliver immunostimulatory drugs to malignant formations. It is assumed that the method will help increase the effectiveness of combating certain types of tumors. Read more here.
Successful surgery using advanced histotripsy platform
On March 31, 2023, HistoSonics announced the first kidney surgery using an advanced histotripsy platform. The procedure was performed in Leeds (Britain): a team of specialists was led by Professor Tze Min Wah, a senior consultant radiologist. Read more here.
Universal cancer immunotherapy successfully tested
On March 16, 2023, researchers from the Swiss Higher Technical School of Zurich reported successful testing of a method for universal cancer immunotherapy. The new technology is expected to allow any donor's cells to be injected into any patient, which will help improve the effectiveness of the fight against malignancies.
Traditional immunotherapeutic cancer treatments use the patient's own cells. This is due to the fact that the immune system can identify donor cells as "hostile." Moreover, in immunocompromised individuals, donor cells can recognize a patient's cells as foreign and induce a strong and therefore fatal immune response in the recipient. Such a reaction is known as "graft versus host."
Swiss researchers have proposed a way to solve the problem. Scientists have created a synthetic TCR-CD3 complex located on the surface of killer T cells specializing in the defeat of viruses and tumor tissues. After such a change, T-killers are not able to respond to foreign cells: this means that they can no longer trigger a graft-versus-host reaction. However, these T-killers with a synthetic TCR-CD3 complex can still be activated by bispecific antibodies to fight cancer cells.
The idea is to isolate killer T cells from the blood of healthy donors and, using biotechnical methods, replace their natural complex with a TCR-CD3 synthetic one. Then the blood of cancer patients will be enriched with these modified donor cells, - said the head of research Edo Kapetanovic. |
Zurich's Swiss Higher Technical School has already filed a patent application for the new technology. The next step is to refine the solution and bring it to market.[9]
Cancer machine comes out that calculates tumor movement in real time
At the end of February 2023, the Swedish company Elekta introduced the Unity MR-Linac device for cancer treatment, which calculates tumor movement in real time. Read more here.
Artificial DNA created to kill cancer
On December 21, 2022, Japanese researchers from the University of Tokyo announced the development of a new method for detecting and killing cancer cells using artificial DNA.
Drugs based on nucleic acids, namely DNA and RNA, can control the biological functions of cells. It is assumed that in the future this approach will help in the fight against serious diseases, including genetic ones. However, the use of nucleic acids for the treatment of malignancies is difficult because there are difficulties in distinguishing cancer cells from healthy ones. And this means that there is a high probability of a detrimental effect on the patient's immune system.
Cancer cells can overexpress or create too many copies of certain DNA or RNA molecules, which leads to disruption of their normal functioning. A University of Tokyo research team led by Associate Professor Kunihiko Morihiro and Professor Akimitsu Okamoto of the Graduate School of Engineering created a pair of chemically synthesized DNA in the form of a hair stealth hairpin that kills cancer. When such pairs were injected into cancer cells, they joined with microRNA molecules (produced in excess in some cancers), unraveled and bound together. As a result, longer strands of DNA were formed that triggered the immune response. Moreover, this answer not only killed cancer cells, but also prevented further growth of cancer tissue.
The proposed method has already been successfully tested in laboratory conditions on samples of human cervical and breast cancer cells, as well as on melanoma cells taken from mice.
{{Quote 'Next, we will strive to create drugs based on the results of this study and will study in detail the effectiveness, toxicity and possible methods of administration, scientists say. [10]
MRI sensor created that sees light in the depths of the brain
In late December 2022, using a new specialized magnetic resonance imaging sensor, MIT researchers showed that they could detect light deep in tissues such as the brain. Read more here.
Super-hot nanoparticles created to treat cancer
In mid-December 2022, researchers at Oregon State University created a type of hyperthermic magnetic nanoparticle. Super-hot nanoparticles are designed to help kill tumors by localized heating under the influence of an alternating magnetic field.
Previous iterations of such technologies could be heated to a temperature of about 44 ° C, which was only effective in readily available tumors that could be reached with a hypodermic needle, allowing a physician to inject large numbers of nanoparticles directly into the tumor. Hard-to-reach tumors require intravenous administration of nanoparticles, but this usually results in only a small number of particles reaching the tumor, which means that their heating potential is usually insufficient to cause sufficient damage. These particles have a high heating efficiency, reaching a temperature of up to 50 ° C, which makes the systemic use of such therapeutics a more realistic prospect.
