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2024/12/02 14:30:28

Robots Robotics



Robotics (Global Market)

Robotics (Russian market)

Robot training

Robots in China


Android is a word of Greek origin for a robot or other synthetic organism that looks like a person. "Android" is usually called both men and women, but it would be more correct to call female robots "gynoids"[1].

Remote control - control of robots at a distance: from several hundred meters or from the other end of the world.

Nanorobots are tiny robots that will someday be used to build, maintain and repair systems on a molecular level.

Functional definition of robotics of Sberbank Robotics Laboratory:
modern robotics is rather a whole family of research areas, technologies, products and products. This family is joined by three properties that run simultaneously:

  • the device is capable of sensing (SENSE) the world around it or its elements (using sensors);
  • the device is able to understand (THINK), process the received information about the outside world, creating and adapting a model of the surrounding world and its behavior;
  • the device is capable of acting (ACT), changing the world around it in accordance with the model of its behavior.

Catalog "Robotics" on TAdviser

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Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics

Tired of reading about how fictional robots kill their creators, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov presented three laws of robotics in the short story "Round Dance" (1942). Since then, they are often mentioned in works of fiction dedicated to robots.[2] these three original Asimov laws, Isaac]:

1. A robot cannot harm a person or, by its inaction, allow a person to be harmed
2. The robot must obey all orders that a person gives, except when these orders contradict the first law
3. The robot must take care of its safety to the extent that it does not contradict the first and second laws

  • In 1986, in Asimov's novel "Academy and Earth," the Zero Law of Robotics appears: "A robot cannot harm humanity or, by its inaction, allow it to be harmed." In 2016, American lawyer professor Mark Rotenberg put forward Laws Four and Five: "A robot must openly identify itself" and "A robot must be able to publicly substantiate its actions."



Satya Nadella

1. Artificial intelligence (AI) must be created to help humanity
2. AI should be transparent: there should always be an opportunity to figure out how it works
3. AI should lead to an increase in the efficiency of solving problems without violating the dignity of people
4. AI must maintain reasonable confidentiality and earn trust by protecting the information entrusted to it
5. AI should be monitored algorithmically: a person has the opportunity to "cancel" the unintentionally caused harm
6. AI should be protected from interference and treat all people equally

  • At that time, the head of Microsoft; the rules were listed in an interview with Slate magazine.

Mark Tilden

1. A robot must protect its existence at all costs
2. Robot must find and maintain access to a power source
3. Robot must constantly look for new, better energy sources

  • Major roboticist, founder of WowWee, author of the BEAM concept. Its rules are created specifically for BEAM robots, which are built on the basis of simple analog circuits - simple, but reliable and effective.

2011: EPSRC Option

1. Robots should not be designed for the sole purpose of destroying or harming humans
2. The person in charge is the person, not the robot. Robot - a tool for achieving human goals
3. Robots should be developed taking into account the safety of their use
4. Robots are artificial creatures, they should not play on the emotions of sensitive people. The robot cannot be indistinguishable from humans
5. It should always be possible to recognize the person legally responsible for this robot

  • The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council is a British state agency that regulates the scientific and technical field in the [3] of [4]

23 principles of artificial intelligence

Established in 2014, the Future of Life Institute (FLI) is a research and educational organization functioning on a voluntary basis and studying the risks to which humanity is exposed, especially those associated with progress in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Among the founders of the institute are cosmologist Max Tegmark and one of the main developers of Skype, Jaan Tallinn, its advisory board includes geneticist George Church, physicist Stephen Hawking, entrepreneur Elon Musk and many other prominent figures in modern science and technology. In January 2017, FLI held a workshop and conference "Useful AI" (Beneficial AI), the most important result of which was the principles of AI, named after the Asilomar National Park, where the conference was held, Asilomar.

