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2021: The Ukrainian has already injected the 8th chip. What They Know
At the end of May 2021, Ukrainian Pavel Klets injected himself with the eighth chip. All chips are manufactured in the United States, the cost of one product is about $100. More details here.
2019: Named the ideal religion for cyborgs
In early July 2019, The Next Web portal called the ideal religion for cyborgs - Mormonism. Although Mormons are more often associated in public consciousness with polygamy and closeness, this current is characterized by a unique view of the interaction of spiritual and material, which can attract improved people of the future to it, experts are sure.
One of the fundamental principles of Mormonism is the idea that people in all things are like God and are capable of becoming a god. Although in most religions there is a strict division between material and spiritual, Mormons reject such dualism. They consider the spirit as material as the body and believe that humans should strive to become a god, including through spiritual and physical perfection.
According to the Mormon Transhumanist Association (MTA), such a unique system of views is better combined with science and technology than the rest of the world's religions. The MTA has about 800 members and is the world's largest network for protecting the ethical use of technology and religion. Every year, the MTA holds a conference on the intersection of religious and technical worlds and has its own channel on the YouTube.
The Mormon transhumanistic movement advocates the ethical use of technology to expand human abilities. According to Mormons, God seeks to ensure immortality and eternal life of mankind. Therefore, this religious course with approval refers to any technology that allows achieving this result. Although modern technologies cannot yet become the basis for the creation of a full-fledged cyborg, the MTA welcomes biohacking, the use of special additives and the use of applications for health control.[1]