Delivering magnetic nanoparticles to the tumor and then minimally invasive heating them with an external alternating magnetic field in the hope of destroying the tumor is an elegant approach to cancer treatment. Indeed, the researchers experimented with this approach for several years. However, the problem with this technique is the low efficiency of heating particles: ordinary magnetic particles reach a temperature of 44 ° C near the tumor. Although this is only a few degrees above body temperature, it is enough to damage and kill tumor cells, provided that enough particles are present in and around the tumor.
The latter point is key as delivering particles to the tumor can be challenging. In more superficial and readily available tumors, a doctor may simply inject a large dose of particles directly into the tumor nucleus. However, for less accessible tumours, this is not possible, so intravenous delivery is required, meaning the particles must go their way through the circulation and enter the tumour.
In order to make systemic delivery more feasible, the researchers created magnetic nanoparticles that can heat up to 50 ° C in the tumor environment. These particles are called core-shell particles because their core and outer shell are composed of different components. In particular, the particles have a core of magnetite (Fe3O4) and a shell of maghemite (γ -Fe2O3), which provides them with excellent[11] efficiency[12]
An implantable pump has been created that delivers cancer drugs directly to the brain
On November 15, 2022, it was announced the creation of an implantable delivery system for drugs to contain cancer directly to the brain.
We used this system to significantly reduce proliferating tumor cells in refractory glioblastoma patients, delivering multiple cycles of topotecan at high concentrations directly to the tumor and surrounding brain for 4 weeks, without major neurological or neurobehavioral events, thereby circumventing limitations associated with conventional systemic delivery and providing a stable quality of life, the study authors wrote. Using MRI to non-invasively monitor the distribution of co-infused gadolinium as a surrogate for topotecan distribution, we found large and stable volumes of drug distribution effectively targeting peritumoral brain tissue where unresectable invasive tumor cells reside. |
A single-center, open-label, phase 1b clinical trial was conducted at Columbia Irving University Medical Center in New York City and included 6 patients, one of whom was excluded due to the absence of tumor recurrence from histopathological biopsy analysis taken before treatment. All 5 treated patients had wild-type glioblastoma IDH1 with a tumor volume of 1.9 to 18.0 ml. All patients were white, three men and two women. The median age was 56 years (IQR, 48-57).
Catheters were stereotaxically implanted into the peritumoral brain infiltrated by glioma and connected to subcutaneously implanted pumps. Patients received a total of 4 infusions through this delivery system, each comprising 146 μM topotecan at a dose of 200 μL per hour for 48 hours. After each infusion, a washout period of 5 to 7 days followed, and after the fourth infusion, the tumor was radically removed. Catheter pump removal occurred after 4 weeks. The researchers optimized the choice of biopsy of the localized tumor and catheter trajectory with preoperative MRI.
All 5 patients eventually died from tumor progression, but none of the deaths were treatment-related. [13]
Developed a new method of treating resistant prostate cancer
In early November 2022, researchers at Cedars-Sinai Cancer Center identified a therapeutic approach that could be effective in combating treatment-resistant prostate cancer. Read more here.
Fluorescent imaging has been developed to determine the depth of the tumor for its exact removal
In early October 2022, specialists at the University of Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis announced the development of a new fluorescent imaging technology that will help in the future when performing complex surgical interventions related to the removal of tumors.
When eliminating malignancies, accuracy is very important: it is necessary to remove all cancer tissue, but without the ability to distinguish healthy cells from affected cells, this can become a serious problem. Usually, the surgeon removes the edge of healthy tissue around the tumor, but too large an area can be affected, which will lead to additional pain and make it difficult for the patient to rehabilitate. The new system makes it possible to efficiently determine the depth of the location of the malignant formation in the patient's body and carry out surgical interventions with high accuracy.
The method involves introducing a fluorescent dye and using light with two different wavelengths to excite it. In their experiments, scientists used LEDs with a wavelength of 730 and 780 nm, as well as a camera with a CMOS sensor. Since light of different wavelengths travels through tissues in different ways, it becomes possible to determine the depth of the tumor.
Existing fluorescent imaging systems capable of providing data on the depth of location of a malignancy are very massive and expensive. And therefore, only large medical centers can afford their installation. The new system is relatively affordable and compact, which allows us to talk about the possibility of its wide use. So far, the researchers have tested the development in mice: imaging took only five minutes, and the predicted depth of the tumor location corresponds to the actual depth.[14][15]
New pancreatic cancer therapy created that treats 80% of cases
In mid-October 2022, engineers at Duke University developed a drug delivery system to treat cancer and demonstrated its potential against one of the most unpleasant forms of the disease. In a published study in mice with pancreatic cancer, scientists have shown how a radioactive implant can completely destroy tumors in most rodents, demonstrating what they say is the most effective treatment ever studied in these preclinical models. Read more here.