A short introduction was sent to the list of principles: "Artificial intelligence has already given people around the world a number of useful tools they use in everyday life. Its further development in future years and centuries, guided by the following principles, will open up incredible prospects for helping people and empowering them. "

Scientific research

  • The purpose of research: the purpose of research in the field of AI should be to create not an addressless mind, but a useful mind.
  • Research funding: investments in AI should be accompanied by funding for research aimed at ensuring its useful application, including for solving acute burning issues of computer science, economics, jurisprudence, ethics, sociology, for example:
    • how do we make future AI systems highly reliable so that they do what we need, never break down and are not susceptible to hacking?
    • how do we improve our well-being by means of automation, preserving people's resources and the possibility of expedient activity?
    • how do we change our legislative systems towards greater fairness and efficiency to keep pace with the development of AI, and how do we manage the risks associated with AI?
    • according to what values ​ ​ should AI be built, and what legal and ethical status should it have?

  • The Science-Policy Connection: There must be a healthy, constructive exchange of information between AI developers and policymakers in their countries.
  • Culture of research activities: in the environment of researchers and developers of AI, a culture of cooperation, mutual trust and transparency should be maintained.
  • Giving up the race: Teams developing AI systems should actively collaborate with each other - helping them not to "cut corners" by sacrificing safety standards.

Ethics and Values

  • Safety: AI systems must be reliable and safe throughout their lifetime, and these qualities must be verifiable wherever such verification is applicable and feasible.
  • Technological transparency: if the AI system causes harm, it should be possible to establish the cause.
  • Legal transparency: with the participation of the autonomous system in the adoption of court decisions, any proposal must be provided with a satisfactory explanation that can be checked by a competent authorized person.
  • Responsibility: the moral responsibility for the functioning of advanced AI systems and the consequences of using (as well as abusing) them lies with their designers and creators, who are obliged - and able - to think through these consequences.
  • Compliance with values: When developing AI systems with a high degree of autonomy, it is necessary to ensure that their tasks, as well as behavior in the process of functioning, are consistent with human values.
  • Human values: the design and operation of AI systems must be compatible with the ideals of human dignity, rights, freedoms and cultural diversity.
  • Privacy: A person who grants the AI system the authority to analyze and use the data he has generated should have access to this data, the right to dispose of it and monitor it.
  • Freedom and inviolability: the use of AI for the processing of personal data should not lead to an unlawful restriction of the real or perceived freedom of people.
  • The common good: AI technologies must also bring benefits and new opportunities to the maximum number of people.
  • Shared success: The economic prosperity created by AI must be widely shared to benefit all of humanity.
  • Human control: people have the choice of whether to delegate the AI system to make a decision to achieve the goals chosen by people, and if so, how exactly to delegate.
  • Non-suppression: The authorities that control the most advanced AI systems should respect social and civic engagement, on which the health of society depends, and not suppress it, but take care of its improvement.
  • AI arms race: a race in the creation of autonomous weapons systems of lethal action must be avoided.

Questions for the future

  • Caution with regard to opportunities: since there is no consensus on this subject, one should refrain from categorical judgments regarding the ceiling of the possibilities of future AI systems.
  • Meaning: Advanced AI systems may bring a fundamental change to the history of life on Earth, so it is necessary to pay appropriate attention and allocate sufficient resources to plan and manage such systems.
  • Risks: It is necessary to direct efforts commensurate with the expected effect to predict and prevent threats - especially catastrophic and existential ones - emanating from AI systems.
  • Recursive self-improvement: it is necessary to put under tight control the development of self-improving and self-replicating AI systems, which can lead to their rapid qualitative or quantitative growth.
  • The common good: the superintendent should be developed only in the service of universal ethical ideals and for the benefit of all mankind, and not an individual state or organization.

The document is open for signing, and at the moment it has already been signed by more than a thousand researchers directly involved in AI and robotics, and more than two thousand other specialists. This, of course, is negligible compared to the number of those who are familiar with the Three Laws of Robotics, but the initiative is expanding.

Legislation and taxes for robots

Main article: Legislation and taxes for robots

Manufacturers' models

How robots replace humans

Main article: How robots replace humans


The Cobots

Industrial robots

The largest consumer of industrial robots is Asia.

Annual deliveries of industrial robots (thousand units), broken down by region. International Federation of Robotics (IFR)

The leading industry in the use of robots is the automotive industry.

