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2025/03/10 12:21:43

Targeted delivery of drugs in the body




Global Body Drug Delivery Systems Market Size Up 4% to $52.5 Billion

In 2024, costs in the global market for drug delivery systems in the body amounted to approximately $52.5 billion. For comparison, a year earlier, expenses were estimated at $50.4 billion. The Market Research Future review, published in mid-March 2025, said growth was recorded at 4%.

One of the drivers of the industry in question, the authors of the study name the spread of chronic diseases such as diabetes, malignant, formations respiratory infections and cardiovascular ailments. The observed trend creates the need to develop and implement advanced drug delivery systems. The demand for such solutions is further increasing amid an aging population: with the growing number of older people who are more susceptible to chronic diseases, health care providers are looking for effective drug delivery systems.

Technological advances play an important role in the development of the market. Innovations such as nanotechnology, microencapsulation and intelligent delivery systems are transforming the healthcare industry. These technologies contribute to more efficient delivery of drugs while minimizing side effects. For example, targeted delivery systems are able to ensure that the drug accurately enters the area of ​ ​ the body and those cells where it is really needed. This approach provides an opportunity not only to improve treatment results, but also to avoid the undesirable effect of the drug on healthy tissues. This, in turn, allows the use of potentially highly effective drugs that have not previously been used due to specific side effects and other limitations.

In addition, wearable drug delivery devices are gaining popularity, which allow real-time monitoring and dosage adjustment depending on the patient's condition. The development of user-friendly drug delivery systems, including automatic injection devices, helps patients adhere to personal treatment regimens. Given the busy lifestyle of many people, such devices simplify the administration of drugs in different situations.

The study authors identify five key segments in the drug delivery systems market: injectable, oral, cutaneous (transdermal), inhalable, and ocular. In 2024, the first two sectors provided the largest revenue - $16.5 billion and $20 billion, respectively. Transdermal solutions brought about $7 billion, inhalation - $5 billion. Approximately $4 billion fell on eye products. Significant players in the industry are named:

Geographically, in 2024, North America became the leader with costs of $22 billion: the region dominates thanks to a developed health infrastructure and active research activities. Europe is in second place with $15 billion, and the Asia-Pacific region closes the top three with an estimate of $10 billion. South America brought in $3 billion, the Middle East and Africa - $2.5 billion.

Market Research Future analysts believe that in the future, the CAGR in the market under consideration will be 4.17%. As a result, by 2035, costs on a global scale could increase to $82.29 billion.[1]

Russia has developed a unique technology for delivering drugs to a cancer tumor that does not kill the rest of the body

In October 2024, it became known about the development by Russian scientists of an innovative method for delivering anti-cancer drugs directly to the tumor, minimizing the negative impact on healthy tissues of the body. The new technology was created by specialists of the Sechenov University of the Ministry of Health of Russia in cooperation with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after M. M. Shemyakin and Yu. A. Ovchinnikov RAS.

A key feature of the development is the use of pH-reversed nanoparticles. These particles containing the chemotherapeutic drug are retained in defects in the vessels feeding the tumor and release the drug in this area.

Development of Unique Drug Delivery Technology to Cancer Tumor

Alexei Ermakov, head of the laboratory for the directed transport of drugs, explained that the new approach allows you to bypass the restrictions associated with the penetration of drugs directly into the tumor. Instead, the drug is released at the moment when the particles are fixed to the damaged vessels that feed the tumor.

Scientists note that this method not only increases the targeting of the drug, but also significantly reduces its effect on the immune system and healthy organs. An important advantage of the technology is its versatility - by slightly modifying the particles, it can be adapted to deliver almost any chemotherapeutic drug.

The development of this technology was a response to the problem faced by researchers in the transition from animal experiments to clinical trials in humans. It turned out that the penetrating ability of particles in the human body manifests itself much worse than in experimental animals.