Infrared implant developed to treat brain cancer
On October 13, 2022, it was reported that researchers at Stanford Medical University had developed and tested a wireless device to treat brain cancer. Read more here.
Stryker releases bone tumor ablation system
On September 20, 2022, Stryker announced the launch of the OptaBlate bone tumor ablation system. This solution will help doctors easily adapt their procedures, the system helps to reduce ablation time by three minutes, the manufacturer claims. Read more here.
Scientists create material from tropical plants for cancer therapy
On February 17, 2022, it became known that scientists at NUST MISIS as part of an international team synthesized material with antibacterial and anti-cancer properties. According to the authors, it has prospects for use in biomedicine. The study is published in the journal Materials Chemistry and Physics. Read more here.
Head cooling device announcement to keep hair on chemotherapy
In mid-November 2021, the medical and technological company Cooler Heads Care introduced a cold-capped therapeutic device called Amma. The system should help patients undergoing chemotherapy to keep their hair. The company expects the device to be in the hands of patients in the first quarter of 2022. Read more here.
Printing a brain tumor on a 3D printer to speed up research in Israel
In August 2021, Tel Aviv University researchers used a 3D printer to reproduce a brain tumor, which they said would allow better and faster treatment of glioblastoma, an aggressive cancer.
The development could also speed up the process of bringing new drugs to market, the university said in a statement.
The center's staff calls the development a "huge leap" because it "allows you to study the interaction of cancer cells with other brain cells, layer by layer."
At this time, the team is trying to recreate similar 3D tumors for other cancers, primarily pancreas, breast, lung and melanoma.
Varian started using Google's neural architecture to treat cancer
In early April 2021, Varian announced an upcoming collaboration with Google Cloud. The company intends to use Google's neural architecture to treat cancer and create an artificial intelligence-based diagnostic platform. Read more here.
TheraSphere Y-90 Announcement - Liver Cancer Treatment Systems
In mid-March 2021, Boston Scientific unveiled a new device to treat liver cancer. TheraSphere Y-90 glass microspheres have been developed to treat patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), according to a press release. Read more here.
New Cancer Treatment Technology - Carbon Therapy (CIRT) Comes
At the end of October 2020, the presented a list of new methods of cancer therapy, among which carbon therapy (CIRT) occupies a special place. In this approach, particles more massive than protons or neutrons are used to irradiate the tumor, which provides a faster and more pronounced result. Read more here.
Varian to use ProBeam in FLASH therapy trials to treat cancer
In mid-October 2020, Varian Medical Systems launched the world's first clinical trials of FLASH therapy devices. The developers hope that the favorable test results will make it possible to universally use a new approach to radiation therapy using an ultra-high dose of radiation lasting less than a second, which allows cancer cells to be destroyed with minimal side effects. Read more here.
Progress in treating laryngeal cancer with robotic surgeons
In early September 2020, researchers at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles presented a study that found the best long-term results were obtained in patients with early-stage oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma operated on transoral robotic systems. The researchers believe this may be due to better imaging, less need for subsequent radiotherapy and the ability to remove the tumor in one piece using minimally invasive methods. Read more here.
Magnetic-gold nanohybrid will help fight cancer
On July 27, 2020, it became known that the team of scientists at NUST MISIS, together with colleagues from Russia and Germany, presented a detailed study of nanoparticles-hybrids from magnetite and gold. In the future, such nanoparticles can help in theranostics - the diagnosis and subsequent therapy of cancer. Read more here.
2019: How doctors in practice use IBM's AI tools to individually treat cancer
In mid-September 2019, IBM announced a collaboration with the University Hospital in Geneva (Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève, HUG) to implement and use IBM Watson Health software for genomics research. Thus, HUG became the first hospital in Europe to start using this tool. Read more here.
Scientists use Microsoft Kinect camera to fight cancer
In October 2016, it became known about the creation of soft robots used to treat cancer. The developers took the Kinect camera used in Microsoft game consoles as the basis of their technology. Read more here.
Microsoft develops artificial intelligence to fight cancer
In September 2016, Microsoft announced the development of artificial intelligence, which, as the company expects, will help doctors find the right methods of treating cancer. This research project was named Hanover. Read more here.