Which industries use industrial robots

Service robots

Robots in medicine

Robots in the food industry

Main article: Robots in the food industry

Main article: Robots in restaurants

Robots in agriculture

Main article: Robots in agriculture (agricultural robots)

Combat robots

Underwater robots

Warehouse robots

Fire robots

Wheel robots

Robotics Championships

2019: Russians win international robotics championship in Singapore

The joint team Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) and the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch (Russian Academy of Sciences IPMT DVO RAS) won the open Asia Underwater Championship - to robotics Singapore AUV Challenge-2019, which was held Singapore at the Polytechnic University from March 8 to 11, 2019.

As told TAdviser in FEFU on March 12, 2019, in the framework of the championship, an apparatus was presented, which is called. Pandora He was preparing specifically for the championship. Robot knows how to perform various functions under water, in particular, to recognize individual objects using video cameras, transport goods, lift and drop them in a certain place. More. here

Main events


One robotarakan per minute: cyborg insect production launched

In mid-December 2024, it became known that researchers from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore took the concept of cyborg insects to a new level. Scientists have rolled out automated mass production that allows for one controlled cockroach every 68 seconds. Read more here.

A system for training robots from each other without human participation has been launched

In late November 2024, scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, unveiled a system to allow robots to exchange skills without human input. The RoVi-Aug platform generates synthetic visual demonstrations using different types of robots and shooting angles, increasing the versatility of learning. Read more here.

Detention in Moscow of a robop who worked as a drug courier

In early December 2024, it became known that the police detained in Moscow the first robop in Russia to act as a drug courier. Illegal substances were reportedly found in containers secured to the dog's back.

According to reports, the robotic four-legged courier was spotted near the Pechatniki metro station on the Big Ring Line. Robops neatly moved along the streets, observing the rules of the road: for example, he crossed the roadway exclusively at pedestrian crossings. However, his walks along the capital's streets with the apparent absence of the owner aroused suspicion among local residents. In addition, convolutions tied to the back with some contents caused concern. As a result, some vigilant citizens turned to the police.

In Moscow,
police detained a robop who worked as a drug courier

A few minutes after the alarm calls, DPS officers arrived at the scene, who easily stopped the robotic dog. When the law enforcement officers approached, as noted, the mechanized courier did not try to hide, and when inspecting the robot, the signal lights and the connection with the operator turned off: this may indicate that the owner of the dog was nearby and watched what was happening from the side.

Powdery substances were found in containers mounted on the back of the robot. According to network resources, the logo of one of the darknet platforms, which distributes illegal drugs, was applied to the dog's torso. What kind of substances were contained in containers, as of December 2, 2024, nothing was reported.

After examining the contents of the bags, employees found a powder similar to drugs. After that, the robot turned off and went into protection mode, probably to destroy internal information about the route, Komsomolskaya Pravda notes. [5]

Development of a mini-robot for tightening nuts

In late November 2024, a team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany and a number of organizations in South Korea announced the development of a tiny robot capable of performing various tasks. In particular, the device can select and transfer objects of different shapes, as well as tighten nuts. Read more here

Robotic book libraries without people appeared in Kazakhstan

The municipality of Almaty initiated the deployment of a system of automated library complexes in the public spaces of the metropolis. Investments in the implementation of the innovative project amounted to ₸300 million according to data presented on November 8, 2024. Read more here.

In Japan, launched the delivery of goods by robots by air. They drive on wires

At the end of October 2024, it became known that Panasonic Holdings, Tokyu and UR Urban Renaissance Agency launched a new service for the delivery of goods by air in Japan. For this, special robots are used that move along the wires. Read more here.

Sales of cyberdog capable of walking underwater have begun

In mid-October 2024, the Polish company MAB Robotics introduced the Honey Badger robotic dog. The peculiarity of the dog is that it can move on four legs even under water. Read more here.

The world's first robot capable of climbing on the ladder is presented. VIDEO

In early October 2024, engineers from the ETH Zurich Robotic Systems Laboratory presented ANYMal, the world's first four-legged robot capable of climbing ladders. Now he can carry out a number of new tasks, including inspection and rescue operations. Read more here

A cyberdog with a built-in vacuum cleaner for cleaning is presented. Video

In July 2024, researchers from the Italian Institute of Technology introduced a robotic dog called VERO (Vacuum-cleaner Equipped RObot). Its peculiarity lies in the presence of a built-in vacuum cleaner for cleaning garbage. Read more here

Russian robot breaks world record for assembling Rubik's cube

A Russian-designed robot has set a new world record for high-speed assembly of a Rubik cube, collecting a puzzle in 0.203 seconds. This became known in early August 2024. This achievement significantly surpassed the previous record of 0.305 seconds set by a robot of the Japanese company Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Read more here.