The new drug delivery system has already been tested on cell lines, and researchers have embarked on experiments on model animals. Successful results from these trials could pave the way for clinical research in humans.[2]

MIPT found a new way to select molecules suitable for targeted drug delivery

Scientists from MIPT together with colleagues from the Kurchatov Institute and the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed a method for determining the size and shape of polymer molecules in solutions based on nuclear magnetic resonance data. The method will be used for targeted therapy of diseases. MIPT announced this on October 15, 2024. Read more here.

A unique peripheral artery stent is released and implanted for rapid and targeted delivery of drugs into the body

In early October 2024, Medinol introduced the peripheral drug-eluting stent ChampioNIR, designed for rapid and targeted drug delivery. Read more here

Device for direct delivery of medicine to ulcer came out

On July 1, 2024, Biora Therapeutics announced the development of a swallowed NaviCap device, a special capsule designed to deliver drugs directly to the ulcer. This approach allows you to increase the effectiveness of therapy. Read more here.

ITMO has developed a platform to study communication between cells

ITMO scientists have developed a platform to help investigate intercellular communication. Unlike existing systems, the proposed platform allows you to accurately determine where the cell is located, without interfering with its vital activity. This offers a chance to monitor cells in their natural habitat. The development will help restore cellular communication after injuries and create materials for targeted drug delivery. The results of the study are published in the journal Materials & Design. The university announced this on March 22, 2024. Read more here.

In Russia, created a patch for painless vaccination

In January 2024, it became known about the development in Russia of a patch for painless vaccination. The authors of the development were scientists from the Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov RTU MIREA. Read more here.


Instead of injections: Presented is a suction cup applied to the cheek for administration of drugs

On September 27, 2023, Swiss researchers from the Higher Technical School of Zurich (ETH Zurich) announced the development of a special suction cup for the delivery of drugs into the patient's body. The proposed technology is a painless alternative to traditional injections. Read more here.

Implant released to deliver drugs directly to the brain

At the end of September 2023, the American company CraniUS, specializing in medical technologies, announced the development of the NeuroPASS system, designed to deliver drugs directly to the brain. The proposed solution allows to bypass the blood-brain barrier. The product is suitable for the therapy of a wide range of diseases - from neurodegenerative disorders to malignant tumors. Read more here.

A syringe pill for painless injections inside the intestine is presented

In mid-June 2023, biotechnology company Rani Therapeutics unveiled a robotic pill called RaniPill. It is intended for painless injections inside the intestines. Read more here.

A device for automatic drug injection has been released

In June 2023, the company Stevanato launched a new drug delivery system called Vertiva. The platform is capable of switching between basal and bolus injections, and is also suitable for a wide range of subcutaneous therapies, the manufacturer claims. More. here

Nanoparticle system designed to deliver immunostimulatory drugs to tumors developed

On April 19, 2023, employees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced the development of a new way to deliver immunostimulatory drugs to malignant formations. It is assumed that the method will help increase the effectiveness of combating certain types of tumors. Read more here.

An ultrasonic patch is presented that delivers drugs to the body through the skin

On April 19, 2023, a team of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced the creation of an innovative ultrasound patch capable of painlessly delivering drugs to the body through the skin. Read more here.

Needle-free device for injecting vaccines and drugs released

On May 10, 2023, the medical and biological company Micron Biomedical announced the release of an innovative device for transdermal administration of drugs into the body. We are talking about the technology of needle-free delivery of substances, which does not create painful sensations and discomfort for patients. Read more here.

Nanotechnology developed to automatically administer drugs every day

On April 3, 2023, American researchers at William Marsh Rice University announced the development of advanced technology for the automatic delivery of drugs for a long time. Read more here.

2022: A smart capsule has been developed for rapid delivery of drugs into the body. It will replace injections with syringes

On September 28, 2022, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) unveiled a new developed capsule with a robotic mechanism to improve drug delivery to parts of the body. The product was named RoboCap. Read more here.