IBM Watson to help fight cancer in China
In August 2016, the American corporation IBM announced the introduction of a cognitive platform Watson in Chinese hospitals in order to assist in the treatment of cancer. More. here
2686 - 2345 BC: Removal of tumors in ancient Egypt
The ancient Egyptians could carry out the surgical removal of cancerous tumors more than 4.6 thousand years ago. This conclusion was reached at the end of May 2024 by scientists from the University of Cambridge, who used modern methods of digital microscopy and microcomputer tomography (CT scanning) to analyze ancient skulls.
The skull, dating from between 2686 BC and 2345 BC, which belonged to a man about 30-35 years old, showed the presence of malignant tumors. The researchers found traces of incisions around the tumors, suggesting the use of sharp metal tools to remove them. This discovery confirms the possibility of surgery to treat cancer in ancient Egypt.
Dr Edgard Camaros, lead author of the study and professor of history at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, stated: "This is the first time that humanity has surgically tried to cope with what we call cancer today." The scientist also noted that it remains unclear whether the incisions were made during the patient's lifetime or whether the operations were carried out posthumously for study.
Medicine in ancient Egypt, according to numerous medical texts such as the Ebers papyrus and the Kahun papyrus, was highly developed. These documents indicate a high level of medical knowledge, which included not only herbal medicine, but also surgical methods. Dr. Ibrahim Badr, Associate Professor of Antiquities Restoration and Conservation at the University of Science and Technology in Giza, Egypt, noted that the new findings confirm the advanced medical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians.
In addition, scientists studied another skull from the Duckworth Laboratory collection, dating from between 664 BC and 343 BC. This skull belonged to a woman at least 50 years old and also showed the presence of malignant tumors, but no traces of surgery were found. The woman, according to scientists, survived a serious head injury thanks to a successful medical intervention.
According to Cambridge scientists, modern technologies such as CT scanning and DNA sequencing allow researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the medical knowledge of ancient civilizations. The new findings offer promise for further study and reassessment of the history of medicine.[16]
Cancer treatment costs
2022: US spends $200 billion a year on cancer treatment, but deaths there are more than those in countries with lower costs
At the end of May 2022, it became known that the United States spends more than $200 billion a year on cancer treatment, which is approximately $600 per person, while the average for other high-income countries is $300. However, high costs have little or no effect on neoplasm mortality rates.
Of the 22 high-income countries included in the JAMA Health Forum study, the United States has the highest rate of spending on cancer control. At the same time, in six countries such as Australia, Finland, Iceland, Japan, South Korea and Switzerland - a lower mortality from cancer was recorded.
Smoking is the strongest risk factor for cancer deaths, and smoking rates in the U.S. have historically been lower than in other countries. Researchers took into account international differences in smoking rates, cancer death rates in the United States became the same as the average for a high-income country. At the same time, nine countries such as, Australia,, Finland,, Iceland,, and Japan South Korea- Luxembourg Norway Spain had Switzerland lower mortality from cancer adjusted for smoking than in the United States.
{{quote 'There is a common belief that the US offers the most advanced cancer care in the world. Our system is lauded for developing new treatments and providing them more quickly to patients than in other countries. We were wondering if the significant US investment in cancer care was actually linked to better treatment outcomes. In other words, countries that spend more on cancer treatment don't necessarily have better cancer mortality rates, said lead study author and MD Ryan Chow. }} According to the researchers, more research is needed to identify specific policy measures that could significantly reform the cancer treatment system in the United States. However, scientists point to lax regulation and pricing of cancer drug approvals as two key factors contributing to the high cost of cancer treatment in the United States.[17]
2019: Americans spend $21bn on cancer treatment
The total expenses of US residents for the treatment of cancer at the end of 2019 reached $21.09 billion. This is stated in the Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, published by leading American cancer organizations at the end of October 2021.
This amount included both the direct monetary costs of Americans for the treatment of cancer (they amounted to $16.22 billion), the so-called "patient time costs" (estimated at $4.87 billion), including trips to medical institutions and waiting for help.
The largest expenses at the end of 2019 fell on the treatment of the following types of cancer:
- breast cancer ($3.14 billion);
- prostate cancer ($2.26 billion);
- colorectal cancer ($1.46 billion);
- lung cancer ($1.35 billion).
Adults 65 years of age and older with Medicare insurance spent $2,200 and $243 annually on medical services and medications at the initial stage of treatment (in the first 12 months after diagnosis). Their expenses in the last stage of the disease (12 months before death) amounted to $3,823 and $448, respectively.
As the cost of cancer treatment continues to rise, more attention needs to be paid to patients' financial problems, including difficulty paying medical bills or even refusing treatment because of its high cost, said American Cancer Society Chief Executive Officer Karen E. Knudsen.