A humanoid robot that can drive a car is presented. Video

In mid-June 2024, Japanese researchers from the University of Tokyo introduced a humanoid robot named Musashi, which can drive a compact electric car. The goal of the project is to further develop the technologies of autonomous vehicles. Read more here.

Introduced a HumanPlus robot that learned to box and play the piano just by watching people. Video

At the end of June 2024, Stanford University researchers introduced the humanoid robot HumanPlus, which can not only simulate the actions of people, but is also able to learn how to perform them by tracking movements. The team of researchers claim the robot can learn to play the piano, hit the ping pong ball and box simply by tracking people's actions. Read more here

In South Korea, a robot civil servant committed suicide after a year at the mayor's office. This has never happened

At the end of June 2024, it became known that the robot, which served as a civil servant in the Kumi City Council in South Korea, committed "suicide." This is the first such incident in history. Read more here.

Presented a humanoid robot for $16 thousand. He splits the nuts and opens the bottles. Video

In mid-May 2024, the Chinese company Unitree Robotics introduced the humanoid robot G1. The machine worth $16 thousand, among other things, is capable of splitting nuts and opening bottles, as well as performing various acrobatic tricks. Read more here.

A robot is presented that understands human speech and knows how to learn. Video

In mid-April 2024, the Israeli company Mentee Robotics introduced a humanoid robot called Menteebot. The peculiarity of this machine is that it understands human speech, and developed means of artificial intelligence allow you to improve skills and learn "on the fly." Read more here.


Top 10 directions of personal robotics development

The Institute for Statistical Research and Knowledge Economics of the Higher School of Economics on June 21, 2023 told TAdviser that using the big data analysis system, iFORA has identified the most popular functions and applications of personal robots.

Top 10 directions for the development of personal robotics
Photo source:

The demand for personal robots is increasing as the population grows, as well as the number of elderly people with disabilities suffering from chronic diseases requiring constant care. The ability to delegate routine operations to robots solves the problem of shortage of service personnel, in particular in the field of medicine, reduces the cost of patient care. With the development and cheapening of technologies, personal robotics has ceased to be available to exceptionally wealthy people. Some states already include robot costs in their budget expenditures and subsidize the purchase of necessary equipment for target groups of citizens. Taking into account these trends, based on the results of big data analysis, the most popular and promising areas of application of personal robotics were identified (Table 1).

Image:Скриншот 21-06-2023 181201.jpg

The scientific and technological agenda focuses on educational robots, which are considered one of the first types of home robots (back in 1982, the HERO educational robot was released by Heathkit). In market analytics, this area of ​ ​ application of robots is discussed slightly less actively. Educational robots can be used to teach different categories (children, including those with special educational needs, future doctors and nurses: simulator robots are already used to work out actions in the provision of first aid in the event of a stroke) and different skills (in particular, programming and foreign languages: such robots can have a large vocabulary, know several teaching methods and recognize pronunciation), etc.

The next important trend on the scientific and technological agenda is robots for autism therapy. Every hundredth child in the world suffers from autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and robots of this type are usually focused primarily on children's audiences. To achieve the results of treatment, one child with such a disorder can study with specialists of different profiles about 40 hours a week. Robots can "take on" some part of the load, although at this stage it is small. They are not an autonomous source of help and serve as a mediator in the education and play of children with a psychotherapist, weakening the possible negative consequences of social interaction. Such robots can adapt to the level of a child's skills, help improve them, for example, by demonstrating permissible social reactions. At the same time, robot programs have disadvantages (the robot may not "understand" the child, do not know any games), and the price issue is also acute due to the general high spending of families in which children with ASD are raised.

For the care of people with disabilities, robots for personal mobility are designed quite widely discussed in academic literature and the media. Such devices include, for example, intelligent wheelchairs with voice control, able to navigate the environment through specialized sensors and determine the location of the user. Such robots physically interact with people, reduce dependence on loved ones, medical and social workers and thereby increase the autonomy and quality of life of users. The robot is controlled by rotating the arm, which provides minimal stress on the muscles. The inverted pendulum mechanism keeps the robot seat in a horizontal position, which reduces the load on the user. Personal mobility robots navigate a navigator-defined route, are more agile than conventional wheelchairs, recognize obstacles and pedestrians, and can easily overcome bottlenecks, uneven surfaces, steps and gradients on roadways.

Assistant robots are more actively covered in the market agenda than in the scientific and technological one. They are suitable for almost all groups of the population, including the most vulnerable. The functionality of robot assistants is extremely diverse: cleaning the floors; window washing; mowing lawns; "kitchen" operations (cooking, table setting and under); hygienic procedures and feeding people with disabilities, etc. From the point of view of technical functions, robots are able to hold objects and handle tools and equipment - household electrical appliances, dishes, cleaning equipment. In addition, the robot can perform opening and closing movements (for using a refrigerator, dishwasher, boxes, cabinets, and under.).

The priority species on the market agenda are security robots. These are usually mobile robots that are designed to patrol the territory. In case of illegal actions or emergency situations, they must call response personnel, some models may physically prevent violators of the law from hiding (for example, catching them with a network) or, conversely, "drive them away" (pour a jet of water, etc.). At the current stage, this type of robot cannot completely replace humans, but it allows you to significantly increase the degree of protection you need.

A promising area of ​ ​ personal robotics is robotic nurses. They make it possible to facilitate and minimize the work of patient care staff, which is especially important in the context of an increasing shortage of medical workers. Robotic nurses can monitor individual parameters of the body (including sending data to the attending physician), administer drug injections, help with getting out of bed, etc. Humanoid robots are most effective in this role, since their humanoid species arouses more trust and helps to build interaction with the patient.

Rehabilitation robots are gaining popularity due to the projected growth in the volume of restorative medicine, in particular, the increase in the number of injuries, strokes and other diseases (neuromuscular, neurodegenerative, etc.). This category includes exoskeletons, including specialized robotic complexes that have different modes for working out individual skills (walking, getting up, climbing steps, squatting) and restoring the corresponding muscle groups. Unlike prostheses, exoskeletons do not replace lost organs, but expand the capabilities of the human body and/or return it to its previous state, as well as contribute to reducing the labor costs of medical personnel and improving the quality of care provided.

Slightly less active in comparison with the above types of robots, the scientific literature considers companion robots - social robots trained to communicate with humans. They can recognize images, voice, read emotions and express them on their own. Without physically interacting with the user, companion robots are able to provide psychological support and perform the functions of an assistant in telepresence mode: carefully waking up at the right time, reminding about meetings and taking medications, can recommend health measures in the event of an inactive lifestyle, help in online communication (they can answer calls, read emails, use social networks), call a taxi and brighten up leisure (include and recommend music, audiobooks, video). Some companion robots can show empathy and form social ties with the owner, which is very important against the background of the problem of loneliness aggravated on a global scale. In the United States alone, 14 million people over 65 live alone. To overcome this problem, which negatively affects health, in New York State, for example, the Office of the Elderly provides social robots to more than 800 elderly residents of the state.

The market for robots for entertainment is developing very dynamically. Compared to social robots, whose functionality covers a wide range of tasks related to the psycho-emotional state of humans, these robots are simpler and only aimed at improving the user's mood. An example of a product in this category is smart speakers that play stories, audio, video, and can connect to social networks. Individual models can even dance. The demand for robots for entertainment has increased markedly after the pandemic, by 2028 the market is predicted to grow almost four times compared to 2022. The same category includes robots for playing with pets. Such a robot is able to autonomously move around the house, encouraging the pet to follow it, or guide it with a pointer. In addition to new emotions and physical activity, the robot can give a treat and even feed the animal by remotely opening a special dispenser.

The rating of directions for the development of personal robotics is closed both on the research agenda and in the market robotic prostheses designed to replace and restore lost organs and their functions. Such prostheses can imitate individual gestures, transmit tactile sensations, reduce the load on healthy limbs, provide "normal" types of movement (when, for example, a person with a conventional prosthesis goes "on" step), allow the user to influence the functioning parameters of the artificial limb.