The spending report was the result of a joint effort by the American Cancer Society of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), as well as the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries.
In addition to cancer morbidity and mortality and insurance company treatment costs, out-of-pocket costs and patient time costs are important indicators that highlight the enormous economic burden of cancer, making it a priority for the health care system, the report's authors said.[18]
The importance of second opinion
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the proportion of patients whom doctors have not helped or have not helped enough is 23%. In 2015, scientists from Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, Maryland, USA) conducted a study and found that a medical error became fatal for 250 thousand patients in the United States, for 24 thousand in Canada, for 70 thousand - in the UK, for 100 thousand - in Germany. In Russia, there are no such statistics for 2019, unfortunately, but, most likely, the numbers will be no less impressive. The main problems are the late appeal for medical care and errors in diagnostics. This means that effective treatment is possible only with a timely and correct diagnosis.
It is no coincidence that the Second Opinion service, or "Second Opinion," which is in demand both among patients and doctors, is becoming increasingly widespread in many countries, including Russia. The "second opinion" allows you to find out the opinion of an independent expert, get more information about the disease and the treatment plan. The reliability of diagnostics in this case increases by 48%.
What is the "second opinion"
The second opinion is the practice of obtaining additional advice from a medical specialist on the results of medical research conducted in order to clarify the diagnosis and plan of upcoming treatment. In most cases, such a consultation is an expert assessment of the patient's condition and is provided only by a highly qualified doctor of a certain specialization. This practice allows us to achieve a more accurate interpretation of medical data and, accordingly, improve the quality of diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
The second opinion can be obtained both during a face-to-face consultation (for example, a multi-specialist consultation) and as a result of a remote consultation through telecommunications resources. In the latter case, the second opinion is part of telemedicine.
What are the most common reasons for seeking a second opinion
The most common reasons for contacting specialists for a "second opinion" in Russia for 2019 are:
- Patient uncertainty about the accuracy of the diagnosis;
- Addressing the need for surgery;
- Risk of treatment with highly toxic drugs;
- Clarification of the stage and form of cancer.
Also, patients often seek a second opinion to clarify the prognosis of the development of the disease and in order to verify the correctness of the planning of therapy consisting of one or more courses involving the use of expensive drugs. In some cases, patients use this service in order to obtain information about possible treatment options, their benefits and possible complications, well-being during and after treatment. An equally common reason for seeking a second opinion is to receive practical recommendations on nutrition rules and the daily schedule, to improve the quality of life. In addition, thanks to the second opinion, it is also possible to disassemble the legal aspect of treatment associated with insurance payments.
What this procedure looks like in practice
When the patient or his representatives apply for a "second opinion," the oncologist studies the presented medical documentation, assesses the current situation, specifics, established diagnosis and makes recommendations for further treatment. If the doctor does not have enough available information or is not sure of it, the doctor may recommend to undergo an additional examination to clarify the diagnosis and the degree of spread of the disease. Such measures help specialists clarify the diagnosis of the disease and draw up a more effective treatment program.
Cancer prevention
- Main article: Cancer Prevention Foundation
- ↑ New biological mechanisms identified to prevent cancer recurrence
- ↑ In 2019-2023, the number of cancer patients in Russia increased by 4% and reached 4.16 million people.
- ↑ Oncology Treatment Market Growth Rate
- ↑ %. Every fifth cancer patient in Russia expected to be examined for more than a month
- ↑ Employees of SZONCC named after L.G. Sokolova FMBA of Russia received a patent for a new method of treating prostate cancer
- ↑ Rostec will start producing bionanorobots to fight cancer
- ↑ Gallium-doped bioactive glass kills 99% of bone cancer cells
- ↑ A new generic treatment for multiple types of cancer
- ↑ Immune-cell booster for cancer patients
- ↑ [ Artificial DNA kills cancer Hairpin-shaped DNA binds with microRNA in cancer cells to trigger an immune response]}}
- ↑ [ heating
- ↑ . ]Extra Hot Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy
- ↑ [ Chemo Delivered Via Subcutaneous Catheter-Pump System May Safely and Effectively Treat Glioblastoma]
- ↑ [1] Fluorescence Imaging System Illuminates Tumor Depth Fluorescence imaging system lays groundwork for better tumor removal
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ Evidence of surgical tumor removal in ancient Egyptian skull is ‘milestone in the history of medicine’
- ↑ High cost of cancer care in the U.S. doesn’t reduce mortality rates
- ↑ Annual Report to the Nation Part 2: Patient economic burden of cancer care more than $21 billion in the United States in 2019