ITMO proposed a universal method for designing adaptive and energy-efficient robots

ITMO scientists have developed a universal method for designing adaptive and energy-efficient robots that are able to move in unfamiliar space, safely interacting with the environment, objects and people. The proposed method greatly simplifies the creation of robotic devices. The university announced this on May 31, 2023. Read more here.

Introduced a humanoid robot capable of thinking and acting like a person

On May 16, 2023, the Canadian company Sanctuary AI announced the development of a humanoid robot called Phoenix. It is claimed to be the world's first general-purpose humanoid robot, capable of thinking and acting like humans. Read more here.


The world's first winged robot that can sit on a branch like a bird has been created

In mid-December 2022, the world's first winged robot called an ornithopter was created. The UAV weighs 700 grams and is called Griffin. The device is capable of landing on a branch without any external commands and can perform tasks such as collecting samples from a tree or landing on artificial structures. It can also be used for long-range flights because it is capable of charging from solar energy. Read more here.

The world's first robot has been created that restores itself after damage

In early December 2022, scientists from Northwestern University in Illinois developed a robot that can restore itself. A robot that can determine when it has been harmed and then fix itself before continuing to move. Read more here.

2020: Robot trained to walk without human help for the first time Video

In early March 2020, Google first introduced a robot that learned to walk without human input. A study conducted by the company's employees made it possible to take an important step forward in the development of robotics. They successfully created a four-legged robot that independently learned to walk back and forth and turn left and right. The work builds on previous research, during which scientists figured out how to get a robot to learn in the real world.

Learning is usually done in simulation: a virtual robot twin exists in a virtual environment twin until the algorithm is sufficiently robust. This approach prevents damage to the robot during training, but also requires an easily modeled environment. This time, the researchers decided to abandon modeling and allowed the robot to learn in the real world from the very beginning on its own. Because the physical environment provided natural vibrations, the robot was also able to quickly adapt to other fairly similar environments, such as slopes, steps and level terrain with obstacles.

Google first unveils robot that trained to walk without human involvement

But so that the robot could be trained without human intervention, it was limited to the study area and forced to train several maneuvers at the same time. The researchers also limited the robot's trial movements, making it careful enough to minimize the damage from falling again. In addition, the robot was equipped with an algorithm that allowed it to stand on its feet after a fall.

Thanks to these settings, the robot has learned to walk on several surfaces on its own, including a flat surface, a foam mattress and a crack mat. These studies could form the basis of robots to navigate rugged and unknown terrain without human presence.[6]

2017: IOActive: Hacked robots could be deadly

Researchers at IOActive tested[7] for the safety of a number of humanoid robots for home and business, as well as industrial machines. The results raised serious concerns among experts[8].

Many vulnerabilities have been discovered - authentication/authorization problems, unprotected data transfer, undocumented features, unchangeable passwords, lack of encryption in data stores, and easily disabled human security protection. All this can be used by attackers to spy on users, kidnap a robot, block it, and, most terrible, harm a person.

Experts conducted a study of the safety problems of small-sized humanoid robots from UBTech Alpha, interactive small and medium-sized companion robots from SoftBank Robotics' Pepper, and industrial robots from Universal Robots. The latter are the so-called "mechanical hands" working with people without any physical separation.

In the accompanying report, they also described vulnerabilities found in software for humanoid robotic kits from ROBOTIS, Asratec robot control systems (running on V-Sido OS) and in industrial robots of the Baxter model from Rethink Robotics.

"Since robots are designed to interact predominantly with end users, physical access is quite expected and acceptable. Robots for home and business typically interact with family members, guests, customers and employees, and industrial robots interact with workers in factories. Physical attacks are possible only if attackers have direct access to equipment, "the researchers note

Such robots, as a rule, have open connection ports that allow users to "play" with their settings through special USB devices or Ethernet connections. However, there are ways in which attackers can change security settings remotely. For example, disruption of collision detection and prevention mechanisms could be a potential cause of serious injury. The researchers also managed to gain full access to the Alpha 1S model from UBTech by sending a fake firmware image via Bluetooth.

2016: US Presidential Administration: Report "Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Economics"

At the end of the year, the report of the US Presidential Administration "Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Economics"[9] was published[10], main theses[11]

  • replacing a person with machines for a significant part of jobs is inevitable. The reason is elementary (and increasingly called the "McDonald's script[12]best formulated by one of the former leaders of a well-known company): the cost of a person's working hour (rising in price continuously) will eventually exceed the cost of a robot's working hour (falling in price just as continuously) - and then simple common sense will push employers to change. At the same time, the White House believes that AI can potentially become the main driver of economic growth and social progress - that is, it will not necessarily have only negative consequences. But there will no doubt be negative consequences.
  • those entrepreneurs who rely on robots will receive a jump in performance (after all, robots work without interruptions or days off). However, in the process of change, a complex set of distortions is inevitable. For example, the decline in demand for workers in areas easily amenable to automation (involving the repetition of simple actions) will be "compensated" by an increase in demand for specialists who understand robots and AI. But "compensated" is not in vain put in quotes: workers displaced by machines will not be able to claim the jobs formed thanks to the machines immediately, they will not have enough qualifications. Another skew is due to the fact that there will be fewer low-paid professions in the market and more high-paid ones. And this in itself is fraught with the threat of a social explosion. Finally, there will be distortions in the areas where production is located (where there will be more robots, a specific labor market will be formed) and in the industries (somewhere robots will be easier to use, somewhere it will not be possible).
  • it is impossible to predict exactly where automation will hit. This means that it is necessary to act proactively along the entire socio-economic front at once. And you need to act aggressively: the negative consequences of automation depend not only on technology, but also on whether the state will do anything to compensate for them. Hence the three strategic recommendations for government and business.

  • The state needs to contribute in every possible way to research and development in the field of robotization and artificial intelligence. This seems to contradict logic (robots already harm, so why produce them?), But it is very simple to explain. The fact is that automation comes "from the bottom": it primarily frees up jobs from places that do not require high qualifications and are not associated with the production of large added value, and allows them to be redirected to higher-level jobs. As a result, the more robots are used in a particular enterprise, the higher the productivity of each employee on average. This, of course, requires retraining the released employees, but for that and the next point.
  • Education costs need to be increased significantly. This means both retraining workers who have become unnecessary due to the automation of their professions, and classical education, including free secondary education (with an emphasis on computer science). It is assumed that the sooner and easier a person gets access to high-quality education, the easier it will be for him to improve his qualifications later. To do this, the United States already has several state-sponsored social retraining programs, but they also need to be expanded. However, of course, not everyone will be able to save from the consequences of automation, therefore:
  • It is necessary to strengthen social protection. Unemployment benefits, medicine, targeted assistance to those in need, assistance to trade unions - all this has long been known, but it is proposed to deepen. But innovative tools are also mentioned: salary insurance (in case an employee is transferred to a position with a lower salary), emergency assistance to families in crisis periods.
  • During the period of active automation (increasingly called robotization), the state is especially important to take care of maintaining fair competition. The fact here is that companies operating in the field of information technology (where robots and artificial intelligence quite fall), as it is easy for anyone else to suppress competition.

2013: NASA Valkyrie

NASA's Valkyrie robot was introduced in 2013. The robot is 190 centimeters tall and weighs 125 kilograms. In addition, it is extremely convenient to maintain. The dead battery can be replaced within a few minutes, and you can also quickly put a new one instead of the damaged limb. By the way, Valkyrie's left and right hands are interchangeable, as they are identical in design. And although in terms of motor skills, these robots are slightly inferior to the works of Boston Dynamics and Honda Asimo, they are likely to find their widespread use earlier.

2010: DARwin-OP

The DARwin-OP robot was presented at the Humanoids 2010 conference, features open hardware and software. It is equipped with an engine that allows you to walk on two legs, a vision system and autonomous behavior models.

2008: I-SOBOT

I-SOBOT came out - the smallest serial android, its height was 16 cm, and its weight was 300 g. I-SOBOT knew 200 phrases.


Announced Robonova, which can run, tumble back and dance. Costs 39,830-.

Many expensive androids have appeared, including ZMP Nuvo. However, his skills did not justify the high price of $6,000.

2005: Seiko Epson Micro Flying Robot Helicopter

The Seiko Epson Micro Flying Robot Helicopter is the world's tiniest flying robot and weighs just 8.9g and has four actuators and two in-flight balancing rotors.

2004: Robosapien

Robosapien is a biomorph robot controlled by an infrared remote control. There are 67 teams, including grabbing and throwing.

2003: Sony QRIO

The humanoid robot Sony QRIO is presented. Alas, it did not go on sale, together with Aibo, the project was closed in 2006. So we imagine how they lie in their graves.

2001: Electrolux Trilobite

The world's first commercial robot vacuum cleaner Electrolux Trilobite. The Trilobite 2.0 model is still on sale.

2000: Honda Asimo

The Honda Asimo robot (its height is only 130 centimeters with a weight of 50 kilograms) is not only consonant with the name of Isaac Asimov by its name, but also, in general, reveals the overall mission of the project. Asimo stands for - Advanced Step in Innovative MObility. Honda has been working on the creation of humanoid robots since 1986, but this particular model has become a breakthrough. In addition to very advanced motor skills, Asimo is well oriented in the environment, avoids collisions with moving objects, and is also able to recognize speech, gestures and faces.

1999: Sony Aibo

The Aibo dog (Artificial Intelligence RoBOt) from Sony has become an iconic robot of the end of the century. Before the demise of the line, five models were produced in 2006.

1998: Lego Mindstorms Robotics Invention System

Lego introduced the Mindstorms Robotics Invention System. The original Mindstorms set only had two touch sensors and one light sensor, but even then it was a dream come true.


In 1996, Honda created (but did not introduce) the P1, but the P2, despite its boring name, received close press attention. 182 cm and 210 kg - the most weighty of Honda robots.


The original Dante robot, which failed to take a gas sample from an active volcano in 1993, was replaced by Dante II, who managed to complete this feat after all.


Seiko Epson's world's tiniest Monsieur robot is less than 1 sm³. He knew how to move towards a light source. How cute!


In 1981, at the Kawasaki factory, during maintenance, a hydraulic hand pushed Kenji Urada into a crusher.


  • It took twelve years to teach the Stanford Cart robot how to move freely through the chair-lined room. This was realized thanks to the stereo vision of the machine and a computer that determines the distance to the obstacle and corrects the route.
  • The first known case of a robot murder occurred in 1979: twenty-five-year-old Robert Williams was hit by a roborook at a Ford plant in Michigan.

1969: Soviet robot "Electron"

Soviet robot "Electron," 1969, Kaliningrad.


Mechanical Hand Demonstration at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, USA, 1968

1967: First All-Union Robot Competition in the USSR

Boris Vasilenko, winner of the first All-Union robot competition. Walk of "iron people" along the streets of Kaliningrad, 1967-1968.
Robots cross the road, Moscow, 1967.

1961: The world's first industrial robot

The world's first industrial robot Ultimate began working at the General Motors (GM) plant. Programs for his hand weighing 1200 kg were stored on a magnetic drum.

1939: First humanoid robot

The first humanoid robot was created by Westinghouse. Elektro reached 2.1 meters, could pronounce more than 700 words (using a record). In the 1960s, the android played a key role in the classic B-movie Sex Kittens Go to College.

1921: The emergence of the term "robot"

The term "robot" was first used in the play of the Czech writer Karel Capek "R.U.R." ("Rossum Universal Robots"). The term comes from the Czech word robota, which means "hard labor," "hard work."

Applied Robotics: Dangerous Toast Buttering Robot

  1. Large-scale robot guide
  2. [,_%D0%90%D0%B9%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BA Here are
  3. country. The article "New Laws
  4. Robotics" was published in the journal Popular Mechanics (No. 8, August 2017)..
  5. We expected not such an uprising of machines. Robot dog in drug business service
  6. This robot taught itself to walk entirely on its own
  7. the Hacking Robots Before Skynet
  8. Hacked robots can be deadly
  9. [ White House Addresses Artificial Intelligence Challenges in New Report
  10. . With progress come challenges, the report says, calling for government regulation of products using AI to protect public safety, with full disclosure of risks the technology poses.]
  11. How the United States is preparing for "robotics":
  12. " Rise of machines: the McDonald's script: it was